Ejemplo n.º 1
    // we only need to build the savevertex and uvs if mesh def changes, else we can keep the uvs
    void BuildMesh()
        if (!mesh)
            mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
            if (mesh == null)
                updatemesh = true;

        if (hosespline.knots.Count == 0)
            hosespline.AddKnot(Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero);
            hosespline.AddKnot(Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero);


        bool createfree = freecreate;

        if ((!createfree) && ((!custnode) || (!custnode2)))
            createfree = true;

        if (custnode && custnode2)
            createfree = false;

        Matrix4x4 mat1, mat2;
        float     Lf = 0.0f;

        Tlocal = Matrix4x4.identity;

        Vector3 startvec, endvec, startpoint, endpoint, endy;

        starty = Vector3.zero;
        roty   = Vector3.zero;
        yangle = 0.0f;

        Vector3 RV = Vector3.zero;

        if (createfree)
            Lf = noreflength;
            RV = up;                    //new Vector3(xtmp, ytmp, ztmp);

            mat1 = custnode.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            mat2 = custnode2.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            Matrix4x4 mato1 = Matrix4x4.identity;
            Matrix4x4 mato2 = Matrix4x4.identity;
            mato1 = Matrix4x4.TRS(offset, Quaternion.Euler(rotate), scale);
            mato1 = mato1.inverse;

            mato2 = Matrix4x4.TRS(offset1, Quaternion.Euler(rotate1), scale1);
            mato2 = mato2.inverse;
            S     = transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            Matrix4x4 mat1NT, mat2NT;

            mat1NT = mat1;
            mat2NT = mat2;
            MegaMatrix.NoTrans(ref mat1NT);
            MegaMatrix.NoTrans(ref mat2NT);
            Vector3 P1 = mat1.MultiplyPoint(mato1.GetColumn(3));
            Vector3 P2 = mat2.MultiplyPoint(mato2.GetColumn(3));

            startvec = mat1NT.MultiplyPoint(mato1.GetColumn(2));
            endvec   = mat2NT.MultiplyPoint(mato2.GetColumn(2));
            starty   = mat1NT.MultiplyPoint(mato1.GetColumn(1));
            endy     = mat2NT.MultiplyPoint(mato2.GetColumn(1));

            Matrix4x4 SI = S.inverse;

            Vector3   P0 = SI.MultiplyPoint(P1);
            Matrix4x4 T1 = mat1;
            MegaMatrix.NoTrans(ref T1);

            Vector3 RVw = T1.MultiplyPoint(RV);
            Lf = (P2 - P1).magnitude;
            Vector3 Zw;
            if (Lf < 0.01f)
                Zw = P1.normalized;
                Zw = (P2 - P1).normalized;
            Vector3 Xw = Vector3.Cross(RVw, Zw).normalized;
            Vector3 Yw = Vector3.Cross(Zw, Xw).normalized;

            MegaMatrix.NoTrans(ref SI);

            Vector3 Xs = SI.MultiplyPoint(Xw);
            Vector3 Ys = SI.MultiplyPoint(Yw);
            Vector3 Zs = SI.MultiplyPoint(Zw);
            Tlocal.SetColumn(0, Xs);
            Tlocal.SetColumn(1, Ys);
            Tlocal.SetColumn(2, Zs);
            MegaMatrix.SetTrans(ref Tlocal, P0);

            // move z-axes of end transforms into local frame
            Matrix4x4 TlocalInvNT = Tlocal;
            MegaMatrix.NoTrans(ref TlocalInvNT);

            TlocalInvNT = TlocalInvNT.inverse;

            float tenstop = tension1;                   // * 0.01f;
            float tensbot = tension2;                   // * 0.01f;

            startvec = tensbot * (TlocalInvNT.MultiplyPoint(startvec));
            endvec   = tenstop * (TlocalInvNT.MultiplyPoint(endvec));

            starty = TlocalInvNT.MultiplyPoint(starty);
            endy   = TlocalInvNT.MultiplyPoint(endy);

            yangle = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(starty, endy));

            if (yangle > EPSILON)
                roty = Vector3.Cross(starty, endy).normalized;
                roty = Vector3.zero;

            startpoint = Vector3.zero;
            endpoint   = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, Lf);

            hosespline.knots[0].p      = startpoint;
            hosespline.knots[0].invec  = startpoint - startvec;
            hosespline.knots[0].outvec = startpoint + startvec;

            hosespline.knots[1].p      = endpoint;
            hosespline.knots[1].invec  = endpoint + endvec;
            hosespline.knots[1].outvec = endpoint - endvec;

            hosespline.CalcLength();                    //10);

