Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task ChangeUserSponsor(UserMultiAccount userMultiAccount, MatrixPosition matrixPosition)
            var parentPosition = await _matrixPositionRepository.GetAsync(matrixPosition.ParentId.Value);

            await _userMultiAccountRepository.UpdateAsync(userMultiAccount);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void ExportTextShape(RadDiagramTextShape shape, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page)
            var bounds = new Rect(shape.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, shape.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, shape.Bounds.Width, shape.Bounds.Height);

            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();

            transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform()
                Angle = shape.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y

            var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value);

            FixedContentEditor containerEditor = CreateEditor(new EditorInfo(page, position, shape, bounds, shape.BorderBrush, shape.RotationAngle), true);

            containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(), bounds.ToSize()));

            if (shape.Content != null)
                var center = bounds.Center();
                ExportContent(shape, bounds, shape.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return(new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2)); });
        private async Task PreValidation()
            if (_multiAccount is null)
                throw new ValidationException("User with given ID was not found.");

            _userMatrixPositionOnLowerMatrix = await _matrixPositionHelper.GetPositionForAccountAtLevelAsync(_multiAccount.Id, _lowerLevelMatrix);

            if (_userMatrixPositionOnLowerMatrix is null)
                throw new ValidationException($"User does not have position in the lower level matrix: {_lowerLevelMatrix}.");

            var alreadyUpgraded = await _matrixPositionHelper.GetPositionForAccountAtLevelAsync(_multiAccount.Id, _command.MatrixLevel);

            if (alreadyUpgraded != null)
                throw new ValidationException("User has already been upgraded to this level.");

            if (await _paymentHistoryHelper.DoesUserPaidForMatrixLevelAsync(_command.MatrixLevel, _multiAccount.Id) == false)
                throw new ValidationException("User didn't pay for the upgraded structure yet.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private async Task AddTwoEmptyChildToBoughtPosition(MatrixPosition matrixPositionBought)
            var newDepthLevel = matrixPositionBought.DepthLevel + 1;

            var matricesToAdd = new List <MatrixPosition>()
                new MatrixPosition
                    id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                    matrixLevel: matrixPositionBought.MatrixLevel,
                    depthLevel: newDepthLevel,
                    left: matrixPositionBought.Left + 1,
                    right: matrixPositionBought.Left + 2,
                    parentId: matrixPositionBought.Id,
                    userMultiAccountId: null
                new MatrixPosition
                    id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                    matrixLevel: matrixPositionBought.MatrixLevel,
                    depthLevel: newDepthLevel,
                    left: matrixPositionBought.Left + 3,
                    right: matrixPositionBought.Left + 4,
                    parentId: matrixPositionBought.Id,
                    userMultiAccountId: null

            _context.Set <MatrixPosition>().AddRange(matricesToAdd);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private async Task <MatrixPosition> GetMatrixPositionUnderAdminBasedOnStructureSide(int matrixLevel, AdminStructureSide adminStructureSide, MatrixPosition topAdmin)
            if (adminStructureSide == AdminStructureSide.Skipped)

            MatrixPosition position = topAdmin;

            switch (adminStructureSide)
            case AdminStructureSide.Left:
                topAdmin = await _context.Set <MatrixPosition>()
                           .Where(x => x.Left == position.Left + 1)
                           .Where(x => x.ParentId == position.Id)
                           .Where(x => x.MatrixLevel == matrixLevel)


            case AdminStructureSide.Right:
                topAdmin = await _context.Set <MatrixPosition>()
                           .Where(x => x.Right == position.Right - 1)
                           .Where(x => x.ParentId == position.Id)
                           .Where(x => x.MatrixLevel == matrixLevel)


Ejemplo n.º 6
        private static void ExportConnection(RadDiagramConnection connection, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page)
            var bounds = new Rect(connection.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, connection.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, connection.Bounds.Width, connection.Bounds.Height);

            var pathGeometry = connection.Geometry as PathGeometry;
            var pathBounds   = connection.ConnectionType == ConnectionType.Bezier ? pathGeometry.Bounds : new Rect();

            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();

            transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                X = bounds.X - pathBounds.X, Y = bounds.Y - pathBounds.Y
            var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value);

            EditorInfo         info         = new EditorInfo(page, position, connection, bounds, connection.Stroke, 0);
            FixedContentEditor editor       = CreateEditor(info, false);
            FixedContentEditor filledEditor = CreateEditor(info, true);

            ExportGeometry(editor, filledEditor, pathGeometry, true);

