Ejemplo n.º 1
 public UndoMapTileExchange(MapEditor Editor, MapProject Project, int TileIndex1, int TileIndex2)
     _MapEditor  = Editor;
     _MapProject = Project;
     _TileIndex1 = TileIndex1;
     _TileIndex2 = TileIndex2;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public UndoMapSwap(MapEditor Editor, MapProject Project, int MapIndex1, int MapIndex2)
     _MapEditor  = Editor;
     _MapProject = Project;
     _MapIndex1  = MapIndex1;
     _MapIndex2  = MapIndex2;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public UndoMapRemove(MapEditor Editor, MapProject Project, int MapIndex)
     _MapEditor  = Editor;
     _MapIndex   = MapIndex;
     _MapProject = Project;
     _RemovedMap = _MapProject.Maps[_MapIndex];
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public UndoMapTileRemove(MapEditor Editor, MapProject Project, int TileIndex)
     _MapEditor   = Editor;
     _TileIndex   = TileIndex;
     _MapProject  = Project;
     _RemovedTile = _MapProject.Tiles[TileIndex];
        /// <summary>
        // Returns a StandardValuesCollection of standard value objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns>List of Schema objects</returns>
        public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
            // Get the list of Schema objects
            List <MapItem> mapItem = MapProject.GetMapsList(context);

            // Passes the local array.
            return(new StandardValuesCollection(mapItem));
        public ProjectDTO Update(ProjectDTO objet)
            Project    entity   = MapProject.ToEntity(objet, false);
            Project    resultat = _repo.Update(entity);
            ProjectDTO retour   = MapProjectDTO.ToDto(resultat);

        public ProjectDTO Create(ProjectDTO objet)
            Project entite   = MapProject.ToEntity(objet, true);
            Project resultat = _repo.Create(entite);

            objet = MapProjectDTO.ToDto(resultat);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override List <ShapeFile> CreateMapLayers(HttpContext context)
            string mapid = context.Request["mapid"];

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapid))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("mapid parameters not set");
            MapProject project = SFMap.ReadEGPProject(context.Server.MapPath(mapid));

        protected override List <ShapeFile> CreateMapLayers(HttpContext context)
            MapProject       project = SFMap.ReadEGPProject(context.Server.MapPath(EGPName));
            List <ShapeFile> layers  = project.Layers;

            //string shapeFilePath = context.Server.MapPath("/demos/us_demo_files/counties.shp");
            //ShapeFile sf = new ShapeFile(shapeFilePath);
            ////set the field name used to label the shapes
            //sf.RenderSettings.FieldName = "NAME";
            //sf.RenderSettings.FillColor = Color.Red;
            //sf.RenderSettings.FontColor = Color.Blue;
            //sf.RenderSettings.Font = new Font("Arial", 16);
            ////sf.RenderSettings.CustomRenderSettings = CreatePopulationRenderSettings(sf);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public FeatureInformations GetIdentifyFeatureInfos(MapObjects2.Point mousePosition, AxMapObjects2.AxMap mapControl,MapProject.MapStruct mapInfosCollection)
            FeatureInformations oFeatureInfos = null;

            foreach (ILayerStruct oLayerInfos in mapInfosCollection.Layers)
                if (oLayerInfos.LayerType != (short)LayerTypeConstants.moMapLayer)

                MapUtil.MapOperation oMapOper = new MapOperation();
                MapObjects2.MapLayer oMapLayer = oMapOper.GetLayerByName(mapControl, oLayerInfos.AliasName) as MapObjects2.MapLayer;

                if (oMapLayer.Visible == false)

                Recordset oSelectedRecords = oMapLayer.SearchShape(mousePosition, SearchMethodConstants.moAreaIntersect, "");

                if (oSelectedRecords.EOF)


                oFeatureInfos = new FeatureInformations();
                oFeatureInfos.CurrentLayerInfos = oLayerInfos;
                oFeatureInfos.Geometry = oSelectedRecords.Fields.Item("shape").Value;

