public void Map_null() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>() .Map <int>(null); Assert.That(map.Maps.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); }
public void AliasTo_null() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>() .AliasTo(null); Assert.That(map.Alias, Is.EqualTo("testitem")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> GetTaskFromQueue() { var allTasks = await this.stateManager_.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <Guid, MapTask> >("allTasks"); var tasksQueue = await this.stateManager_.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableConcurrentQueue <MapTask> >("tasksQueue"); using (var tx = this.stateManager_.CreateTransaction()) { var conditionalValue = await tasksQueue.TryDequeueAsync(tx); if (conditionalValue.HasValue) { MapTask task = conditionalValue.Value; task.State = MapTask.StateType.Processing; await allTasks.SetAsync(tx, task.Uuid, task); await tx.CommitAsync(); return(Json(conditionalValue.Value)); } else { return(new NotFoundResult()); } } }
public void MapAction_5() { var map = new MapTask <TestAction>() .MapAction <int, int, int, int, int>((x, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5) => x.Sum = v1 + v2 + v3 + v4 + v5, "value1", "value2", "value3", "value4", "value5"); var action = map.GroupActions.First(); var first = map.CmsFields.First(); var second = map.CmsFields.Skip(1).Take(1).First(); var third = map.CmsFields.Skip(2).Take(1).First(); var forth = map.CmsFields.Skip(3).Take(1).First(); var fifth = map.CmsFields.Skip(4).Take(1).First(); var item = new TestAction(); Assert.That(map.CmsFields.Count, Is.EqualTo(5)); Assert.That(first.Key, Is.EqualTo("value1")); Assert.That(first.Value, Is.EqualTo(typeof(int))); Assert.That(second.Key, Is.EqualTo("value2")); Assert.That(second.Value, Is.EqualTo(typeof(int))); Assert.That(third.Key, Is.EqualTo("value3")); Assert.That(third.Value, Is.EqualTo(typeof(int))); Assert.That(forth.Key, Is.EqualTo("value4")); Assert.That(forth.Value, Is.EqualTo(typeof(int))); Assert.That(fifth.Key, Is.EqualTo("value5")); Assert.That(fifth.Value, Is.EqualTo(typeof(int))); Assert.That(action.Aliases.First(), Is.EqualTo("value1")); Assert.That(action.Aliases.Skip(1).Take(1).First(), Is.EqualTo("value2")); Assert.That(action.Aliases.Skip(2).Take(1).First(), Is.EqualTo("value3")); Assert.That(action.Aliases.Skip(3).Take(1).First(), Is.EqualTo("value4")); Assert.That(action.Aliases.Skip(4).Take(1).First(), Is.EqualTo("value5")); action.Action(item, new object[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); Assert.That(item.Sum, Is.EqualTo(15)); }
public void Create_new_success() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>(); var result = map.Create(); Assert.That(result is TestItem); }
public void Constructor_success() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>(); Assert.That(map.Alias, Is.EqualTo("testitem")); Assert.That(map.EntityType, Is.EqualTo(typeof(TestItem))); }
public void AliasTo_success() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>() .AliasTo("ABC"); Assert.That(map.Alias, Is.EqualTo("abc")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PostNewJob([FromBody] string sourceText) { ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceMessage(this.context_, "Orchestrator param: " + sourceText); CancellationToken ct = new CancellationToken(); var jobsDictionary = await this.stateManager_.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <Guid, JobObject> >("jobsDictionary"); var tasksQueue = await this.stateManager_.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableConcurrentQueue <MapTask> >("tasksQueue"); var allTasks = await this.stateManager_.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <Guid, MapTask> >("allTasks"); using (ITransaction tx = this.stateManager_.CreateTransaction()) { Guid jobGuid = System.Guid.NewGuid(); JobObject job = new JobObject(jobGuid); MapTask task; int cursorPos = 0; while (cursorPos + TASK_SIZE < sourceText.Length) { int nextCursorPos = cursorPos + TASK_SIZE; while (sourceText[nextCursorPos] != ' ') { nextCursorPos--; } task = new MapTask(jobGuid, sourceText.Substring(cursorPos, nextCursorPos - cursorPos)); task.State = MapTask.StateType.InQueue; job.Tasks.Add(task.Uuid, false); await allTasks.AddAsync(tx, task.Uuid, task); await tasksQueue.EnqueueAsync(tx, task, ct); cursorPos = nextCursorPos + 1; } task = new MapTask(jobGuid, sourceText.Substring(cursorPos)); task.State = MapTask.StateType.InQueue; job.Tasks.Add(task.Uuid, false); await allTasks.AddAsync(tx, task.Uuid, task); await tasksQueue.EnqueueAsync(tx, task, ct); try { await jobsDictionary.AddAsync(tx, job.Uuid, job, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), ct); } catch (Exception e) { ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceMessage(this.context_, e.Message); } await tx.CommitAsync(); return(new OkResult()); } }
