public async Task <AppConfigData> GetAppConfigData()
            // In general, we should limit the calls to GetConfiguration API call to at least once every 15 seconds
            // In AppConstants the TimeToLiveExpiration is set to the initial DateTime of Program.cs execution plus AppConstants.TimeToLiveInSeconds (15 seconds)
            // This if condition makes sure that we only call the GetConfiguration API call if we have not exceeded the TTL expiration, or
            // if the ClientConfigurationVersion is set in our local cache in AppConstants - ClientConfigurationVersion is returned from the initial call to the GetConfiguration API (see below for more info)
            if (DateTime.UtcNow > AppConstants.TimeToLiveExpiration || String.IsNullOrEmpty(AppConstants.ClientConfigurationVersion))
                Console.WriteLine("CALLED GetConfigurationAPI to get AppConfigData  \n");
                IAppConfigService appConfigService = new AppConfigService(_clientId);

                // get Amazon.AppConfig.Model.GetConfigurationResponse from GetConfiguration API Call
                GetConfigurationResponse getConfigurationResponse = await appConfigService.GetConfigurationResponse();

                // add ConfigurationVersion to AppConstants to AppConstants to be used in subsequent calls to GetConfugration API to avopid excess charges
                AppConstants.ClientConfigurationVersion = getConfigurationResponse.ConfigurationVersion;

                // The GetConfiguration response includes a Content section (i.e., our getConfigurationResponse.Content) that shows the configuration data.
                // The Content section only appears if the system finds new or updated configuration data.
                // If the system doesn't find new or updated configuration data, then the Content section is not returned (Null).
                string decodedResponseData = getConfigurationResponse.Content.Length > 0 ? MemoryStreamHelper.DecodeMemoryStreamToString(getConfigurationResponse.Content) : String.Empty;

                // convert DecodedResponseData to our AppConfigData model which consists of:
                // bool boolEnableLimitResults
                // int intResultLimit
                AppConfigData appConfigData = this.ConvertDecodedResponseToAppConfigData(decodedResponseData);

                // add AppConfigData to our cache in AppConstants
                AppConstants.AppConfigData = appConfigData;

                Console.WriteLine("DID NOT call GetConfigurationAPI to get data.  Return AppConfigData from cached value in AppConstants.AppConfigData instead. \n");