Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Merupakan fungsi yang digunakan untuk mengubah/memperbaharui data dari sebuah MPS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newDataMPS">sebuah object bertipe MasterPlanSchedule yang menyimpan informasi data MPS yang baru</param>
        /// <param name="currenDataMPS">sebuah object bertipe MasterPlanSchedule yang menyimpan informasi data MPS yang saat ini di database</param>
        /// <param name="username">sebuah string yang berisikan nama username dari user yang sedang login</param>
        /// <param name="now">sebuh data bertipe datetime yang bersisikan tanggal sekarang</param>
        /// <returns>sebuah object MasterPlanSchedule yang berisikan data MPS yang terbaru</returns>
        public MasterPlanSchedule UpdateMPSData(MasterPlanSchedule newDataMPS, MasterPlanSchedule currenDataMPS, string username, DateTime now)
            currenDataMPS.PlannedQuantity = newDataMPS.PlannedQuantity;
            currenDataMPS.EndWorkingDate  = newDataMPS.EndWorkingDate;
            currenDataMPS.LastModified    = now;
            currenDataMPS.LastModifiedBy  = username;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Merupakan fungsi yang digunakan untuk menambahkan data MPS ke table MasterPlanSchedule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataMPS">Sebuah object MasterPlanSchedule yang berisikan data-data MasterPlanSchedule yang akan ditambahkan</param>
        /// <param name="username">sebuah string yang berisikan nama username dari user yang sedang login</param>
        /// <param name="now">sebuh data bertipe datetime yang bersisikan tanggal sekarang</param>
        public void AddMPSData(MasterPlanSchedule dataMPS, string username, DateTime now)
            MasterPlanSchedule newMPSData = new MasterPlanSchedule();

            newMPSData.PROID           = dataMPS.PROID;
            newMPSData.Week            = dataMPS.Week;
            newMPSData.Month           = dataMPS.Month;
            newMPSData.Year            = dataMPS.Year;
            newMPSData.PlannedQuantity = dataMPS.PlannedQuantity;
            newMPSData.EndWorkingDate  = dataMPS.EndWorkingDate;
            newMPSData.CreatedBy       = newMPSData.LastModifiedBy = username;
            newMPSData.Created         = newMPSData.LastModified = now;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Merupakan fungsi yang digunakan untuk menghapus data dari sebuah MPS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currenDataMPS">sebuah object bertipe MasterPlanSchedule yang menyimpan informasi data MPS yang akan dihapus</param>
        /// <param name="username">sebuah string yang berisikan nama username dari user yang sedang login</param>
        /// <param name="now">sebuh data bertipe datetime yang bersisikan tanggal sekarang</param>
        public void DeleteMPSData(MasterPlanSchedule currenDataMPS, string username, DateTime now)
            List <Process> processWillbeDeleted = new List <Process>();

            foreach (Unit unitItem in currenDataMPS.Units)
                unitItem.MPSID          = null;
                unitItem.MPSDueDate     = null;
                unitItem.SFSDueDate     = null;
                unitItem.LastModified   = now;
                unitItem.LastModifiedBy = username;


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult UpdateMPSValue(List <MasterPlanSchedule> masterPlanScheduleList)
                var      username = User.Identity.Name;
                DateTime now      = DateTime.Now;
                db = new PowerAppsCMSEntities();

                if (masterPlanScheduleList != null)
                    int proid = 0;
                    MasterPlanSchedule firstMPSData = masterPlanScheduleList.FirstOrDefault();
                    MasterPlanSchedule lastMPSData  = masterPlanScheduleList.LastOrDefault();

                    foreach (MasterPlanSchedule item in masterPlanScheduleList)
                        proid = item.PROID;

                        MasterPlanSchedule currenDataMPS = new MasterPlanSchedule();

                        if (item.ID != 0)//if mps ID has value (not equal zero), find the mps data base on ID in Database
                            currenDataMPS = db.MasterPlanSchedules.Find(item.ID);

                        if (item.ID == 0 || currenDataMPS == null) //if mps ID has zero value or currentMPSData is Null, find the mps data base on proID, week, month and year data in Database
                            currenDataMPS = db.MasterPlanSchedules.Where(x => x.PROID == item.PROID && x.Week == item.Week && x.Month == item.Month && x.Year == item.Year).OrderByDescending(x => x.Created).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (currenDataMPS == null)
                            if (item.PlannedQuantity > 0) //if currentDataMPS is not exist but newData have planQuantity, so we add new mps data in database
                                //AddMPSData(item, username, now);
                                MasterPlanSchedule newMPSData = new MasterPlanSchedule();

