Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Test1()
            var func    = MathS.Sqr(x) + 2 * x + 1;
            var derived = func.Derive(x);

            AssertEqEntity(derived.Simplify(), (2 * x + 2).Simplify());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestPatt3()
            var y    = MathS.Var("y");
            var expr = (x - y) * (x + y);

            Assert.IsTrue(expr.Simplify() == MathS.Sqr(x) - MathS.Sqr(y));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public void Setup()
     exprEasy     = x + MathS.Sqr(x) - 3;
     exprMedium   = MathS.Sin(x + MathS.Cos(x)) + MathS.Sqrt(x + MathS.Sqr(x));
     exprHard     = MathS.Sin(x + MathS.Arcsin(x)) / (MathS.Sqr(x) + MathS.Cos(x)) * MathS.Arccos(x / 1200 + 0.00032 / MathS.Cotan(x + 43));
     exprSolvable = MathS.FromString("3arccos(2x + a)3 + 6arccos(2x + a)2 - a3 + 3");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void TestPatt2()
            var y    = MathS.Var("y");
            var expr = (MathS.Sqr(MathS.Sin(x + 2 * y)) + MathS.Sqr(MathS.Cos(x + 2 * y))) / (2 * MathS.Sin(x - y) * MathS.Cos(x - y) + 1);

            Assert.IsTrue(expr.Simplify() == 1 / (MathS.Sin(2 * (x - y)) + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Test1()
            var func    = MathS.Sqr(x) + 2 * x + 1;
            var derived = func.Differentiate(x);

            Assert.Equal(2 + 2 * x, derived.Simplify());
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Test6()
            var expr = (MathS.Sqr(x) + MathS.Sqr(x)) / MathS.Sqr(x) + MathS.Sqrt(x);
            var func = expr.Compile(x);

            Assert.IsTrue(func.Call(4) == 4);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>Solves ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d</summary>
        /// <param name="a">Coefficient of x^3</param>
        /// <param name="b">Coefficient of x^2</param>
        /// <param name="c">Coefficient of x</param>
        /// <param name="d">Free coefficient</param>
        /// <returns>Set of roots</returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <Entity> SolveCubic(Entity a, Entity b, Entity c, Entity d)
            // en: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_equation
            // ru: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B0_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE

            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(d))
                return(SolveQuadratic(a, b, c).Append(0));
            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(a))
                return(SolveQuadratic(b, c, d));

            var coeff = MathS.i * MathS.Sqrt(3) / 2;
            var u1    = Integer.Create(1);
            var u2    = Rational.Create(-1, 2) + coeff;
            var u3    = Rational.Create(-1, 2) - coeff;
            var D0    = MathS.Sqr(b) - 3 * a * c;
            var D1    = (2 * MathS.Pow(b, 3) - 9 * a * b * c + 27 * MathS.Sqr(a) * d).InnerSimplified;
            var C     = MathS.Pow((D1 + MathS.Sqrt(MathS.Sqr(D1) - 4 * MathS.Pow(D0, 3))) / 2, Rational.Create(1, 3));

            return(new[] { u1, u2, u3 }.Select(uk =>
                                               C.Evaled == 0 && D0.Evaled == 0 ? -(b + uk * C) / 3 / a : -(b + uk * C + D0 / C / uk) / 3 / a));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestCosCustom()
            var func     = MathS.Cos(MathS.Pow(x, 3));
            var expected = -3 * MathS.Sin(MathS.Pow(x, 3)) * MathS.Sqr(x);
            var actual   = func.Differentiate(x).Simplify();

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public CompiledFuncTest()
            multiFuncNotCompiled = (MathS.Log(3, x) + MathS.Sqr(x)) * MathS.Sin(x + MathS.Cosec(x));
            multiFunc            = multiFuncNotCompiled.Compile(x);
            Expression <Func <Complex, Complex> > expr = x => (Complex.Log(x, 3) + Complex.Pow(x, 2)) * Complex.Sin(x + 1 / Complex.Sin(x));

            linqFunc = expr.Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void TestCosCustom()
            var func     = MathS.Cos(MathS.Pow(x, 3));
            var expected = -3 * MathS.Sin(MathS.Pow(x, 3)) * MathS.Sqr(x);
            var actual   = func.Derive(x).Simplify();

            AssertEqEntity(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Test6()
            // Caching with one value
            var expr = (MathS.Sqr(x) + MathS.Sqr(x)) / MathS.Sqr(x) + MathS.Sqrt(x);
            var func = expr.Compile(x);