            if (connection.Content != null)
                var center = bounds.Center();
                ExportContent(connection, bounds, 0, page, (s) => { return(new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2)); });
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private void MatrixPositionTrasform()
     #region radpdfprocessing-concepts-position_0
     MatrixPosition matrixPosition = new MatrixPosition();
     matrixPosition.Translate(20, 20); // Translates the position by (20, 20)
     matrixPosition.Translate(30, 30); // Translates the position by (30, 30).
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public Task <MatrixPosition> GetTopParentAsync(MatrixPosition matrixPosition, int matrixLevel = 0)
     return(_context.Set <MatrixPosition>()
            .Where(x => x.Left < matrixPosition.Left)
            .Where(x => x.Right > matrixPosition.Right)
            .Where(x => x.DepthLevel == matrixPosition.DepthLevel - 2)
            .Where(x => x.MatrixLevel == matrixLevel)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public async Task <IEnumerable <MatrixPosition> > GetMatrixAsync(MatrixPosition matrixPosition, int matrixLevel = 0)
     return(await _context.Set <MatrixPosition>()
            .Where(x => x.Left >= matrixPosition.Left)
            .Where(x => x.Right <= matrixPosition.Right)
            .Where(x => x.DepthLevel >= matrixPosition.DepthLevel)
            .Where(x => x.DepthLevel <= matrixPosition.DepthLevel + 2) // Each matrix has 2 depth level
            .Where(x => x.MatrixLevel == matrixLevel)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void InitializeWordSlots(GameObject[,] slots)
     lastOccupiedWordSlot = new MatrixPosition(0, 0);
     wordSlots            = new WordSlot[slots.GetLength(0), slots.GetLength(1)];
     for (int i = 0; i < slots.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < slots.GetLength(1); j++)
             wordSlots [i, j] = slots[i, j].GetComponent <WordSlot>();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private static void ExportContainerShape(RadDiagramContainerShape container, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page)
            var bounds = new Rect(container.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, container.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, container.Bounds.Width, container.Bounds.Height);

            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();

            transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform()
                Angle = container.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y

            var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value);

            FixedContentEditor containerEditor = CreateEditor(new EditorInfo(page, position, container, bounds, container.BorderBrush, container.RotationAngle), true);

            containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(), bounds.ToSize()));

            containerEditor.GraphicProperties.StrokeThickness = 0.5;
            var headerHeight = container.ContentBounds.Y - container.Bounds.Y - DiagramConstants.ContainerMargin;

            containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(0, headerHeight), new Size(bounds.Width, 0.5)));

            if (container.IsCollapsible)
                var buttonTop  = headerHeight / 2 - 2.5;
                var buttonLeft = bounds.Width - 20;
                if (container.IsCollapsed)
                    containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft, buttonTop), new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop + 4));
                    containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop + 4), new Point(buttonLeft + 8, buttonTop));
                    if (container.CollapsedContent != null)
                        var contentHeight = container.ActualHeight - headerHeight;
                        ExportContent(container, bounds, container.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return(new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, bounds.Bottom - contentHeight / 2 - s.Height / 2)); }, container.CollapsedContent.ToString());
                    containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft, buttonTop + 4), new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop));
                    containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop), new Point(buttonLeft + 8, buttonTop + 4));

            if (container.Content != null)
                ExportContent(container, bounds, container.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return(new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, bounds.Top + headerHeight / 2 - s.Height / 2)); });
 /// <summary>
 /// Shrinks matrix by number of columns (from the start / from the end.)
 /// </summary>
 public virtual Matrix ShrinkColumns(int colsToShrink, MatrixPosition pos)
     int[] cols = null;
     if (pos == MatrixPosition.Start)
         cols = Enumerable.Range(0, colsToShrink).ToArray();
         cols = Enumerable.Range(this.ColumnCount - colsToShrink, colsToShrink).ToArray();
     return(new Matrix(MatrixFunctions.RemoveColumns(this.InnerMatrix, cols)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Shrinks matrix by number of rows (from the start / from the end.)
 /// </summary>
 public virtual Matrix ShrinkRows(int rowsToShrink, MatrixPosition pos)
     int[] rows = null;
     if (pos == MatrixPosition.Start)
         rows = Enumerable.Range(0, rowsToShrink).ToArray();
         rows = Enumerable.Range(this.RowCount - rowsToShrink, rowsToShrink).ToArray();
     return(new Matrix(MatrixFunctions.RemoveRows(this.InnerMatrix, rows)));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static void ExportShape(RadDiagramShape shape, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page)
            var bounds = new Rect(shape.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, shape.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, shape.Bounds.Width, shape.Bounds.Height);

            var pathGeometry   = shape.Geometry as PathGeometry;
            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();

#if WPF
            if (pathGeometry == null)
                var streamGeometry = shape.Geometry as StreamGeometry;
                if (streamGeometry != null)
                    pathGeometry = streamGeometry.AsPathGeometry();

            var geometrySize = shape.Geometry.Bounds.ToSize();
            if (IsValidSize(geometrySize) && (geometrySize.Width != bounds.Width || geometrySize.Width != bounds.Width))
                transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform()
                    ScaleX = bounds.Width / geometrySize.Width, ScaleY = bounds.Height / geometrySize.Height
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform()
                Angle = shape.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y

            var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value);

            EditorInfo         info         = new EditorInfo(page, position, shape, bounds, shape.BorderBrush, shape.RotationAngle);
            FixedContentEditor editor       = CreateEditor(info, false);
            FixedContentEditor filledEditor = CreateEditor(info, true);

            ExportGeometry(editor, filledEditor, pathGeometry);

            if (shape.Content != null)
                var center = bounds.Center();
                ExportContent(shape, bounds, shape.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return(new Point(center.X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2)); });
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private async Task <Guid> UpgradeMatrixForUser(MatrixPosition adminPosition, AdminStructureSide adminStructure)
            MatrixPosition upgradedPosition;

            if (!_multiAccount.SponsorId.HasValue)
                throw new ValidationException("FATAL! User does not have sponsor");

            var userAccount = await _userAccountDataRepository.GetAsync(_multiAccount.UserAccountDataId);

            var userMultiAccountIds = userAccount.UserMultiAccounts.Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); // Need for cycles in the future

            var sponsorPositionOnUpgradedMatrix = await _matrixPositionHelper.GetPositionForAccountAtLevelAsync(_multiAccount.SponsorId.Value, _command.MatrixLevel);

