Ejemplo n.º 1
 void SetupFloor(int x, int z)
     squares = new MatrixFloorSquare[x, z];
     sizeX   = x;
     sizeZ   = z;
     for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < z; j++)
             GameObject q   = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Quad);
             Quaternion rot = new Quaternion();
             rot.eulerAngles        = new Vector3(90, transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, 0);
             q.transform.rotation   = rot;
             q.transform.localScale = gridScale * Vector3.one * 0.95f;                                                                              //gaps
             q.transform.position   = transform.position + transform.right * i * gridScale + Vector3.up * .03f + transform.forward * j * gridScale; // new Vector3(i*gridScale,0.3f,j*gridScale);
             MatrixFloorSquare mfs = q.AddComponent <MatrixFloorSquare>();
             mfs.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = Utils.FadeMaterial();
             squares[i, j]      = mfs;
             mfs.positionX      = i;
             mfs.positionZ      = j;
             q.transform.parent = transform;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    MatrixFloorSquare PlayerOverPanel()
        // PlayerOverPanel only checks if MatrixFloorSeed is equipped.
        checkTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
        if (checkTimer < 0)
            cachedOver = null;
            checkTimer = interval;
//			Vector3 offset = Player.inst.transform.forward * gridScale/.707f;
            float dist = Mathf.Infinity;
//			float diff = 0;
            MatrixFloorSquare closest = null;
            foreach (MatrixFloorSquare mfs in squares)
                float diff = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(mfs.transform.position - Player.inst.transform.position);
                if (diff < dist)
                    dist    = diff;
                    closest = mfs;
//					Debug.Log("diff less dist:"+diff);
            float maxPlayerDistSqrd = 200f;
            if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(closest.transform.position - Player.inst.transform.position) > maxPlayerDistSqrd)
//				Debug.Log("closest too far");
                closest = null;
            cachedOver = closest;

//			Vector3 offset = Vector3.zero;
//			foreach(RaycastHit hit in Physics.SphereCastAll(Player.inst.transform.position+offset,0.5f,Vector3.down)){
//				MatrixFloorSquare mfs = hit.collider.GetComponent<MatrixFloorSquare>();
//				if (mfs){
//					cachedOver = mfs;
//					return mfs;
//				}
//			}
Ejemplo n.º 3
    float colorTransitionSpeed = 5.5f;               // how fast do panels change
//	float getPanelsTimer = 0;
    public List <MatrixFloorSquare> GetPanels(MatrixFloorSeed seed)
//		getPanelsTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
//		if (getPanelsTimer > 0) return new List<MatrixFloorSquare>();
//		getPanelsTimer = 0;
        // Which of the 4 corners is the player closest to?
        // How far (x,z) is the player away from that corner?


        hiTimer = 0.1f;
        // first, player should be on top of a panel.

        MatrixFloorSquare playerPanel = PlayerOverPanel();

        // Note that getpanels is only called if PlayerActivePanel
        // and PlayerActivePanel only checks if MatrixFloorSeed is equipped.
        if (playerPanel)
            if ((seed.sizeX > sizeX && seed.sizeX > sizeZ) || (seed.sizeZ > sizeX && seed.sizeZ > sizeZ))
                // seed was too big for any orientation
                PlayerNowMessage.inst.Display("That seed (" + seed.sizeX + "," + seed.sizeZ + ") is too big for this farm (" + sizeX + "," + sizeZ + ").", Player.inst.transform.position);
                for (int i = 0; i < sizeX; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < sizeZ; j++)
                        squares[i, j].blinking = true;
//				getPanelsTimer = 5f;
                return(new List <MatrixFloorSquare>());

            seedSizeMatchesFloorSquares = true;
            // which way was player facing?
            Vector3 xDir            = squares[1, 0].transform.position - squares[0, 0].transform.position;
            Vector3 zDir            = squares[0, 1].transform.position - squares[0, 0].transform.position;
            float   playerRotationY = Player.inst.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
//			Debug.Log("roty:"+playerRotationY+", A xdir:"+Vector3.Angle(Player.inst.transform.forward,xDir)+",AzDir:"+Vector3.Angle(Player.inst.transform.forward, zDir));
            PlayerGridDirection playerDir = PlayerGridDirection.X;
            if (Vector3.Angle(Player.inst.transform.forward, xDir) < 45)
                playerDir = PlayerGridDirection.X;
            else if (Vector3.Angle(Player.inst.transform.forward, zDir) < 45)
                playerDir = PlayerGridDirection.Z;
            else if (Vector3.Angle(Player.inst.transform.forward, -xDir) < 45)
                playerDir = PlayerGridDirection.x;
            else if (Vector3.Angle(Player.inst.transform.forward, -zDir) < 45)
                playerDir = PlayerGridDirection.z;

            int startX   = 0;           // should be beteween 0 and sizeX - seedSizeX or seedSizeZ, depending on where player is.
            int startZ   = 0;
            int curSizeX = 0;
            int curSizeZ = 0;

