/// <summary> /// Raises the element changed event (when page loads) /// </summary> /// <param name="e">E.</param> protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); xMapPage = (MapPage)e.NewElement; var vm = (xMapPage.BindingContext as MapPageViewModel); vm.MapPageStatusChanged += MapPage_StatusChanged; // Ignore unmounted events if (e.OldElement != null || Element == null) { return; } try { // TODO: Persist center / zoom, or get from user location var camera = CameraPosition.FromCamera(-34, 151, 12); var mapView = MapView.FromCamera(RectangleF.Empty, camera); mapView.MyLocationEnabled = true; //mapView.Settings.MyLocationButton = true; // TODO: On click //mapView.Settings.CompassButton = true; mapView.Settings.SetAllGesturesEnabled(true); mapView.CameraPositionIdle += MapPage_CameraPositionIdle; View = mapView; } catch (Exception ex) { } }
void clickMap() { if (ActualPage?.GetType() != typeof(MapPage)) { ActualPage = new MapPage(); } }
async void PageItemTapped(System.Object sender, Xamarin.Forms.ItemTappedEventArgs e) { var titles = (string[])Resources["PageArray"]; var title = titles[e.ItemIndex]; Page page = null; switch (e.ItemIndex) { case 0: page = new LabelPage(); break; case 1: page = new ButtonPage(); break; case 2: page = new ViewBindingDemoPage(); break; case 3: page = new MapPage(); break; } page.Title = title; await Navigation.PushAsync(page); }
private Page GetPage(BaseViewModel vm) { if (vm is DashboardViewModel) { var Page = new DashboardPage(); Page.BindingContext = new DashboardViewModel(); return(Page); } if (vm is ActivitiesListViewModel) { var Page = new ActivitiesListPage(); Page.BindingContext = vm; return(Page); } if (vm is ActivityListItemViewModel) { var Page = new ActivityPage(); Page.BindingContext = vm; return(Page); } if (vm is MapViewModel) { var Page = new MapPage(); Page.BindingContext = vm; Page.Longitude = ((MapViewModel)vm).Longitude; Page.Latitude = ((MapViewModel)vm).Latitude; return(Page); } throw new Exception("Not implemented page"); }
public MapViewModel(MapPage page, IMapService mapService) { this.mapService = mapService; geoLocator = CrossGeolocator.Current; geoLocator.PositionChanged += GeoLocatorOnPositionChanged; page.Appearing += OnAppearing; page.Disappearing += OnDisappearing; map = new Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps.Map { HeightRequest = 100, WidthRequest = 960, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, MapType = MapType.Hybrid, MyLocationEnabled = true, IsTrafficEnabled = true, UiSettings = { CompassEnabled = true, MyLocationButtonEnabled = true, ZoomControlsEnabled = true } }; var stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 }; stack.Children.Add(map); page.Content = stack; }
private void Input_ButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is GameMenu && (Game1.activeClickableMenu as GameMenu).currentTab == GameMenu.mapTab && e.Button == Config.TeleportKey) { MapPage mp = (Game1.activeClickableMenu as GameMenu).pages[(Game1.activeClickableMenu as GameMenu).currentTab] as MapPage; int x = Game1.getMouseX(true); int y = Game1.getMouseY(true); Monitor.Log($"Trying to teleport, mouse pos {x},{y}; raw {Game1.getMouseX(false)},{Game1.getMouseY(false)}"); foreach (ClickableComponent c in mp.points) { if (c.containsPoint(x, y)) { Coordinates co = coordinates.coordinates.Find(o => o.id == c.myID); if (co == null) { Monitor.Log($"Teleport location {c.name} not found!", LogLevel.Warn); return; } Monitor.Log($"Teleporting to {c.name}, {co.mapName}, {co.x},{co.y}", LogLevel.Debug); Game1.activeClickableMenu.exitThisMenu(true); Game1.warpFarmer(co.mapName, co.x, co.y, false); } } } }
public App() { InitializeComponent(); // TODO : Set Root/Main Page MainPage = new MapPage(); }
public void CommmonTest() { //AppForm form = new AppForm(); //var tab = new AppFormTab(); //var section = new AppFormSection(); //var item = new AppFormItem(); //item.Options = new List<SelectOption>(); //SelectOption so1 = new SelectOption(); //so1.Value = "1"; //so1.Text = "yes "; //SelectOption so2 = new SelectOption(); //so2.Value = "0"; //so2.Text = "no "; //item.Options.Add(so1); //item.Options.Add(so2); //section.Items.Add(item); //tab.Sections.Add(section); //form.Tabs.Add(tab); //var formXml = XmlHelper.XmlSerialize(form); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100000); DbAccessManager.Init("Server=wh-pc066;database=dotnet_erp302sp1_scxxw;user id=sa;password=95938"); MapPage page = GetPage(); PageResult pageresult = AppValidationManager.ValidatePage(page); foreach (Result result in pageresult.Results) { Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Level: {0}, Title: {1}, Message: {2}", result.Level, result.Title, result.Message)); } }
