public void NewDetector(string oldText)
            string text = String.Join(" ", oldText, m_text[0]);


            var languageDetection = new MappingService(MappingAvailableServices.LanguageDetection);

            using (MappingPropertyBag bag = languageDetection.RecognizeText(text, null))
                MappingDataRange[] ranges = bag.GetResultRanges();
                if (ranges.First().FormatData(new StringArrayFormatter()).Length == 0)
                string lang = ranges.First().
                              FormatData(new StringArrayFormatter()).First();
                int count = GetCountOfWords(text, lang);
                AddPointToLang(lang, count);
                //if (m_wordCount.ContainsKey(lang))
                //    m_wordCount[lang] += count;
                //    m_wordCount.Add(lang, count);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static void SDUsageSample()
         MappingService scriptDetection = new MappingService(
         using (MappingPropertyBag bag =
                    scriptDetection.RecognizeText("This is English. АБВГД.", null))
             MappingDataRange[] ranges = bag.GetResultRanges();
             Console.WriteLine("Recognized {0} script ranges", ranges.Length);
             NullTerminatedStringFormatter formatter = new NullTerminatedStringFormatter();
             foreach (MappingDataRange range in ranges)
                 Console.WriteLine("Range from {0} to {1}, script {2}",
                                   range.StartIndex, range.EndIndex, range.FormatData(formatter));
     catch (LinguisticException exc)
         Console.WriteLine("Error calling ELS: {0}, HResult: {1}",
                           exc.ResultState.ErrorMessage, exc.ResultState.HResult);
 internal MappingActionAsyncResult(
     object callerData,
     AsyncCallback asyncCallback,
     MappingPropertyBag bag,
     int rangeIndex,
     string actionId)
 : base(callerData, asyncCallback)
     base.SetResult(bag, new MappingResultState());
     _rangeIndex = rangeIndex;
     _actionId = actionId;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        [InlineData("TransliterationCyrillicToLatin", "добро hello утро!", 1, 0, 16)] // BUG: possible bug here -- this should be 2 ranges
        public void RecognizeText(
            string service,
            string text,
            int expNumberOfDataRanges,
            int expStartIndexOfFirstDataRange,
            int expEndIndexOfFirstDataRange)
            MappingService     s = new MappingService(ServiceGuidFromServiceString(service));
            MappingPropertyBag b = s.RecognizeText(text, null);

            MappingDataRange[] rs = b.GetResultRanges();

            Assert.Equal <int>(expNumberOfDataRanges, rs.Length);
            Assert.Equal <int>(expStartIndexOfFirstDataRange, rs[0].StartIndex);
            Assert.Equal <int>(expEndIndexOfFirstDataRange, rs[0].EndIndex);
            Assert.Equal <string>("text/plain", rs[0].ContentType); // Win7 ELS services support only "text/plain" as content type
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static void CyrlToLatinTransUsageSample1()
         MappingService cyrlToLatin = new MappingService(
         using (MappingPropertyBag bag = cyrlToLatin.RecognizeText("АБВГД.", null))
             string transliterated = bag.GetResultRanges()[0].FormatData(new StringFormatter());
             Console.WriteLine("Transliterated text: {0}", transliterated);
     catch (LinguisticException exc)
         Console.WriteLine("Error calling ELS: {0}, HResult: {1}",
                           exc.ResultState.ErrorMessage, exc.ResultState.HResult);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static void CyrlToLatinTransUsageSample2()
         MappingEnumOptions enumOptions = new MappingEnumOptions();
         enumOptions.InputScript  = "Cyrl";
         enumOptions.OutputScript = "Latn";
         enumOptions.Category     = "Transliteration";
         MappingService[] cyrlToLatin = MappingService.GetServices(enumOptions);
         using (MappingPropertyBag bag = cyrlToLatin[0].RecognizeText("АБВГД.", null))
             string transliterated = bag.GetResultRanges()[0].FormatData(new StringFormatter());
             Console.WriteLine("Transliterated text: {0}", transliterated);
     catch (LinguisticException exc)
         Console.WriteLine("Error calling ELS: {0}, HResult: {1}",
                           exc.ResultState.ErrorMessage, exc.ResultState.HResult);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private string LanguageConverter(Guid serviceGuid, string sourceContent)
            string transliterated = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceContent))
                    MappingService mapService = new MappingService(serviceGuid);
                    using (MappingPropertyBag bag = mapService.RecognizeText(sourceContent, null))
                        transliterated = bag.GetResultRanges()[0].FormatData(new StringFormatter());
                catch (LinguisticException exc)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private string LanguageConverter(Guid serviceGuid, string sourceContent)
            string transliterated = null;

