Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Item(int x, int y, MapCode code)
     this.x    = x;
     this.y    = y;
     this.code = code;
     shoted    = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static MapCode getInstance()
        if(mapCode == null)
            mapCode = new MapCode();

        return mapCode;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Add button mapping.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="deadZone">Used when source is range/axis type.</param>
 public Map(MapCode code, string value, GamepadButtonFlags flag, string deadZone)
     Target = TargetType.Button;
     ButtonFlag = flag;
     int.TryParse(deadZone, out DeadZone);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// 类型:方法
 /// 名称:Position
 /// 作者:taixihuase
 /// 作用:构造一个位置信息类实例
 /// 编写日期:2015/8/16
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x"></param>
 /// <param name="y"></param>
 /// <param name="z"></param>
 /// <param name="dir"></param>
 /// <param name="map"></param>
 public Position(float x = 0, float y = 0, float z = 0, float dir = 0, MapCode map = MapCode.World)
     X = x;
     Y = y;
     Z = z;
     Direction = dir;
     Map = (byte) map;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 ///  Add trigger and axis mapping: [Left|Right] [Trigger|ThumbAxisX|ThumbAxisY].
 /// </summary>
 public Map(MapCode code, string value, TargetType target, string deadZone, string antiDeadZone, string linear)
     Target = target;
     int.TryParse(deadZone, out DeadZone);
     int.TryParse(antiDeadZone, out AntiDeadZone);
     int.TryParse(linear, out Linear);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        }                                    // 朝向

        /// <summary>
        /// 类型:方法
        /// 名称:Position
        /// 作者:taixihuase
        /// 作用:构造一个位置信息类实例
        /// 编写日期:2015/8/16
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        /// <param name="dir"></param>
        /// <param name="map"></param>
        public Position(float x = 0, float y = 0, float z = 0, float dir = 0, MapCode map = MapCode.World)
            X         = x;
            Y         = y;
            Z         = z;
            Direction = dir;
            Map       = (byte)map;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public Item(int numOfFoxes, int x, int y, MapCode code)
     this.numOfFoxes = numOfFoxes;
     this.x          = x;
     this.y          = y;
     this.code       = code;
     shoted          = false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 internal Server(IPAddress IP, MapCode Code, int Port, string CustomName = null)
     Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IP, Port);
     if (IP.GetAddressBytes().All(Byte => Byte == 0))
         NoIP = true;
     this.CustomName = CustomName;
     this.Code       = Code;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public ImageInfo(int image, MapCode code, double x, double y, Control label, Control control, GamepadButtonFlags button = GamepadButtonFlags.None)
     Image   = image;
     Label   = label;
     Control = control;
     Button  = button;
     Code    = code;
     X       = x;
     Y       = y;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static bool IsButtonOrDirection(MapCode code)
         (MenuButtonCodes.Contains(code) ||
          MainButtonCodes.Contains(code) ||
          ShoulderButtonCodes.Contains(code) ||
          TriggerButtonCodes.Contains(code) ||
          ThumbDirections.Contains(code) ||
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public string GetMiddleImageName(MapCode code)
            if (code == MapCode.LeftTrigger || code == MapCode.RightTrigger)
            var rx = new Regex("(Up|Left|Right|Down)$");
            var ms = rx.Matches(code.ToString());
            var m  = ms.Count > 0 ? ms[0].Value : "";

