Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void ReverseOrder(MatOfPoint2f points)
            int count = points.rows();

            for (int i = 0; i < count / 2; i++)
                Vector2 vec2 = points.ReadVector2(i);
                int     i2   = count - i - 1;
                points.WriteVector2(points.ReadVector2(i2), i);
                points.WriteVector2(vec2, i2);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void UpdateCirclePatternInProjectorImage()
            // We will be raycasting from the projector camera. In the editor, the aspect can change depending on the main game view, so we have to ensure that it matches.
            _projectorCamera.targetTexture = _arTexture;

            // Use the circle pattern transform from last update frame, because it is more likely that it will match the detected reality.
            TrackingToolsHelper.UpdateWorldSpacePatternPoints(_circlePatternSize, _circlePatternToWorldPrevFrame, TrackingToolsHelper.PatternType.AsymmetricCircleGrid, _circlePatternBorderSizeUV, ref _circlePointsRenderedWorldMat);
            for (int p = 0; p < _circlePatternPointCount; p++)
                Vector3 worldPoint    = _circlePointsRenderedWorldMat.ReadVector3(p);
                Vector3 viewportPoint = _projectorCamera.WorldToViewportPoint(worldPoint);
                Vector2 imagePoint    = new Vector2(viewportPoint.x * _cameraTexture.width, (1 - viewportPoint.y) * _cameraTexture.height);                  // Viewport space has zero at bottom-left, image space (opencv) has zero at top-left. So flip y.
                _circlePointsProjectorRenderImageMat.WriteVector2(imagePoint, p);
            //TrackingToolsHelper.DrawFoundPattern( _camTexGrayUndistortMat, circlesPatternSize, _circlePointsProjectorRenderImageMat ); // Testing

            // Reset render target.
            _projectorCamera.targetTexture = null;