Ejemplo n.º 1
    private void InitLaneData()

        var lane = SimulatorManager.Instance.MapManager.GetClosestLane(transform.position);

        laneSpeedLimit = lane.speedLimit;
        if (laneSpeedLimit > 0)
            aggressionAdjustRate = laneSpeedLimit / 11.176f; // give more space at faster speeds
            stopHitDistance      = 12 / aggression * aggressionAdjustRate;
        normalSpeed    = RandomGenerator.NextFloat(laneSpeedLimit, laneSpeedLimit + 1 + aggression);
        currentMapLane = lane;

        int     index   = -1;
        float   minDist = float.PositiveInfinity;
        Vector3 closest = Vector3.zero;

        // choose closest waypoint
        for (int i = 0; i < lane.mapWorldPositions.Count - 1; i++)
            var p0 = lane.mapWorldPositions[i];
            var p1 = lane.mapWorldPositions[i + 1];

            var p = Utility.ClosetPointOnSegment(p0, p1, transform.position);

            float d = Vector3.SqrMagnitude(transform.position - p);
            if (d < minDist)
                minDist = d;
                index   = i;
                closest = p;

        if (closest != lane.mapWorldPositions[index])

        laneData      = new List <Vector3>(lane.mapWorldPositions);
        isDodge       = false;
        currentTarget = lane.mapWorldPositions[index];
        currentIndex  = index;

        stopTarget          = lane.mapWorldPositions[lane.mapWorldPositions.Count - 1];
        currentIntersection = lane.stopLine?.intersection;

        distanceToCurrentTarget = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(frontCenter.position.x, 0f, frontCenter.position.z), new Vector3(currentTarget.x, 0f, currentTarget.z));
        distanceToStopTarget    = Vector3.Distance(new Vector3(frontCenter.position.x, 0f, frontCenter.position.z), new Vector3(stopTarget.x, 0f, stopTarget.z));

        if (currentIndex >= laneData.Count - 2)

        SetLastPosRot(transform.position, transform.rotation);
        isLaneDataSet = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        Vector3 FindADirection(MapIntersection mapIntersection)
            var direction  = Vector3.right;
            var maxProduct = 0f;

            foreach (Transform child in mapIntersection.transform)
                var mapLane = child.GetComponent <MapLane>();
                if (mapLane != null)
                    // Check if the lane is a straight lane
                    var worldPositions    = mapLane.mapWorldPositions;
                    var firstTwoPointsDir = (worldPositions[1] - worldPositions[0]).normalized;
                    var lastTwoPointsDir  = (worldPositions[worldPositions.Count - 1] - worldPositions[worldPositions.Count - 2]).normalized;

                    var product = Vector3.Dot(firstTwoPointsDir, lastTwoPointsDir);
                    if (product > 0.9 && product > maxProduct)
                        direction  = firstTwoPointsDir;
                        maxProduct = product;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        void CreateStopSignMesh(string id, MapIntersection intersection, MapSign mapSign)
            GameObject stopSignPrefab = Settings.MapStopSignPrefab;
            var        stopSignObj    = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(stopSignPrefab, mapSign.transform.position + mapSign.boundOffsets, mapSign.transform.rotation);

            stopSignObj.transform.parent = intersection.transform;
            stopSignObj.name             = "MapStopSignMesh_" + id;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        Renderer GetSignalMesh(string id, MapIntersection intersection, MapSignal mapSignal)
            var mapSignalMesh = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Settings.MapTrafficSignalPrefab, mapSignal.transform.position, mapSignal.transform.rotation);

            mapSignalMesh.transform.parent = intersection.transform;
            mapSignalMesh.name             = "MapSignalMeshVertical_" + id;
            var mapSignalMeshRenderer = mapSignalMesh.AddComponent <SignalLight>().GetComponent <Renderer>();

Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void ResetData()
     rb.angularVelocity    = Vector3.zero;
     rb.velocity           = Vector3.zero;
     isLeftTurn            = false;
     isRightTurn           = false;
     isForcedStop          = false;
     simpleVelocity        = Vector3.zero;
     simpleAngularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
     lastRBPosition        = transform.position;
     lastRBRotation        = transform.rotation;
     currentIntersection   = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static void ComputeProjectedMinMaxPoints(MapIntersection mapIntersection, Vector3 direction, out Vector3 minPoint, out Vector3 maxPoint)
            var min = float.MaxValue;
            var max = float.MinValue;

            minPoint = Vector3.zero;
            maxPoint = Vector3.zero;

