public void CreateVoronoiCells()     //This appears to be fine

        for (int j = 0; j < MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList.Count; ++j)                                                       //For all systems
            VoronoiCellVertices newCell = new VoronoiCellVertices();                                                                        //Create new voronoi cell

            Vector3 voronoiCentre = MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList[j].systemObject.transform.position;                       //Centre of voronoi cell is the current system location

            for (int i = 0; i < MasterScript.triangulation.triangles.Count; ++i)                                                            //For all triangles
                if (MasterScript.triangulation.triangles[i].points.Contains(MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList[j].systemObject)) //If the triangle has the current system as one of it's vertices
                    Vector3 systemA = MasterScript.triangulation.triangles[i].points[0].transform.position;                                 //System A equals this system
                    Vector3 systemB = MasterScript.triangulation.triangles[i].points[1].transform.position;                                 //System B is another point in the triangle
                    Vector3 systemC = MasterScript.triangulation.triangles[i].points[2].transform.position;                                 //System C is the final point in the triangle

                    Vector3 lineAB = MathsFunctions.PerpendicularLineEquation(systemA, systemB);                                            //Get the line equations of the line perpendicular to the midpoint between two points
                    Vector3 lineBC = MathsFunctions.PerpendicularLineEquation(systemB, systemC);

                    Vector3 voronoiVertex = MathsFunctions.IntersectionOfTwoLines(lineAB, lineBC); //One of the voronoi vertices is the circumcentre of the triangle

                    float angle = MathsFunctions.RotationOfLine(voronoiVertex, voronoiCentre);     //Get the angle of the vertex relative to the centre of the voronoi cell

                    newCell.vertexAngles.Add(angle);                                               //Add the angle to the cells angle list (this is to sort the vertices clockwise)
                    newCell.vertices.Add(voronoiVertex);                                           //Add the vertex to the cells vertex list

            voronoiVertices.Add(newCell);              //Add the cell to the list of cells

        for (int i = 0; i < voronoiVertices.Count; ++i)                     //For all voronoi cells
            for (int j = voronoiVertices[i].vertexAngles.Count; j > 0; --j) //For all vertices in the cell
                bool swapsMade = false;

                for (int k = 1; k < j; ++k)                                                          //While k is less than j (anything above current j value is sorted)
                    if (voronoiVertices[i].vertexAngles[k] < voronoiVertices[i].vertexAngles[k - 1]) //Sort smallest to largest
                        float   tempAng = voronoiVertices[i].vertexAngles[k];
                        Vector3 tempPos = voronoiVertices[i].vertices[k];
                        voronoiVertices[i].vertexAngles[k]     = voronoiVertices[i].vertexAngles[k - 1];
                        voronoiVertices[i].vertices[k]         = voronoiVertices[i].vertices[k - 1];
                        voronoiVertices[i].vertexAngles[k - 1] = tempAng;
                        voronoiVertices[i].vertices[k - 1]     = tempPos;
                        swapsMade = true;

                if (swapsMade == false)        //If no swaps made, list must have been sorted
                    break;                     //So break

            for (int j = 1; j < voronoiVertices[i].vertices.Count; ++j)                   //For all the vertices
                if (voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j] == voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j - 1]) //If there are duplicates
                    voronoiVertices[i].vertices.RemoveAt(j);                              //Remove one

        for (int i = 0; i < voronoiVertices.Count; ++i)                          //For all cells
            GameObject newCell = new GameObject("Voronoi Cell");                 //Create new gameobject
            newCell.AddComponent("MeshRenderer");                                //Add meshrenderer to create a mesh
            newCell.AddComponent("MeshFilter");                                  //Add meshfilter to apply materials
            newCell.AddComponent("MeshCollider");                                //Add meshcollider (why?)