        MegaHoseType wtype = wiretype;

        int Segs = segments;

        if (Segs < 3)
            Segs = 3;

        if (rebuildcross)
            rebuildcross = false;
            int nfillets = 0;
            int nsides   = 0;

            if (wtype == MegaHoseType.Round)
                NvertsPerRing = rndsides;
                if (NvertsPerRing < 3)
                    NvertsPerRing = 3;
                if (wtype == MegaHoseType.Rectangle)
                    nfillets = rectfilletsides;
                    if (nfillets < 0)
                        nfillets = 0;

                    if (smooth == MegaHoseSmooth.SMOOTHNONE)
                        NvertsPerRing = (nfillets > 0 ? 8 + 4 * (nfillets - 1) : 8);
                        NvertsPerRing = (nfillets > 0 ? 8 + 4 * (nfillets - 1) : 4);                            //4);
                    nfillets = dsecfilletsides;
                    if (nfillets < 0)
                        nfillets = 0;
                    nsides = dsecrndsides;
                    if (nsides < 2)
                        nsides = 2;
                    int nsm1 = nsides - 1;
                    NvertsPerRing = (nfillets > 0 ? 6 + nsm1 + 2 * (nfillets - 1): 4 + nsm1);


            int NfacesPerEnd, NfacesPerRing, Nfaces = 0;
            //MegaHoseSmooth SMOOTH = smooth;

            Nverts = (Segs + 1) * (NvertsPerRing + 1);                  // + 2;
            if (capends)
                Nverts += 2;

            NfacesPerEnd  = NvertsPerRing;
            NfacesPerRing = 6 * NvertsPerRing;
            Nfaces        = Segs * NfacesPerRing;       // + 2 * NfacesPerEnd;

            if (capends)
                Nfaces += 2 * NfacesPerEnd;

            if (SaveVertex == null || SaveVertex.Length != NvertsPerRing)
                SaveVertex = new Vector3[NvertsPerRing];
                SaveUV     = new Vector2[NvertsPerRing];

            if (calcnormals)
                if (SaveNormals == null || SaveNormals.Length != NvertsPerRing)
                    SaveNormals = new Vector3[NvertsPerRing];

            MakeSaveVertex(NvertsPerRing, nfillets, nsides, wtype);

            if (verts == null || verts.Length != Nverts)
                verts = new Vector3[Nverts];
                uvs   = new Vector2[Nverts];
                faces = new int[Nfaces * 3];

            if (calcnormals && (normals == null || normals.Length != Nverts))
                normals = new Vector3[Nverts];

        if (Nverts == 0)

        bool mapmenow = mapmemapme;

        int thisvert = 0;
        int last     = Nverts - 1;
        int last2    = last - 1;
        int lastvpr  = NvertsPerRing;           // - 1;
        int maxseg   = Segs + 1;

        float flexhere;
        float dadjust;
        float flexlen;
        float flex1 = flexstart;
        float flex2 = flexstop;
        int   flexn = flexcycles;
        float flexd = flexdiameter;

        Vector3 ThisPosition;
        Vector3 ThisXAxis, ThisYAxis, ThisZAxis;
        Vector2 uv = Vector2.zero;

        Matrix4x4 RingTM    = Matrix4x4.identity;
        Matrix4x4 invRingTM = Matrix4x4.identity;

        for (int i = 0; i < maxseg; i++)
            float incr = (float)i / (float)Segs;

            if (createfree)
                ThisPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, Lf * incr);
                ThisXAxis    = new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                ThisYAxis    = new Vector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                ThisZAxis    = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
                int k = 0;
                ThisPosition = hosespline.InterpCurve3D(incr, true, ref k);
                ThisZAxis    = (hosespline.InterpCurve3D(incr + 0.001f, true, ref k) - ThisPosition).normalized;

                ThisYAxis = starty;
                if (yangle > EPSILON)
                    RotateOnePoint(ref ThisYAxis, Vector3.zero, roty, incr * yangle);

                ThisXAxis = Vector3.Cross(ThisYAxis, ThisZAxis).normalized;

                ThisYAxis = Vector3.Cross(ThisZAxis, ThisXAxis);