            switch (playerDir)
            case PlayerGridDirection.X:
//				Debug.Log("pos X");
                // Player forward (Z) was parallel with X axis, so flip x and z for the seed.
                // starting X should be playerPanel.x (closest panel to player)
                // starting Z should be playerpanel.z MINUS half of the seed X.
                startX   = Mathf.Min(sizeX - seed.sizeZ, playerPanel.positionX);
                startZ   = Mathf.Min(sizeZ - seed.sizeX, Mathf.Max(0, playerPanel.positionZ - Mathf.RoundToInt(seed.sizeX / 2)));
                curSizeX = seed.sizeZ;
                curSizeZ = seed.sizeX;

            case PlayerGridDirection.Z:
//				Debug.Log("pos Z");
                // Player forward (Z) was parallel with Z axis, the "normal" case.
                // starting X should be playerpanel.x MINUS half of the seed X.
                // starting Z should be playerPanel.z (closest panel to player)
                startX   = Mathf.Min(sizeX - seed.sizeX, Mathf.Max(0, playerPanel.positionX - Mathf.RoundToInt(seed.sizeX / 2)));
                startZ   = Mathf.Min(sizeZ - seed.sizeZ, playerPanel.positionZ);
                curSizeX = seed.sizeX;
                curSizeZ = seed.sizeZ;

            case PlayerGridDirection.x:
//				Debug.Log("neg x");
                // Player forward (Z) was parallel with negative X axis.
                // starting X should be sizeX - seedsizeX.
                // starting Z should be playerpanel.z MINUS half of the seed X.
                startX   = Mathf.Min(sizeX - seed.sizeZ, Mathf.Max(0, sizeX - seed.sizeZ + 1 - (sizeX - playerPanel.positionX)));
                startZ   = Mathf.Min(sizeZ - seed.sizeX, Mathf.Max(0, playerPanel.positionZ - Mathf.RoundToInt(seed.sizeX / 2)));
                curSizeX = seed.sizeZ;
                curSizeZ = seed.sizeX;

            case PlayerGridDirection.z:
//				Debug.Log("neg z");
                // Player forward (Z) was parallel with negative Z axis.
                // starting X should be sizeX - seedsizeX.
                // starting Z should be playerpanel.z MINUS half of the seed X.
                startX   = Mathf.Min(sizeX - seed.sizeX, Mathf.Max(0, playerPanel.positionX - Mathf.RoundToInt(seed.sizeX / 2)));
                startZ   = Mathf.Max(0, sizeZ - seed.sizeZ + 1 - (sizeZ - playerPanel.positionZ));
                curSizeX = seed.sizeX;
                curSizeZ = seed.sizeZ;

//			Debug.Log("player dir;"+playerDir.ToString());

//			int playerY = Mathf.RoundToInt((Player.inst.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y%360)/90f)*90; // 0, 90

            // Given that player is closest to X axis of grid
            // playersquare will be z = 0, x = [0,sizex]
            // so, we want the seed to start with X = playersquare.x - (int)seedsizex/2, and Z = 0

            // Given that player is closest to Z axis of grid
            // playersquare will be x = 0, z = [0,sizeZ]
            // so, we want the seed to start with X = 0, Z = playersquare.z - int(seedsizex/2), and flip x and z

            // Given that player is closest to TOP x axis of grid
            // playersquare will be x = sizeX, z = [0,sizeZ]
            // so, we want the seed to start with X = 0, Z = playersquare.z - int(seedsizex/2), and flip x and z

//			Debug.Log("startx:"+ startX +",startz:"+startZ+", xz;"+curSizeX+","+curSizeZ);
            for (int i = 0; i < curSizeX; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < curSizeZ; j++)
                    int x = startX + i;
                    int z = startZ + j;
                    if (x < sizeX && z < sizeZ)                      // inside my bounds?
                        squares[x, z].blinking = false;

                        hiSquares.Add(squares[x, z]);
                        if (squares[x, z].planted == true)                         // fail because one plot is already planted
                            seedSizeMatchesFloorSquares = false;
                    else                         // fail out of range
//						Debug.Log("out of range;"+x+","+z);
                        seedSizeMatchesFloorSquares = false;
        foreach (MatrixFloorSquare sq in squares)
            if (!sq.planted && !hiSquares.Contains(sq))
                sq.targetColor = floorColor;
                sq.blinking    = false;
        foreach (MatrixFloorSquare mf in hiSquares)
            if (!seedSizeMatchesFloorSquares)
                if (!mf.planted)
                    mf.blinking = true;
                mf.targetColor = seed.seedColor;
        if (hiSquares.Count == 0)
            seedSizeMatchesFloorSquares = false;
        if (seedSizeMatchesFloorSquares)
            PlayerNowMessage.inst.Display("Click to plant the seed here.", Player.inst.transform.position);