Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override double[][][][] BackwardPropagation(double[][][][] input, int startIndex = 0, int endIndex = 0)
            // set indexes for propagating batch
            int numSamples = 0;

            if (startIndex == DEFAULT_INDEX && endIndex == startIndex)
                startIndex = 0;
                endIndex   = numSamples;
                numSamples = endIndex - startIndex;

            int n = input.Length;

            dWeights = MatOp.Dot(MatOp.Transpose(lastInput, startIndex, endIndex), input, divisor: n);
            // regularization
            if (regularizer != null)
                // lambda/m * W
                double[][][][] regMatrix = regularizer.Regularize(weights, numSamples);
                // add regularization coef
                dWeights = MatOp.Add(dWeights, regMatrix);
            dBiases = MatOp.Mean(input);
            double[][][][] result = MatOp.Dot(input, MatOp.Transpose(weights));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override double[][][][] BackwardPropagation(double[][][][] input, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            int currImageCount       = input.Length;
            int currWidth            = input[0][0].Length;
            int currHeight           = input[0][0][0].Length;
            int channels             = filters[0].Length;
            int filtersCount         = filters.Length;
            int filterWidth          = filters[0][0].Length;
            int filterHeight         = filters[0][0][0].Length;
            int middleWidthOfFilter  = filterWidth / 2;
            int middleHeightOfFilter = filterHeight / 2;

            double normValue = 1 / currImageCount;

            double gradientValue;
            int    yOffsetMin, yOffsetMax;

            double[][][][] imageGradient = Utils.Init4dArr(inputDimension.imageCount, inputDimension.depth,
                                                           inputDimension.width, inputDimension.height);
            dWeights = Utils.Init4dArr(filtersCount, channels, filterWidth, filterHeight);
            for (int i = 0; i < currImageCount; i++)
                for (int convChannel = 0; convChannel < filtersCount; convChannel++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < currWidth; y++)
                        yOffsetMin = Math.Max(-y, -middleWidthOfFilter);
                        yOffsetMax = Math.Min(currWidth - y, middleWidthOfFilter + 1);

                        gradientValue = input[i][convChannel][0][y];

                        for (int y_off = yOffsetMin; y_off < yOffsetMax; y_off++)
                            for (int c_imgs = 0; c_imgs < channels; c_imgs++)
                                //imageGradient[i][c_imgs][imgY][imgX] += filters[c_imgs][convChannel][subY][subX] * gradientValue;
                                dWeights[convChannel][c_imgs][0][y] += (lastInput[i][c_imgs][0][y_off] * gradientValue) * normValue;
                                // regularization
                                if (regularizer != null)
                                    // lambda/m * W
                                    double[][][][] regMatrix = regularizer.Regularize(lastInput, currImageCount);
                                    // add regularization coef
                                    dWeights = MatOp.Add(dWeights, MatOp.Transpose(regMatrix));

            dBiases  = SumBiases(input, biases.Length, currImageCount);
            dWeights = MatOp.Substract(dWeights, filters);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override double[][][][] BackwardPropagation(double[][][][] input, int startIndex, int endIndex)
            int currImageCount       = input.Length;
            int currWidth            = input[0][0].Length;
            int currHeight           = input[0][0][0].Length;
            int filtersChannels      = filters[0].Length;
            int filtersCount         = filters.Length;
            int filterWidth          = filters[0][0].Length;
            int filterHeight         = filters[0][0][0].Length;
            int middleWidthOfFilter  = filterWidth / 2;
            int middleHeightOfFilter = filterHeight / 2;

            double normValue = 1 / currImageCount;

            double gradientValue;
            int    yOffsetMin, yOffsetMax, xOffsetMin, xOffsetMax, imgY, imgX, subY, subX;

            double[][][][] imageGradient = Utils.Init4dArr(inputDimension.imageCount, inputDimension.depth,
                                                           inputDimension.width, inputDimension.height);
            dWeights = Utils.Init4dArr(filtersCount, filtersChannels, filterWidth, filterHeight);
            for (int i = 0; i < currImageCount; i++)
                for (int convChannel = 0; convChannel < filtersChannels; convChannel++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < currWidth; y++)
                        yOffsetMin = Math.Max(-y, -middleWidthOfFilter);
                        yOffsetMax = Math.Min(currWidth - y, middleWidthOfFilter + 1);
                        for (int x = 0; x < currHeight; x++)
                            gradientValue = input[i][convChannel][x][y];

                            gradientValue = input[i][convChannel][x][y];
                            xOffsetMin    = Math.Max(-x, -middleHeightOfFilter);
                            xOffsetMax    = Math.Min(currHeight - x, middleHeightOfFilter + 1);
                            for (int verticalOffset = yOffsetMin; verticalOffset < yOffsetMax; verticalOffset++)
                                for (int horizontalOffset = xOffsetMin; horizontalOffset < xOffsetMax; horizontalOffset++)
                                    imgY = y + verticalOffset;
                                    imgX = x + horizontalOffset;
                                    subY = middleHeightOfFilter + verticalOffset;
                                    subX = middleWidthOfFilter + horizontalOffset;
                                    for (int imageChannel = 0; imageChannel < filtersChannels; imageChannel++)
                                        imageGradient[i][imageChannel][imgY][imgX]      += filters[imageChannel][convChannel][subY][subX] * gradientValue;
                                        dWeights[imageChannel][convChannel][subY][subX] += (lastInput[i][imageChannel][imgY][imgX] * gradientValue) * normValue;

                                        //http://cs231n.github.io/neural-networks-2/#reg それは必要ないですけれどもそれを読んで下さい
                                        if (regularizer != null)
                                            //lambda/m * W

                                            //clean version with some method calls, both add the regularization coef
                                            double[][][][] regMatrix = regularizer.Regularize(lastInput, currImageCount);
                                            dWeights = MatOp.Add(dWeights, MatOp.Transpose(regMatrix));

                                             * //if you're going to use this version instead, transpose the regMatrix, also comment the regmatrix above
                                             * regMatrix = MatOp.Transpose(regularizer.Regularize(lastInput, currImageCount));
                                             * for (int dL0 = 0; dL0 < dWeights.Length; dL0++)
                                             * {
                                             *  for (int dL1 = 0; dL1 < dWeights[0].Length; dL1++)
                                             *  {
                                             *      for (int dL2 = 0; dL2 < dWeights[0][0].Length; dL2++)
                                             *      {
                                             *          for (int dL3 = 0; dL3 < dWeights[0][0][0].Length; dL3++)
                                             *          {
                                             *              dWeights[dL0][dL1][dL2][dL3] = dWeights[dL0][dL1][dL2][dL3] + regMatrix[dL0][dL1][dL2][dL3];
                                             *          }
                                             *      }
                                             *  }
                                             * }
                                             * //*/

            dBiases  = SumBiases(input, biases.Length, currImageCount);
            dWeights = MatOp.Substract(dWeights, filters);