            RingTM.SetColumn(0, ThisXAxis);
            RingTM.SetColumn(1, ThisYAxis);
            RingTM.SetColumn(2, ThisZAxis);
            MegaMatrix.SetTrans(ref RingTM, ThisPosition);

            if (!createfree)
                RingTM = Tlocal * RingTM;

            if (calcnormals)
                invRingTM = RingTM;
                MegaMatrix.NoTrans(ref invRingTM);
                //invRingTM = invRingTM.inverse.transpose;

            if ((incr > flex1) && (incr < flex2) && flexon)
                flexlen = flex2 - flex1;
                if (flexlen < 0.01f)
                    flexlen = 0.01f;
                flexhere = (incr - flex1) / flexlen;

                float ang = (float)flexn * flexhere * (Mathf.PI * 2.0f) + PIover2;
                dadjust = 1.0f + flexd * (1.0f - Mathf.Sin(ang));                       //(float)flexn * flexhere * (Mathf.PI * 2.0f) + PIover2));
                dadjust = 0.0f;

            if (usebulgecurve)
                if (dadjust == 0.0f)
                    dadjust = 1.0f + (bulge.Evaluate(incr + bulgeoffset) * bulgeamount);
                    dadjust += bulge.Evaluate(incr + bulgeoffset) * bulgeamount;

            uv.x = 0.999999f * incr * uvscale.x;

            for (int j = 0; j < NvertsPerRing; j++)
                int jj = j;                     // % NvertsPerRing;

                if (mapmenow)
                    uv.y          = SaveUV[jj].y;
                    uvs[thisvert] = uv;                         //new Vector2(0.999999f * incr * uvscale.x, SaveUV[jj].y);

                if (dadjust != 0.0f)
                    verts[thisvert] = RingTM.MultiplyPoint(dadjust * SaveVertex[jj]);
                    verts[thisvert] = RingTM.MultiplyPoint(SaveVertex[jj]);

                if (calcnormals)
                    normals[thisvert] = invRingTM.MultiplyPoint(SaveNormals[jj]).normalized;                            //.MultiplyPoint(-SaveNormals[jj]);
                //if ( j == 0 )
                //	Debug.Log("norm " + normals[thisvert].ToString("0.000") + " save " + SaveNormals[jj].ToString("0.000"));


            if (mapmenow)
                //uvs[Nverts + i] = new Vector2(0.999999f * incr, 0.999f);

            if (capends)
                if (i == 0)
                    verts[last2] = (createfree ? ThisPosition : Tlocal.MultiplyPoint(ThisPosition));
                    if (mapmenow)
                        uvs[last2] = Vector3.zero;
                    if (i == Segs)
                        verts[last] = createfree ? ThisPosition : Tlocal.MultiplyPoint(ThisPosition);
                        if (mapmenow)
                            uvs[last] = Vector3.zero;

        //	Now, set up the faces
        int thisface = 0, v1, v2, v3, v4;

        v3 = last2;
        if (capends)
            for (int i = 0; i < NvertsPerRing - 1; i++)
                v1 = i;
                v2 = (i < lastvpr ? v1 + 1 : v1 - lastvpr);
                //v5 = (i < lastvpr ? v2 : Nverts);

                faces[thisface++] = v2;
                faces[thisface++] = v1;
                faces[thisface++] = v3;

        int ringnum = NvertsPerRing;            // + 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < Segs; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < NvertsPerRing - 1; j++)
                v1 = i * ringnum + j;
                v2 = v1 + 1;                    //(j < lastvpr? v1 + 1 : v1 - lastvpr);
                v4 = v1 + ringnum;
                v3 = v2 + ringnum;
                faces[thisface++] = v1;
                faces[thisface++] = v2;
                faces[thisface++] = v3;
                faces[thisface++] = v1;
                faces[thisface++] = v3;
                faces[thisface++] = v4;

        int basevert = Segs * ringnum;          //NvertsPerRing;

        v3 = Nverts - 1;
        if (capends)
            for (int i = 0; i < NvertsPerRing - 1; i++)
                v1 = i + basevert;
                v2 = (i < lastvpr? v1 + 1 : v1 - lastvpr);
                //v5 = (i < lastvpr? v2 : Nverts + Segs);
                faces[thisface++] = v1;
                faces[thisface++] = v2;
                faces[thisface++] = v3;


        mesh.subMeshCount = 1;

        mesh.vertices  = verts;
        mesh.uv        = uvs;
        mesh.triangles = faces;

        if (calcnormals)
            mesh.normals = normals;

