Ejemplo n.º 1
    public MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData Generate(IList <float> voxels, int width, int height, int depth, List <Vector3> verts, List <int> indices, int[] dimensions, int idx)
        int x, y, z, i;
        int ix, iy, iz;

        for (x = dimensions[0]; x <= dimensions[1]; x++)
            for (y = 0; y < height - 1; y++)
                for (z = 0; z < depth - 1; z++)
                    //Get the values in the 8 neighbours which make up a cube
                    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                        ix = x + VertexOffset[i, 0];
                        iy = y + VertexOffset[i, 1];
                        iz = z + VertexOffset[i, 2];

                        cube[i] = voxels[ix + iy * width + iz * width * height];

                    //Perform algorithm
                    March(x, y, z, cube, verts, indices);

        MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData md = new MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData();
        md.verts   = verts;
        md.indices = indices;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //Mesh Splitter version - Improves transparency a bit, but has plenty of other drawbacks.
    //The idea is that the z-value of transparent objects is determined in Unity by the center of the mesh
    //therefore, by splitting a mesh into smaller meshes, more accurate transparency is achieved.
    //However, to make this work well requires a huge number of separate meshes, which leads to
    //a serious performance hit.
    //This method also does not use vertex indexing.
    //Each instance of this method (run by 4 threads), splits a quarter of a cube (originally split in the x and z directions),
    //into a number of smaller cubes determined by the splitNumber parameter.
    //TLDR: Don't use this in its current state.
    public List <MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData> Generate(IList <float> voxels, int width, int height, int depth, List <Vector3> verts, List <int> indices, int[] dimensions, int idx, int splitNumber)
        int ix, iy, iz;

        List <MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData> mds = new List <MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData>();
        float xMod = (dimensions[1] - dimensions[0]) / (float)splitNumber;
        float zMod = (dimensions[3] - dimensions[2]) / (float)splitNumber;
        float yMod = (height / ((float)splitNumber * 2));

        int[]  xD = new int[splitNumber + 1];
        int[]  zD = new int[splitNumber + 1];
        int[]  yD = new int[splitNumber * 2 + 1];
        string xs = "";
        string ys = "";
        string zs = "";

        for (int i = 0; i < xD.Length; i++)
            xD[i] = (int)Mathf.Round(i * xMod + dimensions[0]);
            zD[i] = (int)Mathf.Round(i * zMod + dimensions[2]);
            xs   += xD[i] + ", ";

            zs += zD[i] + ", ";
        for (int i = 0; i < yD.Length; i++)
            yD[i] = (int)Mathf.Round(i * yMod);
            ys   += yD[i] + ", ";

        int yMin = 0, yMax = 0;
        int xMin = 0, xMax = 0;
        int zMin = 0, zMax = 0;

        for (int x = 0; x < xD.Length - 1; x++)
            xMin = xD[x];
            xMax = xD[x + 1];
            for (int y = 0; y < yD.Length - 1; y++)
                yMin = yD[y];
                yMax = yD[y + 1];
                for (int z = 0; z < zD.Length - 1; z++)
                    zMin = zD[z];
                    zMax = zD[z + 1];

                    //March over this cubic area
                    for (int u = xMin; u < xMax; u++)
                        for (int v = yMin; v < yMax; v++)
                            for (int w = zMin; w < zMax; w++)
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                                    ix = u + VertexOffset[i, 0];
                                    iy = v + VertexOffset[i, 1];
                                    iz = w + VertexOffset[i, 2];
                                    if (ix >= width)
                                    if (iy >= height)
                                    if (iz >= depth)

                                    try {
                                        cube[i] = voxels[ix + iy * width + iz * width * height];
                                    } catch (Exception e) {
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log(idx + "uvw: " + u + "," + v + "," + w);
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log(idx + "idx: " + (ix + iy * width + iz * width * height));
                                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log(idx + "vox: " + voxels.Count);
                                        throw e;
                                March(u, v, w, cube, verts, indices);
                    //Add mesh
                    if (verts.Count != 0)
                        if (verts.Count > 65532)
                            List <Vector3> verts2   = new List <Vector3>();
                            List <int>     indices2 = new List <int>();
                            int            count    = 0;
                            while (count < verts.Count)
                                verts2.Add(verts[count + 1]);
                                indices2.Add(indices[count + 1]);
                                verts2.Add(verts[count + 2]);
                                indices2.Add(indices[count + 2]);
                                count += 3;
                                if (verts2.Count >= 65532)
                                    MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData md2 = new MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData();
                                    md2.verts   = verts2;
                                    md2.indices = indices2;
                                    verts2   = new List <Vector3>();
                                    indices2 = new List <int>();
                            MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData md = new MarchingMeshCreator.MeshData();
                            md.verts   = verts;
                            md.indices = indices;
                    verts   = new List <Vector3>();
                    indices = new List <int>();
        // UnityEngine.Debug.Log("MarchingCubes2 " + idx + " - MD: " + mds.Count);