static void AddAccessible(List <Point> walls, MazeTile tile, Point accesible) { if (!walls.Contains(accesible)) { tile.AccessibleTiles.Add(accesible); } }
void CalculateAccesiblePoints(MazeTile mazeTile, string[] currentData, string[] eastData, string[] southdata) { /* Accessible tiles can be: * north - if currentData doesn't contain "north" * west - if currentData doesn't contain "west" * east - if data + (1,0) doesn't contain "west" * south - if data + (0,width) doesn't contain "north" * */ if (!currentData.Contains("north")) { mazeTile.AccessibleTiles.Add(new Point(mazeTile.Position.X, mazeTile.Position.Y - 1)); } if (!currentData.Contains("west")) { mazeTile.AccessibleTiles.Add(new Point(mazeTile.Position.X - 1, mazeTile.Position.Y)); } if (!southdata.Contains("north")) { mazeTile.AccessibleTiles.Add(new Point(mazeTile.Position.X, mazeTile.Position.Y + 1)); } if (!eastData.Contains("west")) { mazeTile.AccessibleTiles.Add(new Point(mazeTile.Position.X + 1, mazeTile.Position.Y)); } }
public void SetNeighbors(MazeTile up, MazeTile left, MazeTile down, MazeTile right) { UpNeighbor = up; LeftNeighbor = left; DownNeighbor = down; RightNeighbor = right; }
MazeTile CreateTile() { MazeTile tile = Instantiate(mazeTile) as MazeTile; tile.transform.parent = transform; return(mazeTile); }
/** <summary> Loads the specified maze into the editor. </summary> */ public void LoadMaze(TrackDesign maze) { if (maze.TrackType == TrackTypes.HedgeMaze) { for (int x = 0; x < this.blocks.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < this.blocks.GetLength(1); y++) { this.blocks[x, y] = new MazeBlock(); } } Point offset = Point.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < maze.MazeTiles.Count; i++) { MazeTile tile = maze.MazeTiles[i]; if (tile.X < 0 && -tile.X > offset.X) { offset.X = -tile.X; } if (tile.Y < 0 && -tile.Y > offset.Y) { offset.Y = -tile.Y; } } for (int i = 0; i < maze.MazeTiles.Count; i++) { MazeTile tile = maze.MazeTiles[i]; this.blocks[tile.X + offset.X, tile.Y + offset.Y] = new MazeBlock(tile.Walls, false); } this.wallStyle = (int)maze.TrackSupportColors[0]; this.Invalidate(); } }
/// <summary> /// Runs the example /// </summary> public static void Run() { var tiles = new MazeTile[10, 10]; tiles[0, 0] = MazeTile.Agent; tiles[2, 4] = MazeTile.Wall; tiles[3, 4] = MazeTile.Wall; tiles[4, 4] = MazeTile.Wall; tiles[5, 4] = MazeTile.Wall; tiles[9, 9] = MazeTile.Goal; var environment = new MazeEnvironment(new Configuration(200), tiles); var agent = new MazeAgent(); environment.AddAgent(agent); environment.Initialize(); for (int episode = 0; episode < environment.Config.MaxEpisodes; episode++) { environment.Reset(episode); for (int step = 0; step < 1000; step++) { if (environment.Update(episode)) { break; } } Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Episode: {0} - {1} steps.", episode, agent.NumSteps)); } PrintPath(environment, agent); Console.ReadLine(); }
private void HandlePlayerTileMarkerEnds(MazeTile tile) { foreach (KeyValuePair <ObjectDirection, Tile> item in tile.Neighbours) { MazeTile neighbour = item.Value as MazeTile; if (!neighbour) { continue; } MazeTilePath mazeTilePath = (MazeTilePath)neighbour.GetBackgrounds().FirstOrDefault(background => background is MazeTilePath); if (mazeTilePath == null) { continue; } if (neighbour.PlayerMark != null && neighbour.PlayerMark.Owner != PlayerMarkOwner.None) { continue; } TileConnectionScoreInfo neighbourConnectionScoreInfo = NeighbourTileCalculator.MapNeighbourPlayerMarkEndsOfTile(neighbour); neighbour.PlayerMarkEndsRenderer.sprite = MazeSpriteManager.Instance.PlayerTileMarkerEdge[neighbourConnectionScoreInfo.SpriteNumber - 1]; } }
