Ejemplo n.º 1
                    /* --------------- STATUS: INTRODUCTION, PLAYER HAS TO WAIT ---------------  */
     *  All the colours of the non-standard tiles will be shown
     *  When all colours have faded, then the game starts
    IEnumerator Introduction(CameraFollow cameraFollow, SkipButton skipButton)
        while(!cameraFollow.GetCameraReachedFinalPosition())                        // wait for the user to finish watching the introduction screen
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_TO_CHECK_AGAIN);

        // if(settings.IsIntroductionScreen())                                         // check if the level has a introduction screen to show
        // {
            // tutorialManager.gameObject.SetActive(true);
          /*  ShowIntroductionScreen();                                               // if so, show it

            while(!hasWatchedIntroductionScreen)                                    // wait for the user to finish watching the introduction screen
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_TO_CHECK_AGAIN);
        // }

        /* --------------- DISPLAYING NON-STANDARD TILES ---------------  */

        bool chooseCheckPoints = settings.GetNumberOfCheckpoints() > 0;             // are there any checkpoints to choose for this map
            while(!tileColorsIntroduction.IsReadyForCheckpoints())                  // once the colours have appeared, it will wait with the fading process
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_TO_CHECK_AGAIN);               // check regularly if all the colours have appeared

            ControlsCheckpoint checkpointController = GetComponent<ControlsCheckpoint>();   // get the controls for choosing the checkpoints
            bool isStoptimeForCheckpoints = settings.GetStoptimeForCheckpoints() > 0;       // get the boolean, if a limited time for choosing checkpoints is set
            SelectCheckpoints(checkpointController, isStoptimeForCheckpoints);
            while(!(isStoptimeForCheckpoints && timer.IsStopTimeOver()) &&          // there is a stopwatch for choosing checkpoints and it's not over yet and
                  !skipButton.IsButtonPressed())                                    // the skipButton, for confirming the player's selections, has not been pressed yet
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_TO_CHECK_AGAIN);               // it will check regularly if the player has choosen the checkpoints
            while(!cameraFollow.GetCameraReachedFinalPosition())                    // wait for the camera to be back in position
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_TO_CHECK_AGAIN);
        while(!tileColorsIntroduction.IsFinished())                                 // waiting for the tiles to finish fading
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_TO_CHECK_AGAIN);


        while(!cameraFollow.GetCameraReachedFinalPosition())                        // wait for the camera to be back in position
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_TO_CHECK_AGAIN);

        while (!timer.IsStopTimeOver() && !skipButton.IsButtonPressed())            // as soon as the stoptime is over or the skipbutton pressed, the game will start
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_TO_CHECK_AGAIN);

        GameStarts();                                                               // start the game