Ejemplo n.º 1
         * Entity Property Setter.
         * All _"mapped"_ properties need to implement this as their Setter.
         * ```cs
         *  class Foo : Model<Foo>
         *  {
         *      public string Bar { get... set { Set(value); } }
         *  }
         * ```
         * > TODO: Investigate IL Weaving... or possibly just a super simple
         * > pre compilation script (grunt/gulp task) to automatically add
         * > the needed method calls.
        public virtual void Set <T>(T value, [CallerMemberName] string propName = "", bool triggerChangeEvent = true)
            // Grab the property
            var prop = MappedProps.Single(p => p.Name == propName);

            // Create the property bag dict if it doesn't exist yet.
            if (this.PropertyBag == null)
                this.PropertyBag = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // If the value is an entity or list of entities
            // we will save it to our discovered list.
            if (value != null && !TypeMapper.IsClrType(value))
                //   this.SaveDiscoveredEntities(prop, value);

            // If the property does not already have
            // a value, set it's original value.
            if (this.Hydrated && this.Get <object>(propName, loadFromDiscovered: false, loadFromDb: false) == null)
                if (value != null && TypeMapper.IsListOfEntities(value))
                    var clone = (value as IEnumerable <object>)
                                .Cast <IModel <TModel> >().ToList();

                    this.OriginalPropertyBag[propName] = clone;
                    this.OriginalPropertyBag[propName] = value;

            // Wrap any normal Lists in a BindingList so that we can track when
            // new entities are added so that we may save those entities to our
            // discovered list.
            dynamic propertyBagValue;

            if (value != null && TypeMapper.IsList(value))
                dynamic bindingList = Activator.CreateInstance
                    typeof(BindingList <>).MakeGenericType
                    new object[] { value }

                bindingList.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler
                    (sender, e) =>
                    //if (!triggerChangeEvent) return;

                    switch (e.ListChangedType)
                    case ListChangedType.ItemAdded:
                    case ListChangedType.ItemDeleted:

                propertyBagValue = bindingList;
                propertyBagValue = value;

            // Save the new value
            this.PropertyBag[propName] = propertyBagValue;

            // Trigger the change event
            if (triggerChangeEvent)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public String GetMapped(String key)