Ejemplo n.º 1
    //for test

    public bool isPointInside(Vector2 xy)
        bool proj = false;

        int closestEdge = getClosestEdge(xy);

        Vector2 ab = MathGame.lineToVector(getEdge(closestEdge));        //вектор грани
        Vector2 ap = MathGame.lineToVector(getEdge(closestEdge)[0], xy); //вектор от начала грани до точки

        /*Проверка пренадлежности делается с помощью вычисления векторного произведения
         *между вектором образованым ближайшей гранью (ab) и вектором между курсором и началом ближайшей грани (ap)
         * если произведение меньше 0, то точка принадлежит полигону.
         *Для полигонов с острыми углами еще нужна проверка на длину. ap не должно быть > ab.
         * Checking by using cross product between vector creating by nearest edge (ab) and
         * vector specified by start point of ab and xy coordinates. Negative value of cross means pont
         * is inside poly. Length check is for non-square polys.

        float cross = MathGame.crs2d(ap, ab);

        if (cross < 0 && ab.magnitude >= ap.magnitude)
        { //cross - векторное умножение - проверка тупой угол или острый
            proj = true;
            proj = false;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void StateChangeCheck()
     if (QuestionsCorrect >= ModerateModeLimit)
         MathGame.ChangeState(new HardGameState(this));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private float[] getEdgeSquare()
        int width = 10;

        float[] vertices = new float[8];

        //Получаем координаты грани
        Vector2 st = new Vector2(shapeCreator.getNodes()[nodesToLink[0]].getX(), shapeCreator.getNodes()[nodesToLink[0]].getY());
        Vector2 fn = new Vector2(shapeCreator.getNodes()[nodesToLink[1]].getX(), shapeCreator.getNodes()[nodesToLink[1]].getY());
        //Результирующий вектор
        Vector2 edgeVector = MathGame.lineToVector(st, fn); //базовый вектор

        //Теперь нам нужно найти нормаль к вектору. Координаты вектора-нормали ищется по формулам:
        //x = (-y*y')/x', y = (-x*x')/y'. Тут x' и y' - координаты базового вектора
        //x или y выбираем любой, например y = 1.

        float normY;

        if (edgeVector.x >= 0)//Проверяем, что векто рв правой части графика - тогда Y положительный и наоборот
            normY = 1;
            normY = -1;

        float   normX      = -(normY * edgeVector.y) / edgeVector.x; //X компонента вектора нормали
        Vector2 resNormal1 = new Vector2(normX, normY);              //Y компоненту мы уже определили

        resNormal1.Normalize();              //нормализуем вектор нормали

        resNormal1.x = resNormal1.x * width; // умножаем на ширину нашего прямоугольника
        resNormal1.y = resNormal1.y * width;

        Vector2 resNormal2 = new Vector2(resNormal1.x, resNormal1.y); //Назначаем оппозитный вектор к нормали, чтобы была вторая сторона прямоугольника

        resNormal2.x = -resNormal2.x;                                 //отражаем оппозитный вектор
        resNormal2.y = -resNormal2.y;

        vertices[0] = resNormal1.x + st.x;
        vertices[1] = resNormal1.y + st.y;
        vertices[2] = resNormal2.x + st.x;
        vertices[3] = resNormal2.y + st.y;
        vertices[4] = resNormal2.x + fn.x;
        vertices[5] = resNormal2.y + fn.y;
        vertices[6] = resNormal1.x + fn.x;
        vertices[7] = resNormal1.y + fn.y;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void FindOpponent()
            //// First fetch the player from our players collection having current connection id
            var player = mathPlayers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ConnectionId == Context.ConnectionId);

            if (player == null)
                //// Since player would be registered before making this call,
                //// we should not reach here. If we are here, something somewhere in the flow above is broken.

