Ejemplo n.º 1
    public SolarBody(string _name, List <int> _solarIndex, SolarType _solarType, SolarSubType _solarSubType, double mass, double radius, Orbit orbit, Color _color, SolarBody star)
        this.orbit        = orbit;
        this.mass         = mass;
        this.bodyRadius   = radius;
        name              = _name;
        this.solarType    = _solarType;
        this.solarSubType = _solarSubType;
        solarIndex        = _solarIndex;
        color             = _color;
        surfaceGravity    = GameDataModel.G * mass / (radius * radius) / 9.81;
        surfacePressure   = 0; // In atm
        bondAlebo         = Random.value;

        var dist = orbit.sma;

        if (solarIndex.Count == 3)
            dist = star.satelites[solarIndex[1]].orbit.sma;

        if (solarType == SolarType.Moon || solarType == SolarType.DwarfPlanet)
            surfacePressure = Random.Range(.01f, 1);
            greenhouse      = .0137328 * Mathd.Pow(surfacePressure, 2) + .0986267 * surfacePressure;
            if (greenhouse < 0)
                greenhouse = 0;
            surfaceTemp = Mathd.Pow(((1 - bondAlebo) * star.luminosity) / ((16 * Mathd.PI * 5.6705e-8) * Mathd.Pow(orbit.sma, 2)), .25) * Mathd.Pow((1 + .438 * greenhouse * .9), .25);

            var rand = Random.value;

            if (surfaceTemp - 273.15 < -50)
                if (rand < .15)
                    solarSubType = SolarSubType.Ice;
                else if (rand < .2)
                    solarSubType = SolarSubType.Volcanic;
            else if (surfaceTemp - 273.15 > 120)
                if (surfacePressure > .1)
                    if (rand < .75)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Volcanic;
                    if (rand < .25)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Desert;
                if (surfacePressure > .5)
                    if (rand < .55)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Ocean;
                    else if (rand < .85)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.EarthLike;
                    else if (rand < .95)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Volcanic;
                else if (surfacePressure > .25)
                    if (rand < .75)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.EarthLike;
                    else if (rand < .85)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Ocean;
        else if (solarSubType == SolarSubType.GasGiant)
            surfacePressure = Random.Range(10, 100);
            greenhouse      = .0137328 * Mathd.Pow(surfacePressure, 2) + .0986267 * surfacePressure;
            if (greenhouse < 0)
                greenhouse = 0;
            surfaceTemp = Mathd.Pow(((1 - bondAlebo) * star.luminosity) / ((16 * Mathd.PI * 5.6705e-8) * Mathd.Pow(orbit.sma, 2)), .25) * Mathd.Pow((1 + .438 * greenhouse * .9), .25);
        else if (solarType == SolarType.Planet && solarSubType == SolarSubType.Rocky)
            var rand = Random.value;
            if (rand < .75)
                surfacePressure = Random.Range(.01f, 2);
                surfacePressure = Random.Range(.01f, 100);

            greenhouse = .0137328 * Mathd.Pow(surfacePressure, 2) + .0986267 * surfacePressure;
            if (greenhouse < 0)
                greenhouse = 0;
            surfaceTemp = Mathd.Pow(((1 - bondAlebo) * star.luminosity) / ((16 * Mathd.PI * 5.6705e-8) * Mathd.Pow(orbit.sma, 2)), .25) * Mathd.Pow((1 + .438 * greenhouse * .9), .25);

            rand = Random.value;
            if (surfaceTemp - 273.15 < -50)
                if (rand < .25)
                    solarSubType = SolarSubType.Ice;
            else if (surfaceTemp - 273.15 > 120)
                if (surfacePressure > 20)
                    if (rand < .75)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Volcanic;
                    if (rand < .25)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Desert;
                if (surfacePressure > 40)
                    if (rand < .55)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Volcanic;
                    else if (rand < .85)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Ocean;
                else if (surfacePressure > 20)
                    if (rand < .55)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Ocean;
                    else if (rand < .85)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.EarthLike;
                    else if (rand < .95)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Volcanic;
                else if (surfacePressure > .25)
                    if (rand < .75)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.EarthLike;
                    else if (rand < .85)
                        solarSubType = SolarSubType.Ocean;

