Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SetupSpotLight(VolumeLightManager renderer, Matrix4x4 viewProj)

            int pass = 0;

            if (!IsCameraInSpotLightBounds())
                pass = 1;

            float scale      = thisLight.range;
            float angleScale = Mathf.Tan((thisLight.spotAngle + 1) * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * thisLight.range;

            Matrix4x4 world = Matrix4x4.TRS(transform.position, transform.rotation, new Vector3(angleScale, angleScale, scale));
            Matrix4x4 view  = Matrix4x4.TRS(thisLight.transform.position, thisLight.transform.rotation, Vector3.one).inverse;

            Matrix4x4 clip = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(-0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f));
            Matrix4x4 proj = Matrix4x4.Perspective(thisLight.spotAngle, 1, 0, 1);

            spotMaterial.SetMatrix("_MyLightMatrix0", clip * proj * view);

            spotMaterial.SetMatrix("_WorldViewProj", viewProj * world);

            spotMaterial.SetVector("_LightPos", new Vector4(thisLight.transform.position.x, thisLight.transform.position.y, thisLight.transform.position.z, 1.0f / (thisLight.range * thisLight.range)));
            spotMaterial.SetVector("_LightColor", thisLight.color * thisLight.intensity);

            Vector3 apex = transform.position;
            Vector3 axis = transform.forward;

            Vector3 center = apex + axis * thisLight.range;
            float   d      = -Vector3.Dot(center, axis);

            spotMaterial.SetFloat("_PlaneD", d);
            spotMaterial.SetFloat("_CosAngle", Mathf.Cos((thisLight.spotAngle + 1) * 0.5f * Mathf.Deg2Rad));

            spotMaterial.SetVector("_ConeApex", new Vector4(apex.x, apex.y, apex.z));
            spotMaterial.SetVector("_ConeAxis", new Vector4(axis.x, axis.y, axis.z));


            if (Noise)

            spotMaterial.SetTexture("_LightTexture0", renderer.spotTexutre);

            bool forceShadowsOff = false;

            if ((thisLight.transform.position - Camera.current.transform.position).magnitude >= QualitySettings.shadowDistance)
                forceShadowsOff = true;

            if (thisLight.shadows != LightShadows.None && forceShadowsOff == false)
                clip = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f), Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));

                if (_reversedZ)
                    proj = Matrix4x4.Perspective(thisLight.spotAngle, 1, thisLight.range, thisLight.shadowNearPlane);
                    proj = Matrix4x4.Perspective(thisLight.spotAngle, 1, thisLight.shadowNearPlane, thisLight.range);

                Matrix4x4 m = clip * proj;
                m[0, 2] *= -1;
                m[1, 2] *= -1;
                m[2, 2] *= -1;
                m[3, 2] *= -1;

                spotMaterial.SetMatrix("_MyWorld2Shadow", m * view);
                spotMaterial.SetMatrix("_WorldView", m * view);

                commandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture("_ShadowMapTexture", BuiltinRenderTextureType.CurrentActive);

                commandBuffer.DrawMesh(spotMesh, world, spotMaterial, 0, pass);
                renderer.commandBuffers[0].DrawMesh(spotMesh, world, spotMaterial, 0, pass);
                renderer.commandBuffers[0].DrawMesh(spotMesh, world, spotMaterial, 0, pass);
    public void addButton(int cost, Sprite sprite, GameObject turret)
        GameObject newButton = Instantiate(radialButton);

        newButton.transform.SetParent(buttonParent.transform, false);
        newButton.GetComponentsInChildren <Image>()[1].sprite = sprite;
        newButton.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text        = cost.ToString();
        int count = buttons.Count;

        newButton.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(delegate { buttonCall(count); });

        //update button positions
        float angleIncrement = 2 * Mathf.PI / buttons.Count;
        float angleCount     = 0;

        foreach (GameObject button in buttons)
            button.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localPosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(angleCount) * 35, Mathf.Cos(angleCount) * 35, 0);
            button.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localScale    = new Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 1);
            angleCount += angleIncrement;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (planetSpawnCount < 0)
            planetSpawnCount = Mathf.RoundToInt(planetSpawnrate / Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            // Remove destroyed planets
            int j = 0;
            while (j < planets.Count)
                if (planets[j] == null)

            // Planet wrapping
            for (int i = 0; i < planets.Count; i++)
                if (Vector2.Distance((Vector2)player.transform.position, (Vector2)planets[i].transform.position) > 100 + 5 * planetsDestroyed)

            // Spike wrapping
            for (int i = 0; i < spikeCircles.Count; i++)
                if (Vector2.Distance((Vector2)player.transform.position, (Vector2)spikeCircles[i].transform.position) > 100 + 5 * planetsDestroyed)
                    spikeCircles[i].GetComponent <SpikeCircleSpawner_scr>().Destruct();

            while (planets.Count < planetsDestroyed + 2)
                GameObject a        = Instantiate(planetPrefab);
                float      angle    = Random.Range(0, 360);
                Vector3    position = new Vector3(transform.position.x + Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * 35 + 5 * planetsDestroyed,
                                                  transform.position.y + Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * 35 + 5 * planetsDestroyed, 0);
                a.transform.position = position;
                a.GetComponent <Planet_scr>().size = Random.Range(5, 35);
                a.GetComponent <Planet_scr>().Generate();

            while (spikeCircles.Count < 1)
                GameObject a        = Instantiate(spikeCirclePrefab);
                float      angle    = Random.Range(0, 360);
                Vector3    position = new Vector3(transform.position.x + Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * 35 + 5 * planetsDestroyed,
                                                  transform.position.y + Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * 35 + 5 * planetsDestroyed, 0);

                a.transform.position = position;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void ApplyToGrid(GridCell gCell, BoosterObjectData bData, Action completeCallBack)
            if (!gCell.Overlay)
                if (!gCell.Match && !gCell.StaticBlocker && !gCell.DynamicBlocker)

            Booster b = Booster.ActiveBooster;


            ParallelTween par0 = new ParallelTween();
            TweenSeq      bTS  = new TweenSeq();

