Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand"/>.  First check that <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand.File"/>
        /// and <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand.FullFilePath"/> match, then delegates to <see cref="FileContentManager.TryMaterializeFileAsync"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <IIpcResult> ExecuteMaterializeFileAsync(MaterializeFileCommand cmd)
            Contract.Requires(cmd != null);

            // for extra safety, check that provided file path and file id match
            AbsolutePath filePath;
            bool         isValidPath = AbsolutePath.TryCreate(m_context.PathTable, cmd.FullFilePath, out filePath);

            if (!isValidPath || !cmd.File.Path.Equals(filePath))
                return(new IpcResult(
                           "file path ids differ; file = " + cmd.File.Path.ToString(m_context.PathTable) + ", file path = " + cmd.FullFilePath));

            var result = await m_fileContentManager.TryMaterializeFileAsync(cmd.File);

            bool   succeeded        = result == ArtifactMaterializationResult.Succeeded;
            string absoluteFilePath = cmd.File.Path.ToString(m_context.PathTable);

            // if file materialization failed, log an error here immediately, so that this errors gets picked up as the root cause
            // (i.e., the "ErrorBucket") instead of whatever fallout ends up happening (e.g., IPC pip fails)
            if (!succeeded)
                Tracing.Logger.Log.ErrorApiServerMaterializeFileFailed(m_loggingContext, absoluteFilePath, result.ToString());
                Tracing.Logger.Log.ApiServerMaterializeFileSucceeded(m_loggingContext, absoluteFilePath);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the SHA-256 hash for file stored in Cache. Required for Build Manifets generation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Returns null when unable to find content in cache.
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task <Possible <ContentHash> > ComputeBuildManifestHashFromCacheAsync(RegisterFileForBuildManifestCommand cmd)
            // Ensure file is materialized locally
            MaterializeFileCommand materializeCommand = new MaterializeFileCommand(cmd.File, cmd.FullFilePath);
            var materializeResult = await ExecuteMaterializeFileAsync(materializeCommand);

            if (!materializeResult.Succeeded)
                return(new Failure <string>("Unable to materialize file = " + cmd.File.Path.ToString(m_context.PathTable) + " with hash: " + cmd.Hash.Serialize()));

            // Open content stream for locally available file
            var loadFileContentResult = await m_engineCache.ArtifactContentCache.TryOpenContentStreamAsync(cmd.Hash);

            if (loadFileContentResult.Succeeded)
                using (var streamWithLength = loadFileContentResult.Result)
                        return(await ContentHashingUtilities.HashContentStreamAsync(streamWithLength, ContentHashingUtilities.BuildManifestHashType));
                    catch (BuildXLException ex)
                        return(new Failure <string>(ex.Message));

            return(new Failure <string>(loadFileContentResult.Failure.DescribeIncludingInnerFailures()));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the hashes for file stored in Cache. Required for Build Manifest generation.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <Possible <IReadOnlyList <ContentHash> > > ComputeBuildManifestHashFromCacheAsync(BuildManifestEntry buildManifestEntry, IList <HashType> requestedTypes)
            // Ensure that the file is materialized.
            MaterializeFileCommand materializeCommand = new MaterializeFileCommand(buildManifestEntry.Artifact, buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath);
            IIpcResult             materializeResult  = await ExecuteMaterializeFileAsync(materializeCommand);

            if (!materializeResult.Succeeded)
                return(new Failure <string>($"Unable to materialize file: '{buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath}' with hash: '{buildManifestEntry.Hash.Serialize()}'. Failure: {materializeResult.Payload}"));

            return(await TryGetBuildManifestHashFromLocalFileAsync(buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath, buildManifestEntry.Hash, requestedTypes));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand"/>.  First check that <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand.File"/>
        /// and <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand.FullFilePath"/> match, then delegates to <see cref="FileContentManager.TryMaterializeFileAsync(FileArtifact)"/>.
        /// If provided <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand.File"/> is not valid, no checks are done, and the call is delegated
        /// to <see cref="FileContentManager.TryMaterializeSealedFileAsync(AbsolutePath)"/>
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <IIpcResult> ExecuteMaterializeFileAsync(MaterializeFileCommand cmd)
            Contract.Requires(cmd != null);