                TableDesc oTableDesc = oSelectedRecords.TableDesc;
                oFeatureInfos.FieldsAndValuesCollection = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                int iFieldsCount = oTableDesc.FieldCount;
                string sFieldName = "";
                string sValue = "";

                for (short i = 0; i < iFieldsCount; i++)
                    sFieldName = oTableDesc.get_FieldName(i);
                    sValue = oSelectedRecords.Fields.Item(sFieldName).ValueAsString;
                    oFeatureInfos.FieldsAndValuesCollection.Add(sFieldName, sValue);


            return oFeatureInfos;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void Open_MouseDown(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog opendlg = new OpenFileDialog();

            opendlg.Filter = "smartgisproject(*.pro)|*.pro";
            if (opendlg.ShowDialog(this) == true)
                mappro = MapProject.LoadMapProject(opendlg.FileName);
                if (mappro == null)

                mappro.projectpath = opendlg.FileName;
                List <string> datapathlist = mappro.dic_datapath.Values.ToList();
                mapControl.mapcontent = mapcontent.LoadMapContent(mappro.projectname, mappro.dic_datapath, mappro.dic_stylepath, mappro.server, mappro.port, mappro.username, mappro.password, mappro.database);
                this.gdb = mapControl.mapcontent.gdb;

            //OpenFileDialog dialog = new OpenFileDialog();
            //dialog.Filter = "Map File (.txt)|*.txt";
            //if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
            //    string path = dialog.FileName;
            //    mapControl.Map.OpenMap(path);
            //    List<Layer> layers = mapControl.Map.GetLayers();
            //    for (int i = 0; i < mapControl.Map.LayerCount; i++)
            //    {
            //        layers[i].Name = "test";
            //        treeView.Items.Add(new LayerModel(layers[i].Name));
            //        //items.Add(layers[i].Name);
            //    }
            //    mapControl.Refresh();
            //    this.Title = "Mercury GIS - " + System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            //    curLayer = layers[0];
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public UndoMapTileModified(MapEditor Editor, MapProject Project, int TileIndex)
            this.TileIndex = TileIndex;
            this.Project   = Project;
            MapEditor      = Editor;

            var Tile = Project.Tiles[TileIndex];

            this.Tile       = new MapProject.Tile();
            this.Tile.Chars = new GR.Game.Layer <MapProject.TileChar>();
            this.Tile.Chars.Resize(Tile.Chars.Width, Tile.Chars.Height);
            for (int i = 0; i < Tile.Chars.Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < Tile.Chars.Height; ++j)
                    this.Tile.Chars[i, j]           = new MapProject.TileChar();
                    this.Tile.Chars[i, j].Character = Tile.Chars[i, j].Character;
                    this.Tile.Chars[i, j].Color     = Tile.Chars[i, j].Color;

            this.Tile.Name = Tile.Name;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private void New_MouseDown(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            NewMap dialog = new NewMap();

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                string name = dialog.mapName;
                mappro          = MapProject.CreateMapProject(name);
                mappro.server   = dialog.server;
                mappro.port     = dialog.port;
                mappro.username = dialog.username;
                mappro.password = dialog.password;
                mappro.database = dialog.database;
                mapcontent mapcontent = mapcontent.createnewmapcontentofnolayer(name, dialog.server, dialog.port, dialog.username, dialog.password, dialog.database);
                gdb = mapcontent.gdb;
                mapControl.mapcontent = mapcontent;
                this.Title = "Mercury GIS - " + name;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        protected override List <ShapeFile> CreateMapLayers(HttpContext context)
            MapProject project = SFMap.ReadEGPProject(context.Server.MapPath(EGPName));