            //move activeBooster
            Vector3 pos      = transform.position;
            float   dist     = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, gCell.transform.position);
            Vector3 rotPivot = Vector3.zero;
            float   rotRad   = 6f;

            bTS.Add((callBack) =>
                SimpleTween.Move(b.SceneObject, b.SceneObject.transform.position, gCell.transform.position, dist / speed).AddCompleteCallBack(() =>
                    rotPivot = transform.position - new Vector3(0, rotRad, 0);

            // back move
            bTS.Add((callBack) =>
                SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, Mathf.Deg2Rad * 90f, Mathf.Deg2Rad * 180f, 0.25f).SetEase(EaseAnim.EaseInCubic). //
                SetOnUpdate((float val) => { transform.position = new Vector3(rotRad * Mathf.Cos(val), rotRad * Mathf.Sin(val), 0) + rotPivot; }).
                AddCompleteCallBack(() => { callBack(); });
            //forward move
            bTS.Add((callBack) =>
                SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, Mathf.Deg2Rad * 180f, Mathf.Deg2Rad * 100f, 0.2f).SetEase(EaseAnim.EaseOutBounce).
                SetOnUpdate((float val) =>
                    transform.position = new Vector3(rotRad * Mathf.Cos(val), rotRad * Mathf.Sin(val), 0) + rotPivot;
                AddCompleteCallBack(() =>
                    MSound.PlayClip(0, bData.privateClip);
                    Destroy(gameObject, 0.25f);
                    Creator.InstantiateAnimPrefab(bData.animPrefab, gCell.transform, gCell.transform.position, SortingOrder.BoosterToFront + 2, true, callBack);

            //  if (gCell.IsMatchable)
                bTS.Add((callBack) =>
                    GridCell.ExplodeCell(gCell, 0, true, false, true, callBack);
                    // gCell.CollectMatch(0, true, false, true, true, callBack);

            bTS.Add((callback) =>

Ejemplo n.º 5
    private void FixedUpdate()
        if (!this.isServer)
        this.secondsTaken += Time.get_deltaTime();
        float num1 = Mathf.InverseLerp(0.0f, this.secondsToTake, this.secondsTaken);

        if (!this.dropped && (double)num1 >= 0.5)
            this.dropped = true;
            BaseEntity entity = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(this.prefabDrop.resourcePath, ((Component)this.dropOrigin).get_transform().get_position(), (Quaternion)null, true);
            if (Object.op_Implicit((Object)entity))
                entity.globalBroadcast = true;
        ((Component)this).get_transform().set_position(Vector3.Lerp(this.startPos, this.endPos, num1));
        Vector3 vector3_1  = Vector3.op_Subtraction(this.endPos, this.startPos);
        Vector3 normalized = ((Vector3) ref vector3_1).get_normalized();
        Vector3 zero       = Vector3.get_zero();

        if (Vector3.op_Inequality(this.swimScale, Vector3.get_zero()))
            if ((double)this.swimRandom == 0.0)
                this.swimRandom = Random.Range(0.0f, 20f);
            float num2 = Time.get_time() + this.swimRandom;
            ((Vector3) ref zero).\u002Ector(Mathf.Sin(num2 * (float)this.swimSpeed.x) * (float)this.swimScale.x, Mathf.Cos(num2 * (float)this.swimSpeed.y) * (float)this.swimScale.y, Mathf.Sin(num2 * (float)this.swimSpeed.z) * (float)this.swimScale.z);
            Vector3   vector3_2 = ((Component)this).get_transform().InverseTransformDirection(zero);
            Transform transform = ((Component)this).get_transform();
            transform.set_position(Vector3.op_Addition(transform.get_position(), Vector3.op_Multiply(vector3_2, this.appliedSwimScale)));
        ((Component)this).get_transform().set_rotation(Quaternion.op_Multiply(Quaternion.LookRotation(normalized), Quaternion.Euler(Mathf.Cos(Time.get_time() * (float)this.swimSpeed.y) * this.appliedSwimRotation, 0.0f, Mathf.Sin(Time.get_time() * (float)this.swimSpeed.x) * this.appliedSwimRotation)));
        Vector3 position = ((Component)this).get_transform().get_position();
        float   num3     = Mathf.Max(TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(Vector3.op_Addition(((Component)this).get_transform().get_position(), Vector3.op_Multiply(((Component)this).get_transform().get_forward(), 30f))), TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(((Component)this).get_transform().get_position()));

        position.y = (__Null)(double)Mathf.Max(SantaSleigh.desiredAltitude, num3 + SantaSleigh.altitudeAboveTerrain);
        if ((double)num1 < 1.0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 //Calculates the area where the enemys can view
 public Vector2 GetDirectionVector2D(float angle)
     return(new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad), Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad)).normalized);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private HashSet <Instance> GetMarqueeList(Ray mouseRay)
            HashSet <Instance> list = new HashSet <Instance>();

            Building[]     buildingBuffer = BuildingManager.instance.m_buildings.m_buffer;
            PropInstance[] propBuffer     = PropManager.instance.m_props.m_buffer;
            NetNode[]      nodeBuffer     = NetManager.instance.m_nodes.m_buffer;
            NetSegment[]   segmentBuffer  = NetManager.instance.m_segments.m_buffer;
            TreeInstance[] treeBuffer     = TreeManager.instance.m_trees.m_buffer;

            m_selection.a = m_mouseStartPosition;
            m_selection.c = RaycastMouseLocation(mouseRay);

            if (m_selection.a.x == m_selection.c.x && m_selection.a.z == m_selection.c.z)
                m_selection = default(Quad3);
                float   angle = Camera.main.transform.localEulerAngles.y * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
                Vector3 down  = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(angle), 0, -Mathf.Sin(angle));
                Vector3 right = new Vector3(-down.z, 0, down.x);

                Vector3 a        = m_selection.c - m_selection.a;
                float   dotDown  = Vector3.Dot(a, down);
                float   dotRight = Vector3.Dot(a, right);

                if ((dotDown > 0 && dotRight > 0) || (dotDown <= 0 && dotRight <= 0))
                    m_selection.b = m_selection.a + dotDown * down;
                    m_selection.d = m_selection.a + dotRight * right;
                    m_selection.b = m_selection.a + dotRight * right;
                    m_selection.d = m_selection.a + dotDown * down;

