Ejemplo n.º 1
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (MapOrigin == null || Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Status.Connected)

            if (IsFirstFixedUpdate)
                lock (MessageQueue)
                IsFirstFixedUpdate = false;

            var time = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime;

            if (time < LastTimestamp)

            var location = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(transform.position, IgnoreMapOrigin);

            var orientation = transform.rotation;

            orientation.Set(-orientation.z, orientation.x, -orientation.y, orientation.w); // converting to right handed xyz

            var data = new GpsData()
                Name     = Name,
                Frame    = Frame,
                Time     = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime,
                Sequence = SendSequence++,

                IgnoreMapOrigin = IgnoreMapOrigin,
                Latitude        = location.Latitude,
                Longitude       = location.Longitude,
                Altitude        = location.Altitude,
                Northing        = location.Northing,
                Easting         = location.Easting,
                Orientation     = orientation,

            lock (MessageQueue)
                MessageQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(time, (Action)(() =>
                    if (Bridge != null && Bridge.Status == Status.Connected)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (MapOrigin == null || Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Status.Connected)

            if (IsFirstFixedUpdate)
                lock (MessageQueue)
                IsFirstFixedUpdate = false;

            var time = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime;

            if (time < LastTimestamp)

            var location = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(transform.position, IgnoreMapOrigin);

            var data = new GpsOdometryData()
                Name     = Name,
                Frame    = Frame,
                Time     = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime,
                Sequence = SendSequence++,

                ChildFrame      = ChildFrame,
                IgnoreMapOrigin = IgnoreMapOrigin,
                Latitude        = location.Latitude,
                Longitude       = location.Longitude,
                Altitude        = location.Altitude,
                Northing        = location.Northing,
                Easting         = location.Easting,
                Orientation     = transform.rotation,
                ForwardSpeed    = Vector3.Dot(RigidBody.velocity, transform.forward),
                Velocity        = RigidBody.velocity,
                AngularVelocity = RigidBody.angularVelocity,
                WheelAngle      = (Dynamics.axles[0].left.steerAngle + Dynamics.axles[0].right.steerAngle) * 0.5f,

            lock (MessageQueue)
                MessageQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(time, (Action)(() => Writer.Write(data))));
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void AddReferencePoint(MapOrigin origin)
        var index = FindObjectsOfType <MapOriginReferencePoint>(true).Length + 1;
        var p     = new GameObject("ReferencePoint" + index).AddComponent <MapOriginReferencePoint>();

        if (SceneView.lastActiveSceneView != null)
            var camera = SceneView.lastActiveSceneView.camera.transform;
            if (Physics.Raycast(new Ray(camera.position, camera.forward), out var hit))
                p.transform.position = hit.point;
        var gps = origin.GetGpsLocation(p.transform.position);

        p.latitue   = gps.Latitude;
        p.longitude = gps.Longitude;
        var mapHolder = FindObjectOfType <MapHolder>().transform;
        var holder    = mapHolder.Find("ReferencePoints");

        if (holder == null)
            holder        = new GameObject("ReferencePoints").transform;
            holder.parent = mapHolder;
        p.transform.parent         = holder;
        Selection.activeGameObject = p.gameObject;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Update()
            if (MapOrigin == null)

            if (Time.time < NextSend)
            NextSend = Time.time + 1.0f / Frequency;

            float speed = RigidBody.velocity.magnitude;

            var gps = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(transform.position);

            var msg = new CanBusData()
                Name     = Name,
                Frame    = Frame,
                Time     = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime,
                Sequence = SendSequence++,

                Speed = speed,

                Throttle = Dynamics.AccellInput > 0 ? Dynamics.AccellInput : 0,
                Braking  = Dynamics.AccellInput < 0 ? -Dynamics.AccellInput : 0,
                Steering = Dynamics.SteerInput,

                ParkingBrake   = Dynamics.HandBrake,
                HighBeamSignal = Actions.CurrentHeadLightState == VehicleActions.HeadLightState.HIGH,
                LowBeamSignal  = Actions.CurrentHeadLightState == VehicleActions.HeadLightState.LOW,
                HazardLights   = Actions.HazardLights,
                FogLights      = Actions.FogLights,

