Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void MemorySpaceCheckTest()
            long               maxStorageValue    = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
            Option <long>      maxStorageSize     = Option.Some(maxStorageValue);
            MemorySpaceChecker memorySpaceChecker = new MemorySpaceChecker(() => 5 * 1024 * 1024L);


            Assert.Equal(MemoryUsageStatus.Unknown, memorySpaceChecker.UsageStatus);

            // Memory status should be 'Available' after calling 'IsFull'
            Assert.Equal(MemoryUsageStatus.Available, memorySpaceChecker.UsageStatus);

            memorySpaceChecker.SetStorageUsageComputer(() => maxStorageValue);

            long          newStorageValue = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
            Option <long> newStorageSize  = Option.Some(newStorageValue);


            Assert.Equal(MemoryUsageStatus.Available, memorySpaceChecker.UsageStatus);

            memorySpaceChecker.SetStorageUsageComputer(() => (long)(newStorageValue * 0.95));

            Assert.Equal(MemoryUsageStatus.Critical, memorySpaceChecker.UsageStatus);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SetMaxSizeBytesTest()
            long               maxStorageValue    = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
            Option <long>      maxStorageSize     = Option.Some(maxStorageValue);
            MemorySpaceChecker memorySpaceChecker = new MemorySpaceChecker(() => 2 * 1024 * 1024L);


            memorySpaceChecker.SetMaxSizeBytes(Option.None <long>());
            Assert.Equal(MemoryUsageStatus.Unknown, memorySpaceChecker.UsageStatus);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task SpaceCheckViolationsTest()
            Option <long>        maxStorageBytes = Option.Some(90L);
            IStorageSpaceChecker checker         = new MemorySpaceChecker(() => 0L);

            InMemoryDbStoreProvider storeProvider = new InMemoryDbStoreProvider(Option.Some(checker));

            string   store1Name = "store1";
            IDbStore store1     = storeProvider.GetDbStore(store1Name);

            string   store2Name = "store2";
            IDbStore store2     = storeProvider.GetDbStore(store2Name);

            byte[] message1 = new byte[10];
            byte[] message2 = new byte[20];
            await store1.Put(message1, message1);

            await store2.Put(message2, message2);

            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2)
            // store2 -> (message2 * 2)
            // Aggregated size is less than limit, adding another item should succeed.
            byte[] message3 = new byte[30];
            await store1.Put(message3, message3, CancellationToken.None);

            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2)
            // store2 -> (message2 * 2)
            // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail.
            byte[] message4 = new byte[40];
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store2.Put(message4, message4));

            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store2.Put(message4, message4, CancellationToken.None));

            // Remove store2. The usage of store1 alone should be less than the max limit.
            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2)
            // store2 -> X
            // Aggregated size is less than limit, adding another item should succeed.
            await store1.Put(message4, message4);

            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2) + (message4 * 2)
            // store2 -> X
            // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail.
            byte[] message5 = new byte[45];
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store1.Put(message5, message5));

            // Re-add store2.
            store2 = storeProvider.GetDbStore(store2Name);

            await store1.Remove(message4);

            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2)
            // store2 -> X
            // Aggregated size is less than limit, adding another item should succeed.
            await store2.Put(message1, message1);

            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2)
            // store2 -> (message1 * 2)
            // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail.
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store2.Put(message5, message5));

            // Remove an item from store1 and then try adding a smaller item to store2 which should succeed.
            await store1.Remove(message3, CancellationToken.None);

            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2)
            // store2 -> (message1 * 2)
            // Aggregated size is less than limit, adding another item should succeed.
            await store2.Put(message3, message3, CancellationToken.None);

            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2)
            // store2 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2)
            // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail.
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store2.Put(message4, message4));

            // Set max storage size to be greater than the current db size.
            Option <long> newMaxStorageBytes = Option.Some((message1.Length * 2) * 2L + (message3.Length * 2) + 10);


            // Adding another item should now succeed after the limits have been increased.
            await store1.Put(message4, message4);

            // Adding a new item to store1 should fail.
            // Current sizes -
            // store1 -> (message1 * 2) + (message4 * 2)
            // store2 -> (message1 * 2) + (message3 * 2)
            // Aggregated size is greater than limit, adding another item should fail.
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <StorageFullException>(() => store1.Put(message5, message5));

            // Updating the message4 item in store1 should succeed as the size difference between
            // the existing and updated value is zero bytes which doesn't lead to the limit being breached.
            await store1.Put(message4, message4);