            if (sponsorPositionOnUpgradedMatrix is null)
                upgradedPosition = await _matrixPositionHelper.FindTheNearestEmptyPositionFromGivenAccountWhereInParentsMatrixThereIsNoAnyMultiAccountAsync(
                    adminPosition.UserMultiAccountId.Value, userMultiAccountIds, _command.MatrixLevel, adminStructure);
                upgradedPosition = await _matrixPositionHelper.FindTheNearestEmptyPositionFromGivenAccountWhereInParentsMatrixThereIsNoAnyMultiAccountAsync(
                    _multiAccount.SponsorId.Value, userMultiAccountIds, _command.MatrixLevel);

            if (upgradedPosition is null)
                throw new ValidationException($"There is no empty space in the structure level - {_command.MatrixLevel} - where account can be assigned");

            await _matrixPositionRepository.UpdateAsync(upgradedPosition);

            _backgroundJobClient.Enqueue <MatrixPositionHasBeenUpgradedJob>(
                job => job.Execute(upgradedPosition.Id, null));

            _backgroundJobClient.Enqueue <InitWithdrawalJob>(
                job => job.Execute(new InitWithdrawalModel
                MatrixPositionId = upgradedPosition.Id,
                WithdrawalFor    = WithdrawalForHelper.UpgradedMatrix
            }, null));

        /// <summary>
        /// Expands matrix by the specified number of rows (at the start / at the end.)
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Matrix ExpandRows(int rows, MatrixPosition pos)
            if (rows < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(rows));

            double[,] newMatrix = new double[rows, this.ColumnCount];
            if (pos == MatrixPosition.Start)
                return(new Matrix(newMatrix).Concat(this, MatrixDirection.Vertical));
                return(Concat(newMatrix, MatrixDirection.Vertical));
        /// <summary>
        /// Expands matrix by the specified number of columns (at the start / at the end.)
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Matrix ExpandColumns(int cols, MatrixPosition pos)
            if (cols < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(cols));

            double[,] newMatrix = new double[this.RowCount, cols];

            if (pos == MatrixPosition.Start)
                return(new Matrix(newMatrix).Concat(this, MatrixDirection.Horizontal));
                return(Concat(newMatrix, MatrixDirection.Horizontal));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private async Task LeftRightValuesReindexation(MatrixPosition matrixPositionBought)
            await _context.Set <MatrixPosition>()
            .Where(x => x.Left > matrixPositionBought.Left)
            .Where(x => x.MatrixLevel == matrixPositionBought.MatrixLevel)
            .UpdateAsync(x => new MatrixPosition
                Left = x.Left + 4

            await _context.Set <MatrixPosition>()
            .Where(x => x.Right >= matrixPositionBought.Right)
            .Where(x => x.MatrixLevel == matrixPositionBought.MatrixLevel)
            .UpdateAsync(x => new MatrixPosition
                Right = x.Right + 4
        private static void ExploreMaze(MatrixPosition position)
            maze[position.Row, position.Col] = position.DistanceFromStartPosition.ToString();


            while (position.Unexplored.Count > 0)
                var next = position.Next;
                next.DistanceFromStartPosition = position.DistanceFromStartPosition + 1;


            if (unexploredPositions.Count > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private static void ExportTextShape(RadDiagramTextShape shape, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page)
            var bounds = new Rect(shape.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, shape.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, shape.Bounds.Width, shape.Bounds.Height);

            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = shape.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2 });
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y });

            var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value);

            FixedContentEditor containerEditor = CreateEditor(new EditorInfo(page, position, shape, bounds, shape.BorderBrush, shape.RotationAngle), true);
            containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(), bounds.ToSize()));

            if (shape.Content != null)
                var center = bounds.Center();
                ExportContent(shape, bounds, shape.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2); });
        async Task AndGivenCreatedDefaultAccountsAndMatricesInDatabase()
            var fakerGenerator = new FakerGenerator();

            var existingUserAccountData = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                                          .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var otherUser = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                            .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            _context.UserAccountsData.AddRange(existingUserAccountData, otherUser);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Multi accounts
            var otherMultiAccount = fakerGenerator.GetUserMultiAccountFakerGenerator()
                                    .RuleFor(x => x.Id, Guid.Parse("d4887060-fb76-429b-95db-113fef65d68d"))
                                    .RuleFor(x => x.UserAccountDataId, otherUser.Id)
                                    .RuleFor(x => x.IsMainAccount, true)

            var otherMultiAccount2 = fakerGenerator.GetUserMultiAccountFakerGenerator()
                                     .RuleFor(x => x.UserAccountDataId, otherUser.Id)

            var otherMultiAccount3 = fakerGenerator.GetUserMultiAccountFakerGenerator()
                                     .RuleFor(x => x.UserAccountDataId, otherUser.Id)

            var myMultiAccount = fakerGenerator.GetUserMultiAccountFakerGenerator()
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.Id, Guid.Parse("032d748c-9cef-4a5a-92bd-3fd9a4a0e499"))
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.UserAccountDataId, existingUserAccountData.Id)
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.SponsorId, otherMultiAccount.Id)
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.RefLink, null as string)
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.IsMainAccount, true)