public static TileConnectionScoreInfo MapNeighbourPlayerMarkEndsOfTile(MazeTile tile) { bool hasMarkRight = false; bool hasMarkDown = false; bool hasMarkLeft = false; bool hasMarkUp = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <ObjectDirection, Tile> item in tile.Neighbours) { MazeTile neighbour = item.Value as MazeTile; if (neighbour == null || neighbour.PlayerMark == null || neighbour.PlayerMark.Owner == PlayerMarkOwner.None) { continue; } if (item.Key == ObjectDirection.Right) { hasMarkRight = true; } else if (item.Key == ObjectDirection.Down) { hasMarkDown = true; } else if (item.Key == ObjectDirection.Left) { hasMarkLeft = true; } else if (item.Key == ObjectDirection.Up) { hasMarkUp = true; } } return(Calculate16TileMapConnectionScore(hasMarkRight, hasMarkDown, hasMarkLeft, hasMarkUp)); }
private void Fill(MazeTile tile) { for (int i = 0; i < this.Width * this.Height; i++) { this.cells[i] = tile; } }
/// <summary> /// Searches for a pellet object in the player's positions and consumes it /// </summary> private void ConsumePellet() { var actualTile = GetPelletAtLocation(transform.localPosition); if (_currentMazeTile != actualTile && actualTile != null) { _currentMazeTile = actualTile; _currentMazeTile.OnPlayerInteract.Invoke(); } }
private void HandleSpawnpointMarkability() { if (GameManager.Instance.CharacterManager.GetPlayerCount() < 2) { MazeTile spawnpoint1Tile = Level.PlayerCharacterSpawnpoints[PlayerNumber.Player1].Tile as MazeTile; spawnpoint1Tile.TryMakeMarkable(false); MazeTile spawnpoint2Tile = Level.PlayerCharacterSpawnpoints[PlayerNumber.Player2].Tile as MazeTile; spawnpoint2Tile.TryMakeMarkable(true); } }
private void AddTileAreas(SerialisableTile serialisableTile, MazeTile tile) { for (int i = 0; i < serialisableTile.TileAreaIds?.Count; i++) { string tileAreaId = serialisableTile.TileAreaIds[i]; if (TileAreas.TryGetValue(tileAreaId, out TileArea tileArea)) { tile.AddTileArea(tileArea); } } }
public AnalyzerStatus(MazeTile mazeTile, AnalyzerStatus analyzerStatus = null) { MazeTile = mazeTile; if (analyzerStatus is null) { return; } Steps = analyzerStatus.Steps + 1; PreviousStep = analyzerStatus; }
public static Maze CreateMaze(int width, int height, int difficulty, Point ponyPosition, Point endPoint, Point monsterPosition = null, List <Point> walls = null) { Maze maze = new Maze { MazeId = Guid.NewGuid(), Width = width, Height = height, Difficulty = difficulty, Tiles = new MazeTile[width, height], Pony = new Pony(ponyPosition), EndPoint = endPoint, Domokun = new Monster(monsterPosition ?? OUT_OF_BOUNDS) }; if (walls is null) { walls = new List <Point>(); } for (int row = 0; row < maze.Height; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < maze.Width; column++) { MazeTile tile = new MazeTile(column, row); maze.Tiles[column, row] = tile; if (tile.Position.X != 0) { Point accesible = new Point(tile.Position.X - 1, tile.Position.Y); AddAccessible(walls, tile, accesible); } if (tile.Position.Y != 0) { Point accesible = new Point(tile.Position.X, tile.Position.Y - 1); AddAccessible(walls, tile, accesible); } if (tile.Position.X != maze.Width - 1) { Point accesible = new Point(tile.Position.X + 1, tile.Position.Y); AddAccessible(walls, tile, accesible); } if (tile.Position.Y != maze.Height - 1) { Point accesible = new Point(tile.Position.X, tile.Position.Y + 1); AddAccessible(walls, tile, accesible); } } } return(maze); }