            Assert.Equal(4, func.Call(4));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public CacheCompiledFunc()
            notCompiled = MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqr(x)) + MathS.Cos(MathS.Sqr(x)) + MathS.Sqr(x) + MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqr(x));
            complexFunc = notCompiled.Compile(x);

            Expression <Func <Complex, Complex> > linqExpr = x => Complex.Sin(Complex.Pow(x, 2)) + Complex.Cos(Complex.Pow(x, 2)) + Complex.Pow(x, 2) + Complex.Sin(Complex.Pow(x, 2));

            linqComp = linqExpr.Compile();
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void TestLong()
            // Caching with multiple values
            var expr = (MathS.Sqr(x) + MathS.Sqr(x)) / MathS.Sqr(x)
                       + MathS.Sqrt(x) + MathS.Cbrt(x) * MathS.Cbrt(x) + MathS.Sqrt(x);
            var func = expr.Compile(x);

            Assert.Equal(34, func.Call(64));
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Test2()
            var eq    = MathS.Sqr(x) + 1;
            var roots = eq.SolveNt(x);

            AssertRootCount(roots, 2);
            foreach (var root in roots.FiniteSet())
                AssertRoots(eq, x, root);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void TestVars4mp()
            var goose = MathS.Var("goose");
            var eq    = ((x - goose) * (x - 3) * (MathS.Sqr(x) - 4));
            var roots = eq.SolveEquation(x);

            foreach (var root in roots.FiniteSet())
                AssertRoots(eq, x, root);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void InvertedFunctionTests(string func, int rootAmount)
            Entity toRepl = func + "(x2 + 3)";
            Entity expr   = MathS.Sqr(toRepl) + 0.3 * toRepl - 0.1 * MathS.Var("a");
            var    roots  = expr.SolveEquation(x);

            AssertRootCount(roots, rootAmount);
            foreach (var root in roots.FiniteSet())
                AssertRoots(expr.Substitute("a", 5), x, root.Substitute("n_1", 3).Substitute("a", 5));
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public SubsTest()
     IterCount = 10000;
     tests     = new List <Func <object> > {
         () => (x * MathS.Sin(x)).Substitute(x, 3).Eval(),
         () => (MathS.Cos(x) * MathS.Sin(x)).Substitute(x, 3).Eval(),
         () => (MathS.Sqr(MathS.Sin(x + 2 * x)) + MathS.Sqr(MathS.Cos(x + 2 * x))).Substitute(x, 3).Eval(),
         () => (x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))).Substitute(x, 3).Eval()
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public DerivationTest()
     IterCount = 10000;
     tests     = new List <Func <object> > {
         () => x.Derive(x),
         () => (MathS.Cos(x) * MathS.Sin(x)).Derive(x),
         () => (MathS.Sqr(MathS.Sin(x + 2 * y)) + MathS.Sqr(MathS.Cos(x + 2 * y))).Derive(x),
         () => (x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))).Derive(x)
 public SimplificationTest()
     IterCount = 1500;
     tests     = new List <Func <object> > {
         () => (x * MathS.Sin(x)).Simplify(),
         () => (MathS.Cos(x) * MathS.Sin(x)).Simplify(),
         () => (MathS.Sqr(MathS.Sin(x + 2 * y)) + MathS.Sqr(MathS.Cos(x + 2 * y))).Simplify(),
         () => (x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))
                * x * MathS.Cos(x) / MathS.Sin(MathS.Sqrt(x / MathS.Ln(x)))).Simplify()
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// solves ax3 + bx2 + cx + d
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">
        /// Coefficient of x^3
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="b">
        /// Coefficient of x^2
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="c">
        /// Coefficient of x
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="d">
        /// Free coefficient
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Set of roots
        /// </returns>
        internal static Set SolveCubic(Entity a, Entity b, Entity c, Entity d)
            // en: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_equation
            // ru: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A4%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B0_%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE

            // TODO (to remove sympy code!)