#if UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017
        if (optimize)

        if (calctangents)

        if (recalcCollider)
            if (meshCol == null)
                meshCol = GetComponent <MeshCollider>();

            if (meshCol != null)
                meshCol.sharedMesh = null;
                meshCol.sharedMesh = mesh;
                //bool con = meshCol.convex;
                //meshCol.convex = con;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    // we only need to build the savevertex and uvs if mesh def changes, else we can keep the uvs
    void BuildMesh()
        if (!mesh)
            mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
            if (mesh == null)
                updatemesh = true;

        if (hosespline.knots.Count == 0)
            hosespline.AddKnot(Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero);
            hosespline.AddKnot(Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero, Vector3.zero);


        bool createfree = freecreate;

        if ((!createfree) && ((!custnode) || (!custnode2)))
            createfree = true;

        if (custnode && custnode2)
            createfree = false;

        float Lf = 0.0f;

        Tlocal = Matrix4x4.identity;

        starty = Vector3.zero;

        if (createfree)
            Lf = noreflength;
            starty = custnode.transform.up;             //Vector3.up;
            Lf = Vector3.Distance(custnode.transform.position, custnode2.transform.position);

        MegaHoseType wtype = wiretype;

        int Segs = segments;

        if (Segs < 3)
            Segs = 3;

        if (rebuildcross)
            rebuildcross = false;
            int nfillets = 0;
            int nsides   = 0;

            if (wtype == MegaHoseType.Round)
                NvertsPerRing = rndsides;
                if (NvertsPerRing < 3)
                    NvertsPerRing = 3;
                if (wtype == MegaHoseType.Rectangle)
                    nfillets = rectfilletsides;
                    if (nfillets < 0)
                        nfillets = 0;

                    if (smooth == MegaHoseSmooth.SMOOTHNONE)
                        NvertsPerRing = (nfillets > 0 ? 8 + 4 * (nfillets - 1) : 8);
                        NvertsPerRing = (nfillets > 0 ? 8 + 4 * (nfillets - 1) : 4);                            //4);
                    nfillets = dsecfilletsides;
                    if (nfillets < 0)
                        nfillets = 0;
                    nsides = dsecrndsides;
                    if (nsides < 2)
                        nsides = 2;
                    int nsm1 = nsides - 1;
                    NvertsPerRing = (nfillets > 0 ? 6 + nsm1 + 2 * (nfillets - 1): 4 + nsm1);


            int NfacesPerEnd, NfacesPerRing, Nfaces = 0;
            //MegaHoseSmooth SMOOTH = smooth;

            Nverts = (Segs + 1) * (NvertsPerRing + 1);                  // + 2;
            if (capends)
                Nverts += 2;

            NfacesPerEnd  = NvertsPerRing;
            NfacesPerRing = 6 * NvertsPerRing;
            Nfaces        = Segs * NfacesPerRing;       // + 2 * NfacesPerEnd;

            if (capends)
                Nfaces += 2 * NfacesPerEnd;

            if (SaveVertex == null || SaveVertex.Length != NvertsPerRing)
                SaveVertex = new Vector3[NvertsPerRing];
                SaveUV     = new Vector2[NvertsPerRing];

            if (calcnormals)
                if (SaveNormals == null || SaveNormals.Length != NvertsPerRing)
                    SaveNormals = new Vector3[NvertsPerRing];

            MakeSaveVertex(NvertsPerRing, nfillets, nsides, wtype);

            if (verts == null || verts.Length != Nverts)
                verts = new Vector3[Nverts];
                uvs   = new Vector2[Nverts];
                faces = new int[Nfaces * 3];

            if (calcnormals && (normals == null || normals.Length != Nverts))
                normals = new Vector3[Nverts];

        if (Nverts == 0)

        bool mapmenow = mapmemapme;

        int thisvert = 0;
        int last     = Nverts - 1;
        int last2    = last - 1;
        int lastvpr  = NvertsPerRing;           // - 1;
        int maxseg   = Segs + 1;

        float flexhere;
        float dadjust;
        float flexlen;
        float flex1 = flexstart;
        float flex2 = flexstop;
        int   flexn = flexcycles;
        float flexd = flexdiameter;

        Vector3 ThisPosition;
        Vector2 uv = Vector2.zero;

        Matrix4x4 RingTM    = Matrix4x4.identity;
        Matrix4x4 invRingTM = Matrix4x4.identity;

        Vector3 lastup = starty;

        float sizeadj = 1.0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < maxseg; i++)
            float incr = (float)i / (float)Segs;

            if (createfree)
                ThisPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, Lf * incr);
                int k = 0;
                ThisPosition = hosespline.InterpCurve3D(incr, true, ref k);