Ejemplo n.º 12
 internal static void LoadServers(object State)
         byte[] Data = TryDownloadData($"{RUSSIA}maps");
         if (Data is null)
             foreach (Server Server in Clusters[4].Servers)
             Server[] Servers;
             using (MemoryStream Stream = new MemoryStream(Data))
                 using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Stream))
                     IPAddress IP    = Parse(Reader.ReadLine());
                     int       Count = int.Parse(Reader.ReadLine());
                     Servers = new Server[Count];
                     for (int Iterator = 0; Iterator < Count; Iterator++)
                         string[] Fields     = Reader.ReadLine().Split();
                         int      Port       = int.Parse(Fields[0]);
                         MapCode  Map        = (MapCode)int.Parse(Fields[1]);
                         string   CustomName = Fields.Length == 3 ? Fields[2].Replace('+', ' ') : null;
                         Servers[Iterator] = new Server(IP, Map, Port, CustomName);
                     List <string> Info = new List <string>();
                     while (!Reader.EndOfStream)
                         string   InfoLine = Reader.ReadLine();
                         string[] Fields   = InfoLine.Split();
                         if (Fields.Length == 2 && Fields[0][0] == '{' && Fields[0][2] == '}')
                             InfoLine = string.Format(LocString(LocCode.MaxDinoLvl + int.Parse(Fields[0][1].ToString())), float.Parse(Fields[1]));
                     Clusters[4].Info[string.Empty] = string.Join("\n", Info);
             Sort(Servers, (A, B) => A.Code.CompareTo(B.Code));
             Clusters[4].Servers = Servers;
             foreach (Server Server in Clusters[4].Servers)
     catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 13
 internal DLCItem GetItem(MapCode Code)
     foreach (Panel Stack in RootGrid.Children)
         foreach (DLCItem Item in Stack.Children)
             if (Item.DLC.Code == Code)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 internal static void LoadList(object State)
     if (FileExists(UServersFile))
         using (FileStream Reader = OpenRead(UServersFile))
             byte[] Buffer = new byte[4];
             Reader.Read(Buffer, 0, 2);
             int Count = ToInt16(Buffer, 0);
             for (int Iterator = 0; Iterator < Count; Iterator++)
                 Reader.Read(Buffer, 0, 4);
                 IPAddress Address = new IPAddress(Buffer);
                 MapCode   Code    = (MapCode)Reader.ReadByte();
                 Reader.Read(Buffer, 0, 2);
                 int    Port = ToUInt16(Buffer, 0);
                 int    MaxPlayers = Reader.ReadByte(), StringLength = Reader.ReadByte();
                 byte[] StringBuffer = new byte[StringLength];
                 Reader.Read(StringBuffer, 0, StringLength);
                 string Hostname = null, Name = UTF8.GetString(StringBuffer);
                 if (Address.GetAddressBytes().All(Byte => Byte == 0))
                     Reader.Read(StringBuffer = new byte[StringLength = Reader.ReadByte()], 0, StringLength);
                     Hostname = UTF8.GetString(StringBuffer);
                     if (ResolvedIPs.ContainsKey(Hostname))
                         Address = ResolvedIPs[Hostname];
                             Address = GetHostAddresses(Hostname)[0];
                             ResolvedIPs.Add(Hostname, Address);
                         catch { }
                 UServers.Add(new KeyValuePair <Server, string>(new Server(Address, Code, Port, Name)
                     MaxPlayers = MaxPlayers
                 }, Hostname));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public string GetMapName(MapCode map)
            switch (map)
            case MapCode.HowlingAbyss:
                return("Howling Abyss");

            case MapCode.SummonersRift:
                return("Summoner's Rift");

            case MapCode.TwistedTreeline:
                return("Twisted Treeline");

                return("Uknown Map");
Ejemplo n.º 16
 internal static void LoadServers(object State)
         byte[] Data = TryDownloadData($"{ARKdicted}workshop/ServersInfo.txt");
         if (Data is null)
             foreach (Server Server in Clusters[1].Servers)
             List <Server> Servers = new List <Server>();
             using (MemoryStream Stream = new MemoryStream(Data))
                 using (StreamReader Reader = new StreamReader(Stream))
                     while (!Reader.EndOfStream)
                         string[] Fields = Reader.ReadLine().Split();
                         string   Name   = Fields[0].Substring(Fields[0].IndexOf('+') + 1).Replace('+', ' ');
                         if (Fields[1] == "PVP")
                             Name += " PvP";
                         MapCode Map = Name == "The Island" ? MapCode.TheIsland : MapCode.Mod;
                         foreach (DLC DLC in DLCs)
                             if (Name == DLC.Name)
                                 Map = DLC.Code;
                         Servers.Add(new Server(Parse(Fields[2]), Map, int.Parse(Fields[3]), Map == MapCode.Mod ? Name : null));
             Servers.Sort((A, B) => A.Code.CompareTo(B.Code));
             Clusters[1].Servers = Servers.ToArray();
             foreach (Server Server in Clusters[1].Servers)
     catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public MapCode GetNameCode(MapCode code)
     if (code == MapCode.LeftThumbAxisX)
     if (code == MapCode.LeftThumbAxisY)
     if (code == MapCode.RightThumbAxisX)
     if (code == MapCode.RightThumbAxisY)
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void SetImage(MapCode code, NavImageType type, bool show)
            var nameCode        = GetNameCode(code);
            var ii              = Infos.First(x => x.Code == nameCode);
            var m               = GetMiddleImageName(code);
            var resourceName    = string.Format("Nav{0}{1}", m, type);
            var oldResourceName = ii.CurrentImageName;
            var isNameSame      = ii.CurrentImageName == resourceName;
            var isShowSame      = ii.CurrentImageShow == show;