            _context.UserMultiAccounts.AddRange(myMultiAccount, otherMultiAccount, otherMultiAccount2, otherMultiAccount3);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Payments
            var payment = fakerGenerator.GetPaymentHistoryFakerGenerator()
                          .RuleFor(x => x.PaymentFor, PaymentForHelper.MatrixLevelPositionsDictionary[0])
                          .RuleFor(x => x.Status, PaymentStatusHelper.Paid)
                          .RuleFor(x => x.OrderId, Guid.Parse("032d748c-9cef-4a5a-92bd-3fd9a4a0e499"))

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Matrices
            var topMatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount.Id,
                parentId: null,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 18

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var positionLineA1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount2.Id,
                parentId: topMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 11

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var positionLineA2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount2.Id,
                parentId: topMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 12,
                right: 17

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var positionLineB1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 4

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var positionLineB2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 5,
                right: 8

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var positionLineC1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 6,
                right: 7

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var positionLineC2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 8,
                right: 9

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var positionLineB3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 13,
                right: 14

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var positionLineB4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 15,
                right: 16

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 22
 void Start()
     matrixPos = GetComponent <MatrixPosition>();
     aStar     = GetComponent <AStar>();
     InvokeRepeating("RunAStar", 0f, 1f);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// updates the coordinates so that the provided position is included in the area
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pos"></param>
        public void IncludePosition(MatrixPosition pos)
            if (pos.Row < Top)
                Top = pos.Row;

            if (pos.Col < Left)
                Left = pos.Col;

            if (pos.Row > Bottom)
                Bottom = pos.Row;

            if (pos.Col > Right)
                Right = pos.Col;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        async Task AndGivenCreatedDefaultAccountsAndMatricesInDatabase()
            var fakerGenerator = new FakerGenerator();

            var adminUserAccountData1 = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.Role, UserRolesHelper.Admin)
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var adminUserAccountData2 = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.Role, UserRolesHelper.Admin)
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var adminUserAccountData3 = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.Role, UserRolesHelper.Admin)
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var adminUserAccountData4 = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.Role, UserRolesHelper.Admin)
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var rootUser = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                           .RuleFor(x => x.Role, UserRolesHelper.Root)
                           .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var sponsorUser = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                              .RuleFor(x => x.Role, UserRolesHelper.User)
                              .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var user1 = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                        .RuleFor(x => x.Role, UserRolesHelper.User)
                        .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var testUser = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                           .RuleFor(x => x.Role, UserRolesHelper.User)
                           .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            _context.UserAccountsData.AddRange(adminUserAccountData1, adminUserAccountData2, adminUserAccountData3, adminUserAccountData4, rootUser, sponsorUser, testUser, user1);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Multi accounts
            var rootMultiAccount1 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: rootUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName"


            var rootMultiAccount2 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: rootUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName2"


            var rootMultiAccount3 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: rootUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName3"


            var adminMultiAccount1 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: adminUserAccountData1.Id,
                sponsorId: rootMultiAccount2.Id,
                multiAccountName: "myMultiAccountName"


            var adminMultiAccount2 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: adminUserAccountData2.Id,
                sponsorId: rootMultiAccount2.Id,
                multiAccountName: "myMultiAccountName"


            var adminMultiAccount3 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: adminUserAccountData3.Id,
                sponsorId: rootMultiAccount3.Id,
                multiAccountName: "myMultiAccountName"


            var adminMultiAccount4 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: adminUserAccountData4.Id,
                sponsorId: rootMultiAccount3.Id,
                multiAccountName: "myMultiAccountName"


            var sponsorMultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: sponsorUser.Id,
                sponsorId: rootMultiAccount3.Id,
                multiAccountName: "sponsorMultiAccountName"


            var userMultiAccount1 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: user1.Id,
                sponsorId: adminMultiAccount4.Id,
                multiAccountName: "userMultiAccountName1"


            var testUserMultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: _userMultiAccountId,
                userAccountDataId: testUser.Id,
                sponsorId: sponsorMultiAccount.Id,
                multiAccountName: "testUserMultiAccountName"


            _context.UserMultiAccounts.AddRange(adminMultiAccount1, adminMultiAccount2, adminMultiAccount3, adminMultiAccount4, rootMultiAccount1, rootMultiAccount2, rootMultiAccount3, sponsorMultiAccount, userMultiAccount1, testUserMultiAccount);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Matrices
            // LVL 0
            var topMatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: rootMultiAccount1.Id,
                parentId: null,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 38


            var positionLineA1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: rootMultiAccount2.Id,
                parentId: topMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 15


            var positionLineA2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: rootMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: topMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 16,
                right: 37


            var positionLineB1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: adminMultiAccount1.Id, // TESTED
                parentId: positionLineA1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 8


            var positionLineB2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: adminMultiAccount2.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 14


            var positionLineB3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: adminMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 17,
                right: 22


            var positionLineB4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: adminMultiAccount4.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 23,
                right: 36


            var positionLineC1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 4,
                right: 5


            var positionLineC2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 6,
                right: 7


            var positionLineC3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 10,
                right: 11


            var positionLineC4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 12,
                right: 13


            var positionLineC5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB3.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 18,
                right: 19


            var positionLineC6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB3.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 20,
                right: 21


            var positionLineC7 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB4.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 24,
                right: 25


            var positionLineC8 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: sponsorMultiAccount.Id,
                parentId: positionLineB4.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 26,
                right: 35


            var positionLineD1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: userMultiAccount1.Id,
                parentId: positionLineC8.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 4,
                left: 27,
                right: 32


            var positionLineD2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineC8.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 4,
                left: 33,
                right: 34


            var positionLineE1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: testUserMultiAccount.Id,
                parentId: positionLineD1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 5,
                left: 28,
                right: 29


            var positionLineE2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineD1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 5,
                left: 30,
                right: 31