            // If the FileArtifact was provided, for extra safety, check that provided file path and file id match
            AbsolutePath filePath;
            bool         isValidPath = AbsolutePath.TryCreate(m_context.PathTable, cmd.FullFilePath, out filePath);

            if (cmd.File.IsValid && (!isValidPath || !cmd.File.Path.Equals(filePath)))
                return(new IpcResult(
                           "file path ids differ; file = " + cmd.File.Path.ToString(m_context.PathTable) + ", file path = " + cmd.FullFilePath));
            // If only path was provided, check that it's a valid path.
            else if (!cmd.File.IsValid && !filePath.IsValid)
                return(new IpcResult(
                           $"failed to create AbsolutePath from '{cmd.FullFilePath}'"));

            var result = cmd.File.IsValid
                ? await m_fileContentManager.TryMaterializeFileAsync(cmd.File)
                         // If file artifact is unknown, try materializing using only the file path.
                         // This method has lower chance of success, since it depends on FileContentManager's
                         // ability to infer FileArtifact associated with this path.
                : await m_fileContentManager.TryMaterializeSealedFileAsync(filePath);

            bool   succeeded        = result == ArtifactMaterializationResult.Succeeded;
            string absoluteFilePath = cmd.File.Path.ToString(m_context.PathTable);

            // if file materialization failed, log an error here immediately, so that this errors gets picked up as the root cause
            // (i.e., the "ErrorBucket") instead of whatever fallout ends up happening (e.g., IPC pip fails)
            if (!succeeded)
                // For sealed files, materialization might not have succeeded because a path is not known to BXL.
                // In such a case, do not log an error, and let the caller deal with the failure.
                if (cmd.File.IsValid)
                    Tracing.Logger.Log.ErrorApiServerMaterializeFileFailed(m_loggingContext, absoluteFilePath, cmd.File.IsValid, result.ToString());
                Tracing.Logger.Log.ApiServerMaterializeFileSucceeded(m_loggingContext, absoluteFilePath);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand"/>.  First check that <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand.File"/>
        /// and <see cref="MaterializeFileCommand.FullFilePath"/> match, then delegates to <see cref="FileContentManager.TryMaterializeFile"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <IIpcResult> ExecuteMaterializeFile(MaterializeFileCommand cmd)
            Contract.Requires(cmd != null);

            // for extra safety, check that provided file path and file id match
            AbsolutePath filePath;
            bool         isValidPath = AbsolutePath.TryCreate(m_context.PathTable, cmd.FullFilePath, out filePath);

            if (!isValidPath || !cmd.File.Path.Equals(filePath))
                return(new IpcResult(
                           "file path ids differ; file = " + cmd.File.Path.ToString(m_context.PathTable) + ", file path = " + cmd.FullFilePath));

            bool succeeded = await m_fileContentManager.TryMaterializeFile(cmd.File);

            Tracing.Logger.Log.ApiServerMaterializeFileExecuted(m_loggingContext, cmd.File.Path.ToString(m_context.PathTable), succeeded);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute the SHA-256 hash for file stored in Cache. Required for Build Manifets generation.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <Possible <ContentHash> > ComputeBuildManifestHashFromCacheAsync(BuildManifestEntry buildManifestEntry)
            if (!File.Exists(buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath))
                // Ensure file is materialized locally
                if (!AbsolutePath.TryCreate(m_context.PathTable, buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath, out AbsolutePath path))
                    return(new Failure <string>($"Invalid absolute path: '{buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath}'"));

                MaterializeFileCommand materializeCommand = new MaterializeFileCommand(FileArtifact.CreateOutputFile(path), buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath);
                IIpcResult             materializeResult  = await ExecuteMaterializeFileAsync(materializeCommand);

                if (!materializeResult.Succeeded)
                    return(new Failure <string>($"Unable to materialize file: '{buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath}' with hash: '{buildManifestEntry.Hash.Serialize()}'. Failure: {materializeResult.Payload}"));

            return(await TryGetBuildManifestHashFromLocalFileAsync(buildManifestEntry.FullFilePath));