            // Return if no changes must be made.
            // This will fix issue when click on image button is ignored.
            if (isNameSame && isShowSame)
            ii.CurrentImageName = resourceName;
            ii.CurrentImageShow = show;
            var button = FindName(nameCode.ToString()) as Button;

            if (button == null)
            var content = (ContentControl)button.Content;

            if (!isNameSame)
                var vb = FindResource(resourceName) as Viewbox;
                content.Content = vb;
            // Opacity must be reaplied if image changed.
            if (!isShowSame || !isNameSame)
                content.Opacity = type == NavImageType.Record
                                        ? (show ? 0.8F : 0.2f)
                                        : (show ? 0.8F : 0.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public CodeData CreateCodeData(TextCovertedData data, EventCodeScriptable scr)
        if (data == null)
            return(new EndCode());
        if (CheckChain(data))
        CodeData result = null;

        switch (data._head)
        case "":
        case "name":    //name[name]
            result = new TextData(data);

        case "branch":    //branch \nbranchName \n $#1...
            result = new BranchCode(data);

        case "flag":    //flag[flagName] 5
            result = new FlagCode(data);

        case "item":    //item[itemName] 1
            result = new ItemCode(data);

        case "map":    //map[mapName]
            result = new MapCode(data);

        case "image":    //image[setName,num] back (center)
            result = new ImageCode(data);

        case "music":    //music[setName,0]
            result = new AudioCode(data);

        case "battle":    //battle[enemySetName]
            result = new BattleCode(data);

        case "load":    //load[black] 500
            result = new LoadCode(data);

        case "wait":    //wait[500]
            result = new WaitCode(data);

        result._targetScr = scr;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// 类型:方法
 /// 名称:SetMap
 /// 作者:taixihuase
 /// 作用:设置地图编号
 /// 编写日期:2015/8/16
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map"></param>
 public void SetMap(MapCode map)
     Map = (byte)map;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 ///  Add thumb mapping: [Left|Right] Thumb [Up|Left|Right|Down].
 /// </summary>
 public Map(MapCode code, string value, TargetType target, short axisValue)
     Target = target;
     AxisValue = axisValue;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        static public SettingsMapItem AddMap <T>(string sectionName, Expression <Func <T> > setting, Control control, MapTo mapTo = MapTo.None, MapCode code = default)
            // Get the member expression
            var me = (MemberExpression)setting.Body;
            // Get the property
            var prop = (PropertyInfo)me.Member;
            // Get the setting name by reading the property
            var keyName = (string)prop.GetValue(null, null);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyName))
                keyName = prop.Name;
            // Get the description attribute
            var descAttr = GetCustomAttribute <DescriptionAttribute>(prop);
            var desc     = descAttr != null ? descAttr.Description : string.Empty;
            // Get the default value attribute
            var dvalAttr = GetCustomAttribute <DefaultValueAttribute>(prop);
            var dval     = (string)(descAttr != null ? dvalAttr.Value : null);

            // Display help inside yellow header.
            // We could add settings EnableHelpTooltips=1, EnableHelpHeader=1
            control.MouseHover += control_MouseEnter;
            control.MouseLeave += control_MouseLeave;
            var item = new SettingsMapItem();

            item.Description  = desc;
            item.IniSection   = sectionName;
            item.IniKey       = keyName;
            item.Code         = code;
            item.Control      = control;
            item.MapTo        = mapTo;
            item.PropertyName = prop.Name;
            item.DefaultValue = dval;
            item.Property     = prop;
            // Add to the map
Ejemplo n.º 23
        static string[] CompareAxisAndSliders(int[] oldValues, int[] newValues, string name, MapCode mappingTo)
            // Threshold mark at which action on axis/slider is detected.
            // [------|------------|------]
            //   full      half      full
            // Full/Half depends on where original value was started:
            //     [    0 16383] - Full (16384 steps)
            //     [16384 32767] - Half (16384 steps)
            //     [32768 49151] - Half (16384 steps)
            //     [49152 65535] - Full (16384 steps)
            // Inverted is added if new value is smaller (change is negative).
            var list = new List <string>();