            if ((sourceContent != null) && (sourceContent.Length > 0))
                    MappingService mapService = new MappingService(serviceGuid);
                    using (MappingPropertyBag bag = mapService.RecognizeText(sourceContent, null))
                        transliterated = bag.GetResultRanges()[0].FormatData(new StringFormatter());
                catch (LinguisticException exc)
                    ShowErrorMessage(String.Format("Error calling ELS: {0}, HResult: {1}",
                                                   exc.ResultState.ErrorMessage, exc.ResultState.HResult));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static void LADUsageSample()
         MappingService languageDetection = new MappingService(
         using (MappingPropertyBag bag =
                    languageDetection.RecognizeText("This is English", null))
             string[] languages = bag.GetResultRanges()[0].FormatData(
                 new StringArrayFormatter());
             foreach (string language in languages)
                 Console.WriteLine("Recognized language: {0}", language);
     catch (LinguisticException exc)
         Console.WriteLine("Error calling ELS: {0}, HResult: {1}",
                           exc.ResultState.ErrorMessage, exc.ResultState.HResult);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Causes an ELS service to perform an action after text recognition has occurred. For example,
 /// a phone dialer service first must recognize phone numbers and then can perform the "action"
 /// of dialing a number.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bag">A <see cref="MappingPropertyBag">MappingPropertyBag</see> object containing the results of a previous call to
 /// MappingService.MappingRecognizeText. This parameter cannot be set to null.</param>
 /// <param name="rangeIndex">A starting index inside the text recognition results for a recognized
 /// text range. This value should be between 0 and the range count.</param>
 /// <param name="actionId">The identifier of the action to perform.
 /// This parameter cannot be set to null.</param>
 /// <param name="asyncCallback">An application callback delegate to receive callbacks with the results from
 /// the action operation. Cannot be set to null.</param>
 /// <param name="callerData">Optional. Private application object passed to the callback function
 /// by a service after the action operation is complete. The application must set this parameter to null
 /// to indicate no private application data.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="MappingActionAsyncResult">MappingActionAsyncResult</see> object describing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
 public MappingActionAsyncResult BeginDoAction(MappingPropertyBag bag, int rangeIndex, string actionId, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object callerData)
     MappingActionAsyncResult result = new MappingActionAsyncResult(callerData, asyncCallback, bag, rangeIndex, actionId);
         ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(this.RunDoAction, result);
         return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Causes an ELS service to perform an action after text recognition has occurred. For example,
        /// a phone dialer service first must recognize phone numbers and then can perform the "action"
        /// of dialing a number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bag">A <see cref="MappingPropertyBag">MappingPropertyBag</see> object containing the results of a previous call to
        /// MappingService.MappingRecognizeText. This parameter cannot be set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="rangeIndex">A starting index inside the text recognition results for a recognized
        /// text range. This value should be between 0 and the range count.</param>
        /// <param name="actionId">The identifier of the action to perform.
        /// This parameter cannot be set to null.</param>
        public static void DoAction(MappingPropertyBag bag, int rangeIndex, string actionId)
            if (bag == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("bag"); }

            if (rangeIndex < 0)
                throw new LinguisticException(LinguisticException.InvalidArgs);
            UInt32 hResult = Win32NativeMethods.MappingDoAction(ref bag._win32PropertyBag, (uint)rangeIndex, actionId);
            if (hResult != 0)
                throw new LinguisticException(hResult);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls an ELS service to recognize text. For example, the Microsoft Language Detection service
        /// will attempt to recognize the language in which the input text is written.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to recognize. The text must be UTF-16, but some services have additional
        /// requirements for the input format. This parameter cannot be set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="length">Length, in characters, of the text specified in text.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index inside the specified text to be used by the service. This value should be
        /// between 0 and length-1. If the application wants to process the entire text, it should set this
        /// parameter to 0.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Optional. A <see cref="MappingOptions">MappingOptions</see> object containing options that affect the result and
        /// behavior of text recognition. The application does not have to specify values for all object members.
        /// This parameter can be set to null to use the default mapping options.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="MappingPropertyBag">MappingPropertyBag</see> object in which the service has stored its results. The structure is filled
        /// with information produced by the service during text recognition.</returns>
        public MappingPropertyBag RecognizeText(string text, int length, int index, MappingOptions options)
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
            if (length > text.Length || length < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("length");
            if (index < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index");

            UInt32 hResult = LinguisticException.Fail;
            MappingPropertyBag bag = new MappingPropertyBag(options, text);
                hResult = Win32NativeMethods.MappingRecognizeText(
                    _service, bag._text.AddrOfPinnedObject(), (uint)length, (uint)index,
                    bag._options, ref bag._win32PropertyBag);
                if (hResult != 0)
                    throw new LinguisticException(hResult);
                return bag;

 internal void SetResult(MappingPropertyBag bag, MappingResultState resultState)
     _resultState = resultState;
     _bag = bag;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Causes an ELS service to perform an action after text recognition has occurred. For example,
 /// a phone dialer service first must recognize phone numbers and then can perform the "action"
 /// of dialing a number.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bag">A <see cref="MappingPropertyBag">MappingPropertyBag</see> object containing the results of a previous call to
 /// MappingService.MappingRecognizeText. This parameter cannot be set to null.</param>
 /// <param name="rangeIndex">A starting index inside the text recognition results for a recognized
 /// text range. This value should be between 0 and the range count.</param>
 /// <param name="actionId">The identifier of the action to perform.
 /// This parameter cannot be set to null.</param>
 public void DoAction(MappingPropertyBag bag, int rangeIndex, string actionId)
     if (rangeIndex < 0)
         throw new LinguisticException(LinguisticException.E_INVALIDARG);
     UInt32 hResult = Win32Methods.MappingDoAction(ref bag._win32PropertyBag, (uint)rangeIndex, actionId);
     if (hResult != 0)
         throw new LinguisticException(hResult);