private MapPage GetPage() { AppConfigManager.Setting.WebSite.SiteRoot = @"E:\\四川新希望\ERP302\安全漏洞检测-分支\明源整体解决方案\Map"; string testdata = ""; //testdata = @"E:\\四川新希望\ERP302\安全漏洞检测-分支\明源整体解决方案\Map\Cbgl\PUB\SelectProductPlanProduct.xml"; testdata = @"E:\360云盘\Mysoft\源码\MySourceCode\ControlChecker\Mysoft.Business.Validation.UnitTest\TestData\AppForm.xml"; var boo = AppValidationManager.IsMapXml(testdata); List <PageResult> pages = AppValidationManager.ValidateFiles(new List <string>() { testdata }); MapPage page = null; try { page = AppValidationManager.GetPage(testdata); } catch (Exception) { string content = FileHelper.Read(testdata); content = Regex.Replace(content, "(encoding=\"gb2312\"|xmlns=\"http://map.mysoft.com/2_0/XMLSchema\")", "", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); page = XmlHelper.XmlDeserialize <MapPage>(content); } return(page); }
// Map menu that uses modified map page and modified component locations for hover public ModMapPage(Dictionary <string, string> npcNames, HashSet <NPCMarker> npcMarkers, Dictionary <long, KeyValuePair <Farmer, Vector2> > farmers) { // initialise this.npcNames = npcNames; this.npcMarkers = npcMarkers; this.farmers = farmers; okButton = new ClickableTextureComponent(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\StringsFromCSFiles:MapPage.cs.11059", new object[0]), new Rectangle(this.xPositionOnScreen + width + Game1.tileSize, this.yPositionOnScreen + height - IClickableMenu.borderWidth - Game1.tileSize / 4, Game1.tileSize, Game1.tileSize), null, null, Game1.mouseCursors, Game1.getSourceRectForStandardTileSheet(Game1.mouseCursors, 46, -1, -1), 1f, false); map = Game1.content.Load <Texture2D>("LooseSprites\\map"); Vector2 centeringOnScreen = Utility.getTopLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen(this.map.Bounds.Width * 4, 720, 0, 0); drawPamHouseUpgrade = Game1.MasterPlayer.mailReceived.Contains("pamHouseUpgrade"); mapX = (int)centeringOnScreen.X; mapY = (int)centeringOnScreen.Y; points = this.GetMapPoints().ToList(); // update vanilla points (for compatibility with mods that check them), but make sure they don't peek out from under new map GameMenu menu = (GameMenu)Game1.activeClickableMenu; List <IClickableMenu> menuPages = (List <IClickableMenu>) typeof(GameMenu).GetField("pages", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(menu); MapPage mapPage = (MapPage)menuPages[menu.currentTab]; List <ClickableComponent> vanillaPoints = ModMain.modHelper.Reflection.GetField <List <ClickableComponent> >(mapPage, "points").GetValue(); vanillaPoints.Clear(); foreach (ClickableComponent point in this.GetMapPoints()) { point.label = ""; point.scale = 0.1f; vanillaPoints.Add(point); } }
public void CheckRoot() { for (int i = 0; i < formList.Count; i++) { StatPage sp = formList[i] as StatPage; if (sp != null) { sp.CheckRoot(); sp.ChangeLoginButton(); continue; } StorePage storePage = formList[i] as StorePage; if (storePage != null) { storePage.CheckRoot(); continue; } MapPage mp = formList[i] as MapPage; if (mp != null) { mp.CheckRoot(); continue; } } }
static Page GetDetailPage(MainMasterPageMenuItem item) { Page page; switch (item.Id) { case 1: page = new BusChoicePage(); break; case 2: page = new DelaysBusStopChoosePage(); break; case 3: page = new MapPage(); break; case 4: page = new UserAccountPage(); break; case 5: page = new SettingsPage(); break; default: page = new MainMasterPageDetail(); break; } page.Title = item.Title; return(page); }
public MapViewModel(AppShell appShell) { this.Title = "Mapa"; this.AppShell = appShell; this.Pins = new List <PinViewModel>(); FlyOutItem = new FlyoutItem() { Title = this.Title, Icon = "icon_map.png", }; MapPage = new MapPage(this) { Title = this.Title }; ShellContent = new ShellContent { Content = MapPage }; FlyOutItem.Items.Add(ShellContent); AddToBar(); }