                LeftTurnSignal  = Actions.LeftTurnSignal,
                RightTurnSignal = Actions.RightTurnSignal,

                Wipers = false,

                InReverse = Dynamics.Reverse,
                Gear      = Mathf.RoundToInt(Dynamics.CurrentGear),

                EngineOn  = Dynamics.IgnitionStatus == IgnitionStatus.On,
                EngineRPM = Dynamics.CurrentRPM,

                Latitude  = gps.Latitude,
                Longitude = gps.Longitude,
                Altitude  = gps.Altitude,

                Orientation = transform.rotation,
                Velocity    = RigidBody.velocity,

            if (Bridge != null && Bridge.Status == Status.Connected)
                Writer.Write(msg, null);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void FixedUpdate()
            // Publish Frequency Limit
            if (lastUpdateTime.AddSeconds(1.0f / Frequency) > DateTime.Now)
            lastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Sanity Check
            if (MapOrigin == null || Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Status.Connected)

            // Get Data for Packing
            float speed = RigidBody.velocity.magnitude;
            var   gps   = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(transform.position);

            if (creep_state == true)
                creep_state = false;
                temp_vehicle_speed = speed * 3.60f;

            // Pack message data
            msg = new ChassisData()
                stamp    = DateTime.Now,
                frame_id = "",

                steering_torque  = 0.0f,
                engine_rpm       = Dynamics.CurrentRPM,
                vehicle_speed    = temp_vehicle_speed,
                throttle_percent = Dynamics.AccellInput > 0 ? Dynamics.AccellInput : 0,
                brake_percent    = Dynamics.AccellInput < 0 ? -Dynamics.AccellInput : 0,
                steering_angle   = -Dynamics.CurrentSteerAngle * Dynamics.SteeringRatio,
                brake_status     = false,
                cruise_start     = false,
                cruise_cancel    = false,
                takeover         = false,

            //speed during creep behaviour
            if (msg.brake_percent == 0.0f && msg.vehicle_speed >= 7.92f && msg.throttle_percent == 0.0f)
                creep_state        = true;
                msg.vehicle_speed  = 2.2f * 3.60f;
                temp_vehicle_speed = msg.vehicle_speed;

            // Write Data to Message Queue
            Writer.Write(msg, null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Init(MapOrigin origin)
            this.origin = origin;
            var gps = origin.GetGpsLocation(origin.transform.position);

            latitude  = Math.Round(gps.Latitude, 6);
            longitude = Math.Round(gps.Longitude, 6);
            minSize   = new Vector2(250, 120);
            maxSize   = new Vector2(300, 120);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void RecordJSONLog(Detected3DObject detected3DObject, string labelId, GameObject parent, float cycleTime)
            var sensorRotation = transform.rotation;
            var sensorPosition = transform.position;

            var globalPos = parent.transform.position;
            var globalRot = parent.transform.rotation;

            if (!prevTimes.ContainsKey(labelId))
                prevTimes.Add(labelId, SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime);

            // Get GPS coordinates.
            bool        IgnoreMapOrigin = false;
            GpsLocation location        = new GpsLocation();
            Vector3     position        = transform.position;

            location = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(position, IgnoreMapOrigin);

            if (SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime - prevTimes[labelId] > cycleTime)
                // string labelId = null;
                var groundTruth3D = new JSONGroundTruth3D()
                    Id          = detected3DObject.Id,
                    Label       = detected3DObject.Label,
                    Position    = (float3)detected3DObject.Position,
                    Rotation    = detected3DObject.Rotation,
                    Velocity    = detected3DObject.LinearVelocity,
                    Dimension   = detected3DObject.Scale,
                    Time        = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime,
                    GpsPosition = new Vector3((float)(location.Easting + (IgnoreMapOrigin ? -500000 : 0)),
                                              (float)location.Northing, (float)location.Altitude),
                    GpsRotation    = sensorRotation,
                    GlobalPosition = globalPos,
                    GlobalRotation = globalRot

                if (!LogJsonDetected.ContainsKey(labelId))
                    var jsonGroundTruth3Ds = new List <JSONGroundTruth3D>();
                    LogJsonDetected.Add(labelId, jsonGroundTruth3Ds);

                prevTimes[labelId] = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (MapOrigin == null || Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Status.Connected)

            if (IsFirstFixedUpdate)
                lock (MessageQueue)
                IsFirstFixedUpdate = false;