                // Disables select-during-drag
                //if (ToolState == ToolStates.DrawingSelection)
                //    return list;

                Vector3 min = m_selection.Min();
                Vector3 max = m_selection.Max();

                int gridMinX = Mathf.Max((int)((min.x - 16f) / 64f + 135f), 0);
                int gridMinZ = Mathf.Max((int)((min.z - 16f) / 64f + 135f), 0);
                int gridMaxX = Mathf.Min((int)((max.x + 16f) / 64f + 135f), 269);
                int gridMaxZ = Mathf.Min((int)((max.z + 16f) / 64f + 135f), 269);

                InstanceID      id         = new InstanceID();
                ItemClass.Layer itemLayers = GetItemLayers();

                if (!HidePO && PO.Active && filterProcs)
                    //string msg = "";
                    foreach (IPO_Object obj in PO.Objects)
                        if (PointInRectangle(m_selection, obj.Position))
                            //msg += $"{obj.Id},";
                            id.NetLane = obj.Id;

                for (int i = gridMinZ; i <= gridMaxZ; i++)
                    for (int j = gridMinX; j <= gridMaxX; j++)
                        if (filterBuildings || filterSurfaces || (filterPicker && Filters.Picker.IsBuilding))
                            ushort building = BuildingManager.instance.m_buildingGrid[i * 270 + j];
                            int    count    = 0;
                            while (building != 0u)
                                if (IsBuildingValid(ref buildingBuffer[building], itemLayers) && PointInRectangle(m_selection, buildingBuffer[building].m_position))
                                    if (Filters.Filter(buildingBuffer[building].Info))
                                        id.Building = Building.FindParentBuilding(building);
                                        if (id.Building == 0)
                                            id.Building = building;
                                building = buildingBuffer[building].m_nextGridBuilding;

                                if (++count > 49152)
                                    CODebugBase <LogChannel> .Error(LogChannel.Core, "Buildings: Invalid list detected!\n" + Environment.StackTrace);


                        if (filterProps || filterDecals || filterSurfaces || (filterPicker && Filters.Picker.IsProp))
                            ushort prop  = PropManager.instance.m_propGrid[i * 270 + j];
                            int    count = 0;
                            while (prop != 0u)
                                if (Filters.Filter(propBuffer[prop].Info))
                                    if (PointInRectangle(m_selection, propBuffer[prop].Position))
                                        id.Prop = prop;

                                prop = propBuffer[prop].m_nextGridProp;

                                if (++count > 65536)
                                    CODebugBase <LogChannel> .Error(LogChannel.Core, "Prop: Invalid list detected!\n" + Environment.StackTrace);

                        if (filterNodes || filterBuildings || (filterPicker && Filters.Picker.IsNode))
                            ushort node  = NetManager.instance.m_nodeGrid[i * 270 + j];
                            int    count = 0;
                            while (node != 0u)
                                if (IsNodeValid(ref nodeBuffer[node], itemLayers) && PointInRectangle(m_selection, nodeBuffer[node].m_position))
                                    ushort building = NetNode.FindOwnerBuilding(node, 363f);

                                    if (building != 0)
                                        if (filterBuildings)
                                            id.Building = Building.FindParentBuilding(building);
                                            if (id.Building == 0)
                                                id.Building = building;
                                    else if (filterNodes || (filterPicker && Filters.Picker.IsNode))
                                        if (Filters.Filter(nodeBuffer[node]))
                                            id.NetNode = node;
                                node = nodeBuffer[node].m_nextGridNode;

                                if (++count > 32768)
                                    CODebugBase <LogChannel> .Error(LogChannel.Core, "Nodes: Invalid list detected!\n" + Environment.StackTrace);

                        if (filterSegments || filterBuildings || (filterPicker && Filters.Picker.IsSegment))
                            ushort segment = NetManager.instance.m_segmentGrid[i * 270 + j];
                            int    count   = 0;
                            while (segment != 0u)
                                if (IsSegmentValid(ref segmentBuffer[segment], itemLayers) && PointInRectangle(m_selection, segmentBuffer[segment].m_bounds.center))
                                    ushort building = FindOwnerBuilding(segment, 363f);

                                    if (building != 0)
                                        if (filterBuildings)
                                            id.Building = Building.FindParentBuilding(building);
                                            if (id.Building == 0)
                                                id.Building = building;
                                    else if (filterSegments || (filterPicker && Filters.Picker.IsSegment))
                                        if (Filters.Filter(segmentBuffer[segment]))
                                            id.NetSegment = segment;
                                segment = segmentBuffer[segment].m_nextGridSegment;

                                if (++count > 36864)
                                    CODebugBase <LogChannel> .Error(LogChannel.Core, "Segments: Invalid list detected!\n" + Environment.StackTrace);

                if (filterTrees || (filterPicker && Filters.Picker.IsTree))
                    gridMinX = Mathf.Max((int)((min.x - 8f) / 32f + 270f), 0);
                    gridMinZ = Mathf.Max((int)((min.z - 8f) / 32f + 270f), 0);
                    gridMaxX = Mathf.Min((int)((max.x + 8f) / 32f + 270f), 539);
                    gridMaxZ = Mathf.Min((int)((max.z + 8f) / 32f + 270f), 539);

                    for (int i = gridMinZ; i <= gridMaxZ; i++)
                        for (int j = gridMinX; j <= gridMaxX; j++)
                            uint tree  = TreeManager.instance.m_treeGrid[i * 540 + j];
                            int  count = 0;
                            while (tree != 0)
                                if (PointInRectangle(m_selection, treeBuffer[tree].Position))
                                    if (Filters.Filter(treeBuffer[tree].Info))
                                        id.Tree = tree;
                                tree = treeBuffer[tree].m_nextGridTree;

                                if (++count > 262144)
                                    CODebugBase <LogChannel> .Error(LogChannel.Core, "Trees: Invalid list detected!\n" + Environment.StackTrace);

