Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Start()
            MathClass math = new MathClass();

            System.Console.WriteLine(math.Addition(2, 3));

            TextClass text = new TextClass();

            System.Console.WriteLine(@"Hello World");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Index(int?n1, int?n2)
            if (n1.HasValue && n2.HasValue)
                int sum = MathClass.Add(n1.Value, n2.Value);


Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Test method for inputting each individual value from a range
        private void SquareRootOneValue(MathClass mathClass, double expectedResult)
            double input = expectedResult * expectedResult;

            double actualResult = mathClass.SquareRoot(input);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult, delta: expectedResult / 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter number 1");
            int n1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Enter number 2");
            int n2     = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            int result = MathClass.Add(n1, n2);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())

            app.Run(async(context) =>
                await context.Response.WriteAsync($"2 + 2 = {MathClass.Add(2, 2)}");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void SubtractTest()
            MathClass target = new MathClass();

            int a        = 10;
            int b        = 5;
            int expected = 5;
            int actual   = 0;

            actual = target.Subtract(a, b);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Enter first number ");
        int firstno = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        Console.WriteLine("Enter ssecond number ");
        int secondno = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

        int result = MathClass.Add(firstno, secondno);

        Console.WriteLine("Addition is:" + result);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void MultiplyTest()
            MathClass target = new MathClass();

            int a        = 5;  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int b        = 5;  // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int expected = 25; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            int actual;

            actual = target.Multiply(a, b);
            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void DivideTest()
            MathClass target = new MathClass();

            int a        = 25;
            int b        = 0;
            int expected = 0;
            int actual   = 0;

            actual = target.Divide(a, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private Dictionary <string, decimal> GetCoefsFromApi2(OddEvent oddEvent)
            var paramsToPythonApi = MathClass.GetCoefsToPythonApi(oddEvent);

            var task = this._pythonClient.GetDataFromPythonApiAsync2(paramsToPythonApi.k1, paramsToPythonApi.to, paramsToPythonApi.tu, paramsToPythonApi.k2, paramsToPythonApi.hdp1, paramsToPythonApi.hdp2);


            Dictionary <string, decimal> dict = task.Result;

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void MultiplyTest()
            MathClass target = new MathClass();

            int a        = 5;
            int b        = 5;
            int expected = 25;
            int actual   = 0;

            actual = target.Multiply(a, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void AddTest()
            MathClass target = new MathClass();

            int a        = 2;
            int b        = 3;
            int expected = 5;
            int actual   = 0;

            actual = target.Add(a, b);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, 1, "You are getting close!");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private (Point[], Point?, Point?) CheckIfExistsStraightPath(Planet originPlanet, Planet destinationPlanet)
            double shortestDist             = double.MaxValue;
            double shortestStraightPathDist = double.MaxValue;
            Point? bestOrigP = null;
            Point? bestDestP = null;

            Point[] straightPathPoints = new Point[2];

            foreach (Point origP in originPlanet.ContactPoints)
                foreach (Point destP in destinationPlanet.ContactPoints)
                    bool intersection = false;
                    foreach (var item in gameObjects)
                        if (item is Planet planet)
                            int collision = FindCollision(originPlanet, planet, destinationPlanet, origP, destP);
                            if (collision == -1)
                            else if (collision == 1)
                                intersection = true;
                    double dist = MathClass.GetDistance(origP.X, destP.X, origP.Y, destP.Y);
                    // gets points for straight path
                    if (dist < shortestStraightPathDist)
                        shortestStraightPathDist = dist;
                        straightPathPoints[0]    = origP;
                        straightPathPoints[1]    = destP;

                    // gets the shortest path without collision
                    if (dist < shortestDist && !intersection)
                        shortestDist = dist;
                        bestOrigP    = origP;
                        bestDestP    = destP;
            return(straightPathPoints, bestOrigP, bestDestP);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void TestSumThrowExceptionWhenNegative()
            MathClass objMath = new MathClass();

                objMath.Sum(-123, -456);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // logging code will go here
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void TestSumThrowExceptionWhenZero()
            MathClass objMath = new MathClass();

                objMath.Sum(0, 0);
            catch (ArgumentException)
                // logging code will go here
Ejemplo n.º 16
        static void Main(String[] args)
            MathClass myClass = new MathClass();

            myClass.FirstNumber  = 10;
            myClass.SecondNumber = 10;