            MeshFilter newMesh = (MeshFilter)newCell.GetComponent("MeshFilter"); //Get a reference to the meshfilter

            List <Vector3> vertices = new List <Vector3>();                      //Create new list of vertices

            for (int j = 0; j < voronoiVertices[i].vertices.Count; ++j)          //For all the voronoi cell's vertices
                int nextVertex = j + 1;                                          //Get the next vertex

                if (nextVertex == voronoiVertices[i].vertices.Count)
                    nextVertex = 0;

                int prevVertex = j - 1;                 //Get the previous vertex

                if (prevVertex == -1)
                    prevVertex = voronoiVertices[i].vertices.Count - 1;

                Vector3 lineA = voronoiVertices[i].vertices[prevVertex] - voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j];                                                                                         //Line from vertex to next vertex
                Vector3 lineB = voronoiVertices[i].vertices[nextVertex] - voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j];                                                                                         //Line from vertex to previous vertex

                Vector3 bisector          = (lineA.normalized + lineB.normalized) / 2f;                                                                                                           //Bisector line
                float   yIntersect        = voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j].y - (bisector.y / bisector.x) * voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j].x;                                                      //Cintersect = y - mx
                Vector3 bisectorIntersect = new Vector3(0f, yIntersect, 0f);                                                                                                                      //Get the y intersect of the bisector

                float vertAngle = MathsFunctions.AngleBetweenLineSegments(voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j], voronoiVertices[i].vertices[prevVertex], voronoiVertices[i].vertices[nextVertex]) / 2f; //Get the angle between the lines

                float hypotenuseLength = 0.5f / Mathf.Sin(vertAngle * Mathf.Deg2Rad);                                                                                                             //Find the length of the hypotenuse (how far in the new vertex should be

                Vector3 dir = bisectorIntersect - voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j];                                                                                                                 //Find the direction that the new vertex points to from the current vertex
                dir = bisector.normalized;                                                                                                                                                        //Normalise the direction
                vertices.Add(voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j]);                                                                                                                                     //Add the original vertex to the new vertex list
                vertices.Add(voronoiVertices[i].vertices[j] + (dir * hypotenuseLength));                                                                                                          //Add this indented vertex to the new vertex list

            for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Count; ++j)                                                                                 //For all the vertices
                float   x      = vertices[j].x - MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList[i].systemObject.transform.position.x; //Set the x relative to the centre (used to be prevent the vertices being offset from the gameobject centre)
                float   y      = vertices[j].y - MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList[i].systemObject.transform.position.y; //Do the same for the y
                Vector3 newPos = new Vector3(x, y, 0f);
                vertices[j] = newPos;

            newMesh.mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();   //Add the vertices to the mesh vertex list

            List <int> tris = new List <int>();           //Create new tris

            for (int j = 0; j < vertices.Count; ++j)      //Create tris from the vertices
                int nextVertex      = j + 1;
                int afterNextVertex = j + 2;

                if (nextVertex == vertices.Count)
                    nextVertex      = 0;
                    afterNextVertex = 1;

                if (afterNextVertex == vertices.Count)
                    afterNextVertex = 0;

                if (j % 2 != 0)


            List <Vector2> uvs = new List <Vector2>();

            for (int j = 0; j < newMesh.mesh.vertices.Length; ++j)
                Vector2 uvCoordinate = new Vector2(newMesh.mesh.vertices[j].x, newMesh.mesh.vertices[j].z);

            newMesh.mesh.triangles = tris.ToArray();
            newMesh.mesh.uv        = uvs.ToArray();


            newCell.renderer.material        = MasterScript.turnInfoScript.emptyMaterial;
            newCell.renderer.material.shader = Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse");
            Color newColour = newCell.renderer.material.color;
            newColour = new Color(newColour.r, newColour.g, newColour.b, 0f);
            newCell.renderer.material.color = newColour;
            newCell.AddComponent <SystemRotate>();
   = "Voronoi Cell" + i.ToString();
            newCell.tag  = "VoronoiCell";
            newCell.transform.position = new Vector3(MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList[i].systemObject.transform.position.x, MasterScript.systemListConstructor.systemList[i].systemObject.transform.position.y, 0f);
            newCell.transform.parent   = voronoiCellContainer.transform;

            //voronoiCells.Add (newCell);