            Set res;

            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(d))
                res = SolveQuadratic(a, b, c);

            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(a))
                return(SolveQuadratic(b, c, d));

            res = new Set();

            var coeff = MathS.i * MathS.Sqrt(3) / 2;

            var u1 = new NumberEntity(1);
            var u2 = SySyn.Rational(-1, 2) + coeff;
            var u3 = SySyn.Rational(-1, 2) - coeff;
            var D0 = MathS.Sqr(b) - 3 * a * c;
            var D1 = (2 * MathS.Pow(b, 3) - 9 * a * b * c + 27 * MathS.Sqr(a) * d).InnerSimplify();
            var C  = MathS.Pow((D1 + MathS.Sqrt(MathS.Sqr(D1) - 4 * MathS.Pow(D0, 3))) / 2, Number.CreateRational(1, 3));

            foreach (var uk in new List <Entity> {
                u1, u2, u3
                Entity r;
                if (Const.EvalIfCan(C) == 0 && Const.EvalIfCan(D0) == 0)
                    r = -(b + uk * C) / 3 / a;
                    r = -(b + uk * C + D0 / C / uk) / 3 / a;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>Solves ax^2 + bx + c</summary>
        /// <param name="a">Coefficient of x^2</param>
        /// <param name="b">Coefficient of x</param>
        /// <param name="c">Free coefficient</param>
        /// <returns>Set of roots</returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <Entity> SolveQuadratic(Entity a, Entity b, Entity c)
            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(c))
                return(SolveLinear(a, b).Append(0));
            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(a))
                return(SolveLinear(b, c));
            var D = MathS.Sqr(b) - 4 * a * c;

            return(new[] { ((-b - MathS.Sqrt(D)) / (2 * a)).InnerSimplified,
                           ((-b + MathS.Sqrt(D)) / (2 * a)).InnerSimplified });
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void InvertedFunctions(string func, int rootAmount)
            Entity toRepl = func + "(x2 + 3)";
            Entity expr   = MathS.Sqr(toRepl) + 0.3 * toRepl - 0.1 * MathS.Var("a");
            var    roots  = expr.SolveEquation(x);

            roots = (Set)roots.InnerSimplified;
            var finite = Assert.IsType <FiniteSet>(roots);

            AssertRootCount(finite, rootAmount);
            foreach (var root in finite)
                AssertRoots(expr.Substitute("a", 5), x, root.Substitute("n_1", 3).Substitute("a", 5));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>Solves ax^4 + bx^3 + cx^2 + dx + e</summary>
        /// <param name="a">Coefficient of x^4</param>
        /// <param name="b">Coefficient of x^3</param>
        /// <param name="c">Coefficient of x^2</param>
        /// <param name="d">Coefficient of x</param>
        /// <param name="e">Free coefficient</param>
        /// <returns>Set of roots</returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <Entity> SolveQuartic(Entity a, Entity b, Entity c, Entity d, Entity e)
            // en: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartic_function
            // ru: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B4_%D0%A4%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8

            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(e))
                return(SolveCubic(a, b, c, d).Append(0));
            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(a))
                return(SolveCubic(b, c, d, e));

            var alpha = (-3 * MathS.Sqr(b) / (8 * MathS.Sqr(a)) + c / a)
            var beta = (MathS.Pow(b, 3) / (8 * MathS.Pow(a, 3)) - (b * c) / (2 * MathS.Sqr(a)) + d / a)
            var gamma = (-3 * MathS.Pow(b, 4) / (256 * MathS.Pow(a, 4)) + MathS.Sqr(b) * c / (16 * MathS.Pow(a, 3)) - (b * d) / (4 * MathS.Sqr(a)) + e / a)

            if (beta.Evaled == 0)
                return(sqrtsOf1.SelectMany(_ => sqrtsOf1,
                                           (s, t) => - b / 4 * a + s * MathS.Sqrt((-alpha + t * MathS.Sqrt(MathS.Sqr(alpha) - 4 * gamma)) / 2)));

            var oneThird = Rational.Create(1, 3);
            var P        = (-MathS.Sqr(alpha) / 12 - gamma)
            var Q = (-MathS.Pow(alpha, 3) / 108 + alpha * gamma / 3 - MathS.Sqr(beta) / 8)
            var R = -Q / 2 + MathS.Sqrt(MathS.Sqr(Q) / 4 + MathS.Pow(P, 3) / 27);
            var U = MathS.Pow(R, oneThird)
            var y = (Rational.Create(-5, 6) * alpha + U + (U.Evaled == 0 ? -MathS.Pow(Q, oneThird) : -P / (3 * U)))
            var W = MathS.Sqrt(alpha + 2 * y)