private void HandlePlayerMarkerSprite(MazeTile tile, PlayerNumber playerNumber, PlayerMark playerMark) { if (playerNumber == PlayerNumber.Player1) { playerMark.SetOwner(PlayerMarkOwner.Player1); tile.PlayerMarkRenderer.sprite = MazeSpriteManager.Instance.Player1TileMarker[playerMark.ConnectionScore - 1]; tile.PlayerMark = playerMark; } else { playerMark.SetOwner(PlayerMarkOwner.Player2); tile.PlayerMarkRenderer.sprite = MazeSpriteManager.Instance.Player2TileMarker[playerMark.ConnectionScore - 1]; tile.PlayerMark = playerMark; } }
private void CreateItem(MazeTile tile, int itemId) { var itemObj = Instantiate( ItemPrefabs[itemId], tile.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, maze.transform); var item = itemObj.GetComponent <Item>(); tile.currentItem = item; item.CurrentTile = tile; itemManager.UnassignedItems.Add(item); }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { //Debug.Log("triggered"); MazeTile mt = other.GetComponent <MazeTile>(); if (mt) { if (!mt.discovered || !vision[mt.coord]) { if (!VisTest(mt, -1)) { pending.Add(mt); } } } }
public double FilledRatio() { int countFilled = 0; for (int x = 0; x < this.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < this.Height; y++) { MazeTile tile = this.Get(x, y); if (tile == MazeTile.Wall) { countFilled++; } } } return((double)countFilled / (Width * Height)); }
float TileScorer(MazeTile mt, Map2d map) { int neighborFloor = -1;// CountTileNeighbors(mt.coord, _allDirs, c => map[c].letter == '#');//-1; Coord msize = map.GetSize(); Coord min = -Coord.One, max = Coord.One; Coord.ForEachInclusive(min, max, off => { Coord c = mt.coord + off; if (c.IsWithin(msize) && map[c].letter == ' ') { ++neighborFloor; } }); int maxDist = (msize.row + msize.col) / 2; float distFromCenter = Mathf.Abs((msize.row - 1) / 2f - mt.coord.row) + Mathf.Abs((msize.col - 1) / 2f - mt.coord.col); return(neighborFloor + distFromCenter / maxDist); }
public void InstantiateMazeTiles(Grid grid, bool colorByDistance) { for (int i = _liveMazeTiles.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Destroy(_liveMazeTiles[i].gameObject); } _liveMazeTiles.Clear(); //var djikstraDistances = Maze.CalculateDistancesFromRoot(grid, grid.Cells[0]); //var path = Maze.CalculateLongestPath(grid); //var path = Maze.CalculatePath(grid, grid.Cells[0], grid.Cells[grid.Cells.Length - 1]); var middleCell = grid.GetCell(grid.Columns / 2, grid.Rows / 2); var distances = Maze.CalculateDistancesFromRoot(grid, middleCell); var maxDistance = distances.Values.Max(); foreach (var cell in grid.Cells) { if (cell == null) { continue; } MazeTile tile = GetTilePrefab(cell); Vector3 position = new Vector3(cell.Column * 2, 0, cell.Row * 2); MazeTile mazeTile = Instantiate(tile, position, tile.transform.rotation); _liveMazeTiles.Add(mazeTile); if (colorByDistance) { var tileMaterialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock(); var distance = distances[cell]; float h, s, v; Color.RGBToHSV(_mazeColor, out h, out s, out v); s = 1 - ((maxDistance - distance) / (float)maxDistance); tileMaterialPropertyBlock.SetColor("_Color", Color.HSVToRGB(h, s, v)); var tileRenderer = mazeTile.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); tileRenderer.SetPropertyBlock(tileMaterialPropertyBlock); } } }