Ejemplo n.º 15
 public UndoMapTileAdd(MapEditor Editor, MapProject Project, int TileIndex)
     _MapEditor  = Editor;
     _MapProject = Project;
     _TileIndex  = TileIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public UndoMapAdd(MapEditor Editor, MapProject Project, int MapIndex)
     _MapEditor  = Editor;
     _MapProject = Project;
     _MapIndex   = MapIndex;
        public override bool HandleImport(CharsetScreenProject CharScreen, CharsetScreenEditor Editor)
            string filename;

            if (Editor.OpenFile("Open Charpad project, Marq's PETSCII editor files or binary data", Constants.FILEFILTER_CHARSET_CHARPAD + Constants.FILEFILTER_MARQS_PETSCII + Constants.FILEFILTER_ALL, out filename))
                if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).ToUpper() == ".CTM")
                    // a charpad project file
                    GR.Memory.ByteBuffer projectFile = GR.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

                    Formats.CharpadProject cpProject = new RetroDevStudio.Formats.CharpadProject();
                    if (!cpProject.LoadFromFile(projectFile))

                    CharScreen.CharSet.Colors.BackgroundColor = cpProject.BackgroundColor;
                    CharScreen.CharSet.Colors.MultiColor1     = cpProject.MultiColor1;
                    CharScreen.CharSet.Colors.MultiColor2     = cpProject.MultiColor2;
                    CharScreen.CharSet.Colors.BGColor4        = cpProject.BackgroundColor4;

                    int maxChars = cpProject.NumChars;
                    if (maxChars > CharScreen.CharSet.TotalNumberOfCharacters)
                        maxChars = CharScreen.CharSet.TotalNumberOfCharacters;

                    CharScreen.CharSet.ExportNumCharacters = maxChars;
                    for (int charIndex = 0; charIndex < CharScreen.CharSet.ExportNumCharacters; ++charIndex)
                        CharScreen.CharSet.Characters[charIndex].Tile.Data        = cpProject.Characters[charIndex].Data;
                        CharScreen.CharSet.Characters[charIndex].Tile.CustomColor = cpProject.Characters[charIndex].Color;


                    // import tiles
                    var mapProject = new MapProject();
                    mapProject.MultiColor1 = cpProject.MultiColor1;
                    mapProject.MultiColor2 = cpProject.MultiColor2;

                    for (int i = 0; i < cpProject.NumTiles; ++i)
                        Formats.MapProject.Tile tile = new Formats.MapProject.Tile();

                        tile.Name = "Tile " + (i + 1).ToString();
                        tile.Chars.Resize(cpProject.TileWidth, cpProject.TileHeight);
                        tile.Index = i;

                        for (int y = 0; y < tile.Chars.Height; ++y)
                            for (int x = 0; x < tile.Chars.Width; ++x)
                                tile.Chars[x, y].Character = (byte)cpProject.Tiles[i].CharData.UInt16At(2 * (x + y * tile.Chars.Width));
                                tile.Chars[x, y].Color     = cpProject.Tiles[i].ColorData.ByteAt(x + y * tile.Chars.Width);

                    var map = new Formats.MapProject.Map();
                    map.Tiles.Resize(cpProject.MapWidth, cpProject.MapHeight);
                    for (int j = 0; j < cpProject.MapHeight; ++j)
                        for (int i = 0; i < cpProject.MapWidth; ++i)
                            map.Tiles[i, j] = cpProject.MapData.ByteAt(i + j * cpProject.MapWidth);
                    map.TileSpacingX = cpProject.TileWidth;
                    map.TileSpacingY = cpProject.TileHeight;

                    Editor.comboBackground.SelectedIndex  = mapProject.Charset.Colors.BackgroundColor;
                    Editor.comboMulticolor1.SelectedIndex = mapProject.Charset.Colors.MultiColor1;
                    Editor.comboMulticolor2.SelectedIndex = mapProject.Charset.Colors.MultiColor2;
                    Editor.comboBGColor4.SelectedIndex    = mapProject.Charset.Colors.BGColor4;
                    Editor.comboCharsetMode.SelectedIndex = (int)cpProject.DisplayModeFile;