                //Creation of the data file to add the values

                /*using (System.IO.StreamWriter sw = System.IO.File.CreateText(@"C:\Users\doria\Desktop\GPS_test.txt"))
                 * {
                 *  sw.WriteLine("Test");
                 * }*/

            var time = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime;

            if (time < LastTimestamp)

            var   location        = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(transform.position, IgnoreMapOrigin);
            var   orientation     = transform.rotation;
            var   angularVelocity = RigidBody.angularVelocity;
            float dLatitude       = 0;
            float dLongitude      = 0;
            float dAltitude       = 0;

            if (activateFailure && time > failTime && time < failStopTime)
                health = false;
                health = true;

            if (health)
                orientation.Set(-orientation.z, orientation.x, -orientation.y, orientation.w);  // converting to right handed xyz
                angularVelocity.Set(-angularVelocity.z, angularVelocity.x, -angularVelocity.y); // converting to right handed xyz

                if (activateBias)
                    dLatitude           = genBias(sLatitude);
                    dLongitude          = genBias(sLongitude);
                    dAltitude           = genBias(sAltitude);
                    location.Latitude  += dLatitude;
                    location.Longitude += dLongitude;
                    location.Altitude  += dAltitude;
                location.Latitude  = 0;
                location.Longitude = 0;
                location.Altitude  = 0;
                orientation.Set(0, 0, 0, 1);  // converting to right handed xyz
                angularVelocity.Set(0, 0, 0); // converting to right handed xyz

            data = new GpsOdometryData()
                Name     = Name,
                Frame    = Frame,
                Time     = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime,
                Sequence = SendSequence++,

                ChildFrame      = ChildFrame,
                IgnoreMapOrigin = IgnoreMapOrigin,
                Latitude        = location.Latitude,
                Longitude       = location.Longitude,
                Altitude        = location.Altitude,
                Northing        = location.Northing,
                Easting         = location.Easting,
                Orientation     = orientation,
                ForwardSpeed    = Vector3.Dot(RigidBody.velocity, transform.forward),
                Velocity        = RigidBody.velocity,
                AngularVelocity = angularVelocity,
                WheelAngle      = Dynamics.WheelAngle,

            lock (MessageQueue)
                MessageQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(time, (Action)(() => Writer.Write(data))));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 private void Awake()
     mapOrigin   = MapOrigin.Find();
     gpsLocation = mapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(Vector3.zero);
        void WhileInRange(Collider other)
            GameObject egoGO  = transform.parent.gameObject;
            GameObject parent = other.transform.parent.gameObject;

            if (parent == egoGO)

            if (!(other.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("GroundTruth")) || !parent.activeInHierarchy)

            if (!Detected.ContainsKey(other))
                uint   id;
                string label = null;
                float  linear_vel;
                float  angular_vel;
                float  egoPosY = egoGO.GetComponent <VehicleActions>().Bounds.center.y;
                float  score   = 0.0f;
                if (parent.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Agent"))
                    var egoC = parent.GetComponent <VehicleController>();
                    var egoA = parent.GetComponent <VehicleActions>();
                    var rb   = parent.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                    id          = egoC.GTID;
                    label       = "Sedan";
                    linear_vel  = UnityEngine.Vector3.Dot(rb.velocity, parent.transform.forward);
                    angular_vel = -rb.angularVelocity.y;
                else if (parent.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("NPC"))
                    var npcC = parent.GetComponent <NPCController>();
                    id          = npcC.GTID;
                    label       = npcC.NPCType;
                    linear_vel  = UnityEngine.Vector3.Dot(npcC.GetVelocity(), parent.transform.forward);
                    angular_vel = -npcC.GetAngularVelocity().y;
                else if (parent.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Pedestrian"))
                    var pedC = parent.GetComponent <PedestrianController>();
                    id          = pedC.GTID;
                    label       = "Pedestrian";
                    linear_vel  = UnityEngine.Vector3.Dot(pedC.CurrentVelocity, parent.transform.forward);
                    angular_vel = -pedC.CurrentAngularVelocity.y;