Ejemplo n.º 8
 void moveThermostatArmTo(float angle)
     armHeight = thermostatArm.transform.localScale.y;
     thermostatArm.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -armRotation);
     thermostatArm.transform.position    = new Vector3(armHeight * Mathf.Sin(armRotation * Mathf.PI / 180f) / 2, armHeight * Mathf.Cos(armRotation * Mathf.PI / 180f) / 2, thermostat.transform.position.z - 0.025f);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    void LateUpdate()
        float angle = Mathf.PI * 2f * spinCurve.Evaluate(Time.time / Interval);

        transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(angle), Mathf.Cos(angle)) * radius + center;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public override bool Calculate()
        Texture tex = textureInputKnob.GetValue <Texture>();

        if (!textureInputKnob.connected() || tex == null)
        { // Reset outputs if no texture is available
            outputSize = Vector2Int.zero;
            if (outputTex != null)

        var inputSize = new Vector2Int(tex.width, tex.height);

        if (inputSize != outputSize)
            outputSize = inputSize;
        speed = speedInputKnob.connected() ? speedInputKnob.GetValue <float>() : speed;
        angle = angleInputKnob.connected() ? angleInputKnob.GetValue <float>() : angle;

        // Keep offset bounded by (2x) dimensions so that floating point coverage doesn't decrease
        // over long pans. use 2x so that mirrored textures don't jump on resetting the offset
        var r = speed * tex.width * Time.deltaTime;

        offset += new Vector2(r * Mathf.Cos(angle), r * Mathf.Sin(angle));
        Vector2 mirrorSafeBounds = 2 * new Vector2(tex.width - 1, tex.height - 1);

        if (offset.x > mirrorSafeBounds.x)
            offset.x -= mirrorSafeBounds.x;
        else if (offset.x < -mirrorSafeBounds.x)
            offset.x += mirrorSafeBounds.x;
        if (offset.y > mirrorSafeBounds.y)
            offset.y -= mirrorSafeBounds.y;
        else if (offset.y < -mirrorSafeBounds.y)
            offset.y += mirrorSafeBounds.y;

        int panKernel = 0;

        if (smoothTransitions && mirror)
            panKernel = bilinearMirrorKernel;
        else if (smoothTransitions && !mirror)
            panKernel = bilinearRepeatKernel;
        else if (!smoothTransitions && mirror)
            panKernel = pointMirrorKernel;
        else if (!smoothTransitions && !mirror)
            panKernel = pointRepeatKernel;

        panShader.SetInt("width", tex.width);
        panShader.SetInt("height", tex.height);
        panShader.SetFloats("offset", offset.x, offset.y);
        panShader.SetTexture(panKernel, "OutputTex", outputTex);
        panShader.SetTexture(panKernel, "InputTex", tex);
        var threadGroupX = Mathf.CeilToInt(tex.width / 16.0f);
        var threadGroupY = Mathf.CeilToInt(tex.height / 16.0f);

        panShader.Dispatch(panKernel, threadGroupX, threadGroupY, 1);

        // Assign output channels

    private void BuildMeshes()
        _InitialMeshComplexity = MeshComplexity;
        int triangleCount = GetTriangleCount();

        Vector3[] innerVerts = new Vector3[triangleCount];
        Vector2[] innerUVs   = new Vector2[triangleCount];
        Vector3[] outerVerts = new Vector3[triangleCount];
        Vector2[] outerUVs   = new Vector2[triangleCount];
        int[]     tris       = new int[triangleCount * 3];
        for (int i = 0; i < triangleCount; i += 2)
            float angle = 2 * i * Mathf.PI / triangleCount;

            float x = Mathf.Cos(angle);
            float y = Mathf.Sin(angle);

            outerVerts[i]     = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
            outerVerts[i + 1] = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
            outerUVs[i]       = new Vector2(0, 1);
            outerUVs[i + 1]   = new Vector2(1, 1);

            innerVerts[i]     = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
            innerVerts[i + 1] = new Vector3(x, y, 0);
            innerUVs[i]       = new Vector2(0, 1);
            innerUVs[i + 1]   = new Vector2(1, 0);

            int ti = i * 3;
            tris[ti]     = i;
            tris[ti + 1] = i + 1;
            tris[ti + 2] = (i + 2) % triangleCount;
            tris[ti + 3] = i + 1;
            tris[ti + 4] = (i + 3) % triangleCount;
            tris[ti + 5] = (i + 2) % triangleCount;

        if (_OpaqueMesh != null)

        if (_TransparentMesh != null)

        _OpaqueMesh = new Mesh()
            name      = "Opaque Vignette Mesh",
            hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave
        _TransparentMesh = new Mesh()
            name      = "Transparent Vignette Mesh",
            hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave

        _OpaqueMesh.vertices  = outerVerts;
        _OpaqueMesh.uv        = outerUVs;
        _OpaqueMesh.triangles = tris;
        _OpaqueMesh.bounds           = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one * 10000);
        _OpaqueMeshFilter.sharedMesh = _OpaqueMesh;

        _TransparentMesh.vertices  = innerVerts;
        _TransparentMesh.uv        = innerUVs;
        _TransparentMesh.triangles = tris;
        _TransparentMesh.bounds           = new Bounds(Vector3.zero, Vector3.one * 10000);
        _TransparentMeshFilter.sharedMesh = _TransparentMesh;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 void fireMakeing( )
     if (_anim_ctrl.getShakeFlag( ))
         _fire_angle += _fire_angle_speed;
     if (Mathf.Abs(_fire_angle) >= Mathf.Deg2Rad * 43)
         _fire_angle_speed *= -1;
     _fire.transform.position = transform.position + transform.right * (_fire_radius * Mathf.Cos(-_fire_angle + 90 * Mathf.Deg2Rad))
                                + transform.up * _fire_height
                                + transform.forward * (_fire_radius * Mathf.Sin(-_fire_angle + 90 * Mathf.Deg2Rad));
     if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1") || _fire_stamina <= 0)
         _fire.Stop( );
     if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
         _fire_flag        = false;
         _fire_angle       = 0;
         _fire_angle_speed = Mathf.Abs(_fire_angle_speed);
 void UpdateCamera()
     var pos = new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(m_CameraPhi) * Mathf.Cos(m_CameraTheta), Mathf.Cos(m_CameraPhi), Mathf.Sin(m_CameraPhi) * Mathf.Sin(m_CameraTheta)) * m_CameraDistance;
     m_PreviewUtility.camera.transform.position = pos;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 protected override Vector2 ExtrusionProfileFunction(float u, float v)
     v  = 0.15f + 0.06f * Mathf.Cos(3 * TAU * v);
     u *= TAU;
     return(new Vector2(v * Mathf.Cos(u), v * Mathf.Sin(u)));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static float InOut(float k)
     return(0.5f * (1f - Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * k)));
Ejemplo n.º 16
    void ConfigureLights()
        mainLightExists = false;
        bool shadowmaskExists    = false;
        bool subtractiveLighting = false;

        shadowTileCount = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < cull.visibleLights.Count; i++)
            if (i == maxVisibleLights)
            VisibleLight light = cull.visibleLights[i];
            visibleLightColors[i] = light.finalColor;
            Vector4 attenuation = Vector4.zero;
            attenuation.w = 1f;
            Vector4 shadow = Vector4.zero;