            //// Set that player is seraching for opponent.
            player.IsSearchingOpponent = true;

            //// We will follow a queue, so find a player who registered earlier as opponent.
            //// This would only be the case if more than 2 players are looking for opponent.
            var opponent = mathPlayers.Where(x => x.ConnectionId != Context.ConnectionId && x.IsSearchingOpponent && !x.IsPlaying).OrderBy(x => x.RegisterTime).FirstOrDefault();

            if (opponent == null)
                //// Could not find any opponent, invoke opponentNotFound method in the client.
                Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).InvokeAsync(Constants.OpponentNotFound, mathPlayers);

            //// Set both players as playing.
            player.IsPlaying           = true;
            player.IsSearchingOpponent = false;             //// Make him unsearchable for opponent search

            opponent.IsPlaying           = true;
            opponent.IsSearchingOpponent = false;

            //// Set each other as opponents.
            //player.Opponent = opponent;
            //opponent.Opponent = player;

            //// Notify both players that they can play the game by invoking opponentFound method for both the players.
            //// Also pass the opponent name and opoonet image, so that they can visualize it.
            //// Here we are directly using connection id, but group is a good candidate and use here.
            //Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).InvokeAsync(Constants.OpponentFound, opponent.Name, opponent.Image);
            //Clients.Client(opponent.ConnectionId).InvokeAsync(Constants.OpponentFound, player.Name, player.Image);

            var newGame = new MathGame(player, opponent);


            Clients.All.InvokeAsync("startMathGame", newGame);
            //Clients.User(newGame.Player2.ConnectionId).InvokeAsync("startMathGame", newGame);
            //// Create a new game with these 2 player and add it to games collection.

Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void setPointPosition()
        int   edge   = this.parentEdge;
        float length = this.edgePosition;

        Vector2[] edVec = new Vector2[2];
        Vector2   tmp;

        edVec = shapeCreator.getPolygons()[this.parentPoly].getEdge(edge);
        tmp   = new Vector2(edVec[1].x - edVec[0].x, edVec[1].y - edVec[0].y);
        tmp   = MathGame.scl(tmp, length);
        tmp.x = tmp.x + edVec[0].x;
        tmp.y = tmp.y + edVec[0].y;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SettingsGameJSON SF = new SettingsGameJSON();
            ConsoleKeyInfo   choose;

            for (;;)
                Console.WriteLine("---GRA W LICZENIE---\n\n" +
                                  "MENU GŁÓWNE:\n" +
                                  "---------------------\n" +
                                  "1. Dodawanie\n" +
                                  "2. Odejmowanie\n" +
                                  "3. Mnożenie\n" +
                                  "4. Dzielenie\n" +
                                  "---------------------\n" +
                                  "5. Opcje\n" +
                                  "---------------------\n" +
                                  "9. Wyjście\n");

                choose = Console.ReadKey();
                switch (choose.Key.ToString())
                case "D1":
                case "D2":
                case "D3":
                case "D4":
                    MathGame.Play(SF.Range, SF.Quantity, choose);

                case "D5":

                case "D9":
Ejemplo n.º 7
    //Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded.
    void Awake()
        //Load spritesheet
        // numberSprites = Resources.LoadAll<Sprite>("Images/MathGame/0thru13");

        /*for (int i = 0; i < numberSprites.Length; i++)
         * {
         *  Debug.Log("Loaded " + numberSprites[i].name + " from spritesheet.");
         * }
        if (instance == null)
            instance = this;
        else if (instance != this)

        numberSprites = new Sprite[maxNumber + 1];
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public ModerateGameState(int questionsAttempted, int questionsCorrect, MathGame mathGame)
     QuestionsAttempted = questionsAttempted;
     QuestionsCorrect   = questionsCorrect;
     MathGame           = mathGame;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 internal void StartGame(MathGame game)
     Clients.User(game.Player1.ConnectionId).InvokeAsync("startMathGame", game);
     Clients.User(game.Player2.ConnectionId).InvokeAsync("startMathGame", game);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private void Awake()
     instance = this;