                UnityEngine.Vector3 size = ((BoxCollider)other).size;
                // Convert from (Right/Up/Forward) to (Forward/Left/Up)
                size.Set(size.z, size.x, size.y);

                if (size.magnitude == 0)

                //Bounding Box Orientation
                //var Rot = Quaternion.Euler(parent.transform.rotation.eulerAngles);
                var rot_euler = parent.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                var Rot       = UnityEngine.Quaternion.Euler(rot_euler);

                //Bounding Box Position
                if (MapOrigin == null)
                UnityEngine.Vector3 bounding_box_center = parent.transform.TransformPoint(((BoxCollider)other).center);
                var location = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(bounding_box_center /*parent.transform.position*/);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(label))
                    score = 1.0f;

                Detected.Add(other, new Detected3DObjectPerc()
                    Id              = id,
                    Label           = label,
                    Score           = score,
                    easting         = location.Easting,
                    northing        = location.Northing,
                    Rotation        = Rot,
                    Scale           = size,
                    LinearVelocity  = new UnityEngine.Vector3(linear_vel, 0, 0),  // Linear velocity in forward direction of objects, in meters/sec
                    AngularVelocity = new UnityEngine.Vector3(0, 0, angular_vel), // Angular velocity around up axis of objects, in radians/sec
Ejemplo n.º 11
        void WhileInRange(Collider other)
            GameObject egoGO  = transform.parent.gameObject;
            GameObject parent = other.transform.parent.gameObject;

            if (parent == egoGO)

            if (!(other.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("GroundTruth")) || !parent.activeInHierarchy)

            if (!Detected.ContainsKey(other))
                uint   id;
                string label;
                float  linear_vel;
                float  angular_vel;
                if (parent.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("NPC"))
                    var npcC = parent.GetComponent <NPCController>();
                    id          = npcC.GTID;
                    label       = npcC.NPCType;
                    linear_vel  = UnityEngine.Vector3.Dot(npcC.GetVelocity(), parent.transform.forward);
                    angular_vel = -npcC.GetAngularVelocity().y;

                //Bounding Box Size
                UnityEngine.Vector3 size = ((BoxCollider)other).size;
                if (size.magnitude == 0)
                // Convert from (Right/Up/Forward) to (Forward/Left/Up)
                size.Set(size.z, size.x, size.y);

                //Bounding Box Orientation
                //var Rot = Quaternion.Euler(parent.transform.rotation.eulerAngles);
                var rot_euler = parent.transform.rotation.eulerAngles;
                //90 degree phase shift to match with localization
                rot_euler.y = 90 - rot_euler.y;
                var Rot = UnityEngine.Quaternion.Euler(rot_euler);

                //Bounding Box Position
                if (MapOrigin == null)
                UnityEngine.Vector3 bounding_box_center = parent.transform.TransformPoint(((BoxCollider)other).center);
                var location = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(bounding_box_center /*parent.transform.position*/);

                Detected.Add(other, new Detected3DObjectAdhoc()
                    Id              = id,
                    Label           = label,
                    Score           = 1.0f,
                    easting         = location.Easting,
                    northing        = location.Northing,
                    Rotation        = Rot,
                    Scale           = size,
                    LinearVelocity  = new UnityEngine.Vector3(linear_vel, 0, 0),  // Linear velocity in forward direction of objects, in meters/sec
                    AngularVelocity = new UnityEngine.Vector3(0, 0, angular_vel), // Angular velocity around up axis of objects, in radians/sec
Ejemplo n.º 12
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (MapOrigin == null || Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Status.Connected)

            if (IsFirstFixedUpdate)
                lock (MessageQueue)
                IsFirstFixedUpdate = false;

            var time = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime;

            if (time < LastTimestamp)

            var location = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(transform.position, IgnoreMapOrigin);

            var orientation = transform.rotation;

            orientation.Set(-orientation.z, orientation.x, -orientation.y, orientation.w); // converting to right handed xyz

            var angularVelocity = RigidBody.angularVelocity;

            angularVelocity.Set(-angularVelocity.z, angularVelocity.x, -angularVelocity.y); // converting to right handed xyz

            var data = new GpsOdometryData()
                Name     = Name,
                Frame    = Frame,
                Time     = SimulatorManager.Instance.CurrentTime,
                Sequence = SendSequence++,

