Ejemplo n.º 1
 public virtual void TestDescOrderWithThrowExceptionWriterAppend()
     MapFile.Writer writer = null;
         writer = CreateWriter(".mapfile", typeof(IntWritable), typeof(Text));
         writer.Append(new IntWritable(2), new Text("value: " + 1));
         writer.Append(new IntWritable(2), new Text("value: " + 2));
         writer.Append(new IntWritable(2), new Text("value: " + 4));
         writer.Append(new IntWritable(1), new Text("value: " + 3));
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("testDescOrderWithThrowExceptionWriterAppend not expected exception error !!!"
     catch (IOException)
     catch (Exception)
         NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("testDescOrderWithThrowExceptionWriterAppend other ex throw !!!"
         IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void TestReaderGetClosest()
            string TestMethodKey = "testReaderWithWrongKeyClass.mapfile";

            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
            MapFile.Reader reader = null;
                writer = CreateWriter(TestMethodKey, typeof(IntWritable), typeof(Text));
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    writer.Append(new IntWritable(i), new Text("value" + i));
                reader = CreateReader(TestMethodKey, typeof(Text));
                reader.GetClosest(new Text("2"), new Text(string.Empty));
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("no excepted exception in testReaderWithWrongKeyClass !!!"
            catch (IOException)
                /* Should be thrown to pass the test */
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer, reader);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual void TestOnFinalKey()
            string TestMethodKey = "testOnFinalKey.mapfile";
            int    Size          = 10;

            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
            MapFile.Reader reader = null;
                writer = CreateWriter(TestMethodKey, typeof(IntWritable), typeof(IntWritable));
                for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
                    writer.Append(new IntWritable(i), new IntWritable(i));
                reader = CreateReader(TestMethodKey, typeof(IntWritable));
                IntWritable expectedKey = new IntWritable(0);
                Assert.Equal("testOnFinalKey not same !!!", expectedKey, new IntWritable
            catch (IOException)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("testOnFinalKey error !!!");
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer, reader);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public virtual void TestMidKeyOnCurrentApi()
            // Write a mapfile of simple data: keys are
            string TestPrefix = "testMidKeyOnCurrentApi.mapfile";

            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
            MapFile.Reader reader = null;
                writer = CreateWriter(TestPrefix, typeof(IntWritable), typeof(IntWritable));
                // 0,1,....9
                int Size = 10;
                for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
                    writer.Append(new IntWritable(i), new IntWritable(i));
                reader = CreateReader(TestPrefix, typeof(IntWritable));
                Assert.Equal(new IntWritable((Size - 1) / 2), reader.MidKey());
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer, reader);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public virtual void TestMerge()
            string TestMethodKey = "testMerge.mapfile";
            int    Size          = 10;
            int    Iterations    = 5;

            Path[]      @in      = new Path[5];
            IList <int> expected = new AList <int>();

            for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                using (MapFile.Writer writer = CreateWriter(TestMethodKey + "." + j, typeof(IntWritable
                                                                                            ), typeof(Text)))
                    @in[j] = new Path(TestDir, TestMethodKey + "." + j);
                    for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
                        expected.AddItem(i + j);
                        writer.Append(new IntWritable(i + j), new Text("Value:" + (i + j)));
            // Sort expected values
            // Merge all 5 files
            MapFile.Merger merger = new MapFile.Merger(conf);
            merger.Merge(@in, true, new Path(TestDir, TestMethodKey));
            using (MapFile.Reader reader = CreateReader(TestMethodKey, typeof(IntWritable)))
                int start = 0;
                // test iteration
                Text startValue = new Text("Value:" + start);
                int  i          = 0;
                while (i++ < Iterations)
                    IEnumerator <int> expectedIterator = expected.GetEnumerator();
                    IntWritable       key = new IntWritable(start);
                    Text        value     = startValue;
                    IntWritable prev      = new IntWritable(start);
                    while (reader.Next(key, value))
                        Assert.True("Next key should be always equal or more", prev.Get
                                        () <= key.Get());
                        Assert.Equal(expectedIterator.Next(), key.Get());
            // inputs should be deleted
            for (int j_1 = 0; j_1 < @in.Length; j_1++)
                Path path = @in[j_1];
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("inputs should be deleted", path.GetFileSystem(conf
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public virtual void TestGetClosestOnCurrentApi()
            string TestPrefix = "testGetClosestOnCurrentApi.mapfile";