            LightBakingOutput baking = light.light.bakingOutput;
            visibleLightOcclusionMasks[i] =
                occlusionMasks[baking.occlusionMaskChannel + 1];
            if (baking.lightmapBakeType == LightmapBakeType.Mixed)
                shadowmaskExists |=
                    baking.mixedLightingMode == MixedLightingMode.Shadowmask;
                if (baking.mixedLightingMode == MixedLightingMode.Subtractive)
                    subtractiveLighting = true;

            if (light.lightType == LightType.Directional)
                Vector4 v = light.localToWorld.GetColumn(2);
                v.x = -v.x;
                v.y = -v.y;
                v.z = -v.z;
                visibleLightDirectionsOrPositions[i] = v;
                shadow   = ConfigureShadows(i, light.light);
                shadow.z = 1f;
                if (i == 0 && shadow.x > 0f && shadowCascades > 0)
                    mainLightExists  = true;
                    shadowTileCount -= 1;
                visibleLightDirectionsOrPositions[i] =
                attenuation.x = 1f /
                                Mathf.Max(light.range * light.range, 0.00001f);

                if (light.lightType == LightType.Spot)
                    Vector4 v = light.localToWorld.GetColumn(2);
                    v.x = -v.x;
                    v.y = -v.y;
                    v.z = -v.z;
                    visibleLightSpotDirections[i] = v;

                    float outerRad = Mathf.Deg2Rad * 0.5f * light.spotAngle;
                    float outerCos = Mathf.Cos(outerRad);
                    float outerTan = Mathf.Tan(outerRad);
                    float innerCos =
                        Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Atan((46f / 64f) * outerTan));
                    float angleRange = Mathf.Max(innerCos - outerCos, 0.001f);
                    attenuation.z = 1f / angleRange;
                    attenuation.w = -outerCos * attenuation.z;

                    shadow = ConfigureShadows(i, light.light);
                    visibleLightSpotDirections[i] = Vector4.one;

            visibleLightAttenuations[i] = attenuation;
            shadowData[i] = shadow;

        bool useDistanceShadowmask =
            QualitySettings.shadowmaskMode == ShadowmaskMode.DistanceShadowmask;

            cameraBuffer, shadowmaskKeyword,
            shadowmaskExists && !useDistanceShadowmask
            cameraBuffer, distanceShadowmaskKeyword,
            shadowmaskExists && useDistanceShadowmask
            cameraBuffer, subtractiveLightingKeyword, subtractiveLighting

        if (mainLightExists || cull.visibleLights.Count > maxVisibleLights)
            int[] lightIndices = cull.GetLightIndexMap();
            if (mainLightExists)
                lightIndices[0] = -1;
            for (int i = maxVisibleLights; i < cull.visibleLights.Count; i++)
                lightIndices[i] = -1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (waitTime <= 0)
            if (state == 0)
                waitTime = 61;
                state    = 2;
            else if (state == 1)
                waitTime = idleTime;
                state    = 0;
                Shoot(BlueBullet, 30, 0.0f, 2.35f);
                Shoot(RedBullet, 30, 6.0f, 2.25f);
            else if (state == 2)
                GameObject Player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
                if (Player)
                    float x1 = gameObject.transform.position.x, y1 = gameObject.transform.position.y, x2 = Player.gameObject.transform.position.x, y2 = Player.gameObject.transform.position.y;
                    float distance = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow((y2 - y1), 2) + Mathf.Pow((x2 - x1), 2)) + 5.0f;
                    moveAngle = Mathf.Atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
                    waitTime  = (int)(distance / BossSpeed);
                    state     = 1;
            if (state == 1)
                Vector3 pos = this.gameObject.transform.position;
                pos.x = pos.x + (Mathf.Cos(moveAngle) * BossSpeed);
                pos.y = pos.y + (Mathf.Sin(moveAngle) * BossSpeed);
                this.gameObject.transform.position = pos;
            else if (state == 2)
                if (waitTime == 60)
                    Shoot(RedBullet, 50, 0.0f, 4.5f);
                else if (waitTime == 40)
                    Shoot(BlueBullet, 45, 0.0f, 4.0f);
                else if (waitTime == 20)
                    Shoot(RedBullet, 40, 0.0f, 3.5f);

        //Freeze the velocity
        this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = new Vector2(0, 0);

        //Set orientation
        //gameObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (new Vector3 (0, 0, (moveAngle - 90.0f)));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static Mesh CreateCircleSection(float angle, float range)
            Mesh  mesh      = new Mesh();
            float angle_fov = angle * 90 / Mathf.PI;
            int   quality   = 15;

            float angle_start = -angle_fov;
            float angle_end   = angle_fov;
            float angle_delta = (angle_end - angle_start) / quality;

            float angle_curr = angle_start;
            float angle_next = angle_start + angle_delta;

            Vector3 pos_curr_min = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 pos_curr_max = Vector3.zero;

            Vector3 pos_next_min = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 pos_next_max = Vector3.zero;

            Vector3[] vertices  = new Vector3[4 * quality];
            int[]     triangles = new int[3 * 2 * quality];

            for (int i = 0; i < quality; i++)
                Vector3 sphere_curr = new Vector3(
                    Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angle_curr)), 0,
                    Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angle_curr)));