                ChildFrame      = ChildFrame,
                IgnoreMapOrigin = IgnoreMapOrigin,
                Latitude        = location.Latitude,
                Longitude       = location.Longitude,
                Altitude        = location.Altitude,
                Northing        = location.Northing,
                Easting         = location.Easting,
                Orientation     = orientation,
                ForwardSpeed    = Vector3.Dot(RigidBody.velocity, transform.forward),
                Velocity        = RigidBody.velocity,
                AngularVelocity = angularVelocity,
                WheelAngle      = Dynamics.WheelAngle,

            lock (MessageQueue)
                MessageQueue.Enqueue(Tuple.Create(time, (Action)(() =>
                    if (Bridge != null && Bridge.Status == Status.Connected)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        void WhileInRange(Collider other)
            GameObject egoGO  = transform.parent.gameObject;
            GameObject parent = other.transform.parent.gameObject;

            if (parent == egoGO)

            if (!(other.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("GroundTruth")) || !parent.activeInHierarchy)

            uint    id;
            string  label;
            Vector3 velocity;
            float   angular_speed; // Angular speed around up axis of objects, in radians/sec

            if (parent.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Agent"))
                var egoC = parent.GetComponent <VehicleController>();
                var rb   = parent.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                id            = egoC.GTID;
                label         = "Sedan";
                velocity      = rb.velocity;
                angular_speed = rb.angularVelocity.y;
            else if (parent.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("NPC"))
                var npcC = parent.GetComponent <NPCController>();
                id            = npcC.GTID;
                label         = npcC.NPCLabel;
                velocity      = npcC.GetVelocity();
                angular_speed = npcC.GetAngularVelocity().y;
            else if (parent.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Pedestrian"))
                var pedC = parent.GetComponent <PedestrianController>();
                id            = pedC.GTID;
                label         = "Pedestrian";
                velocity      = pedC.CurrentVelocity;
                angular_speed = pedC.CurrentAngularVelocity.y;

            Vector3 size = ((BoxCollider)other).size;

            if (size.magnitude == 0)

            // Linear speed in forward direction of objects, in meters/sec
            float speed = Vector3.Dot(velocity, parent.transform.forward);
            // Local position of object in ego local space
            Vector3 relPos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(parent.transform.position);
            // Relative rotation of objects wrt ego frame
            Quaternion relRot = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * parent.transform.rotation;

            var mapRotation = MapOrigin.transform.localRotation;

            velocity = Quaternion.Inverse(mapRotation) * velocity;
            var heading = parent.transform.localEulerAngles.y - mapRotation.eulerAngles.y;

            // Center of bounding box
            GpsLocation location = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(((BoxCollider)other).bounds.center);
            GpsData     gps      = new GpsData()
                Easting  = location.Easting,
                Northing = location.Northing,
                Altitude = location.Altitude,

            if (!Detected.ContainsKey(id))
                var det = new Detected3DObject()
                    Id              = id,
                    Label           = label,
                    Score           = 1.0f,
                    Position        = relPos,
                    Rotation        = relRot,
                    Scale           = size,
                    LinearVelocity  = new Vector3(speed, 0, 0),
                    AngularVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, angular_speed),
                    Velocity        = velocity,
                    Gps             = gps,
                    Heading         = heading,
                    TrackingTime    = 0f,

                Detected.Add(id, new Tuple <Detected3DObject, Collider>(det, other));
                var det = Detected[id].Item1;
                det.Position        = relPos;
                det.Rotation        = relRot;
                det.LinearVelocity  = new Vector3(speed, 0, 0);
                det.AngularVelocity = new Vector3(0, 0, angular_speed);
                det.Acceleration    = (velocity - det.Velocity) / Time.fixedDeltaTime;
                det.Velocity        = velocity;
                det.Gps             = gps;
                det.Heading         = heading;
                det.TrackingTime   += Time.fixedDeltaTime;

Ejemplo n.º 14
        void FixedUpdate()
            // Publish Frequency Limit
            if (lastUpdateTime.AddSeconds(1.0f / Frequency) > DateTime.Now)
            lastUpdateTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Sanity Check
            if (MapOrigin == null || Bridge == null || Bridge.Status != Status.Connected)