void OnDidSelectAnnotationView(object sender, MKAnnotationViewEventArgs e) { // centralise map and freeze map updates MapPage.CentraliseMap(new Position(e.View.Annotation.Coordinate.Latitude, e.View.Annotation.Coordinate.Longitude)); MapPage.SetFreezeMap(true); // create custom callout with bus info // set background for callout var frame = new CGRect(0, 0, 200, 84); customPinView = new UIView { Frame = frame, BackgroundColor = new UIColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.3f), Center = new CGPoint(0, -(e.View.Frame.Height + 20)) }; customPinView.Layer.BorderColor = new CGColor(0, 0, 0, 50); customPinView.Layer.BorderWidth = 1f; customPinView.Layer.CornerRadius = 2f; // add text info customPinView.Add(new UILabel { Frame = frame, // title - label, subtitle - address (in xamarin.forms.maps) Text = e.View.Annotation.GetTitle() + "\n" + e.View.Annotation.GetSubtitle(), Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12f), TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left, AdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true, LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.WordWrap, Lines = 0 }); e.View.AddSubview(customPinView); }
public static MapPage GetPage(string filepath) { MapPage page = XmlHelper.XmlDeserializeFromFile <MapPage>(filepath); page.PageXml = filepath; return(page); }
public static List <PageResult> ValidateFiles(List <string> files) { DbAccessManager.Init(AppConfigManager.ConnectionString); List <PageResult> pageResults = new List <PageResult>(); if (files != null) { int total = files.Count <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { Exception ex; PageResult pr = null; string file = files[i]; Notify(string.Format("检测({0}/{1}):{2}", i + 1, total, file)); MapPage page = null; try { page = GetPage(file); } catch (Exception exception1) { ex = exception1; if (IsMapXml(file)) { pr = GetPageResult("配置文件不规范", ex.Message, file); } else { pr = GetPageResult("忽略文件", "非MAP配置文件。", file, Level.Message); } pageResults.Add(pr); } if (page != null) { pr = new PageResult(); try { pr = ValidatePage(page); } catch (Exception exception2) { ex = exception2; pr.Results.Add(new Result("验证执行出错", ex.StackTrace, Level.Warn, typeof(AppValidationManager))); } if (pr.Results.Count > 0) { pageResults.Add(pr); } } } } return(pageResults); }
public static MapPage DeserializeFromFile(string xmlPath, Encoding encoding) { MapPage mp = Mysoft.Map.Extensions.Xml.XmlHelper.XmlDeserializeFromFile <MapPage>(xmlPath, encoding); mp.Arrange(); mp.PageXml = xmlPath; return(mp); }
private void closePopups(MapPage page) { foreach (var currentPopupLayer in openedPopupLayers) { page.Map.Layers.Remove(currentPopupLayer); } openedPopupLayers.Clear(); }
public void TestDefaultCtor() { // set up var page = new MapPage(); // check Assert.IsTrue(page.Title.Length > 0, "page title must have been set"); }
public void LoadMapPage() { Frame mapContentFrame = new Frame(); MapPage mapContent = new MapPage(); mapContentFrame.Content = mapContent; MapTab.Content = mapContentFrame; }
private async Task tryCreateHighStopLabelsAt(MapPage page, GeoCoordinate currentLocation) { if (!highMarkedLocations.Any(loc => currentLocation.GetDistanceTo(loc) < App.Config.HighStopsRadius * 0.8)) { highMarkedLocations.Add(currentLocation); await createStopLabelsAt(page, currentLocation, priorityLimit : 2.1, radius : App.Config.HighStopsRadius); } }
public override async void OnNavigatedTo(INavigationParameters parameters) { if (MapPage != null) { MapPage.MoveCamera(); } base.OnNavigatedTo(parameters); }
/// <summary> /// Sets up MainPage; it contains a MapPage instance. /// </summary> private void SetupMainPage() { this.MapPage = new MapPage(); var rootPage = new RootPage(); this.MainPage = rootPage; }
private void clearOpenedOpopup(MapPage page) { if (currentPopupLayer != null) { page.Map.Layers.Remove(currentPopupLayer); currentPopupLayer = null; } }
public App() { // Old weather design //MainPage = new MainPage(); //Weather on Map MainPage = new MapPage(); // Location l = new Location(); }
private async Task tryCreateStopLabelsAt(MapPage page, GeoCoordinate currentLocation, IEnumerable <Stop> mandatoryStops = null) { if (!lowMarkedLocations.Any(loc => currentLocation.GetDistanceTo(loc) < App.Config.LowStopsRadius * 0.8)) { lowMarkedLocations.Add(currentLocation); //highMarkedLocations.Add(currentLocation); await createStopLabelsAt(page, currentLocation, mandatoryStops, radius : App.Config.LowStopsRadius); } }
private void mapButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MainPush.Text = "Загрузка системы картографии..."; MapPage mp = new MapPage(); formList.Add(mp); mp.Show(); MainPush.Text = ""; }