            // Now we need to permutate all four combinations
            return(sqrtsOf1.SelectMany(_ => sqrtsOf1,
                                       (s, t) => - b / (4 * a) + (s * W + t * MathS.Sqrt(-(3 * alpha + 2 * y + s * 2 * beta / W))) / 2));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// solves ax2 + bx + c
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">
        /// Coefficient of x^2
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="b">
        /// Coefficient of x
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="c">
        /// Free coefficient
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Set of roots
        /// </returns>
        internal static Set SolveQuadratic(Entity a, Entity b, Entity c)
            Set res;

            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(c))
                res = SolveLinear(a, b);

            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(a))
                return(SolveLinear(b, c));

            res = new Set();
            var D = MathS.Sqr(b) - 4 * a * c;

            res.Add(((-b - MathS.Sqrt(D)) / (2 * a)).InnerSimplify());
            res.Add(((-b + MathS.Sqrt(D)) / (2 * a)).InnerSimplify());
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// solves ax4 + bx3 + cx2 + dx + e
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">
        /// Coefficient of x^4
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="b">
        /// Coefficient of x^3
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="c">
        /// Coefficient of x^2
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="d">
        /// Coefficient of x
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="e">
        /// Free coefficient
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Set of roots
        /// </returns>
        internal static Set SolveQuartic(Entity a, Entity b, Entity c, Entity d, Entity e)
            // en: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quartic_function
            // ru: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B4_%D0%A4%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8

            Set res;

            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(e))
                res = SolveCubic(a, b, c, d);

            if (TreeAnalyzer.IsZero(a))
                return(SolveCubic(b, c, d, e));

            res = new Set();

            var alpha = (-3 * MathS.Sqr(b) / (8 * MathS.Sqr(a)) + c / a)
            var beta = (MathS.Pow(b, 3) / (8 * MathS.Pow(a, 3)) - (b * c) / (2 * MathS.Sqr(a)) + d / a)
            var gamma = (-3 * MathS.Pow(b, 4) / (256 * MathS.Pow(a, 4)) + MathS.Sqr(b) * c / (16 * MathS.Pow(a, 3)) - (b * d) / (4 * MathS.Sqr(a)) + e / a)

            if (Const.EvalIfCan(beta) == 0)
                res.FastAddingMode = true;
                for (int s = -1; s <= 1; s += 2)
                    for (int t = -1; t <= 1; t += 2)
                        var x = -b / 4 * a + s * MathS.Sqrt((-alpha + t * MathS.Sqrt(MathS.Sqr(alpha) - 4 * gamma)) / 2);
                res.FastAddingMode = false;

            var oneThird = Number.CreateRational(1, 3);
            var P        = (-MathS.Sqr(alpha) / 12 - gamma)
            var Q = (-MathS.Pow(alpha, 3) / 108 + alpha * gamma / 3 - MathS.Sqr(beta) / 8)
            var R = -Q / 2 + MathS.Sqrt(MathS.Sqr(Q) / 4 + MathS.Pow(P, 3) / 27);
            var U = MathS.Pow(R, oneThird)
            var y = (Number.CreateRational(-5, 6) * alpha + U + (Const.EvalIfCan(U) == 0 ? -MathS.Pow(Q, oneThird) : -P / (3 * U)))
            var W = MathS.Sqrt(alpha + 2 * y)

            // Now we need to permutate all four combinations
            res.FastAddingMode = true;  /* we are sure that there's no such root yet */
            for (int s = -1; s <= 1; s += 2)
                for (int t = -1; t <= 1; t += 2)
                    var x = -b / (4 * a) + (s * W + t * MathS.Sqrt(-(3 * alpha + 2 * y + s * 2 * beta / W))) / 2;
            res.FastAddingMode = false;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void TestArc3()
            var func = MathS.Arccos(2 * x);

            AssertEqEntity(func.Derive(x).Simplify(), (-2) / MathS.Sqrt(1 + (-4) * MathS.Sqr(x)));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void TestArc2()
            var func = MathS.Arcsin(2 * x);

            AssertEqEntity(func.Derive(x).Simplify(), 2 / MathS.Sqrt(1 + (-4) * MathS.Sqr(x)));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void TestArc1()
            var func = MathS.Arcsin(x);

            AssertEqEntity(func.Derive(x).Simplify(), 1 / MathS.Sqrt(1 - MathS.Sqr(x)));
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void TestArc5()
            var func = MathS.Arccotan(2 * x);

            AssertEqEntity(func.Derive(x).Simplify(), -2 / (1 + 4 * MathS.Sqr(x)));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 [TestMethod] public void SquareSquare() => Test(@"{\left({x}^{2}\right)}^{2}", MathS.Sqr(MathS.Sqr(x)));