            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
            MapFile.Reader reader = null;
                writer = CreateWriter(TestPrefix, typeof(Text), typeof(Text));
                int FirstKey = 1;
                // Test keys: 11,21,31,...,91
                for (int i = FirstKey; i < 100; i += 10)
                    Text t = new Text(Extensions.ToString(i));
                    writer.Append(t, t);
                reader = CreateReader(TestPrefix, typeof(Text));
                Text key   = new Text("55");
                Text value = new Text();
                // Test get closest with step forward
                Text closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value);
                Assert.Equal(new Text("61"), closest);
                // Test get closest with step back
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value, true);
                Assert.Equal(new Text("51"), closest);
                // Test get closest when we pass explicit key
                Text explicitKey = new Text("21");
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(explicitKey, value);
                Assert.Equal(new Text("21"), explicitKey);
                // Test what happens at boundaries. Assert if searching a key that is
                // less than first key in the mapfile, that the first key is returned.
                key     = new Text("00");
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value);
                Assert.Equal(FirstKey, System.Convert.ToInt32(closest.ToString
                // Assert that null is returned if key is > last entry in mapfile.
                key     = new Text("92");
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value);
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNull("Not null key in testGetClosestWithNewCode", closest
                // If we were looking for the key before, we should get the last key
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value, true);
                Assert.Equal(new Text("91"), closest);
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer, reader);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public virtual void TestMainMethodMapFile()
            string inFile = "mainMethodMapFile.mapfile";
            string path   = new Path(TestDir, inFile).ToString();

            string[]       args   = new string[] { path, path };
            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
                writer = CreateWriter(inFile, typeof(IntWritable), typeof(Text));
                writer.Append(new IntWritable(1), new Text("test_text1"));
                writer.Append(new IntWritable(2), new Text("test_text2"));
            catch (Exception)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("testMainMethodMapFile error !!!");
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        private static void CreateMapFile(Configuration conf, FileSystem fs, Path path, CompressionCodec
                                          codec, SequenceFile.CompressionType type, int records)
            MapFile.Writer writer = new MapFile.Writer(conf, path, MapFile.Writer.KeyClass(typeof(
                                                                                               Text)), MapFile.Writer.ValueClass(typeof(Text)), MapFile.Writer.Compression(type
                                                                                                                                                                           , codec));
            Text key = new Text();

            for (int j = 0; j < records; j++)
                key.Set(string.Format("%03d", j));
                writer.Append(key, key);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public virtual void TestReaderKeyIteration()
            string TestMethodKey = "testReaderKeyIteration.mapfile";
            int    Size          = 10;
            int    Iterations    = 5;

            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
            MapFile.Reader reader = null;
                writer = CreateWriter(TestMethodKey, typeof(IntWritable), typeof(Text));
                int start = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Size; i++)
                    writer.Append(new IntWritable(i), new Text("Value:" + i));
                reader = CreateReader(TestMethodKey, typeof(IntWritable));
                // test iteration
                Writable startValue = new Text("Value:" + start);
                int      i_1        = 0;
                while (i_1++ < Iterations)
                    IntWritable key   = new IntWritable(start);
                    Writable    value = startValue;
                    while (reader.Next(key, value))
                Assert.True("reader seek error !!!", reader.Seek(new IntWritable
                                                                     (Size / 2)));
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsFalse("reader seek error !!!", reader.Seek(new IntWritable
                                                                                        (Size * 2)));
            catch (IOException)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("reader seek error !!!");
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer, reader);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public virtual void TestReaderWithWrongValueClass()
            string TestMethodKey = "testReaderWithWrongValueClass.mapfile";