public void Constructor_without_model_maps_success() { var mapTask = new MapTask <TestEntity>(); var defer = new TaskDefer(mapTask.ModelMaps); Assert.That(defer.Maps, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(defer.Maps.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); }
public void Create_return_null() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>(); var instance = new TestEntity(); var result = map.Create(instance); Assert.That(result is TestItem); }
public void Map_default() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>() .Map(x => x.ItemId, defaultVal: 1); var mapItem = map.Maps.First(); Assert.That(mapItem.Default, Is.EqualTo(1)); }
public void Map_alias() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>() .Map(x => x.ItemId, "iD"); var mapItem = map.Maps.First(); Assert.That(mapItem.Alias, Is.EqualTo("id")); }
TextAsset[] prefabText; //現在のモードの出現マップ // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { mapTask = GetComponent <MapTask>(); cameraTask = GetComponent <CameraTask>(); prefabText = Resources.LoadAll <TextAsset>(GetPath.MainStage); CreatePrefab(, StartMapData()); CreateMap(RandomMapData()); }
protected internal override Task CreateRemoteTask() { //job file name is set in TaskAttempt, setting it null here MapTask mapTask = new MapTask(string.Empty, TypeConverter.FromYarn(GetID()), partition , splitInfo.GetSplitIndex(), 1); // YARN doesn't have the concept of slots per task, set it as 1. mapTask.SetUser(conf.Get(MRJobConfig.UserName)); mapTask.SetConf(conf); return(mapTask); }
public void Constructor_with_model_maps_success() { var mapTask = new MapTask <TestEntity>(); mapTask.Match(x => x.Item); var defer = new TaskDefer(mapTask.ModelMaps); Assert.That(defer.Maps, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(defer.Maps.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(defer.Maps.First() is MapItem <object, string>); }
public void MatchAction_not_valid() { var map = new MapTask <TestEntity>() .MatchAction <TestItem>(null, "items") .MatchAction <TestItem>((x, y) => { x.List = y.ToList(); }); Assert.That(map.ModelMaps.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); }
public void Create_with_instance() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>(); var instance = new TestItem { ItemId = 100 }; var result = map.Create(instance) as TestItem; Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(instance)); Assert.That(result?.ItemId, Is.EqualTo(100)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Put(Guid uuid, [FromBody] MapTask task) { var jobsDictionary = await this.stateManager_.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <Guid, JobObject> >("jobsDictionary"); var completeJobsQueue = await this.stateManager_.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableConcurrentQueue <string> >("completeJobsQueue"); var allTasks = await this.stateManager_.GetOrAddAsync <IReliableDictionary <Guid, MapTask> >("allTasks"); using (ITransaction tx = this.stateManager_.CreateTransaction()) { var jobConditionalValue = await jobsDictionary.TryGetValueAsync(tx, uuid); if (jobConditionalValue.HasValue) { JobObject job = jobConditionalValue.Value; job.SetTaskCompleted(task.Uuid); if (job.IsComplete) { // Job is complete, remove it, send the result to FrontEndSvc for now var removeConditional = await jobsDictionary.TryRemoveAsync(tx, job.Uuid); if (!removeConditional.HasValue) { // Retry, I guess? } var counts = new List <Dictionary <string, int> >(); // Current task's Output field is null when taken from allTasks dictionary foreach (var taskUuid in job.Tasks.Keys) { MapTask t = (await allTasks.TryRemoveAsync(tx, taskUuid)).Value; counts.Add(t.Output ?? task.Output); } string serialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(counts); await completeJobsQueue.EnqueueAsync(tx, serialized); } else { task.State = MapTask.StateType.Completed; await jobsDictionary.SetAsync(tx, job.Uuid, job); await allTasks.SetAsync(tx, task.Uuid, task); } } await tx.CommitAsync(); } return(new OkResult()); }
