Ejemplo n.º 1
        private int AddData()
            string user_id     = Session["UserId"].ToString();
            string artist_name = txtArtistName.Text;
            string description = txtDescription.Text;
            string status      = rdlStatus.SelectedValue;

            /*** UPLOAD ************************************************************************************************************/
            string[] FileImg = new String[2];
            string   front_image = string.Empty; string main_image = string.Empty;
            string   front_path = Server.MapPath(upload_front_image_dir);
            string   main_path  = Server.MapPath(upload_main_image_dir);

            if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
                FileHandleClass file_bj = new FileHandleClass();
                FileImg     = file_bj.upload_front_main_image(FileUpload1, front_path, main_path, 120, 120);
                main_image  = FileImg[0];
                front_image = FileImg[1];
                //System.Drawing.Image img1 = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(front_path+ "/" + front_image);
                imgPhoto.ImageUrl = upload_front_image_dir + "/" + front_image;

            MediaArtists artist_obj = new MediaArtists();
            int          i          = artist_obj.Insert(user_id, artist_name, front_image, main_image, description, status);

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MediaArtists dal = new MediaArtists(StoredData);

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void PopulateMediaArtistList2DDL(string selected_value)
            List <Media_Artists> lst = MediaArtists.GetListByStatus("1");

            ddlArtistList.DataSource     = lst;
            ddlArtistList.DataTextField  = "ArtistName";
            ddlArtistList.DataValueField = "ArtistId";
            ddlArtistList.SelectedValue = selected_value;
            ddlArtistList.AutoPostBack  = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void LoadData()
            MediaArtists  artist_obj = new MediaArtists();
            Media_Artists entity     = artist_obj.GetDetails(_idx);

            string FrontImage = entity.FrontImage;
            string MainImage  = entity.MainImage;

            imgPhoto.ImageUrl       = upload_front_image_dir + "/" + FrontImage;
            ViewState["FrontImage"] = FrontImage;
            ViewState["MainImage"]  = MainImage;

            txtArtistName.Text  = entity.ArtistName;
            txtDescription.Text = entity.Description;
            string Status = entity.Status;

        protected void GridView1_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            GridView gv = (GridView)sender;
            //to get index and row
            int rowIndex = e.RowIndex;               //here we have the row directly
            //GridViewRow row = gv.Rows[rowIndex]; //the row
            int key = (int)gv.DataKeys[rowIndex][0]; //int key = Convert.ToInt32(gv.DataKeys[e.RowIndex].Values[0].ToString());
            //string UserId = Session["UserId"].ToString();
            //string Status = "1";
            MediaArtists artists_obj = new MediaArtists();

            //artists_obj.UpdateStatus(UserId, key, Status);
            if (rowIndex == 0 && gv.Rows.Count == 1)
                gv.PageIndex = gv.PageIndex - 1; //only 1 item on page- page back
            PageAndBind(gv);                     //load the new information
        private void PageAndBind(GridView gv)
            IList <Object> list     = new List <Object>();
            int            pageSize = 2;
            int            startRow = (gv.PageIndex * pageSize);

            MediaArtists          artists_obj = new MediaArtists();
            IList <Media_Artists> data        =
                artists_obj.LoadDatedItemsByPage(startRow, pageSize, GridViewSortBy, GridViewSortAscending);

            //copy data into generic list
            foreach (Media_Artists item in data)
            int count = artists_obj.LoadDatedItemsCount(); //you could cache this

            //here's the bit where we use create an ODS in code to fill the gridview with paged data
            CommonLibrary.UI.GridView.GridViewFiller.Fill(gv, list, count, pageSize);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private int UpdateData()
            string user_id     = Session["UserId"].ToString();
            string artist_name = txtArtistName.Text;
            string description = txtDescription.Text;
            string status      = rdlStatus.SelectedValue;

            /*** UPLOAD ************************************************************************************************************/
            string[] FileImg = new String[2];
            string   front_image = string.Empty; string main_image = string.Empty;
            string   front_path = Server.MapPath(upload_front_image_dir);
            string   main_path  = Server.MapPath(upload_main_image_dir);

            string Orginal_front_image = ViewState["FrontImage"].ToString();
            string Orginal_main_image  = ViewState["MainImage"].ToString();

            //if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
            if (Session["FileUpload1"] != null && Session["FileUpload1"].ToString() != string.Empty)
                FileHandleClass file_bj = new FileHandleClass();
                FileImg     = file_bj.upload_front_main_image(FileUpload1, front_path, main_path, 120, 120);
                main_image  = FileImg[0];
                front_image = FileImg[1];
                //System.Drawing.Image img1 = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(front_path+ "/" + front_image);
                imgPhoto.ImageUrl = upload_front_image_dir + "/" + front_image;
                string folderchild = Orginal_front_image.Substring(0, 10);
                front_image = Orginal_front_image;
                main_image  = Orginal_main_image;

            MediaArtists artist_obj = new MediaArtists();
            int          i          = artist_obj.Update(_idx, user_id, artist_name, front_image, main_image, description, status);