                                newMPSData.PROID           = item.PROID;
                                newMPSData.Week            = item.Week;
                                newMPSData.Month           = item.Month;
                                newMPSData.Year            = item.Year;
                                newMPSData.PlannedQuantity = item.PlannedQuantity;
                                newMPSData.EndWorkingDate  = item.EndWorkingDate;
                                newMPSData.CreatedBy       = newMPSData.LastModifiedBy = username;
                                newMPSData.Created         = newMPSData.LastModified = now;

                            if (item.PlannedQuantity > 0) //if currentDataMPS is exist and newData have planQuantity, so we update the mps data in database
                                //currenDataMPS = UpdateMPSData(item, currenDataMPS,username,now);
                                currenDataMPS.PlannedQuantity = item.PlannedQuantity;
                                currenDataMPS.EndWorkingDate  = item.EndWorkingDate;
                                currenDataMPS.LastModified    = now;
                                currenDataMPS.LastModifiedBy  = username;

                            if (item.PlannedQuantity == 0) //if currentDataMPS is exist but new plannedQuantity is zero, so we delete the mps data in database
                                //DeleteMPSData(currenDataMPS, username, now);
                                List <Process> processWillbeDeleted = new List <Process>();
                                foreach (Unit unitItem in currenDataMPS.Units)
                                    unitItem.MPSID          = null;
                                    unitItem.MPSDueDate     = null;
                                    unitItem.SFSDueDate     = null;
                                    unitItem.LastModified   = now;
                                    unitItem.LastModifiedBy = username;


                        #region Old Code
                        //if (item.ID == 0 && item.PlannedQuantity > 0)
                        //    MasterPlanSchedule newMPSData = new MasterPlanSchedule();

                        //    newMPSData = db.MasterPlanSchedules.Where(x => x.PROID == item.PROID && x.Week == item.Week && x.Month == item.Month && x.Year == item.Year).SingleOrDefault();

                        //    if (newMPSData == null)
                        //    {
                        //        newMPSData = new MasterPlanSchedule();

                        //        newMPSData.PROID = item.PROID;
                        //        newMPSData.Week = item.Week;
                        //        newMPSData.Month = item.Month;
                        //        newMPSData.Year = item.Year;
                        //        newMPSData.PlannedQuantity = item.PlannedQuantity;
                        //        newMPSData.EndWorkingDate = item.EndWorkingDate;
                        //        newMPSData.CreatedBy = newMPSData.LastModifiedBy = username;
                        //        newMPSData.Created = newMPSData.LastModified = now;

                        //        db.MasterPlanSchedules.Add(newMPSData);
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        newMPSData.PlannedQuantity = item.PlannedQuantity;
                        //        newMPSData.EndWorkingDate = item.EndWorkingDate;
                        //        newMPSData.LastModified = now;
                        //        newMPSData.LastModifiedBy = username;
                        //    }
                        //else if (item.ID == 0 && item.PlannedQuantity == 0)
                        //    MasterPlanSchedule newMPSData = new MasterPlanSchedule();

                        //    newMPSData = db.MasterPlanSchedules.Where(x => x.PROID == item.PROID && x.Week == item.Week && x.Month == item.Month && x.Year == item.Year).SingleOrDefault();

                        //    if (newMPSData != null)
                        //    {
                        //        List<Process> processWillbeDeleted = new List<Process>();
                        //        foreach (Unit unitItem in newMPSData.Units)
                        //        {
                        //            unitItem.MPSID = null;
                        //            unitItem.MPSDueDate = null;
                        //            unitItem.SFSDueDate = null;
                        //            unitItem.LastModified = now;
                        //            unitItem.LastModifiedBy = username;

                        //            processWillbeDeleted.AddRange(unitItem.Processes);
                        //        }

                        //        db.Processes.RemoveRange(processWillbeDeleted);
                        //        db.MasterPlanSchedules.Remove(newMPSData);
                        //    }
                        //    MasterPlanSchedule currentMPSData = db.MasterPlanSchedules.Find(item.ID);

                        //    if (currentMPSData == null)
                        //    {
                        //        currentMPSData = db.MasterPlanSchedules.Where(x => x.PROID == item.PROID && x.Week == item.Week && x.Month == item.Month && x.Year == item.Year).SingleOrDefault();
                        //    }

                        //    if (currentMPSData != null)
                        //    {
                        //        if (item.PlannedQuantity > 0)
                        //        {
                        //            currentMPSData.PlannedQuantity = item.PlannedQuantity;
                        //            currentMPSData.EndWorkingDate = item.EndWorkingDate;
                        //            currentMPSData.LastModified = now;
                        //            currentMPSData.LastModifiedBy = username;
                        //        }