public void Map_func() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>() .Map(x => x.ItemId, mapFunc: x => int.Parse(x) * 2); var mapItem = map.Maps.First(); var item = new TestItem(); var value = mapItem.Converter("3"); mapItem.Setter.Set(item, value); Assert.That(item.ItemId, Is.EqualTo(6)); }
public void Ignore_ok() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>() .MapAuto(); Assert.That(map.Maps.Count, Is.EqualTo(5)); map.Ignore(x => x.ItemId); Assert.That(map.Maps.Count, Is.EqualTo(4)); //again, no change map.Ignore(x => x.ItemId); Assert.That(map.Maps.Count, Is.EqualTo(4)); }
public void Map_property() { var map = new MapTask <TestItem>() .Map(x => x.ItemId); Assert.That(map.Maps.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); var mapItem = map.Maps.First(); Assert.That(mapItem.Alias, Is.EqualTo("itemid")); Assert.That(mapItem.Setter, Is.Not.Null); var item = new TestItem(); mapItem.Setter.Set(item, 8); Assert.That(item.ItemId, Is.EqualTo(8)); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void c2sTaskGiveUp(int task_id) { if (IsClient) { return; } TaskBase task = null; MapTask.TryGetValue(task_id, out task); if (task != null) { task.c2sTaskGiveUp(); } }
public void Match_alias() { var map = new MapTask <TestEntity>() .Match(x => x.Item, alias: "item-single"); var modelMap = map.ModelMaps.First(); var entity = new TestEntity(); var item = new TestItem(); Assert.That(map.ModelMaps.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(modelMap.Alias, Is.EqualTo("item-single")); Assert.That(modelMap.IsMatch, Is.EqualTo(ModelMap.DefaultMatchKey)); Assert.That(!modelMap.IsMany); modelMap.SetModel(entity, item); Assert.That(entity.Item, Is.EqualTo(item)); }
public void MatchMany_alias() { var map = new MapTask <TestEntity>() .MatchMany(x => x.Items, alias: "items-many"); var modelMap = map.ModelMaps.First(); var entity = new TestEntity(); var items = new[] { new TestItem() }; Assert.That(map.ModelMaps.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(modelMap.Alias, Is.EqualTo("items-many")); Assert.That(modelMap.IsMatch, Is.EqualTo(ModelMap.DefaultMatchKey)); Assert.That(modelMap.IsMany); modelMap.SetModel(entity, items); Assert.That(entity.Items, Is.EqualTo(items)); }
public void MapAction_1() { var map = new MapTask <TestAction>() .MapAction <int>((x, v) => x.Sum = v + 1, "value1"); var action = map.GroupActions.First(); var field = map.CmsFields.First(); var item = new TestAction(); Assert.That(map.CmsFields.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(map.Maps.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(field.Key, Is.EqualTo("value1")); Assert.That(field.Value, Is.EqualTo(typeof(int))); Assert.That(action.Aliases.First(), Is.EqualTo("value1")); action.Action(item, new object[] { 2 }); Assert.That(item.Sum, Is.EqualTo(3)); }
public void MapContent_Success() { var content = Substitute.For <IContent>(); content.Get <int>(Arg.Any <string>()).Returns(1); var item = new TestAction(); var map = new MapTask <TestAction>() .MapContent((c, x) => { x.Agregate = "value1 = " + c.Get <int>("value1"); }); Assert.That(map.Action, Is.Not.Null); map.Action(content, item); Assert.That(item.Agregate, Is.EqualTo("value1 = 1")); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void serverUpdate(float elapsed_tm) { if (QueTaskDone.Count > 0) { foreach (var i in QueTaskDone) { TaskBase task = null; MapTask.TryGetValue(i, out task); if (task == null) { continue; } if (task.TaskData.task_state == TaskState.Release) { // 查询下一个任务 int next_task_id = task.TbDataTask.NextId; // 创建下一个任务 TbDataTask next_tbdata_task = EbDataMgr.Instance.getData <TbDataTask>(next_task_id); if (next_tbdata_task == null) { continue; } TaskFactory next_task_factory = null; MapTaskFactory.TryGetValue(next_tbdata_task.TaskType, out next_task_factory); if (next_task_factory != null) { TaskBase next_task = next_task_factory.createTask(next_task_id); MapTask[next_task.TaskData.task_id] = next_task; mMapDirtyTask[next_task_id] = next_task.TaskData; } } } } while (QueTaskDone.Count > 0) { int task_id = QueTaskDone.Dequeue(); MapTask.Remove(task_id); } }