            // Get bounds from all intersection lines's end points
            foreach (Transform child in mapIntersection.transform)
                var mapLine = child.GetComponent <MapLine>();
                if (mapLine != null)
                    var     firstPt = mapLine.mapWorldPositions.First();
                    var     lastPt = mapLine.mapWorldPositions.Last();
                    var     projectedFirstPt = Vector3.Dot(direction, firstPt);
                    var     projectedLastPt = Vector3.Dot(direction, lastPt);
                    Vector3 tempMinPoint, tempMaxPoint;
                    float   tempMin, tempMax;
                    if (projectedFirstPt < projectedLastPt)
                        tempMinPoint = firstPt;
                        tempMin      = projectedFirstPt;
                        tempMaxPoint = lastPt;
                        tempMax      = projectedLastPt;
                        tempMinPoint = lastPt;
                        tempMin      = projectedLastPt;
                        tempMaxPoint = firstPt;
                        tempMax      = projectedFirstPt;

                    if (tempMin < min)
                        min      = tempMin;
                        minPoint = tempMinPoint;
                    if (tempMax > max)
                        max      = tempMax;
                        maxPoint = tempMaxPoint;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static void GetBoundsPoints(MapIntersection mapIntersection, Vector3 direction, out Vector3 leftBottom, out Vector3 rightBottom, out Vector3 rightTop, out Vector3 leftTop)
            // use dot product to get min/max values
            var perpendicularDir = Vector3.Cross(direction, Vector3.up);

            ComputeProjectedMinMaxPoints(mapIntersection, direction, out Vector3 minPoint, out Vector3 maxPoint);
            ComputeProjectedMinMaxPoints(mapIntersection, perpendicularDir, out Vector3 minPerpendicularPoint, out Vector3 maxPerpendicularPoint);

            leftBottom    = GetIntersectingPoint(perpendicularDir, direction, minPoint, minPerpendicularPoint);
            leftBottom.y  = minPoint.y;
            rightBottom   = GetIntersectingPoint(perpendicularDir, direction, minPoint, maxPerpendicularPoint);
            rightBottom.y = minPoint.y;
            rightTop      = GetIntersectingPoint(perpendicularDir, direction, maxPoint, maxPerpendicularPoint);
            rightTop.y    = maxPoint.y;
            leftTop       = GetIntersectingPoint(perpendicularDir, direction, maxPoint, minPerpendicularPoint);
            leftTop.y     = maxPoint.y;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    private void ResetData()
        if (FixedUpdateManager != null)
            foreach (Coroutine coroutine in Coroutines)
                if (coroutine != null)

        RB.angularVelocity    = Vector3.zero;
        RB.velocity           = Vector3.zero;
        simpleVelocity        = Vector3.zero;
        simpleAngularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
        currentMapLane        = null;
        prevMapLane           = null;
        currentIntersection   = null;
        currentIndex          = 0;
        laneSpeedLimit        = 0f;
        currentSpeed          = 0f;
        currentStopTime       = 0f;
        foreach (var intersection in SimulatorManager.Instance.MapManager.intersections)
            //intersection.ExitStopSignQueue(controller); // TODO Agent enter queues
        isLeftTurn         = false;
        isRightTurn        = false;
        isForcedStop       = false;
        isCurve            = false;
        isWaitingToDodge   = false;
        isDodge            = false;
        laneChange         = true;
        isStopLight        = false;
        isStopSign         = false;
        hasReachedStopSign = false;
        isLaneDataSet      = false;
        SetLastPosRot(transform.position, transform.rotation);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 void StartStoppingCoroutine()
     if (currentMapLane?.stopLine != null) // check if stopline is connected to current path
         currentIntersection = currentMapLane.stopLine?.intersection;
         stopTarget          = currentMapLane.mapWorldPositions[currentMapLane.mapWorldPositions.Count - 1];
         prevMapLane         = currentMapLane;
         if (prevMapLane.stopLine.intersection != null) // null if map not setup right TODO add check to report missing stopline
             if (prevMapLane.stopLine.isStopSign)       // stop sign