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs <Page> e) { base.OnElementChanged(e); myAMapPage = e.NewElement as MapPage; layout1 = new LinearLayout(this.Context); this.AddView(layout1); IniMapView(); layout1.AddView(mapView); //类似可以设计更复杂布局!!!!! }
/// <summary>Raised after the player presses a button on the keyboard, controller, or mouse.</summary> /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event data.</param> private void OnButtonPressed(object sender, ButtonPressedEventArgs e) { if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is GameMenu gameMenu && gameMenu.currentTab == GameMenu.mapTab) { if (modHelper.Input.IsDown(SButton.LeftAlt) && modHelper.Input.IsDown(SButton.MouseLeft)) { MapPage mapPage = (MapPage)Reflection.GetField <List <IClickableMenu> >(gameMenu, "pages").GetValue()[GameMenu.mapTab]; Vector2 mapCoord = new Vector2(Reflection.GetField <int>(mapPage, "mapX").GetValue(), Reflection.GetField <int>(mapPage, "mapY").GetValue()); //Vector2 mapPos = Utility.getTopLeftPositionForCenteringOnScreen(Sprites.Map.SourceRectangle.Width * Game1.pixelZoom, Sprites.Map.SourceRectangle.Height * Game1.pixelZoom); Vector2 pingedCoord = new Vector2(e.Cursor.ScreenPixels.X - mapCoord.X, e.Cursor.ScreenPixels.Y - mapCoord.Y); int mapWidth = Sprites.Map.SourceRectangle.Width * Game1.pixelZoom; int mapHeight = Sprites.Map.SourceRectangle.Height * Game1.pixelZoom; if (IsPingWithinMapBounds(mapWidth, mapHeight, pingedCoord)) { //TODO: Send ping to players if (config.ShowPingsInChat) { string hoverText = Reflection.GetField <string>(mapPage, "hoverText").GetValue(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(hoverText)) { hoverText = $"\"{GetHoverTextLocationName(hoverText)}\""; } if (!MapPings.ContainsKey(Game1.player)) { MapPings.Add(Game1.player, new PlayerMapPing(Color.Red)); } MapPings[Game1.player].AddPing(Game1.player, pingedCoord, hoverText); string messageKey = "UserNotificationMessageFormat"; string messageText = $"{Game1.player.Name} pinged {hoverText} [X:{pingedCoord.X}, Y:{pingedCoord.Y}]"; if (Game1.IsMultiplayer) { Multiplayer multiplayer = Reflection.GetField <Multiplayer>(typeof(Game1), "multiplayer").GetValue(); multiplayer.globalChatInfoMessage(messageKey, messageText); } else { Game1.chatBox.addInfoMessage(Game1.content.LoadString("Strings\\UI:Chat_" + messageKey, messageText)); } } #if DEBUG ModEntry.ModLogger.Log($"MapCoords => (x: {pingedCoord.X}, y: {pingedCoord.Y})"); ModEntry.ModLogger.Log($"Map (X: {mapCoord.X}, Y: {mapCoord.Y})"); #endif } modHelper.Input.Suppress(SButton.MouseLeft); } } }
void OnDidDeselectAnnotationView(object sender, MKAnnotationViewEventArgs e) { if (!e.View.Selected) { customPinView.RemoveFromSuperview(); customPinView.Dispose(); customPinView = null; MapPage.SetFreezeMap(false); } }
static void Main() { Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone", () => { Session session = Session.Current; if (session != null && session.Data != null) return session.Data; var standalone = new StandalonePage(); if (session == null) { session = new Session(SessionOptions.PatchVersioning); standalone.Html = "/KitchenSink/StandalonePage.html"; } else { standalone.Html = "/KitchenSink/LauncherWrapperPage.html"; } var nav = new NavPage(); standalone.CurrentPage = nav; standalone.Session = session; return standalone; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink", () => { return Self.GET("/KitchenSink/text"); }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/button", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is ButtonPage)) { var page = new ButtonPage(); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/chart", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is ChartPage)) { var page = new ChartPage(); page.AddChartData("January", 4); page.AddChartData("February", 7); page.AddChartData("March", 9); page.AddChartData("April", 12); page.AddChartData("May", 15); page.AddChartData("June", 19); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/checkbox", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is CheckboxPage)) { var page = new CheckboxPage(); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/datagrid", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is DatagridPage)) { var page = new