            // LVL 1
            var topMatrixPositionLvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: rootMultiAccount1.Id,
                parentId: null,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 34


            var positionLineA1Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: rootMultiAccount2.Id,
                parentId: topMatrixPositionLvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 15


            var positionLineA2Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: rootMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: topMatrixPositionLvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 16,
                right: 33


            var positionLineB1Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: adminMultiAccount2.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA1Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 8


            var positionLineB2Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: adminMultiAccount2.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA1Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 14


            var positionLineB3Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: adminMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA2Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 17,
                right: 26


            var positionLineB4Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: adminMultiAccount4.Id,
                parentId: positionLineA2Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 27,
                right: 32


            var positionLineC1Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB1Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 4,
                right: 5


            var positionLineC2Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB1Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 6,
                right: 7


            var positionLineC3Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB2Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 10,
                right: 11


            var positionLineC4Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB2Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 12,
                right: 13


            var positionLineC5Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB3Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 18,
                right: 19


            var positionLineC6Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: userMultiAccount1.Id,
                parentId: positionLineB3Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 20,
                right: 25


            var positionLineC7Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB4Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 28,
                right: 29


            var positionLineC8Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineB4Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 30,
                right: 31


            var positionLineD1Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineC6Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 4,
                left: 21,
                right: 22


            var positionLineD2Lvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: positionLineC6Lvl1.Id,
                matrixLevel: 1,
                depthLevel: 4,
                left: 23,
                right: 24

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Payments
            var paymentHistory = fakerGenerator.GetPaymentHistoryFakerGenerator()
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.OrderId, _userMultiAccountId)
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.AmountToPay, 10M)
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.PaidAmount, 10M)
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.Status, PaymentStatusHelper.Completed)
                                 .RuleFor(x => x.PaymentFor, PaymentForHelper.MatrixLevelPositionsDictionary[1])

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
        private static int MarkPossibleDirections(MatrixPosition matrixPosition)
            int rowsLength = maze.GetLength(0),
                colsLength = maze.GetLength(1);

            MatrixPosition[] allPositions =
                new MatrixPosition(matrixPosition.Row - 1, matrixPosition.Col),
                new MatrixPosition(matrixPosition.Row, matrixPosition.Col + 1),
                new MatrixPosition(matrixPosition.Row + 1, matrixPosition.Col),
                new MatrixPosition(matrixPosition.Row, matrixPosition.Col - 1)

            int unexploredCount = 0;
            foreach (var position in allPositions)
                if (position.IsWithinRange(rowsLength, colsLength))
                    if (maze[position.Row, position.Col].Equals("0", StringComparison.Ordinal))

            return unexploredCount;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private async Task <IEnumerable <MatrixPosition> > GetMatrixPositionWhereGivenPositionIsInLineBAsync(MatrixPosition matrixPosition, int matrixLevel = 0)
            var parentPosition = await GetTopParentAsync(matrixPosition, matrixLevel);

            var parentsMatrix = await _matrixPositionRepository.GetMatrixAsync(parentPosition, matrixLevel);

Ejemplo n.º 27
        async Task AndGivenCreatedDefaultAccountsAndMatricesInDatabase()
            var fakerGenerator = new FakerGenerator();

            var myUserAccountData = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                                    .RuleFor(x => x.Id, Guid.Parse("042d748c-9cef-4a5a-92bd-3fd9a4a0e499"))
                                    .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var otherUser = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                            .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            _context.UserAccountsData.AddRange(myUserAccountData, otherUser);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Multi accounts
            var otherMultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: otherUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName"


            var otherMultiAccount2 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: otherUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName2"


            var otherMultiAccount3 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: otherUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName3"


            var otherMultiAccount4 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: otherUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName4"


            var otherMultiAccount5 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: otherUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName5"


            var otherMultiAccount6 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: otherUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName6"


            var otherMultiAccount7 = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: otherUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName7"


            var myMultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: myUserAccountData.Id,
                sponsorId: otherMultiAccount.Id,
                multiAccountName: "myMultiAccountName"


            _context.UserMultiAccounts.AddRange(otherMultiAccount, otherMultiAccount2, otherMultiAccount3, otherMultiAccount4, otherMultiAccount5, otherMultiAccount6, otherMultiAccount7, myMultiAccount);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Matrices
            var rootMatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount.Id,
                parentId: null,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 20

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount2.Id,
                parentId: rootMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 11

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount4.Id,
                parentId: otherMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 8

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: otherMatrixPosition2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 4,
                right: 5

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: myMultiAccount.Id,
                parentId: otherMatrixPosition2.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 6,
                right: 7

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount5.Id,
                parentId: otherMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 10

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount3.Id,
                parentId: rootMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 12,
                right: 19

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition7 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount6.Id,
                parentId: otherMatrixPosition6.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 13,
                right: 14

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition8 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount7.Id,
                parentId: otherMatrixPosition6.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 15,
                right: 18

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var otherMatrixPosition9 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: otherMatrixPosition8.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 16,
                right: 17