        //------------Assigning Colors----------------//
        if (solarSubType == SolarSubType.Rocky)
            color = Color.gray;
        else if (solarSubType == SolarSubType.EarthLike)
            color = Color.green;
        else if (solarSubType == SolarSubType.Ice)
            color = Color.white;
        else if (solarSubType == SolarSubType.Desert)
            color = Color.yellow;
        else if (solarSubType == SolarSubType.Ocean)
            color = Color.blue;
        else if (solarSubType == SolarSubType.Volcanic)
            color = Color.red;

        if (solarType != SolarType.Star && solarSubType != SolarSubType.GasGiant)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static double Lerp(double from, double to, double t)
     return(from + (to - from) * Mathd.Clamp01(t));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public double temp(double time)
        if (GameManager.instance.data.stars[solarIndex[0]].solar == this)

        Vector3d position = Position(time);

        var solar = GameManager.instance.data.stars[solarIndex[0]].solar;

        if (solarIndex.Count == 3)
            position += solar.satelites[solarIndex[1]].Position(time);
        var distance = position.magnitude;

        //(Mathd.Pow(solar.bodyRadius, 2) / Mathd.Pow(position.magnitude, 2)) * solar.surfaceTemp * 2314;
        surfaceTemp = Mathd.Pow(((1 - bondAlebo) * solar.luminosity) / ((16 * Mathd.PI * 5.6705e-8) * Mathd.Pow(distance, 2)), .25) * Mathd.Pow((1 + .438 * greenhouse * .9), .25);

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public double MM(double parentMass) // Mean motion of orbit in radians per second.
     return(Mathd.Sqrt((GameDataModel.G * parentMass) / (Mathd.Pow((double)orbit.sma, 3))));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static double SmoothDampAngle(double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed, double deltaTime)
     target = current + Mathd.DeltaAngle(current, target);
     return(Mathd.SmoothDamp(current, target, ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, deltaTime));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static float AngleBetweenInPlane(Vector3 fromAngle, Vector3 toAngle, Vector3 vector)
     Mathd.ProjectVectorOnPlane(fromAngle, vector);
     Mathd.ProjectVectorOnPlane(toAngle, vector);
     return(Vector3.Angle(fromAngle, toAngle));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        if (Application.isPlaying)
            QuadNodeGenerator qng = target as QuadNodeGenerator;
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField(qng.queueCount + " queued nodes");

            double avgsfc, minsfc, maxsfc;
            double avgtree, mintree, maxtree;
            double avggrass, mingrass, maxgrass;

            avgsfc           = minsfc = maxsfc =
                avgtree      = mintree = maxtree =
                    avggrass = mingrass = maxgrass = -1;

            lock (QuadNode.sfctimes) {
                if (QuadNode.sfctimes.Count > 0)
                    avgsfc = 0;
                    minsfc = QuadNode.sfctimes[0];
                    maxsfc = QuadNode.sfctimes[0];
                    QuadNode.sfctimes.ForEach(l => {
                        avgsfc += l;
                        minsfc  = Mathd.Min(l, minsfc);
                        maxsfc  = Mathd.Max(l, maxsfc);
                    avgsfc /= QuadNode.sfctimes.Count;
            lock (QuadNode.treetimes) {
                if (QuadNode.treetimes.Count > 0)
                    avgtree = 0;
                    mintree = QuadNode.treetimes[0];
                    maxtree = QuadNode.treetimes[0];
                    QuadNode.treetimes.ForEach(l => {
                        avgtree += l;
                        mintree  = Mathd.Min(l, mintree);
                        maxtree  = Mathd.Max(l, maxtree);
                    avgtree /= QuadNode.treetimes.Count;
            lock (QuadNode.grasstimes) {
                if (QuadNode.grasstimes.Count > 0)
                    avggrass = 0;
                    mingrass = QuadNode.grasstimes[0];
                    maxgrass = QuadNode.grasstimes[0];
                    QuadNode.grasstimes.ForEach(l => {
                        avggrass += l;
                        mingrass  = Mathd.Min(l, mingrass);
                        maxgrass  = Mathd.Max(l, maxgrass);
                    avggrass /= QuadNode.grasstimes.Count;

            float w = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 60f;