            Console.WriteLine("Addition result :" + myClass.Addition());
            Console.WriteLine("Substraction result :" + myClass.Substraction());
            Console.WriteLine("Multiplication result :" + myClass.Multiplication());
            Console.WriteLine("Division result :" + myClass.Division());
        public void TestSumThrowExceptionWhenNegative()
            MathLibrary.MathClass objMath = new MathClass();

                objMath.Sum(-123, -456);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                // logging code will go here
                Assert.AreSame("No Zero or Negative are allowed", ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void SquareRootValueRange()
            // Create an instance to test.
            MathClass mathClass = new MathClass();

            // Try a range of values.
            for (double expected = 1e-8; expected < 1e+8; expected *= 3.2)
                //ARRANGE within method
                SquareRootOneValue(mathClass, expected);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void Analysis(ushort[] data, int Loop)
            int Index = 0;

            Rv[Loop]      = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            RSv[Loop]     = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            RA[Loop]      = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            R_kW[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            R_kVAR[Loop]  = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            R_kVA[Loop]   = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            R_PF[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            R_kWh[Loop]   = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            R_kVARh[Loop] = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            R_kVAh[Loop]  = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;

            Sv[Loop]      = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;//20
            STv[Loop]     = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            SA[Loop]      = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            S_kW[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            S_kVAR[Loop]  = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            S_kVA[Loop]   = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            S_PF[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            S_kWh[Loop]   = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            S_kVARh[Loop] = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            S_kVAh[Loop]  = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;

            Tv[Loop]      = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            TRv[Loop]     = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            TA[Loop]      = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            T_kW[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            T_kVAR[Loop]  = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            T_kVA[Loop]   = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            T_PF[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            T_kWh[Loop]   = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            T_kVARh[Loop] = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            T_kVAh[Loop]  = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;

            vn[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            v[Loop]     = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            A[Loop]     = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            kW[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            kVAR[Loop]  = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            kVA[Loop]   = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            PF[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            kWh[Loop]   = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            kVARh[Loop] = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            kVAh[Loop]  = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]); Index += 2;
            HZ[Loop]    = MathClass.work16to754(data[Index + 1], data[Index]);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public override void ReadData(IModbusMaster master)
         ushort[] HZ    = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 304, 1);
         ushort[] V     = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 305, 6);
         ushort[] A     = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 312, 6);
         ushort[] data  = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 318, 16);
         ushort[] KWH   = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 40960, 2);
         ushort[] KVARH = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 40990, 2);
         int      Index = 0;
         hz          = Convert.ToDecimal(HZ[0] * 0.01);
         rsv         = Convert.ToDecimal(MathClass.work16to10(V[Index], V[Index + 1]) * 0.01); Index += 2;
         stv         = Convert.ToDecimal(MathClass.work16to10(V[Index], V[Index + 1]) * 0.01); Index += 2;
         trv         = Convert.ToDecimal(MathClass.work16to10(V[Index], V[Index + 1]) * 0.01);
         Index       = 0;
         ra          = Convert.ToDecimal(MathClass.work16to10(A[Index], A[Index + 1]) * 0.01); Index += 2;
         sa          = Convert.ToDecimal(MathClass.work16to10(A[Index], A[Index + 1]) * 0.01); Index += 2;
         ta          = Convert.ToDecimal(MathClass.work16to10(A[Index], A[Index + 1]) * 0.01);
         Index       = 0;
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //P1
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //P2
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //P3
         kw          = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01 * (ReportConfig.Ratio)); Index++;
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //Q1
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //Q2
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //Q3
         kvar        = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //A1
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //A2
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;  //A3
         kva         = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.01); Index++;
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.001); Index++; //PFE1
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.001); Index++; //PFE2
         _           = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.001); Index++; //PFE3
         pfe         = Convert.ToDecimal(data[Index] * 0.001);
         Index       = 0;
         kwh         = Convert.ToDecimal(MathClass.work16to10(KWH[Index], KWH[Index + 1]) * 0.01 * (ReportConfig.Ratio));
         kvarh       = Convert.ToDecimal(MathClass.work16to10(KVARH[Index], KVARH[Index + 1]) * 0.01);
         ConnectFlag = true;
     catch (ThreadAbortException) { }
     catch (Exception ex)
         Log.Error(ex, $"BAW-4C電表通訊失敗 ID : {ID}");
         ConnectFlag = false;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the value for factorial:");
            var fact = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the value for power:");
            var valPow = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the power:");
            var pow = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            MathClass.Power(valPow, pow);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public override void DataReader(ModbusMaster master)
         int      Index  = 0;
         ushort[] value  = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 4096, 46);
         ushort[] value1 = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 4142, 20);
         _        = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]); Index += 2;
         Rv       = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]); Index += 2;
         Sv       = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]); Index += 2;
         Tv       = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]); Index += 2;
         RSv      = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]); Index += 2;
         STv      = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]); Index += 2;
         TRv      = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]); Index += 2;
         _        = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         RA       = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         SA       = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         TA       = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         PF       = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         PF_A     = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //PFE L1
         PF_B     = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //PFE L2
         PF_C     = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //PFE L3
         _        = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //三相相位角
         RV_Angle = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //三相相位角 L1
         SV_Angle = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //三相相位角 L2
         TV_Angle = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //三相相位角 L3
         kVA      = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         kVA_A    = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //三相視在功率 L1
         kVA_B    = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2; //三相視在功率 L2
         kVA_C    = MathClass.work16to10(value[Index], value[Index + 1]) * 0.001F;             //三相視在功率 L3
         Index    = 0;
         kW       = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         kW_A     = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;        //有效功率 L1
         kW_B     = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;        //有效功率 L2
         kW_C     = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;        //有效功率 L3
         kVAR     = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         kVAR_A   = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;        //無效功率 L1
         kVAR_B   = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;        //無效功率 L2
         kVAR_C   = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;        //無效功率 L3
         kWh      = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F; Index += 2;
         kVARh    = MathClass.work16to10(value1[Index], value1[Index + 1]) * 0.001F;
     catch (Exception ex)
         ConnectFlag = false;
         Log.Error(ex, $"ABBM2M解析異常、通訊編號: {GatewayIndex}、設備編號: {DeviceIndex}");
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private int FindCollision(Planet originPlanet, Planet collisionPlanet, Planet destinationPlanet, Point origP, Point destP)
            Point  midPoint                    = new Point((originPlanet.Position.X + destinationPlanet.Position.X) / 2, (originPlanet.Position.Y + destinationPlanet.Position.Y) / 2); // midpoint between origin and target
            double midPointTargetDist          = MathClass.GetDistance(midPoint.X, destinationPlanet.Position.X, midPoint.Y, destinationPlanet.Position.Y);
            double midPointCollisionPlanetDist = MathClass.GetDistance(midPoint.X, collisionPlanet.Position.X, midPoint.Y, collisionPlanet.Position.Y);