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 28
 // find the best path with the AStar
 public Path GeneratePath(MatrixPosition start, MatrixPosition end)
     var pathes = new List<Path>();
     var startVertex = vertices[start.x, start.z, start.k];
     var first = new Path {frontier = startVertex};
     return Find(pathes, end);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 private Path Find(List<Path> pathes, MatrixPosition end)
     // find the path with cheaper frontier
     var orderedPathes = pathes.OrderBy(p => p.Cost(end.x, end.z));
     var current = orderedPathes.First();
     if (current.frontier.position.x == end.x && current.frontier.position.z == end.z)
         return current;
     // explore current frontier
     foreach (var v in current.frontier.Output)
         if (!CheckVertexExplored(v.To, pathes))
             var newPath = new Path { actions = new List<Edge>(current.actions) { v }, frontier = v.To };
     // remove current, it is not needed more
     return Find(pathes, end);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public async Task <AdminStructureSide> GetAdminStructureSide(Guid userMultiAccountId, int matrixLevel, MatrixPosition admin = null)
            var position = await GetPositionForAccountAtLevelAsync(userMultiAccountId, matrixLevel);

            if (position is null)
                throw new ValidationException($"There is no user multi account position - {userMultiAccountId} - in matrix lvl: {matrixLevel}");

            if (admin is null)
                admin = await FindHighestAdminPositionAsync(userMultiAccountId, matrixLevel);

            var underAdmin = await _context.Set <MatrixPosition>()
                             .Where(x => x.Left <= position.Left)
                             .Where(x => x.Right >= position.Right)
                             .Where(x => x.MatrixLevel == matrixLevel)
                             .Where(x => x.DepthLevel == 3) // Position under admin

            if (underAdmin.Left - 1 == admin.Left)

Ejemplo n.º 31
 public Task UpdateAsync(MatrixPosition matrixPosition)
     _context.Set <MatrixPosition>().Attach(matrixPosition);
Ejemplo n.º 32
        private static void ExportShape(RadDiagramShape shape, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page)
            var bounds = new Rect(shape.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, shape.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, shape.Bounds.Width, shape.Bounds.Height);

            var pathGeometry = shape.Geometry as PathGeometry;
            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();
#if WPF
            if (pathGeometry == null)
                var streamGeometry = shape.Geometry as StreamGeometry;
                if (streamGeometry != null)
                    pathGeometry = streamGeometry.AsPathGeometry();

            var geometrySize = shape.Geometry.Bounds.ToSize();
            if (IsValidSize(geometrySize) && (geometrySize.Width != bounds.Width || geometrySize.Width != bounds.Width))
                transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform() { ScaleX = bounds.Width / geometrySize.Width, ScaleY = bounds.Height / geometrySize.Height });
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = shape.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2 });
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y });

            var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value);

            EditorInfo info = new EditorInfo(page, position, shape, bounds, shape.BorderBrush, shape.RotationAngle);
            FixedContentEditor editor = CreateEditor(info, false);
            FixedContentEditor filledEditor = CreateEditor(info, true);

            ExportGeometry(editor, filledEditor, pathGeometry);

            if (shape.Content != null)
                var center = bounds.Center();
                ExportContent(shape, bounds, shape.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return new Point(center.X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2); });
Ejemplo n.º 33
        private static void ExportContainerShape(RadDiagramContainerShape container, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page)
            var bounds = new Rect(container.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, container.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, container.Bounds.Width, container.Bounds.Height);

            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = container.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2 });
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y });

            var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value);

            FixedContentEditor containerEditor = CreateEditor(new EditorInfo(page, position, container, bounds, container.BorderBrush, container.RotationAngle), true);
            containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(), bounds.ToSize()));

            containerEditor.GraphicProperties.StrokeThickness = 0.5;
            var headerHeight = container.ContentBounds.Y - container.Bounds.Y - DiagramConstants.ContainerMargin;
            containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(0, headerHeight), new Size(bounds.Width, 0.5)));

            if (container.IsCollapsible)
                var buttonTop = headerHeight / 2 - 2.5;
                var buttonLeft = bounds.Width - 20;
                if (container.IsCollapsed)
                    containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft, buttonTop), new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop + 4));
                    containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop + 4), new Point(buttonLeft + 8, buttonTop));
                    if (container.CollapsedContent != null)
                        var contentHeight = container.ActualHeight - headerHeight;
                        ExportContent(container, bounds, container.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, bounds.Bottom - contentHeight / 2 - s.Height / 2); }, container.CollapsedContent.ToString());
                    containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft, buttonTop + 4), new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop));
                    containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop), new Point(buttonLeft + 8, buttonTop + 4));

            if (container.Content != null)
                ExportContent(container, bounds, container.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, bounds.Top + headerHeight / 2 - s.Height / 2); });
Ejemplo n.º 34
 public void SetSelection(MatrixPosition position)
     SetSelection(position.line, position.channel, position.dataColumn, false);
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public void SeedField(IList <string> inputMatrix, string firstNinjaName, string secondNinjaName)
            for (int i = 0; i < inputMatrix.Count; i++)
                List <IGameObject> currentRow = new List <IGameObject>();

                string currentInputRow = inputMatrix[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < currentInputRow.Length; j++)
                    char currentElement = currentInputRow[j];

