Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ReceiveFailConsistency([Values(true, false)] bool failInBody)
            using (var serverMock = new ServerMock())
                var endpoint = serverMock.ListenEndPoint;
                serverMock.ResponseBody = new byte[24];
                if (failInBody)
                    // the Opaque vs RequestId is check in the body receiving callback
                    // I put 2 different values
                    new MemcacheResponseHeader
                        Cas = 8,
                        DataType = 12,
                        ExtraLength = 0,
                        KeyLength = 0,
                        Opaque = 0,
                        Status = Status.NoError,
                        Opcode = Opcode.Set,
                        TotalBodyLength = 0,
                    // the magic number is checked in the header receiving callback
                    // I corrupt it
                    new MemcacheResponseHeader
                        Cas = 8,
                        DataType = 12,
                        ExtraLength = 0,
                        KeyLength = 0,
                        Opaque = 1,
                        Status = Status.NoError,
                        Opcode = Opcode.Set,
                        TotalBodyLength = 0,
                    serverMock.ResponseHeader.CopyFrom(0, (uint)42);

                var config = new MemcacheClientConfiguration
                    PoolSize = 1,

                var node = new Memcache.Node.MemcacheNode(endpoint, config);
                var errorMutex = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
                var callbackMutex = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);

                Exception expectedException = null;
                node.TransportError += e =>
                        Interlocked.Exchange<Exception>(ref expectedException, e);
                int nodeAliveCount = 0;
                node.NodeAlive += t => ++nodeAliveCount;
                int nodeDeadCount = 0;
                node.NodeDead += t => ++nodeDeadCount;

                Status receivedStatus = Status.NoError;
                    new SetRequest
                        RequestOpcode = Opcode.Set,
                        RequestId = 1,
                        Expire = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                        Key = "Key".Select(c => (byte)c).ToArray(),
                        Message = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                        CallBack = s =>
                            receivedStatus = s;
                    }, 1000);
                // must wait before the next test because the TransportError event is fired after the callback call

                // Expected result :
                // * The callback must have been called before 1 sec
                // * The failure callback must have been called, so the received status must be InternalError
                // * An MemcacheException should have been raised by the receive due to the bad response
                // * The node should have exaclty one transport in its pool
                //      more mean that we added it twice after a failure, less means we didn't putted it back in the pool
                // * The node should not be seen has dead yet

                Assert.IsTrue(callbackMutex.Wait(1000), @"The 1st callback has not been received after 1 second");
                Assert.IsTrue(errorMutex.Wait(1000), @"The 1st error has not been received after 1 second");
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.InternalError, receivedStatus, @"A bad response has not sent an InternalError to the request callback");
                Assert.IsInstanceOf<Memcache.Exceptions.MemcacheException>(expectedException, @"A bad response has not triggered a transport error. Expected a MemcacheException.");
                Assert.AreEqual(0, nodeDeadCount, @"The node has been detected has dead before a new send has been made");
                // After a short delay, the transport should be back in the transport pool (node.PoolSize == 1)
                Assert.That(() => node.PoolSize, new DelayedConstraint(new EqualConstraint(1), 2000, 100), "After a while, the transport should be back in the pool");

                new MemcacheResponseHeader
                    Cas = 8,
                    DataType = 12,
                    ExtraLength = 0,
                    KeyLength = 0,
                    // must be the same or it will crash : TODO add a test to ensure we detect this fail
                    Opaque = 1,
                    Status = Status.NoError,
                    Opcode = Opcode.Set,
                    TotalBodyLength = 0,

                serverMock.ResponseBody = null;
                expectedException = null;
                receivedStatus = Status.NoError;

                var result = node.TrySend(
                    new SetRequest
                        RequestOpcode = Opcode.Set,
                        RequestId = 1,
                        Expire = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                        Key = "Key".Select(c => (byte)c).ToArray(),
                        Message = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                        CallBack = s =>
                            receivedStatus = s;
                    }, 1000);

                // Expected result :
                // * An SocketException should have been raised by the send, since the previous receice has disconnected the socket
                // * The return must be true, because the request have been enqueued before the transport seen the socket died
                // * The failure callback must have been called, so the received status must be InternalError

                Assert.IsTrue(callbackMutex.Wait(1000), @"The 2nd callback has not been received after 1 second");
                Assert.IsTrue(result, @"The first failed request should not see a false return");
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.InternalError, receivedStatus, @"The send operation should have detected that the socket is dead");

                // After a short delay, the transport should connect
                Assert.That(() => node.PoolSize, new DelayedConstraint(new EqualConstraint(1), 2000, 100), "After a while, the transport should manage to connect");

                expectedException = null;
                result = node.TrySend(
                    new SetRequest
                        RequestOpcode = Opcode.Set,
                        RequestId = 1,
                        Expire = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                        Key = "Key".Select(c => (byte)c).ToArray(),
                        Message = new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 },
                        CallBack = s =>
                            receivedStatus = s;
                    }, 1000);

                // Expected result : everything should works fine now
                // * The return must be true, because the new transport should be available now
                // * No exception should have been raised
                // * The callback must have been called and with a NoError status

                Assert.IsTrue(result, @"The node has not been able to send a new request after a disconnection");
                Assert.IsTrue(callbackMutex.Wait(1000), @"The message has not been received after 1 second, case after reconnection");
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.NoError, receivedStatus, @"The response after a reconnection is still not NoError");
                Assert.IsNull(expectedException, "The request shouldn't have thrown an exception");