            // find collision with other planets and check if the other planets aren't too far away
            if (collisionPlanet == originPlanet || collisionPlanet == destinationPlanet || midPointTargetDist < midPointCollisionPlanetDist)
            if (MathClass.LineAndCircleIntersectionExists(collisionPlanet.Position.X, collisionPlanet.Position.Y, collisionPlanet.Size / 2.0 * Planet.dodgeRadiusMultiple, origP, destP))
                return(1); // intersection
            return(0);     // no collision
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public override void DataReader(ModbusMaster master)
         int      Index    = 0;
         ushort[] kwhvalue = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 0, 2); //kwh
         ushort[] kwvalue  = master.ReadHoldingRegisters(ID, 8, 2); //kw
         kWh         = MathClass.work16to10(kwhvalue[Index + 1], kwhvalue[Index]) * 0.01;
         kW          = MathClass.work16to10(kwvalue[Index + 1], kwvalue[Index]) * 0.001;
         ConnectFlag = true;
     catch (Exception ex)
         ConnectFlag = false;
         Log.Error(ex, $"PM200解析異常、通訊編號: {GatewayIndex}、設備編號: {DeviceIndex}");
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void PythagorasTheoremCalculateSideNegativeValue()
            //Create an instance to test
            MathClass mathClass = new MathClass();

            //Define test input and output values
            double a = -2.0;
            double b = -4.0;
            double expectedResult = mathClass.SquareRoot(a * a + b * b);

            double actualResult = mathClass.PythagorasTheoremCalculateSide(a, b);

            //Verify the Result
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult);
    static void Main()
        MathClass m = new MathClass();

            // Delegate instantiation using "MultiplyNumbers"
            Del d = m.MultiplyNumbers;

            // Invoke the delegate object.
            System.Console.WriteLine("Invoking the delegate using 'MultiplyNumbers':");
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                d(i, 2);

            // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
            System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
    static void Main()
        MathClass m = new MathClass();

        // Delegate instantiation using "MultiplyNumbers"
        Del d = m.MultiplyNumbers;

        // Invoke the delegate object.
        System.Console.WriteLine("Invoking the delegate using 'MultiplyNumbers':");
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
            d(i, 2);