                Vector3 sphere_next = new Vector3(
                    Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angle_next)), 0,
                    Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (angle_next)));

                pos_curr_max = sphere_curr * range;
                pos_next_max = sphere_next * range;

                int a = 4 * i;
                int b = 4 * i + 1;
                int c = 4 * i + 2;
                int d = 4 * i + 3;

                vertices[a] = pos_curr_min;
                vertices[b] = pos_curr_max;
                vertices[c] = pos_next_max;
                vertices[d] = pos_next_min;

                triangles[6 * i]     = a;
                triangles[6 * i + 1] = b;
                triangles[6 * i + 2] = c;
                triangles[6 * i + 3] = c;
                triangles[6 * i + 4] = d;
                triangles[6 * i + 5] = a;

                angle_curr += angle_delta;
                angle_next += angle_delta;

            mesh.vertices  = vertices;
            mesh.triangles = triangles;

Ejemplo n.º 19
    public void Shot()
        float       AngleInDegrees = 45f;
        const float g = 9.8f;

        Vector3 direction = PlayerMovement.instance.transform.position - transform.position;

        direction.z = 0;
        //Vector3 fromToXZ = new Vector3(fromTo.x, 0f, fromTo.z);

        //transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(fromToXZ, Vector3.up);

        float x = direction.magnitude;
        float y = direction.y;

        float AngleInRadians = AngleInDegrees * Mathf.PI / 180;

        float v2 = (g * x * x) / (2 * (y - Mathf.Tan(AngleInRadians) * x) * Mathf.Pow(Mathf.Cos(AngleInRadians), 2));
        float v  = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Abs(v2));

        // GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity = SpawnTransform.forward * v;
Ejemplo n.º 20
	private void Deform()
		Vector3 vi = new Vector3();
		Vector3 v1 = new Vector3();
		Vector3 vo = new Vector3();

		Vector3[] newVertices = new Vector3[mesh.vertices.Length];
		float R, r, beta;
		for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertices.Length; i++) 
			vi = vertices[i];

			 * Version   A
//			R = Mathf.Sqrt(vi.x * vi.x + Mathf.Pow(vi.y - A.y ,2));
//			r = R * Mathf.Sin(theta);
//			beta = Mathf.Asin(vi.x / R) / Mathf.Sin(theta);
//			v1.x = r * Mathf.Sin(beta);
//			v1.y = R + A.y - r* (1 - Mathf.Cos(beta))*Mathf.Sin(theta);
//			v1.z = r * (1-Mathf.Cos(beta)) * Mathf.Cos(theta);

			 * VersionB

			R = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Pow(vi.x - B,2) + Mathf.Pow(vi.y - A.y ,2));
			r = R * Mathf.Sin(theta);
//			beta = Mathf.Asin(vi.x / R) / Mathf.Sin(theta);

			if(vi.x < B)
				beta = 0;
				beta = Mathf.Asin((vi.x-B) / R) / Mathf.Sin(theta);

			if(vi.x < B)
				v1.x = vi.x;
				v1.x = B + r * Mathf.Sin(beta);

			if(vi.x < B)
				v1.y = vi.y;
				v1.y = R + A.y - r* (1 - Mathf.Cos(beta))*Mathf.Sin(theta);

			v1.z = r * (1-Mathf.Cos(beta)) * Mathf.Cos(theta);

			newVertices[i].x = v1.x;
			newVertices[i].y = v1.y;
			newVertices[i].z = v1.z;

			vo.x = (v1.x * Mathf.Cos(rho) - v1.z * Mathf.Sin(rho));
			vo.y = v1.y;
			vo.z = (v1.x * Mathf.Sin(rho) + v1.z * Mathf.Cos(rho));

		mesh.vertices = newVertices;
		mesh.RecalculateBounds ();
		mesh.RecalculateNormals ();
Ejemplo n.º 21
	private Debri addD(float sx, float sy, int n) {
		var vx = Mathf.Sin(degrees(n)) * 150;
		var vy = Mathf.Cos(degrees(n)) * 150;
		return new Debri(sx, sy, vx, vy, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (skylight != null && parentBuilding != null && parentBuilding.building.isActive)
         GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetColor("_EmissionColor", emissionColor * ((Mathf.Cos(skylight.currentTimeOfDay * 2 * Mathf.PI) * 0.5f + 0.5f) + (Mathf.Cos(skylight.currentTimeOfDay * 10.0f * Mathf.PI) * 0.05f - 0.05f)));
         GetComponent <Renderer>().materials[0].SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.black);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    Mesh GenerateMesh(bool front, bool back, bool sides, float extrude, float elevate, bool useNormals, bool useUVS, Vector2 frontUVScale, Vector2 backUVScale, Vector2 sideUVScale)
        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

        if (Points.Count == 0)

        int backStart  = 0;
        int sidesStart = 0;

        Vector3 elevation = Vector3.back * elevate;

        // Vertices
            List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>();
                // front
                if (front)
                    foreach (Vector3 point in Points)
                        points.Add(point + elevation);

                backStart = points.Count;

                // back
                if (back)
                    foreach (Vector3 point in Points)
                        points.Add(point + Vector3.forward * extrude + elevation);

                sidesStart = points.Count;

                if (sides)
                    //front side
                    foreach (Vector3 point in Points)
                        points.Add(point + elevation);
                        points.Add(point + elevation);
                    // back side);
                    foreach (Vector3 point in Points)
                        points.Add(point + Vector3.forward * extrude + elevation);
                        points.Add(point + Vector3.forward * extrude + elevation);
            mesh.vertices = points.ToArray();

        // uvs
        if (useUVS)
            List <Vector2> uvs = new List <Vector2>();

            float totalLength = 0;
            // calculate total length
                Vector2 previousPoint = Points[Points.Count - 1];
                foreach (Vector2 point in Points)
                    totalLength  += (point - previousPoint).magnitude;
                    previousPoint = point;

            if (front)
                for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                    Vector2 point = Points[i];
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(point.x * frontUVScale.x, point.y * frontUVScale.y));
            if (back)
                for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                    Vector2 point = Points[i];
                    uvs.Add(new Vector2(point.x * backUVScale.x, point.y * backUVScale.y));

            if (sides)
                for (int z = 0; z < 2; z++)
                    Vector2 previousPoint = Points[0];
                    float   length        = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                        Vector2 point = Points[i];
                        length += (point - previousPoint).magnitude;