// Every time we access a different tile, check if there is an enemy spawnpoint on it public void CheckForEnemySpawnpointOnTile() { MazeTile selectedTile = EditorTileSelector.Instance.CurrentlySelectedTile as MazeTile; EnemySpawnpoint enemySpawnpoint = selectedTile?.TryGetEnemySpawnpoint(); if (enemySpawnpoint == null) { _tileAreaNamesDropdown.gameObject.SetActive(false); _assignedAreasText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { _tileAreaNamesDropdown.gameObject.SetActive(true); _assignedAreasText.gameObject.SetActive(true); RedrawAssignedAreasTest(enemySpawnpoint); RedrawDropdownOptions(); } }
public void Draw(IOutputMazeTileGrid tileGrid) { for (int x = 0; x < this.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < this.Height; y++) { MazeTile tile = this.Get(x, y); if (tile == MazeTile.Open) { tileGrid.MarkOpen(x, y); } else if (tile == MazeTile.Wall) { tileGrid.MarkWall(x, y); } } } tileGrid.Draw(); }
private void RedrawDropdownOptions() { MazeTile selectedTile = EditorTileSelector.Instance.CurrentlySelectedTile as MazeTile; EnemySpawnpoint enemySpawnpoint = selectedTile?.TryGetEnemySpawnpoint(); for (int i = 1; i < _tileAreaNamesDropdown.options.Count; i++) { string areaId = _tileAreaIdByDropdownOption[_tileAreaNamesDropdown.options[i]]; TileArea tileArea = GameManager.Instance.CurrentEditorLevel.TileAreas[areaId]; string originalAreaName = tileArea.Name; if (enemySpawnpoint.TileAreas.Contains(tileArea)) { _tileAreaNamesDropdown.options[i].text = $"(X) {originalAreaName}"; } else { _tileAreaNamesDropdown.options[i].text = originalAreaName; } } }
/// <summary> /// Removes extra walls in the maze tiles /// </summary> private void RemoveExtraWalls() { // check board pattern for (int x = 0; x < mazeSize; x++) { for (int z = 0; z < mazeSize; z++) { MazeTile tile = currentMaze.tilesArray[x, z]; // perform for all walls for (int dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) { Coordinate coordDir = Coordinate.GetCoordinate(dir); Coordinate coord = tile.coord + coordDir; // check if coordinate points out of bounds if (OutOfBounds(coord)) { continue; } // no wall to break; if (tile.walls[dir] == null) { continue; } MazeTile neighbour = currentMaze.tilesArray[coord.x, coord.z]; // check other wall if (neighbour.walls[(dir + 2) % 4] == null) { continue; } // remove one wall because there are two tile.BreakWall(dir); } } } }
private void AddTileAreaToSpawnpoint() { if (_tileAreaNamesDropdown.value == 0) { return; } MazeTile selectedTile = EditorTileSelector.Instance.CurrentlySelectedTile as MazeTile; EnemySpawnpoint enemySpawnpoint = selectedTile?.TryGetEnemySpawnpoint(); if (enemySpawnpoint == null) { Logger.Log("could not find enemySpawnpoint on the selected tile"); return; } string currentlySelectedTileAreaId = GetIdCurrentSelectedTileArea(); TileArea tileAreaInList = enemySpawnpoint.TileAreas.FirstOrDefault(tileArea => tileArea.Id == currentlySelectedTileAreaId); TileArea tileArea = GameManager.Instance.CurrentEditorLevel.TileAreas[currentlySelectedTileAreaId]; if (tileAreaInList == null) { Logger.Log("did not find the area in the list, so we add it"); enemySpawnpoint.AddTileArea(tileArea); } else { Logger.Log($"The currently selected tile area is {tileAreaInList.Name}"); enemySpawnpoint.RemoveTileArea(tileArea); } _assignedAreasText.text = GenerateAssignedAreasText(enemySpawnpoint); RedrawDropdownOptions(); _tileAreaNamesDropdown.value = 0; }
