public async Task <IActionResult> OutstandingInvoices()
            var token = await _tokenStore.GetAccessTokenAsync(User.XeroUserId());

            var connections = await _xeroClient.GetConnectionsAsync(token);

            if (!connections.Any())

            var data = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var connection in connections)
                var accessToken = token.AccessToken;
                var tenantId    = connection.TenantId.ToString();

                var organisations = await _accountingApi.GetOrganisationsAsync(accessToken, tenantId);

                var organisationName = organisations._Organisations[0].Name;

                var outstandingInvoices = await _accountingApi.GetInvoicesAsync(accessToken, tenantId, statuses : "AUTHORISED", where : "Type == \"ACCREC\"");

                data[organisationName] = outstandingInvoices._Invoices.Count;

            var model = new OutstandingInvoicesViewModel
                Name = $"{User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.GivenName)} {User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Surname)}",
                Data = data

        public async Task <IActionResult> TenantClientLists()
            var token = await _tokenStore.GetAccessTokenAsync(User.XeroUserId());

            var connections = await _xeroClient.GetConnectionsAsync(token);

            connections = connections.Where(c => c.TenantType == "PRACTICEMANAGER").ToList();

            if (!connections.Any())

            var data = new List <(Guid tenantId, ClientListResponse clients)>();

            var client = _httpClientFactory.CreateClient("XeroPracticeManager");


            //Retrieve the WorkflowMax clients for each connection we have access to
            foreach (var connection in connections)
                ClientListResponse clients = await GetClients(client, connection.TenantId);

                data.Add((connection.TenantId, clients));

            var model = new TenantClientListsModel
                LoggedInUser  = $"{User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.GivenName)} {User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Surname)}",
                TenantClients = data

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> OutstandingInvoices()
            var token = await _tokenStore.GetAccessTokenAsync(User.XeroUserId());

            var connections = await _xeroClient.GetConnectionsAsync(token);

            if (!connections.Any())
            var data = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var connection in connections)
                //Console.WriteLine("Connection ID :";
                var accessToken   = token.AccessToken;
                var refreshToken  = token.RefreshToken;
                var tenantId      = connection.TenantId.ToString();
                var organisations = await _accountingApi.GetOrganisationsAsync(accessToken, tenantId);

                var accounts = await _accountingApi.GetAccountsAsync(accessToken, tenantId);

                for (int i = 0; i < organisations._Organisations.Count(); i++)
                    await ImportContactDetails(accessToken, tenantId);
                    await FetchInvoicesFromDb(accessToken, tenantId);
              * for(int i = 0; i < organisations._Organisations.Count(); i++)
              * {
              *     Console.WriteLine("\nOrganisation #"+i+" is "+organisations._Organisations[i].Name);
              *     Console.WriteLine("\nImport for this organisation ? Press Y to confirm or any other button to continue..");
              *     char input = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
              *     if(input.ToString().ToUpper() == "Y" )
              *     {
              *         await ImportContactDetails(accessToken, tenantId);
              *         await FetchInvoicesFromDb(accessToken, tenantId);
              *         goto Foo;
              *     }
              * }
              * }
              * Foo:*/
            var model = new OutstandingInvoicesViewModel
                Name = $"{User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.GivenName)} {User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Surname)}",
                Data = data