            // Get Data for Packing
            var location = MapOrigin.GetGpsLocation(transform.position, IgnoreMapOrigin);

            // INSPVA
            WriterInsPVA.Write(new novatelInsPvaData()
                stamp    = DateTime.Now,
                frame_id = FrameId,

                week           = 0,
                seconds        = 0,
                latitude       = location.Latitude,
                longitude      = location.Longitude,
                height         = location.Altitude,
                north_velocity = RigidBody.velocity.z,
                east_velocity  = RigidBody.velocity.x,
                up_velocity    = RigidBody.velocity.y,
                roll           = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x,
                pitch          = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z,
                azimuth        = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y,
                status         = 3

            // BESTPOS
            WriterBestPos.Write(new novatelBestPosData()
                stamp    = DateTime.Now,
                frame_id = FrameId,

                lat            = location.Latitude,
                lon            = location.Longitude,
                hgt            = location.Altitude,
                sol_status     = 0,
                sol_status_str = "SOL_COMPUTED",
                pos_type       = 50,
                pos_type_str   = "NARROW_INT",

            // RAWIMUX
            Vector3 deltaV = prev_velocity - RigidBody.velocity;

            prev_velocity = RigidBody.velocity;

            // Gyro
            Vector3 deltaA = RigidBody.angularVelocity;

            // IMU Status
            int imuStatus = 0;

            // Status Sequence Counter

            // Device-Specific values
            switch (ImuType)
            case ImuTypeEnum.IMU_KVH_1750:
                // LSB Scale Factors
                deltaV /= (float)(0.1 / (3600.0 * 256.0));
                deltaA /= (float)(0.05 / Math.Pow(2, 15));

                // Gyro & Accel Valid Status
                imuStatus |= 0x00000077;
                imuStatus |= (rawSeqNum << 8);
                imuStatus |= (ImuCelsius << 16);

                Debug.Log("Unknown Novatel IMU type: " + ImuType);

            WriterRawImuX.Write(new novatelRawImuXData()
                stamp    = DateTime.Now,
                frame_id = FrameId,

                error       = 0,
                type        = (byte)ImuType,
                week        = 0,
                seconds     = 0,
                status      = imuStatus,
                z_accel     = (int)deltaV.y,
                y_accel_neg = -(int)deltaV.z,
                x_accel     = (int)deltaV.x,
                z_gyro      = -(int)deltaA.y,
                y_gyro_neg  = -(int)deltaA.z,
                x_gyro      = (int)deltaA.x,
            WriterCorrIMU.Write(new novatelCorrIMUData()
                stamp    = DateTime.Now,
                frame_id = FrameId,

                week             = 0,
                seconds          = 0,
                pitch_rate       = (int)deltaA.x,
                roll_rate        = (int)deltaA.z,
                yaw_rate         = -(int)deltaA.y,
                lateral_acc      = (int)deltaV.x,
                longitudinal_acc = (int)deltaV.z,
                vertical_acc     = (int)deltaV.y,
            WriterHeading.Write(new novatelHeadingData()
                stamp    = DateTime.Now,
                frame_id = FrameId,

                sol_status              = 0,
                sol_status_str          = "0",
                pos_type                = 0,
                pos_type_str            = "0",
                length                  = 0,
                heading                 = 0,
                pitch                   = 0,
                heading_std_dev         = 0,
                pitch_std_dev           = 0,
                station_id              = "0",
                num_svs                 = 0,
                num_sol_in_svs          = 0,
                num_obs                 = 0,
                num_multi               = 0,
                sol_source              = 0,
                ext_sol_stat            = 0,
                galileo_beidou_sig_mask = 0,
                gps_glonass_sig_mask    = 0,
            // MARK3COUNT
            if (DateTime.Now > lastUpdateTimeMarkCount)
                // Publish Frequency Limit (1Hz)
                lastUpdateTimeMarkCount = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1.0f);

                // Get Wheel Collider
                WheelCollider RR = Dynamics.axles[1].right;

                // Publish Message
                WriterMarkCount.Write(new novatelMarkCountData()
                    stamp    = DateTime.Now,
                    frame_id = FrameId,

                    mark_num = 3,
                    period   = 1000000,
                    count    = (ushort)Math.Round(RR.rpm * EncoderRPMtoPPS),