Ejemplo n.º 1
        bool parseProductSecurities(string rootFolder, int date, string tempFolder=null)
            // date 20110627
            string subFolder = String.Format("{0:####-##}", date / 100);
            string rawBidAskPath = rootFolder + RawDataFolder_SecuritiesBidAsk + "\\" + subFolder + "\\";
            string rawBidAskFilename = rawBidAskPath + "ba_cm_"+date+".zip";
            string rawTickPath = rootFolder + RawDataFolder_SecuritiesTick + "\\" + subFolder + "\\";

            // if already have parsed Zip file, use it directly
            string parsedPath = rootFolder + ParsedDataFolder_Securities + "\\" + subFolder + "\\";
            string parsedBAZipName = parsedPath + date + "_SecBA.zip";
            string parsedTRZipName = parsedPath + date + "_SecTR.zip";

            // the folder to store intermediate data
            tempFolder = (tempFolder == null ? parsedPath : tempFolder);

            if (File.Exists(rawBidAskFilename) == false)
                return false;

            if (Directory.Exists(parsedPath) == false)

            if (File.Exists(parsedBAZipName) == false)
                ZipFile rawZip = new ZipFile(rawBidAskFilename);
                // Extract and combine Info
                string[] masterList = rawZip.Entries.Where(x => x.FileName.StartsWith("mast_")).Select(y => y.FileName).ToArray();

                List<string> output = new List<string>();
                foreach (string masterFilename in masterList)
                    ZipEntry entry = rawZip[masterFilename];
                    string MB = masterFilename.StartsWith("mast_mb_") ? " M" : " G";

                    string line = "";
                    // read mast
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
                    ms.Position = 0;
                    while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                        output.Add(line + MB);
                File.WriteAllLines(parsedPath + date + "_mast.txt", output);

                ZipFile parsedBAZip = new ZipFile(parsedBAZipName);

                // Extract and split bid/ask Data
                string[] baList = rawZip.Entries.Where(x => x.FileName.StartsWith("ba_")).Select(y => y.FileName).ToArray();

                string[] strArgList = { tempFolder + date };
                int[] intArgList = { };
                HashSet<string>[] filterList = { };
                this.rawLineNumber = 1;
                MemoryParsingStream mps = new MemoryParsingStream(simplifySecBidAsk, simplifySecBidAskSub,
                                                                    strArgList, intArgList, filterList, 54);

                swList = new Dictionary<string, StreamWriter>();
                bufList = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();

                rawLineNumber = 1;
                foreach (string baFilename in baList)
                    rawZip[baFilename].Extract(mps);  // extract uncompressed content and handling by processLine function


                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, StreamWriter> pair in swList)
                    string filename = tempFolder + date + "_BA_" + pair.Key + ".txt";
                    parsedBAZip.AddFile(filename, "");

                // convert bufList to stream and addEntry to zip
                byte[] NEWLINE = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Environment.NewLine);
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<string>> pair in bufList)
                    string filename = date + "_BA_" + pair.Key + ".txt";
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

                    foreach (string str in pair.Value)
                        byte[] buf = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
                        ms.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);
                        ms.Write(NEWLINE, 0, NEWLINE.Length);

                    ms.Position = 0;
                    parsedBAZip.AddEntry(filename, ms);

                // compress all files
                parsedBAZip.CompressionLevel = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level8;

                string[] BAfileList = parsedBAZip.Entries.Select(x => x.FileName).ToArray();

                System.Threading.Thread t1 = new System.Threading.Thread
                            foreach (ZipEntry entry in parsedBAZip)
                                File.Delete(tempFolder + entry.FileName);
            // read and split tick data
            if (File.Exists(parsedTRZipName) == false)
                ZipFile parsedTRZip = new ZipFile(parsedTRZipName);

                if (Directory.Exists(rawTickPath))
                    string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(rawTickPath, "tt_*_" + date);
                    rawLineNumber = 1;
                    foreach (string filename in files)
                        string line = "";
                        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filename);
                        Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>> tickOutput = new Dictionary<string, List<byte[]>>();
                        while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                            string STKCODE = line.Substring(0, 5).Trim();
                            float PRICE = float.Parse(line.Substring(14, 8));
                            int SHARES = int.Parse(line.Substring(22, 11).Trim());
                            char TRAD_TYPE = line[33];
                            int TIME = int.Parse(line.Substring(34, 6));

                            if (tickOutput.ContainsKey(STKCODE) == false)
                                tickOutput.Add(STKCODE, new List<byte[]>());