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Surface avg/min/max", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Trees avg/min/max", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Grass avg/min/max", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = w;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static bool Approximately(double a, double b)
     return(Mathd.Abs(b - a) < Mathd.Max(1E-06d * Mathd.Max(Mathd.Abs(a), Mathd.Abs(b)), 1.121039E-44d));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        void fGrav(GravationalObjectV2 a, GravationalObjectV2 b)
            double distance = Mathd.Sqrt(Mathd.Pow(b.x - a.x, 2) + Mathd.Pow(b.y - a.y, 2) + Mathd.Pow(b.z - a.z, 2));
            float  F        = (float)(6.67408 * Mathd.Pow(10, -11)) * (float)((a.mass * b.mass) / Mathd.Pow(distance, 2));     //meters, kg, seconds

            //Calculate new vector for a
            Vector3d veca = (new Vector3d(b.x, b.y, b.z)) - (new Vector3d(a.x, a.y, a.z));              //direction vector

            veca = veca.normalized * (F * dt / a.mass);                                                 //force vector
            //veca = veca*(dt/a.mass);
            a.VVec = a.VVec + veca;

            //Calculate new vector for b
            Vector3d vecb = (new Vector3d(a.x, a.y, a.z)) - (new Vector3d(b.x, b.y, b.z));              //direction vector

            vecb = vecb.normalized * (F * dt / b.mass);                                                 //force vector
            //vecb = (vecb*dt)/b.mass;
            b.VVec = b.VVec + vecb;
 private double Sine(double t)
     return(amplitude * Math.Sin(2d * Math.PI * frequency * t + Mathd.DegToRad(phase)) + valueOffset);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 Double dist(Vector3d p, Vector3d mO)
     return(Mathd.Sqrt(Mathd.Pow(p.x - mO.x, 2) + Mathd.Pow(p.y - mO.y, 2) + Mathd.Pow(p.z - mO.z, 2)));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void CreateBaseMesh(UnityTile tile)
            //TODO use arrays instead of lists

            var cap = (_sampleCount - 1);

            for (float y = 0; y < cap; y++)
                for (float x = 0; x < cap; x++)
                    var x1 = (float)(Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.x, tile.Rect.Max.x, x / cap) - tile.Rect.Center.x);
                    var y1 = (float)(Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.y, tile.Rect.Max.y, y / cap) - tile.Rect.Center.y);
                    var x2 = (float)(Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.x, tile.Rect.Max.x, (x + 1) / cap) - tile.Rect.Center.x);
                    var y2 = (float)(Mathd.Lerp(tile.Rect.Min.y, tile.Rect.Max.y, (y + 1) / cap) - tile.Rect.Center.y);

                    var triStart = _newVertexList.Count;
                    _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x1, 0, y1));
                    _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x2, 0, y1));
                    _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x1, 0, y2));
                    _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x2, 0, y1));
                    _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x2, 0, y2));
                    _newVertexList.Add(new Vector3(x1, 0, y2));


                    _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(x / cap, 1 - y / cap));
                    _newUvList.Add(new Vector2((x + 1) / cap, 1 - y / cap));
                    _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(x / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap));
                    _newUvList.Add(new Vector2((x + 1) / cap, 1 - y / cap));
                    _newUvList.Add(new Vector2((x + 1) / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap));
                    _newUvList.Add(new Vector2(x / cap, 1 - (y + 1) / cap));

                    _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 1);
                    _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 2);
                    _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 3);
                    _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 4);
                    _newTriangleList.Add(triStart + 5);

            var mesh = tile.MeshFilter.mesh;

            mesh.SetUVs(0, _newUvList);
            mesh.SetTriangles(_newTriangleList, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public static float MoveTowardAngle(float fromAngle, float toAngle, float maxSpeed, float amountPerCycle)
        float single = Mathf.Clamp(Mathd.AngleBetween(fromAngle, toAngle) * amountPerCycle, -maxSpeed * Time.deltaTime, maxSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

        return(fromAngle + single);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static double MoveTowardsAngle(double current, double target, double maxDelta)
     target = current + Mathd.DeltaAngle(current, target);
     return(Mathd.MoveTowards(current, target, maxDelta));
Ejemplo n.º 15
    void takeStep(float dt)
        hillRadius [0] = 0.0f;
        for (int j = 1; j < nb; j++)
            if (m [j] > massThreshold)
                double a = x [j].magnitude;
                hillRadius [j] = (float)(a * Mathd.Pow((double)m [j] / (3.0 * (double)m [0]), 0.33333));
                hillRadius [j] = 0.0f;
        float captureMultiplier = 3.0f;