            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
                writer = CreateWriter(TestMethodKey, typeof(IntWritable), typeof(Text));
                writer.Append(new IntWritable(0), new IntWritable(0));
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("no excepted exception in testReaderWithWrongKeyClass !!!"
            catch (IOException)
                /* Should be thrown to pass the test */
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public virtual void TestFix()
            string IndexLessMapFile = "testFix.mapfile";
            int    PairSize         = 20;

            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
                FileSystem fs  = FileSystem.GetLocal(conf);
                Path       dir = new Path(TestDir, IndexLessMapFile);
                writer = CreateWriter(IndexLessMapFile, typeof(IntWritable), typeof(Text));
                for (int i = 0; i < PairSize; i++)
                    writer.Append(new IntWritable(0), new Text("value"));
                FilePath indexFile = new FilePath(".", "." + IndexLessMapFile + "/index");
                bool     isDeleted = false;
                if (indexFile.Exists())
                    isDeleted = indexFile.Delete();
                if (isDeleted)
                    Assert.True("testFix error !!!", MapFile.Fix(fs, dir, typeof(IntWritable
                                                                                 ), typeof(Text), true, conf) == PairSize);
            catch (Exception)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.Fail("testFix error !!!");
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public virtual void TestMidKey()
            // Write a mapfile of simple data: keys are
            Path       dirName          = new Path(TestDir, "testMidKey.mapfile");
            FileSystem fs               = FileSystem.GetLocal(conf);
            Path       qualifiedDirName = fs.MakeQualified(dirName);

            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
            MapFile.Reader reader = null;
                writer = new MapFile.Writer(conf, fs, qualifiedDirName.ToString(), typeof(IntWritable
                                                                                          ), typeof(IntWritable));
                writer.Append(new IntWritable(1), new IntWritable(1));
                // Now do getClosest on created mapfile.
                reader = new MapFile.Reader(qualifiedDirName, conf);
                Assert.Equal(new IntWritable(1), reader.MidKey());
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer, reader);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public virtual void TestGetClosest()
            // Write a mapfile of simple data: keys are
            Path       dirName          = new Path(TestDir, "testGetClosest.mapfile");
            FileSystem fs               = FileSystem.GetLocal(conf);
            Path       qualifiedDirName = fs.MakeQualified(dirName);

            // Make an index entry for every third insertion.
            MapFile.Writer.SetIndexInterval(conf, 3);
            MapFile.Writer writer = null;
            MapFile.Reader reader = null;
                writer = new MapFile.Writer(conf, fs, qualifiedDirName.ToString(), typeof(Text),
                // Assert that the index interval is 1
                Assert.Equal(3, writer.GetIndexInterval());
                // Add entries up to 100 in intervals of ten.
                int FirstKey = 10;
                for (int i = FirstKey; i < 100; i += 10)
                    string iStr = Extensions.ToString(i);
                    Text   t    = new Text(Runtime.Substring("00", iStr.Length) + iStr);
                    writer.Append(t, t);
                // Now do getClosest on created mapfile.
                reader = new MapFile.Reader(qualifiedDirName, conf);
                Text key     = new Text("55");
                Text value   = new Text();
                Text closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value);
                // Assert that closest after 55 is 60
                Assert.Equal(new Text("60"), closest);
                // Get closest that falls before the passed key: 50
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value, true);
                Assert.Equal(new Text("50"), closest);
                // Test get closest when we pass explicit key
                Text Twenty = new Text("20");
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(Twenty, value);
                Assert.Equal(Twenty, closest);
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(Twenty, value, true);
                Assert.Equal(Twenty, closest);
                // Test what happens at boundaries. Assert if searching a key that is
                // less than first key in the mapfile, that the first key is returned.
                key     = new Text("00");
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value);
                Assert.Equal(FirstKey, System.Convert.ToInt32(closest.ToString
                // If we're looking for the first key before, and we pass in a key before
                // the first key in the file, we should get null
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value, true);
                // Assert that null is returned if key is > last entry in mapfile.
                key     = new Text("99");
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value);
                // If we were looking for the key before, we should get the last key
                closest = (Text)reader.GetClosest(key, value, true);
                Assert.Equal(new Text("90"), closest);
                IOUtils.Cleanup(null, writer, reader);