                        //        if (item.PlannedQuantity == 0)
                        //        {
                        //            List<Process> processWillbeDeleted = new List<Process>();
                        //            foreach (Unit unitItem in currentMPSData.Units)
                        //            {
                        //                unitItem.MPSID = null;
                        //                unitItem.MPSDueDate = null;
                        //                unitItem.SFSDueDate = null;
                        //                unitItem.LastModified = now;
                        //                unitItem.LastModifiedBy = username;

                        //                processWillbeDeleted.AddRange(unitItem.Processes);
                        //            }

                        //            db.Processes.RemoveRange(processWillbeDeleted);
                        //            db.MasterPlanSchedules.Remove(currentMPSData);

                        //        }
                        //    }
                        //    else
                        //    {
                        //        MasterPlanSchedule newMPSData = new MasterPlanSchedule();

                        //        newMPSData.PROID = item.PROID;
                        //        newMPSData.Week = item.Week;
                        //        newMPSData.Month = item.Month;
                        //        newMPSData.Year = item.Year;
                        //        newMPSData.PlannedQuantity = item.PlannedQuantity;
                        //        newMPSData.EndWorkingDate = item.EndWorkingDate;
                        //        newMPSData.CreatedBy = newMPSData.LastModifiedBy = username;
                        //        newMPSData.Created = newMPSData.LastModified = now;

                        //        db.MasterPlanSchedules.Add(newMPSData);
                        //    }

                    if (db.SaveChanges() > 0)//if database update is happened
                        List <MasterPlanSchedule> listCurrentMPS   = db.MasterPlanSchedules.Where(x => x.PROID == proid).ToList();
                        List <MasterPlanSchedule> listNotUpdateMPS = listCurrentMPS.Where(x => x.EndWorkingDate < firstMPSData.EndWorkingDate || x.EndWorkingDate >= lastMPSData.EndWorkingDate).ToList();
                        listCurrentMPS = listCurrentMPS.Where(x => x.EndWorkingDate.Date >= firstMPSData.EndWorkingDate.Date && x.EndWorkingDate.Date <= lastMPSData.EndWorkingDate.Date).OrderBy(o => o.EndWorkingDate).ToList();

                        List <Unit> listUnit = db.Units.Where(x => x.PROID == proid && x.IsHold == false).ToList();
                        listUnit = listUnit.Where(x => !listNotUpdateMPS.Contains(x.MasterPlanSchedule)).ToList();
                        listUnit = listUnit.Where(x => x.IsHaveProcessAssign == false).OrderBy(o => o.SerialNumber).ToList();

                        int indexData = 0;
                        foreach (MasterPlanSchedule item in listCurrentMPS)
                            int unAssignedQuantity = 0;
                            unAssignedQuantity = item.PlannedQuantity - item.AssignedPlanCount;

                            if (unAssignedQuantity > 0)
                                DateTime mpsDueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(item.EndWorkingDate);

                                if (item.PRO != null)
                                    if (mpsDueDate.Date > item.PRO.DueDate.Date)
                                        mpsDueDate = item.PRO.DueDate;
                                    PRO currentPRO = db.Pros.Find(item.PROID);
                                    if (currentPRO != null && mpsDueDate.Date > currentPRO.DueDate.Date)
                                        mpsDueDate = currentPRO.DueDate;

                                Holiday holidayDate = db.Holidays.Where(x => x.StartDate <= mpsDueDate && x.EndDate >= mpsDueDate).OrderBy(o => o.StartDate).FirstOrDefault();

                                if (holidayDate != null)
                                    mpsDueDate = holidayDate.StartDate.AddDays(-1);

                                    if (mpsDueDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                                        mpsDueDate = mpsDueDate.AddDays(-2);
                                    else if (mpsDueDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                                        mpsDueDate = mpsDueDate.AddDays(-1);

                                for (int i = 0; i < unAssignedQuantity; i++)
                                    Unit dataUnit = listUnit.ElementAtOrDefault(indexData);
                                    if (dataUnit != null)
                                        dataUnit.MPSID      = item.ID;
                                        dataUnit.MPSDueDate = mpsDueDate;

                        if (listUnit.ElementAtOrDefault(indexData) != null)
                            for (int i = indexData; i < listUnit.Count(); i++)
                                Unit dataUnit = listUnit.ElementAt(i);
                                dataUnit.MPSDueDate = null;
                    return(Json(new { success = true, responseText = "Value successfully updated" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
                    return(Json(new { success = true, responseText = "No Value updated" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            catch (Exception ex)