        if (!paused)
            if (useDLL)
                for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
                    dx [j]  = x [j].x;
                    dy [j]  = x [j].y;
                    dz [j]  = x [j].z;
                    dvx [j] = v [j].x;
                    dvy [j] = v [j].y;
                    dvz [j] = v [j].z;
                    dm [j]  = m [j];
                    dhr [j] = captureMultiplier * hillRadius [j];
                Wrappers.Wrapper_TakeStepDLL(itd, dx, dy, dz, dvx, dvy, dvz,
                                             dax, day, daz, dm, dhr, nb, (double)dt, (double)G, (double)shieldRadius, (double)massThreshold);
                for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
                    x [j].x = (float)dx [j];
                    x [j].y = (float)dy [j];
                    x [j].z = (float)dz [j];
                    v [j].x = (float)dvx [j];
                    v [j].y = (float)dvy [j];
                    v [j].z = (float)dvz [j];
                    if (itd [j] > 0)
                        toBeRemoved [j] = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
                    a[j] = Vector3d.zero;

                for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
                    for (int k = j + 1; k < nb; k++)
                        if (m[k] > massThreshold || m[j] > massThreshold)
                            Vector3d dx  = (x[k] - x[j]);
                            double   dxm = dx.magnitude;
                            //float dx2 = dxm * dxm;
                            double dx3 = dxm * dxm * dxm;
                            if (m[j] <= massThreshold)
                                if (dxm < captureMultiplier * hillRadius[k])
                                    toBeRemoved[j] = true;
                            if (m[k] <= massThreshold)
                                if (dxm < captureMultiplier * hillRadius[j])
                                    toBeRemoved[k] = true;
                            if (dxm > shieldRadius)
                                if (m[k] > massThreshold)
                                    a[j] += G * m[k] / dx3 * dx;
                                if (m[j] > massThreshold)
                                    a[k] -= G * m[j] / dx3 * dx;

                for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
                    v[j] += a[j] * dt;
                    x[j] += v[j] * dt;

             * for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++)
             * {
             * bodyGos[j].GetComponent<PlanetBehaviour>().Push(x[j]);
             * }
            t += dt;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static double SmoothStep(double from, double to, double t)
     t = Mathd.Clamp01(t);
     t = (-2.0 * t * t * t + 3.0 * t * t);
     return(to * t + from * (1.0 - t));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public double SemiMinorAxis()
     return(Mathd.Sqrt(apoapsis * periapsis));
Ejemplo n.º 18
    public static double SmoothDampAngle(double current, double target, ref double currentVelocity, double smoothTime, double maxSpeed)
        double deltaTime = (double)Time.deltaTime;

        return(Mathd.SmoothDampAngle(current, target, ref currentVelocity, smoothTime, maxSpeed, deltaTime));
Ejemplo n.º 19
    private Vector3d Position(double time)
        if (orbit.sma == 0)

        double parentMass;

        if (solarIndex.Count == 2)
            parentMass = GameManager.instance.data.stars[solarIndex[0]].solar.mass;
        else if (solarIndex.Count == 3)
            parentMass = GameManager.instance.data.stars[solarIndex[0]].solar.satelites[solarIndex[1]].mass;
            throw new System.Exception("parentMass not found.");
        var ena = ENA(time, parentMass);
        var pos = new Vector3d(orbit.sma * (Mathd.Cos(ena) - orbit.ecc), orbit.sma * Mathd.Sqrt(1 - (orbit.ecc * orbit.ecc)) * Mathd.Sin(ena));
        var pol = new Polar2d(pos);

        pol.angle += orbit.lpe;
        var pos2 = pol.cartesian;

Ejemplo n.º 20
 public static double Repeat(double t, double length)
     return(t - Mathd.Floor(t / length) * length);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 private static float AbsAngleBetween(float fromAngle, float toAngle)
     return(Mathf.Abs(Mathd.AngleBetween(fromAngle, toAngle)));