DatagridPage(); DatagridPagePetsElementJson pet; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Name = "Rocky"; pet.Kind = "Dog"; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Name = "Tigger"; pet.Kind = "Cat"; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Name = "Bella"; pet.Kind = "Rabbit"; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/decimal", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is DecimalPage)) { var page = new DecimalPage(); page.Price = 10; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/dropdown", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is DropdownPage)) { var page = new DropdownPage(); DropdownPage.PetsElementJson pet; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Label = "dogs"; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Label = "cats"; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Label = "rabbit"; page.SelectedPet = "dogs"; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/html", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is HtmlPage)) { var page = new HtmlPage(); page.Bio = @"<h1>This is a markup text</h1> You can put <strong>any</strong> <a href=""https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML"">HTML</a> in it."; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/integer", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is IntegerPage)) { var page = new IntegerPage(); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/Geo", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is MapPage)) { var page = new MapPage(); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/markdown", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is MarkdownPage)) { var page = new MarkdownPage(); page.Bio = @"# This is a strucured text It supports **markdown** *syntax*."; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/radiolist", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is RadiolistPage)) { var page = new RadiolistPage(); MenuOptionsElement a; a = page.MenuOptions.Add(); a.Label = "Dogs"; a = page.MenuOptions.Add(); a.Label = "Cats"; page.SelectOption(0); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/multiselect", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is MultiselectPage)) { var page = new MultiselectPage() { Data = null }; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/password", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is PasswordPage)) { var page = new PasswordPage(); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/table", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is TablePage)) { var page = new TablePage(); TablePage.PetsElementJson pet; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Name = "Rocky"; pet.Kind = "Dog"; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Name = "Tigger"; pet.Kind = "Cat"; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Name = "Bella"; pet.Kind = "Rabbit"; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/text", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is TextPage)) { var page = new TextPage(); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/textarea", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is TextareaPage)) { var page = new TextareaPage(); (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/radio", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is RadioPage)) { var page = new RadioPage(); RadioPage.PetsElementJson pet; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Label = "dogs"; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Label = "cats"; pet = page.Pets.Add(); pet.Label = "rabbit"; page.SelectedPet = "dogs"; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/url", () => { var master = (StandalonePage)Self.GET("/KitchenSink/standalone"); if (!((master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage is UrlPage)) { var page = new UrlPage(); page.Url = "/KitchenSink"; page.Label = "Go to home page"; (master.CurrentPage as NavPage).CurrentPage = page; } return master; }); //for a launcher Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/app-name", () => { return new AppName(); }); Handle.GET("/KitchenSink/menu", () => { return new Page() { Html = "/KitchenSink/AppMenuPage.html" }; }); UriMapping.Map("/KitchenSink/menu", UriMapping.MappingUriPrefix + "/menu"); UriMapping.Map("/KitchenSink/app-name", UriMapping.MappingUriPrefix + "/app-name"); }