                            string str = (rawLineNumber++) + "," + TRAD_TYPE + "," + TIME + "," + PRICE + "," + SHARES + Environment.NewLine;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<byte[]>> pair in tickOutput)
                            string tickFilename = date + "_TR_" + pair.Key + ".txt";
                            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

                            foreach (byte[] buf in pair.Value)
                                ms.Write(buf, 0, buf.Length);

                            ms.Position = 0;
                            parsedTRZip.AddEntry(tickFilename, ms);
                        parsedTRZip.CompressionLevel = Ionic.Zlib.CompressionLevel.Level8;
            return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
         * Series List - null for any, of format "HSI_O", "HHI_F"
         * Product List - null for any, of format "HSI201203C19000", "HHI201205F"
         * if both filter is null, read all products
        public void readBidAskDataDerivative(string rootFolder, int date,
            HashSet<string> seriesFilter = null, HashSet<string> productFilter = null,
            int startTime = 091500, int closeTime = 161500)
            bool readAll = (seriesFilter == null  || seriesFilter.Count == 0)
                        && (productFilter == null || productFilter.Count== 0);

            // date 20110627
            string subFolder = String.Format("{0:####-##}", date / 100);

            // if already have parsed Zip file, use it directly
            string parsedPath = rootFolder + this.ParsedDataFolder_DerivativeBidAsk + "\\" + subFolder + "\\";
            string parsedZipName = parsedPath + date + "_DevBA.zip";

            // construct access list for series and products as (seriesAccessList, productAccessList)
            HashSet<string> seriesAccessList, productAccessList=null;
            if (readAll){
                seriesAccessList = new HashSet<string>(SeriesTable.Keys);
                //productAccessList= new HashSet<string>(ProductTable.Keys);
                seriesAccessList = new HashSet<string>();
                productAccessList = new HashSet<string>();

                if (seriesFilter != null)
                    foreach (string seriesKey in seriesFilter)
                        if (SeriesTable.ContainsKey(seriesKey))
                            foreach (string productKey in SeriesTable[seriesKey].productList)
                if (productFilter != null)
                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (string productKey in productFilter)
                        if (ProductTable.ContainsKey(productKey) && ProductTable[productKey] is DevProduct)
                            string seriesKey = (ProductTable[productKey] as DevProduct).series.getKey();

                    if (count == 0) // not match any product in zip

            // unzip and read on the fly
            string zipFilename = parsedPath + date + "_DevBA.zip";
            string[] strArgList = {""};
            int[] intArgList = { date , (readAll?1:0) };
            HashSet<string>[] filters = { productAccessList };

            MemoryParsingStream ms = new MemoryParsingStream(processDevBidAskLineList, null, strArgList, intArgList, filters);
            ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(zipFilename);

            foreach (string seriesCode in seriesAccessList)
                string csvName = date + "_BA_" + seriesCode + ".csv";

                if (zip.ContainsEntry(csvName) == false)

                string seriesMain = seriesCode.Substring(0, seriesCode.Length - 2);
                ms.setStrArgument(0, seriesMain); // the lines in txt file don't have info for the series

                zip[csvName].Extract(ms);// extract uncompressed content and handling by processLine function

            // only after 2011-07-01
            // add dev. equilbrium close price (Symbol, DayOpen, DayHigh, DayLow, DayClose, Volume)
            string filename = path + date + "Stat.csv";
            if (File.Exists(filename))
                foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(filename))
                    string[] strs = line.Split(COMMAS);
                    string prodCode = strs[0];
                    string prodKey = OptionNamingFunctions.convertDevCode(prodCode);

                    if (!readAll)
                        if (productFilter != null && !productFilter.Contains(prodKey))
                        if (!ProductTable.ContainsKey(prodKey))

                    if (!ProductTable.ContainsKey(prodKey)) continue;
                    DevProduct product = ProductTable[prodKey] as DevProduct;

                    // add close Price
                        DateTime closeDT = DateTimeFunctions.convertDateTime(date, closeTime);
                        closeDT.AddSeconds(2.0); // let the close price appear 2sec after close
                        int time = DateTimeFunctions.getTimeInt(closeDT);

                        ProductEvent pEvent = new ProductEvent(product, date, time);
                        pEvent.Day2SecHighest = float.Parse(strs[2]);
                        pEvent.Day2SecLowest = float.Parse(strs[3]);
                        pEvent.DayClose = float.Parse(strs[4]);
                        pEvent.Day2SecTradedVolume = float.Parse(strs[5]);

                        if (!eventSecondList.ContainsKey(time))
                            eventSecondList.Add(time, new EventInSecond());