public void MatchMany_with_keyFunc() { Func <TestItem, string, bool> matchKey = (model, key) => model.Key == Guid.Parse(key); var map = new MapTask <TestEntity>() .MatchMany(x => x.Items, matchKey); var modelMap = map.ModelMaps.First(); var entity = new TestEntity(); var items = new[] { new TestItem() }; Assert.That(map.ModelMaps.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(modelMap.Alias, Is.EqualTo("items")); Assert.That(modelMap.IsMatch, Is.Not.EqualTo(matchKey)); Assert.That(modelMap.IsMany); modelMap.SetModel(entity, items); Assert.That(entity.Items, Is.EqualTo(items)); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/> /// <exception cref="System.TypeLoadException"/> public override void Init(MapOutputCollector.Context context) { this.mapTask = context.GetMapTask(); this.jobConf = context.GetJobConf(); this.reporter = context.GetReporter(); numberOfPartitions = jobConf.GetNumReduceTasks(); keyClass = (Type)jobConf.GetMapOutputKeyClass(); valueClass = (Type)jobConf.GetMapOutputValueClass(); recordWriters = new TestMerge.KeyValueWriter[numberOfPartitions]; outStreams = new ByteArrayOutputStream[numberOfPartitions]; // Create output streams for partitions. for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPartitions; i++) { outStreams[i] = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); recordWriters[i] = new TestMerge.KeyValueWriter <K, V>(jobConf, outStreams[i], keyClass , valueClass); } }
/// <summary> /// A test that mimics a failed task to ensure that it does /// not get into the COMMIT_PENDING state, by using a fake /// UmbilicalProtocol's implementation that fails if the commit. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// A test that mimics a failed task to ensure that it does /// not get into the COMMIT_PENDING state, by using a fake /// UmbilicalProtocol's implementation that fails if the commit. /// protocol is played. /// The test mocks the various steps in a failed task's /// life-cycle using a special OutputCommitter and UmbilicalProtocol /// implementation. /// </remarks> /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/> public virtual void TestTaskCleanupDoesNotCommit() { // Mimic a job with a special committer that does not cleanup // files when a task fails. JobConf job = new JobConf(); job.SetOutputCommitter(typeof(TestTaskCommit.CommitterWithoutCleanup)); Path outDir = new Path(rootDir, "output"); FileOutputFormat.SetOutputPath(job, outDir); // Mimic job setup string dummyAttemptID = "attempt_200707121733_0001_m_000000_0"; TaskAttemptID attemptID = ((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID.ForName(dummyAttemptID)); OutputCommitter committer = new TestTaskCommit.CommitterWithoutCleanup(); JobContext jContext = new JobContextImpl(job, ((JobID)attemptID.GetJobID())); committer.SetupJob(jContext); // Mimic a map task dummyAttemptID = "attempt_200707121733_0001_m_000001_0"; attemptID = ((TaskAttemptID)TaskAttemptID.ForName(dummyAttemptID)); Task task = new MapTask(null, attemptID, 0, null, 1); task.SetConf(job); task.LocalizeConfiguration(job); task.Initialize(job, ((JobID)attemptID.GetJobID()), Reporter.Null, false); // Mimic the map task writing some output. string file = "test.txt"; FileSystem localFs = FileSystem.GetLocal(job); TextOutputFormat <Text, Text> theOutputFormat = new TextOutputFormat <Text, Text>(); RecordWriter <Text, Text> theRecordWriter = theOutputFormat.GetRecordWriter(localFs , job, file, Reporter.Null); theRecordWriter.Write(new Text("key"), new Text("value")); theRecordWriter.Close(Reporter.Null); // Mimic a task failure; setting up the task for cleanup simulates // the abort protocol to be played. // Without checks in the framework, this will fail // as the committer will cause a COMMIT to happen for // the cleanup task. task.SetTaskCleanupTask(); TestTaskCommit.MyUmbilical umbilical = new TestTaskCommit.MyUmbilical(this); task.Run(job, umbilical); NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Task did not succeed", umbilical.taskDone); }