                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(z * extrude * sideUVScale.x, (i == 0 ? totalLength : length) * sideUVScale.y));
                        uvs.Add(new Vector2(z * extrude * sideUVScale.x, length * sideUVScale.y));

                        previousPoint = point;
                    length += (Points[0] - previousPoint).magnitude;
            mesh.uv = uvs.ToArray();

        bool counterClockwise;

        // Triangles (the hard part)
            List <Vector2> points2D = new List <Vector2>();

            foreach (Vector3 point in Points)

            List <int> indices = new List <int>();

            Triangulate.Process(ref points2D, ref indices, out counterClockwise);

            List <int> triangles = new List <int>();

            // front
            if (front)

            // back
            if (back)
                for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i += 3)
                    triangles.Add(indices[i + 2] + backStart);
                    triangles.Add(indices[i + 1] + backStart);
                    triangles.Add(indices[i + 0] + backStart);

            if (sides)
                // side
                int v1 = sidesStart + Points.Count * 0 + Points.Count * 2 - 1;
                int v2 = sidesStart + Points.Count * 2 + Points.Count * 2 - 1;

                for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                    int v3 = sidesStart + Points.Count * 0 + i * 2;
                    int v4 = sidesStart + Points.Count * 2 + i * 2;

                    if (counterClockwise)

                    v1 = v3 + 1;
                    v2 = v4 + 1;

            mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();

        // normals
        if (useNormals)
            List <Vector3> normals = new List <Vector3>();

            if (front)
                // front
                for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)

            if (back)
                for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)

            // the sides
            if (sides)
                for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 2; repeat++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < Points.Count; i++)
                        Vector2 p1 = Points[(i + Points.Count - 1) % Points.Count];
                        Vector2 p2 = Points[i];
                        Vector2 p3 = Points[(i + 1) % Points.Count];

                        Vector2 diff1 = (p1 - p2).normalized;
                        Vector2 diff2 = (p2 - p3).normalized;

                        Vector2 normal1      = new Vector3(diff1.y, -diff1.x, 0).normalized;
                        Vector2 normal2      = new Vector3(diff2.y, -diff2.x, 0).normalized;
                        Vector2 smoothNormal = (normal1 + normal2).normalized;

                        if (counterClockwise)
                            smoothNormal *= -1;
                            normal1      *= -1;
                            normal2      *= -1;

                        if (Vector2.Dot(normal1, normal2) > Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * SmoothAngle))
            mesh.normals = normals.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 24
 static Quaternion Q3(float k)
     return(new Quaternion(0, 0, Mathf.Sin(k / 2), Mathf.Cos(k / 2)));
Ejemplo n.º 25
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        float rad = angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

        velocity = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(rad), Mathf.Sin(rad)) * speed;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private void FindMetersPerLat(float lat) // Compute lengths of degrees
            // Set up "Constants"
            float m1 = 111132.92f;  // latitude calculation term 1
            float m2 = -559.82f;    // latitude calculation term 2
            float m3 = 1.175f;      // latitude calculation term 3
            float m4 = -0.0023f;    // latitude calculation term 4
            float p1 = 111412.84f;  // longitude calculation term 1
            float p2 = -93.5f;      // longitude calculation term 2
            float p3 = 0.118f;      // longitude calculation term 3

            lat = lat * Mathf.Deg2Rad;

            // Calculate the length of a degree of latitude and longitude in meters
            metersPerLat = m1 + (m2 * Mathf.Cos(2 * (float)lat)) + (m3 * Mathf.Cos(4 * (float)lat)) + (m4 * Mathf.Cos(6 * (float)lat));
            metersPerLon = (p1 * Mathf.Cos((float)lat)) + (p2 * Mathf.Cos(3 * (float)lat)) + (p3 * Mathf.Cos(5 * (float)lat));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static Mesh CreateTorus(Single radius1 = 1, Single radius2 = 0.3f, Int32 radialSegments = 24, Int32 sides = 18)
            // Generate vertices and normals

            var vertices = new Vector3[(radialSegments + 1) * (sides + 1)];
            var normals  = new Vector3[vertices.Length];

            for (var seg = 0; seg <= radialSegments; seg++)
                var currSeg = seg == radialSegments ? 0 : seg;

                var t1 = (Single)currSeg / radialSegments * TwoPI;
                var r1 = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(t1) * radius1, 0f, Mathf.Sin(t1) * radius1);

                for (var side = 0; side <= sides; side++)
                    var currSide = side == sides ? 0 : side;

                    var t2 = (Single)currSide / sides * TwoPI;
                    var r2 =
                            -t1 * Mathf.Rad2Deg, Vector3.up) * new Vector3(Mathf.Sin(t2) * radius2,
                                                                           Mathf.Cos(t2) * radius2

                    vertices[side + seg * (sides + 1)] = r1 + r2;
                    normals[side + seg * (sides + 1)]  = (vertices[side + seg * (sides + 1)] - r1).normalized;

            // Create UVs

            var uvs = new Vector2[vertices.Length];

            for (var seg = 0; seg <= radialSegments; seg++)
                for (var side = 0; side <= sides; side++)
                    uvs[side + seg * (sides + 1)] = new Vector2((Single)seg / radialSegments, (Single)side / sides);

            // Create Triangles

            var nbFaces     = vertices.Length;
            var nbTriangles = nbFaces * 2;
            var nbIndexes   = nbTriangles * 3;
            var triangles   = new int[nbIndexes];

            var i = 0;

            for (var seg = 0; seg <= radialSegments; seg++)
                for (var side = 0; side <= sides - 1; side++)
                    var current = side + seg * (sides + 1);
                    var next    = side + (seg < (radialSegments) ? (seg + 1) * (sides + 1) : 0);

                    if (i < triangles.Length - 6)
                        triangles[i++] = current;
                        triangles[i++] = next;
                        triangles[i++] = next + 1;

                        triangles[i++] = current;
                        triangles[i++] = next + 1;
                        triangles[i++] = current + 1;