                    IVegetable      newVegetable   = null;
                    IBlankSpace     newBlanckSpace = null;
                    INinja          newNinja       = null;
                    IMatrixPosition position       = new MatrixPosition(i, j);

                    switch (currentElement)
                    case 'A':
                        newVegetable = new Asparagus(position);

                    case 'B':
                        newVegetable = new Broccoli(position);

                    case 'C':
                        newVegetable = new CherryBerry(position);

                    case 'M':
                        newVegetable = new Mushroom(position);

                    case 'R':
                        newVegetable = new Royal(position);

                    case '*':
                        newVegetable = new MeloLemonMelon(position);

                    case '-':
                        newBlanckSpace = new BlankSpace(position, -1, VegetableType.Blank);

                    if (currentElement.Equals(firstNinjaName[0]))
                        newNinja = new Ninja(position, firstNinjaName);

                    if (currentElement.Equals(secondNinjaName[0]))
                        newNinja = new Ninja(position, secondNinjaName);

                    if (newVegetable != null)

                    if (newNinja != null)

                    if (newBlanckSpace != null)

Ejemplo n.º 36
        public static void Seed(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            var root = new UserAccountData
                login: "******",
                email: "*****@*****.**",
                firstName: "FirstNameRoot",
                lastName: "LastNameRoot",
                street: "StreetRoot",
                city: "CityRoot",
                zipCode: "ZipCodeRoot",
                country: "CountryRoot",
                btcWalletAddress: "BtcWalletAddressRoot",
                role: UserRolesHelper.Root
            var hashSaltForRoot = Security.PasswordUtilities.PasswordEncryptionUtilities.GenerateSaltedHash("test$123");

            root.SetPassword(hashSaltForRoot.Salt, hashSaltForRoot.Hash);

            var admin = new UserAccountData
                login: "******",
                email: "*****@*****.**",
                firstName: "FirstNameAdmin",
                lastName: "LastNameAdmin",
                street: "StreetAdmin",
                city: "CityAdmin",
                zipCode: "ZipCodeAdmin",
                country: "CountryAdmin",
                btcWalletAddress: "BtcWalletAddressAdmin",
                role: UserRolesHelper.Admin
            var hashSaltForAdmin = Security.PasswordUtilities.PasswordEncryptionUtilities.GenerateSaltedHash("test$123");

            admin.SetPassword(hashSaltForAdmin.Salt, hashSaltForAdmin.Hash);

            modelBuilder.Entity <UserAccountData>().HasData(root, admin);

            var root1MultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: root.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "root-001"


            var root2MultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: root.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "root-002"

            var root3MultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: root.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "root-003"

            var admin1MultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: admin.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "admin-001"


            var admin2MultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: admin.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "admin-002"


            var admin3MultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: admin.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "admin-003"


            var admin4MultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: admin.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "admin-004"


            modelBuilder.Entity <UserMultiAccount>().HasData(
                root1MultiAccount, root2MultiAccount, root3MultiAccount,
                admin1MultiAccount, admin2MultiAccount, admin3MultiAccount, admin4MultiAccount);

            #region Seed Matrix Level 0
            var root1MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                // root-001
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: null,
                userMultiAccountId: root1MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 30
            var root2MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                // root-002
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: root1MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root2MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 15
            var root3MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                // root-003
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: root1MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root3MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 16,
                right: 29
            var admin1MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                // admin-001
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: root2MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: admin1MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 8
            var admin2MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: root2MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: admin2MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 14
            var admin3MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: root3MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: admin3MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 17,
                right: 22
            var admin4MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: root3MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: admin4MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 23,
                right: 28
            var empty1MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: admin1MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 4,
                right: 5
            var empty2MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: admin1MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 6,
                right: 7
            var empty3MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: admin2MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 10,
                right: 11
            var empty4MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: admin2MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 12,
                right: 13
            var empty5MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: admin3MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 18,
                right: 19
            var empty6MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: admin3MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 20,
                right: 21
            var empty7MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: admin4MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 24,
                right: 25
            var empty8MatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 0,
                parentId: admin4MatrixPosition.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 3,
                left: 26,
                right: 27

            modelBuilder.Entity <MatrixPosition>().HasData(
            #region Seed Matrix Level 1
            var root1MatrixPositionLvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                // root-001
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 1,
                parentId: null,
                userMultiAccountId: root1MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 14
            var root2MatrixPositionLvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                // root-002
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 1,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl1.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root2MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 7
            var root3MatrixPositionLvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                // root-003
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 1,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl1.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root3MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 8,
                right: 13
            var empty1MatrixPositionLvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 1,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl1.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 4
            var empty2MatrixPositionLvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 1,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl1.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 5,
                right: 6
            var empty3MatrixPositionLvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 1,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl1.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 10
            var empty4MatrixPositionLvl1 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 1,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl1.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 11,
                right: 12

            modelBuilder.Entity <MatrixPosition>().HasData(
            #region Seed Matrix Level 2
            var root1MatrixPositionLvl2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 2,
                parentId: null,
                userMultiAccountId: root1MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 14
            var root2MatrixPositionLvl2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 2,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl2.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root2MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 7
            var root3MatrixPositionLvl2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 2,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl2.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root3MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 8,
                right: 13
            var empty1MatrixPositionLvl2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 2,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl2.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 4
            var empty2MatrixPositionLvl2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 2,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl2.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 5,
                right: 6
            var empty3MatrixPositionLvl2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 2,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl2.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 10
            var empty4MatrixPositionLvl2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 2,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl2.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 11,
                right: 12

