public void SetOffsetMatrix(Matrix4x4 offsetMatrix)
            var temp = offsetMatrix;

            offsetTranslate = offsetMatrix.GetColumn(3);
            offsetRotation = MatrixIO.QuaternionFromMatrix(temp);
        private void Update()
            var ip        = trackerIp;
            var cstMatrix = cstTransformMatrix;
            var cstScale  = cstScaleFactor;

            if (ipFromBoss || cstFromBoss) // If boss is in use
                var boss = GetTrackerBoss();
                if (boss == null)
                    // No boss in scene so avoid checking every frame
                    enabled = false;
                    throw new System.Exception("TrackerTransform set to derive from TrackerBoss, but no TrackerBoss in scene. TrackerTransform will be disabled.");
                if (ipFromBoss)
                    ip = boss.trackerIp;
                if (cstFromBoss)
                    cstMatrix = boss.CstTransformMatrix;
                    cstScale  = boss.CstScaleFactor;

            // Get tracker pose from VRPN.
            var vrpnRot = VRPN_Handler.vrpnTrackerQuat(trackerId + "@" + ip, 0);
            var vrpnPos = VRPN_Handler.vrpnTrackerPos(trackerId + "@" + ip, 0);
            // Convert from right to left handed coordinate base.
            Quaternion lhRot = LHQuatFromRHQuat(vrpnRot, axis);
            Vector3    lhPos = LHVectorFromRHVector(vrpnPos, axis);
            // Multiply by the CST matrix to transform from tracker worldspace to app worldspace.
            var cstRot = MatrixIO.QuaternionFromMatrix(cstMatrix) * lhRot;
            var cstPos = cstMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(lhPos);

            cstPos *= cstScale;
            // Apply offset matrix.
            var trackerTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(cstPos, cstRot,;

            trackerTransform = trackerTransform * Matrix4x4.TRS(offsetTranslate, offsetRotation,;
            // Decompose and apply to GameObject transform.
            transform.position = trackerTransform.GetColumn(3);
            transform.rotation = MatrixIO.QuaternionFromMatrix(trackerTransform);