            // Create Mesh

            var mesh = new Mesh();


            mesh.vertices  = vertices;
            mesh.normals   = normals;
            mesh.uv        = uvs;
            mesh.triangles = triangles;


Ejemplo n.º 28
 public static float In(float k)
     return(1f - Mathf.Cos(k * Mathf.PI / 2f));
Ejemplo n.º 29
    public float commandStep(Pose observedPose, Vector3 linearVel, float angularVel, float dt)
        if (!goalReceived)

        Debug.Log(string.Format("observedPose: {0}", observedPose));

        float yaw = getYaw(observedPose.rotation.eulerAngles);

        Debug.Log(string.Format("yaw in command step: {0}", yaw));

        float headingError = getYaw(goal.rotation.eulerAngles) - yaw;

        Debug.Log(string.Format("headingError: {0}", headingError));

        float headingCorrection = kPHeading * headingError + kDHeading * ((headingError - prevHeadingError) / dt);

        Debug.Log(string.Format("headingCorrection: {0}", headingCorrection));

        // Incoming pose and velocity - convert to front axle.
        Pose frontPose = new Pose(new Vector3(observedPose.position.x + wheelbase * Mathf.Cos(yaw), observedPose.position.y + wheelbase * Mathf.Sin(yaw), 0), observedPose.rotation);

        Debug.Log(string.Format("frontPose: {0}", frontPose));

        Vector3 frontLinearVel = new Vector3(linearVel.x + angularVel * Mathf.Sin(yaw), linearVel.y + angularVel * Mathf.Cos(yaw), 0);

        Debug.Log(string.Format("frontLinearVel: {0}", frontLinearVel));

        Vector3 intersection = findIntersection(frontPose.position, goal.position, getYaw(goal.rotation.eulerAngles));

        Debug.Log(string.Format("intersection: {0}", intersection));

        float crosstrackError = Vector3.Distance(intersection, frontPose.position);

        Debug.Log(string.Format("cross track error: {0}", crosstrackError));

        // Goal line always points forward - so, if pose.y is bigger, pose is to the left.
        if (goal.position.y < frontPose.position.y)
            crosstrackError *= -1;

        float crosstrackCorrection = Mathf.Atan2(kCrosstrack * crosstrackError, velDamping + Vector3.Magnitude(frontLinearVel));

        Debug.Log(string.Format("cross track correction: {0}", crosstrackCorrection));

        prevHeadingError = headingError;


        return(headingCorrection + crosstrackCorrection);;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        // Token: 0x06000474 RID: 1140 RVA: 0x00026AAC File Offset: 0x00024EAC
        public bool RecalculateCell(int x, int z, bool preserveExistingNodes)
            LinkedLevelCell linkedLevelCell = new LinkedLevelCell();
            Vector3         position        = this.matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3((float)x + 0.5f, 0f, (float)z + 0.5f));

            RaycastHit[] array = this.collision.CheckHeightAll(position);
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length / 2; i++)
                RaycastHit raycastHit = array[i];
                array[i] = array[array.Length - 1 - i];
                array[array.Length - 1 - i] = raycastHit;
            bool result = false;

            if (array.Length > 0)
                LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
                    LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode2 = new LinkedLevelNode();
                    linkedLevelNode2.position = array[j].point;
                    if (linkedLevelNode != null && linkedLevelNode2.position.y - linkedLevelNode.position.y <= this.mergeSpanRange)
                        linkedLevelNode.position = linkedLevelNode2.position;
                        linkedLevelNode.hit      = array[j];
                        linkedLevelNode.walkable = this.collision.Check(linkedLevelNode2.position);
                        linkedLevelNode2.walkable = this.collision.Check(linkedLevelNode2.position);
                        linkedLevelNode2.hit      = array[j];
                        linkedLevelNode2.height   = float.PositiveInfinity;
                        if (linkedLevelCell.first == null)
                            linkedLevelCell.first = linkedLevelNode2;
                            linkedLevelNode       = linkedLevelNode2;
                            linkedLevelNode.next   = linkedLevelNode2;
                            linkedLevelNode.height = linkedLevelNode2.position.y - linkedLevelNode.position.y;
                            linkedLevelNode        = linkedLevelNode.next;
                linkedLevelCell.first = new LinkedLevelNode
                    position = position,
                    height   = float.PositiveInfinity,
                    walkable = !this.collision.unwalkableWhenNoGround
            uint            graphIndex       = (uint)this.active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(this);
            LinkedLevelNode linkedLevelNode3 = linkedLevelCell.first;
            int             num = 0;
            int             k   = 0;

            for (;;)
                if (k >= this.layerCount)
                    if (k + 1 > 255)
                    result = true;
                LevelGridNode levelGridNode = this.nodes[z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * k];
                if (levelGridNode == null || !preserveExistingNodes)
                    this.nodes[z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * k] = new LevelGridNode(this.active);
                    levelGridNode            = this.nodes[z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * k];
                    levelGridNode.Penalty    = this.initialPenalty;
                    levelGridNode.GraphIndex = graphIndex;
                    result = true;
                levelGridNode.Walkable        = linkedLevelNode3.walkable;
                levelGridNode.WalkableErosion = levelGridNode.Walkable;
                if (linkedLevelNode3.hit.normal != Vector3.zero)
                    float num2 = Vector3.Dot(linkedLevelNode3.hit.normal.normalized, this.collision.up);
                    if (this.penaltyAngle)
                        levelGridNode.Penalty += (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((1f - num2) * this.penaltyAngleFactor);
                    float num3 = Mathf.Cos(this.maxSlope * 0.0174532924f);
                    if (num2 < num3)
                        levelGridNode.Walkable = false;
                levelGridNode.NodeInGridIndex = z * this.width + x;
                if (linkedLevelNode3.height < this.characterHeight)
                    levelGridNode.Walkable = false;
                linkedLevelNode3 = linkedLevelNode3.next;
                if (linkedLevelNode3 == null)
                    goto Block_14;
            Debug.LogError("Too many layers, a maximum of LevelGridNode.MaxLayerCount are allowed (required " + (k + 1) + ")");

            while (k < this.layerCount)
                this.nodes[z * this.width + x + this.width * this.depth * k] = null;
            linkedLevelCell.count = num;