        // Keep the console window open in debug mode.
        System.Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private void AnimateAIShips(Planet originPlanet, Planet targetPlanet)
            if (currentAIPolyLine.Points.Count == 0)
            int unitCount = (int)Math.Round(originPlanet.UnitCount / 100.0 * 50);

            if (unitCount == 0)
            originPlanet.UnitCount       -= unitCount;
            originPlanet.UnitCountChanged = true;
            SpaceShip spaceShip = new SpaceShip(originPlanet, targetPlanet, unitCount, currentAIPolyLine.Points.ToList(), npcColor);

            AnimateSpaceShipPath(spaceShip, MathClass.GetDistanceBetweenPointsInList(currentAIPolyLine.Points.ToList()), npcColor, currentAIPolyLine.Points);
        /// <summary>
        /// Устанавливает вычисленные к-ты и расхождения для события на исходы:1X2
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prices"></param>
        /// <param name="oddEvent"></param>
        private static void SetMoneyLineComputedPrices(Dictionary <string, decimal> prices, OddEvent oddEvent)
            MoneyLine moneyLine = oddEvent.Periods[0].MoneyLine;

            if (moneyLine != null)
                decimal?margin = MathClass.GetMargin3(moneyLine.Home, moneyLine.Draw, moneyLine.Away);

                moneyLine.FairHome = (moneyLine.Home / (1 - margin));
                moneyLine.FairDraw = (moneyLine.Draw / (1 - margin));
                moneyLine.FairAway = (moneyLine.Away / (1 - margin));

                if (moneyLine != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, decimal> keyValuePair in prices)
                        if (keyValuePair.Key.Equals("ML 1") == true)
                            price = keyValuePair.Value;
                            moneyLine.HomeComputed = price;
                            moneyLine.HomeDisc     = GetDiscByCoefs(moneyLine.FairHome, moneyLine.HomeComputed);

                        if (keyValuePair.Key.Equals("ML X") == true)
                            price = keyValuePair.Value;
                            moneyLine.DrawCompute = price;
                            moneyLine.DrawDisc    = GetDiscByCoefs(moneyLine.FairDraw, moneyLine.DrawCompute);

                        if (keyValuePair.Key.Equals("ML 2") == true)
                            price = keyValuePair.Value;
                            moneyLine.AwayComputed = price;
                            moneyLine.AwayDisc     = GetDiscByCoefs(moneyLine.FairAway, moneyLine.AwayComputed);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Устанавливает вычисленные к-ты и расхождения для события на исходы:Total
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prices"></param>
        /// <param name="oddEvent"></param>
        private static void SetTotalComputedPrices(Dictionary <string, decimal> prices, OddEvent oddEvent)
            List <Total> _pinnacleTotals = oddEvent.Periods[0].Totals;

            for (int i = 0; i < _pinnacleTotals.Count; i++)
                decimal points = _pinnacleTotals[i].Points;

                decimal?margin = MathClass.GetMargin2(_pinnacleTotals[i].Over, _pinnacleTotals[i].Under);
                _pinnacleTotals[i].FairOver  = _pinnacleTotals[i].Over / (1 - margin);
                _pinnacleTotals[i].FairUnder = _pinnacleTotals[i].Under / (1 - margin);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, decimal> keyValuePair in prices)
                    if (keyValuePair.Key.StartsWith("T O") == true)
                        decimal resultOver  = 0.0M;
                        decimal resultUnder = 0.0M;
                        string  name        = keyValuePair.Key.Replace("T O ", "");

                        resultOver = Decimal.Parse(name, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, decimal> keyValuePair2 in prices)
                            if (keyValuePair2.Key.StartsWith("T U") == true)
                                string name2 = keyValuePair2.Key.Replace("T U ", "");
                                resultUnder = Decimal.Parse(name2, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                                if (resultOver == resultUnder && resultOver == points)
                                    _pinnacleTotals[i].OverComputed  = keyValuePair.Value;
                                    _pinnacleTotals[i].UnderComputed = keyValuePair2.Value;
                                    _pinnacleTotals[i].OverDisc      = GetDiscByCoefs(_pinnacleTotals[i].FairOver, _pinnacleTotals[i].OverComputed);
                                    _pinnacleTotals[i].UnderDisc     = GetDiscByCoefs(_pinnacleTotals[i].FairUnder, _pinnacleTotals[i].UnderComputed);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public void SquareRootTestNegativeInput()
            MathClass mathClass = new MathClass();

            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)


            Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => mathClass.SquareRoot(-10));