                    GR.Memory.ByteBuffer charData  = new GR.Memory.ByteBuffer((uint)(map.Tiles.Width * map.TileSpacingX * map.Tiles.Height * map.TileSpacingY));
                    GR.Memory.ByteBuffer colorData = new GR.Memory.ByteBuffer((uint)(map.Tiles.Width * map.TileSpacingX * map.Tiles.Height * map.TileSpacingY));

                    for (int y = 0; y < map.Tiles.Height; ++y)
                        for (int x = 0; x < map.Tiles.Width; ++x)
                            int tileIndex = map.Tiles[x, y];
                            if (tileIndex < mapProject.Tiles.Count)
                                // a real tile
                                var tile = mapProject.Tiles[tileIndex];

                                for (int j = 0; j < tile.Chars.Height; ++j)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < tile.Chars.Width; ++i)
                                        charData.SetU8At(x * map.TileSpacingX + i + (y * map.TileSpacingY + j) * (map.Tiles.Width * map.TileSpacingX), tile.Chars[i, j].Character);
                                        colorData.SetU8At(x * map.TileSpacingX + i + (y * map.TileSpacingY + j) * (map.Tiles.Width * map.TileSpacingX), tile.Chars[i, j].Color);

                    if (cpProject.MapColorData != null)
                        // this charpad project has alternative color data
                        for (int i = 0; i < cpProject.MapHeight; ++i)
                            for (int j = 0; j < cpProject.MapWidth; ++j)
                                colorData.SetU8At(j + i * cpProject.MapWidth, cpProject.MapColorData.ByteAt(j + i * cpProject.MapWidth));

                    Editor.ImportFromData(map.TileSpacingX * map.Tiles.Width,
                                          map.TileSpacingY * map.Tiles.Height,
                                          charData, colorData, CharScreen.CharSet);
                else if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(filename).ToUpper() == ".C")
                    string cData = GR.IO.File.ReadAllText(filename);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cData))
                        int dataStart = cData.IndexOf('{');
                        if (dataStart == -1)

                         * int     dataEnd = cData.IndexOf( '}', dataStart );
                         * if ( dataEnd == -1 )
                         * {
                         * return false;
                         * }
                         * string  actualData = cData.Substring( dataStart + 1, dataEnd - dataStart - 2 );
                        string actualData = cData.Substring(dataStart + 1);

                        var screenData = new ByteBuffer();

                        var    dataLines = actualData.Split('\n');
                        string dataType  = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < dataLines.Length; ++i)
                            var dataLine = dataLines[i].Trim();
                            if (dataLine.StartsWith("//"))
                                if (dataLine.Contains("META:"))
                                    int metaPos = dataLine.IndexOf("META:");

                                    // META: 16 25 DIRART upper
                                    string[] parms = dataLine.Substring(metaPos + 5).Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                                    if (parms.Length >= 2)
                                        int newWidth  = GR.Convert.ToI32(parms[0]);
                                        int newHeight = GR.Convert.ToI32(parms[1]);

                                        if ((newWidth > 0) &&
                                            (newHeight > 0))
                                            Editor.SetScreenSize(newWidth, newHeight);
                                    if (parms.Length >= 3)
                                        dataType = parms[2].ToUpper();
                            int pos      = 0;
                            int commaPos = -1;

                            while (pos < dataLine.Length)
                                commaPos = dataLine.IndexOf(',', pos);
                                if (commaPos == -1)
                                    // end of line
                                    byte byteValue = GR.Convert.ToU8(dataLine.Substring(pos));

                                    byte byteValue = GR.Convert.ToU8(dataLine.Substring(pos, commaPos - pos));

                                    pos = commaPos + 1;
                        // border and BG first

                        if (dataType != "DIRART")
                            CharScreen.CharSet.Colors.BackgroundColor = screenData.ByteAt(1);
                            screenData = screenData.SubBuffer(2);

                    GR.Memory.ByteBuffer data = GR.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename);