Maze BuildMaze(APIMaze apiMaze) { int width = apiMaze.size[0]; int height = apiMaze.size[1]; MazeTile[,] tiles = new MazeTile[width, height]; for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { for (int column = 0; column < width; column++) { MazeTile mazeTile = new MazeTile(column, row); mazeTile.AccessibleTiles = new List <Point>(); tiles[column, row] = mazeTile; CalculateAccessibilities(apiMaze, width, height, row, column, mazeTile); } } int ponyY = apiMaze.pony[0] / width; int ponyX = apiMaze.pony[0] % width; int domokunY = apiMaze.domokun[0] / width; int domokunX = apiMaze.domokun[0] % width; int endpointY = apiMaze.endPont[0] / width; int endpointX = apiMaze.endPont[0] % width; var maze = new Maze { Width = width, Height = height, Difficulty = apiMaze.difficulty, Tiles = tiles, Pony = new Pony(ponyX, ponyY), Domokun = new Monster(domokunX, domokunY), EndPoint = new Point(endpointX, endpointY) }; return(maze); }
private void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } _currentScore = PlayerPrefs.HasKey("CurrentScore") ? PlayerPrefs.GetInt("CurrentScore") : 0; _highScore = PlayerPrefs.HasKey("HighScore") ? PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighScore") : 0; LevelScore.text = _currentScore.ToString("000000"); HighScore.text = _highScore.ToString("000000"); _fruitTile = MazeAssembler.Instance.FruitParent.GetComponentInChildren <MazeTile>(); _fruitSprite = _fruitTile.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>(); _fruitSprite.sprite = GameController.Instance.GetFruitSpriteFromData(LevelController.Instance.GetCurrentLevel().BonusFruit); _fruitTile.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
/// <summary> /// Places a door /// </summary> private void PlaceDoor() { bool placedWall = false; while (!placedWall) { // pick tile MazeTile doorTile = currentMaze.tilesList[random.Next(currentMaze.tilesList.Count)]; // look for wall int doorWallIndex = random.Next(4); GameObject doorWall = null; int attempts = 0; while (doorWall == null && attempts < 5) { doorWallIndex = (doorWallIndex + 5) % 4; doorWall = doorTile.walls[doorWallIndex]; attempts++; } // didn't find a wall if (attempts == 5) { continue; } // found a wall GameObject door = GameObject.Instantiate(doorPrefab, doorTile.transform, false); door.transform.rotation = doorWall.transform.rotation; placedWall = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets each ghost scatter tile from the maze /// </summary> private void GetScatterTile() { switch (GhostType) { case GhostType.Blinky: _scatterTile = MazeAssembler.Instance.MazeTiles.FirstOrDefault(m => m.TileX == 25 && m.TileY == 31); break; case GhostType.Pinky: _scatterTile = MazeAssembler.Instance.MazeTiles.FirstOrDefault(m => m.TileX == 2 && m.TileY == 31); break; case GhostType.Inky: _scatterTile = MazeAssembler.Instance.MazeTiles.FirstOrDefault(m => m.TileX == 25 && m.TileY == -1); break; case GhostType.Clyde: _scatterTile = MazeAssembler.Instance.MazeTiles.FirstOrDefault(m => m.TileX == 2 && m.TileY == -1); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public void Generate(NonStandard.Data.Random.NumberGenerator random) { int width = ((stage + 2) * 2) + 1; mazeGenerationArguments.size = new Vector2(width, width); if (mazeSrc == null) { int seed = mazeGenerationArguments.seed; if (seed < 0) { seed = (int)GameClock.Time; } MazeGenerator mg = new MazeGenerator(random.Next); char[,] map = mg.Generate(mazeGenerationArguments.size, mazeGenerationArguments.start, mazeGenerationArguments.step, mazeGenerationArguments.wall); mg.Erode(map, mazeGenerationArguments.erosion); // generate ramps Coord size = map.GetSize(); List <Coord>[] ramp = new List <Coord> [4]; for (int r = 0; r < ramp.Length; ++r) { ramp[r] = new List <Coord>(); } const int W = 0, N = 1, E = 2, S = 3;// todo nwse size.ForEach(c => { if (c.row == 0 || c.row == size.row - 1 || c.col == 0 || c.col == size.col - 1) { return; } char letter = map.At(c); char n = map.At(c + Coord.Up), s = map.At(c + Coord.Down), e = map.At(c + Coord.Right), w = map.At(c + Coord.Left); bool createAtDeadEnds = true; bool createAtPeninsula = true; if (n == s && e != w) { if (letter == e && w == n) { if (letter == ' ' && createAtDeadEnds) { ramp[W].Add(c); } if (letter == '#' && createAtPeninsula) { ramp[E].Add(c); } } if (letter == w && e == n) { if (letter == ' ' && createAtDeadEnds) { ramp[E].Add(c); } if (letter == '#' && createAtPeninsula) { ramp[W].Add(c); } } } if (e == w && n != s) { if (letter == n && s == w) { if (letter == ' ' && createAtDeadEnds) { ramp[S].Add(c); } if (letter == '#' && createAtPeninsula) { ramp[N].Add(c); } } if (letter == s && n == e) { if (letter == ' ' && createAtDeadEnds) { ramp[N].Add(c); } if (letter == '#' && createAtPeninsula) { ramp[S].Add(c); } } } }); //ramp[W].ForEach(c => { map.SetAt(c, 'w'); }); //ramp[N].ForEach(c => { map.SetAt(c, 'n'); }); //ramp[E].ForEach(c => { map.SetAt(c, 'e'); }); //ramp[S].ForEach(c => { map.SetAt(c, 's'); }); int totalRamps = ramp.Sum(r => r.Count); for (int i = 0; i < totalRamps && i < stage + 1; ++i) { int[] r = ramp.GetNestedIndex(random.Next(totalRamps)); //Debug.Log(r.JoinToString(", ")); Coord loc = ramp[r[0]][r[1]]; ramp[r[0]].RemoveAt(r[1]); char ch = "wnes"[r[0]]; map.SetAt(loc, ch); --totalRamps; } = new Map2d(map); //Debug.Log(; } else { map.LoadFromString(mazeSrc.text); } seen.Reset(); int count = map.Height * map.Width; while (mazeTiles.Count < count) { mazeTiles.Add(Instantiate(prefab_mazeTile.gameObject).GetComponent <MazeTile>()); } //int index = 0; Vector3 off = new Vector3(map.Width / -2f * tileSize.x, 0, map.Height / -2f * tileSize.z); floorTiles = new List <MazeTile>(); floorTileNeighborHistogram.SetEach(0); map.GetSize().ForEach(c => { MazeTile mt = GetTile(c);//mazeTiles[index++]; mt.maze = this; mt.coord = c; Transform t = mt.transform; t.SetParent(_t); t.localPosition = mt.CalcLocalPosition(); MazeTile.Kind k = MazeTile.Kind.None; switch (map[c]) { case ' ': k = MazeTile.Kind.Floor; break; case '#': k = MazeTile.Kind.Wall; break; case 'w': k = MazeTile.Kind.RampWest; break; case 'n': k = MazeTile.Kind.RampNorth; break; case 's': k = MazeTile.Kind.RampSouth; break; case 'e': k = MazeTile.Kind.RampEast; break; } mt.kind = k; mt.SetDiscovered(false, null, this); if (mt.kind == MazeTile.Kind.Floor) { floorTiles.Add(mt); mt.goalScore = TileScorer(mt, map); int index = (int)mt.goalScore; if (index >= floorTileNeighborHistogram.Length) { Array.Resize(ref floorTileNeighborHistogram, index + 1); } ++floorTileNeighborHistogram[index]; } else { mt.goalScore = float.PositiveInfinity; } }); floorTiles.Sort((a, b) => a.goalScore.CompareTo(b.goalScore)); }