            modelBuilder.Entity <MatrixPosition>().HasData(
            #region Seed Matrix Level 3
            var root1MatrixPositionLvl3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 3,
                parentId: null,
                userMultiAccountId: root1MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 14
            var root2MatrixPositionLvl3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 3,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl3.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root2MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 7
            var root3MatrixPositionLvl3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 3,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl3.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root3MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 8,
                right: 13
            var empty1MatrixPositionLvl3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 3,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl3.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 4
            var empty2MatrixPositionLvl3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 3,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl3.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 5,
                right: 6
            var empty3MatrixPositionLvl3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 3,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl3.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 10
            var empty4MatrixPositionLvl3 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 3,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl3.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 11,
                right: 12

            modelBuilder.Entity <MatrixPosition>().HasData(
            #region Seed Matrix Level 4
            var root1MatrixPositionLvl4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 4,
                parentId: null,
                userMultiAccountId: root1MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 14
            var root2MatrixPositionLvl4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 4,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl4.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root2MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 7
            var root3MatrixPositionLvl4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 4,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl4.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root3MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 8,
                right: 13
            var empty1MatrixPositionLvl4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 4,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl4.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 4
            var empty2MatrixPositionLvl4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 4,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl4.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 5,
                right: 6
            var empty3MatrixPositionLvl4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 4,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl4.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 10
            var empty4MatrixPositionLvl4 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 4,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl4.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 11,
                right: 12

            modelBuilder.Entity <MatrixPosition>().HasData(
            #region Seed Matrix Level 5
            var root1MatrixPositionLvl5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 5,
                parentId: null,
                userMultiAccountId: root1MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 14
            var root2MatrixPositionLvl5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 5,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl5.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root2MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 7
            var root3MatrixPositionLvl5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 5,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl5.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root3MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 8,
                right: 13
            var empty1MatrixPositionLvl5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 5,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl5.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 4
            var empty2MatrixPositionLvl5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 5,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl5.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 5,
                right: 6
            var empty3MatrixPositionLvl5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 5,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl5.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 10
            var empty4MatrixPositionLvl5 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 5,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl5.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 11,
                right: 12

            modelBuilder.Entity <MatrixPosition>().HasData(
            #region Seed Matrix Level 6
            var root1MatrixPositionLvl6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 6,
                parentId: null,
                userMultiAccountId: root1MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 14
            var root2MatrixPositionLvl6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 6,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl6.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root2MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 2,
                right: 7
            var root3MatrixPositionLvl6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 6,
                parentId: root1MatrixPositionLvl6.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: root3MultiAccount.Id,
                depthLevel: 1,
                left: 8,
                right: 13
            var empty1MatrixPositionLvl6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 6,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl6.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 3,
                right: 4
            var empty2MatrixPositionLvl6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 6,
                parentId: root2MatrixPositionLvl6.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 5,
                right: 6
            var empty3MatrixPositionLvl6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 6,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl6.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 9,
                right: 10
            var empty4MatrixPositionLvl6 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                matrixLevel: 6,
                parentId: root3MatrixPositionLvl6.Id,
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                depthLevel: 2,
                left: 11,
                right: 12

            modelBuilder.Entity <MatrixPosition>().HasData(
Ejemplo n.º 37
        private static void ExportConnection(RadDiagramConnection connection, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page)
            var bounds = new Rect(connection.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, connection.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, connection.Bounds.Width, connection.Bounds.Height);

            var pathGeometry = connection.Geometry as PathGeometry;
            var pathBounds = connection.ConnectionType == ConnectionType.Bezier ? pathGeometry.Bounds : new Rect();

            var transformGroup = new TransformGroup();
            transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X - pathBounds.X, Y = bounds.Y - pathBounds.Y });
            var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value);

            EditorInfo info = new EditorInfo(page, position, connection, bounds, connection.Stroke, 0);
            FixedContentEditor editor = CreateEditor(info, false);
            FixedContentEditor filledEditor = CreateEditor(info, true);

            ExportGeometry(editor, filledEditor, pathGeometry, true);

            if (connection.Content != null)
                var center = bounds.Center();
                ExportContent(connection, bounds, 0, page, (s) => { return new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2); });
Ejemplo n.º 38
        private async Task CreateUserAndMultiAccountAndMatrixPositionsInDatabase()
            var fakerGenerator = new FakerGenerator();

            var existingUserAccountData = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                                          .RuleFor(x => x.Id, f => Guid.Parse("042d748c-9cef-4a5a-92bd-3fd9a4a0e499"))
                                          .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            var otherUser = fakerGenerator.GetUserAccountDataFakerGenerator()
                            .RuleFor(x => x.IsMembershipFeePaid, true)

            _context.UserAccountsData.AddRange(existingUserAccountData, otherUser);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var myMultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: existingUserAccountData.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "myMultiAccountName"


            var otherMultiAccount = new UserMultiAccount
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userAccountDataId: otherUser.Id,
                sponsorId: null,
                multiAccountName: "otherMultiAccountName"


            _context.UserMultiAccounts.AddRange(myMultiAccount, otherMultiAccount);
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Matrices
            var myMatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: myMultiAccount.Id,
                parentId: null,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 0,
                left: 1,
                right: 6


            var otherMatrixPosition = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: otherMultiAccount.Id,
                parentId: myMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 2, // Level 2 (Line B of the main account so it's ok)
                left: 2,
                right: 5


            var otherMatrixPosition2 = new MatrixPosition
                id: Guid.NewGuid(),
                userMultiAccountId: null,
                parentId: otherMatrixPosition.Id,
                matrixLevel: 0,
                depthLevel: 3, // Line C
                left: 3,
                right: 4

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 39
 internal SamplingPoint(MatrixPosition position, int radius)
     this.Position = position;
     this.Radius   = radius;