            RingTM = GetSplineMat(hosespline, incr, true, ref lastup);

            if (!createfree)
                RingTM = Tlocal * RingTM;

            if (calcnormals)
                invRingTM = RingTM;
                MegaMatrix.NoTrans(ref invRingTM);

            if ((incr > flex1) && (incr < flex2) && flexon)
                flexlen = flex2 - flex1;
                if (flexlen < 0.01f)
                    flexlen = 0.01f;
                flexhere = (incr - flex1) / flexlen;

                float ang = (float)flexn * flexhere * (Mathf.PI * 2.0f) + PIover2;
                dadjust = 1.0f + flexd * (1.0f - Mathf.Sin(ang));                       //(float)flexn * flexhere * (Mathf.PI * 2.0f) + PIover2));
                dadjust = 0.0f;

            if (usebulgecurve)
                if (dadjust == 0.0f)
                    dadjust = 1.0f + (bulge.Evaluate(incr + bulgeoffset) * bulgeamount);
                    dadjust += bulge.Evaluate(incr + bulgeoffset) * bulgeamount;

            if (usesizecurve)
                sizeadj = size.Evaluate(incr);

            uv.x = 0.999999f * incr * uvscale.x;

            for (int j = 0; j < NvertsPerRing; j++)
                int jj = j;                     // % NvertsPerRing;

                if (mapmenow)
                    uv.y          = SaveUV[jj].y;
                    uvs[thisvert] = uv;                         //new Vector2(0.999999f * incr * uvscale.x, SaveUV[jj].y);

                if (dadjust != 0.0f)
                    verts[thisvert] = RingTM.MultiplyPoint(sizeadj * dadjust * SaveVertex[jj]);
                    verts[thisvert] = RingTM.MultiplyPoint(sizeadj * SaveVertex[jj]);

                if (calcnormals)
                    normals[thisvert] = invRingTM.MultiplyPoint(SaveNormals[jj]).normalized;                            //.MultiplyPoint(-SaveNormals[jj]);

            if (mapmenow)
                //uvs[Nverts + i] = new Vector2(0.999999f * incr, 0.999f);

            if (capends)
                if (i == 0)
                    verts[last2] = (createfree ? ThisPosition : Tlocal.MultiplyPoint(ThisPosition));
                    if (mapmenow)
                        uvs[last2] = Vector3.zero;
                    if (i == Segs)
                        verts[last] = createfree ? ThisPosition : Tlocal.MultiplyPoint(ThisPosition);
                        if (mapmenow)
                            uvs[last] = Vector3.zero;

        //	Now, set up the faces
        int thisface = 0, v1, v2, v3, v4;

        v3 = last2;
        if (capends)
            for (int i = 0; i < NvertsPerRing - 1; i++)
                v1 = i;
                v2 = (i < lastvpr ? v1 + 1 : v1 - lastvpr);
                //v5 = (i < lastvpr ? v2 : Nverts);

                faces[thisface++] = v2;
                faces[thisface++] = v1;
                faces[thisface++] = v3;

        int ringnum = NvertsPerRing;            // + 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < Segs; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < NvertsPerRing - 1; j++)
                v1 = i * ringnum + j;
                v2 = v1 + 1;                    //(j < lastvpr? v1 + 1 : v1 - lastvpr);
                v4 = v1 + ringnum;
                v3 = v2 + ringnum;
                faces[thisface++] = v1;
                faces[thisface++] = v2;
                faces[thisface++] = v3;
                faces[thisface++] = v1;
                faces[thisface++] = v3;
                faces[thisface++] = v4;

        int basevert = Segs * ringnum;          //NvertsPerRing;

        v3 = Nverts - 1;
        if (capends)
            for (int i = 0; i < NvertsPerRing - 1; i++)
                v1 = i + basevert;
                v2 = (i < lastvpr? v1 + 1 : v1 - lastvpr);
                //v5 = (i < lastvpr? v2 : Nverts + Segs);
                faces[thisface++] = v1;
                faces[thisface++] = v2;
                faces[thisface++] = v3;


        mesh.subMeshCount = 1;

        mesh.vertices  = verts;
        mesh.uv        = uvs;
        mesh.triangles = faces;

        if (calcnormals)
            mesh.normals = normals;

#if UNITY_5_5 || UNITY_5_6 || UNITY_2017
        if (optimize)

        if (calctangents)

        if (recalcCollider)
            if (meshCol == null)
                meshCol = GetComponent <MeshCollider>();

            if (meshCol != null)
                meshCol.sharedMesh = null;
                meshCol.sharedMesh = mesh;
                //bool con = meshCol.convex;
                //meshCol.convex = con;