            if (oldValues.Length != newValues.Length)
            for (int i = 0; i < oldValues.Length; i++)
                // Get difference between states (this object represents old value).
                var oldValue = oldValues[i];
                var diff     = newValues[i] - oldValue;
                var prefix   = "";
                // If moved more than 10%.
                if (Math.Abs(diff) > (ushort.MaxValue / 10))
                    // If value is negative then add "I" prefix.
                    if (diff < 0)
                        prefix += "I";
                    // if starting point is located in the middle then...
                    if ((oldValue > (ushort.MaxValue / 4)) && oldValue < (ushort.MaxValue * 3 / 4))
                        // Note: Mapping wheel, which is centered in the middle, to the humb will use full axis.
                        var thumb =
                            mappingTo == MapCode.LeftThumbAxisX ||
                            mappingTo == MapCode.LeftThumbAxisY ||
                            mappingTo == MapCode.RightThumbAxisX ||
                            mappingTo == MapCode.RightThumbAxisY;
                        // If target property is not thumb then...
                        if (!thumb)
                            // Allow to add add half prefix.
                            prefix += "H";
                    list.Add(string.Format("{0}{1} {2}", prefix, name, i + 1));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare to another state.
        /// </summary>
        public static string[] CompareTo(CustomDiState oldState, CustomDiState newState, MapCode mappingTo)
            if (oldState == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(oldState));
            if (newState == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newState));
            var list = new List <string>();

            list.AddRange(CompareAxisAndSliders(oldState.Axis, newState.Axis, "Axis", mappingTo));
            list.AddRange(CompareAxisAndSliders(oldState.Sliders, newState.Sliders, "Slider", mappingTo));
            // Compare Buttons
            if (oldState.Buttons.Length == newState.Buttons.Length)
                for (int i = 0; i < oldState.Buttons.Length; i++)
                    if (oldState.Buttons[i] != newState.Buttons[i])
                        list.Add(string.Format("Button {0}", i + 1));
            // Compare POVs.
            if (oldState.Povs.Length == newState.Povs.Length)
                for (int i = 0; i < oldState.Povs.Length; i++)
                    if (oldState.Povs[i] != newState.Povs[i])
                        //list.Add(string.Format("DPad {0}", i + 1));
                        var v = newState.Povs[0];
                        if ((DPadEnum)v == DPadEnum.Up)
                            list.Add(string.Format("POV {0} {1}", i + 1, DPadEnum.Up.ToString()));
                        if ((DPadEnum)v == DPadEnum.Right)
                            list.Add(string.Format("POV {0} {1}", i + 1, DPadEnum.Right.ToString()));
                        if ((DPadEnum)v == DPadEnum.Down)
                            list.Add(string.Format("POV {0} {1}", i + 1, DPadEnum.Down.ToString()));
                        if ((DPadEnum)v == DPadEnum.Left)
                            list.Add(string.Format("POV {0} {1}", i + 1, DPadEnum.Left.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public void AddImageInfo(int image, MapCode code, double x, double y, object label, object control, GamepadButtonFlags button = GamepadButtonFlags.None)
 => _imageInfos.Add(new ImageInfo(image, code, x, y, label, control, button));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void DrawState(ImageInfo ii, Gamepad gp)
            bool on;

            // Show trigger axis state -green minus image.
            if (ii.Code == MapCode.LeftTrigger || ii.Code == MapCode.RightTrigger)
                var isLeft  = ii.Code == MapCode.LeftTrigger;
                var control = isLeft ? LeftTriggerStatus : RightTriggerStatus;
                var h       = (float)(((System.Windows.FrameworkElement)control.Parent).Height - control.Height);
                var y       = isLeft ? gp.LeftTrigger : gp.RightTrigger;
                var b       = ConvertHelper.ConvertRangeF(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue, 0, h, y);
                var m       = control.Margin;
                on             = y > 0;
                control.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(m.Left, m.Top, m.Right, b);
            // Draw thumb axis state - green cross image.
            if (ii.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbButton || ii.Code == MapCode.RightThumbButton)
                var isLeft  = ii.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbButton;
                var control = isLeft ? LeftThumbStatus : RightThumbStatus;
                var w       = (float)((System.Windows.FrameworkElement)control.Parent).Width / 2F;
                var x       = isLeft ? gp.LeftThumbX : gp.RightThumbX;
                var y       = isLeft ? gp.LeftThumbY : gp.RightThumbY;
                var l       = ConvertHelper.ConvertRangeF(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue, -w, w, x);
                var t       = ConvertHelper.ConvertRangeF(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue, w, -w, y);
                var m       = control.Margin;
                control.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(l, t, m.Right, m.Bottom);
            // If D-Pad.
            if (ii.Code == MapCode.DPad)
                on =
                    gp.Buttons.HasFlag(GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp) ||
                    gp.Buttons.HasFlag(GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft) ||
                    gp.Buttons.HasFlag(GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight) ||
            // If button is not specified then...
            else if (ii.Button == GamepadButtonFlags.None)
                var t = 2000;
                // This is axis.
                short value = 0;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbAxisX)
                    value = gp.LeftThumbX;
                else if (ii.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbAxisY)
                    value = gp.LeftThumbY;
                else if (ii.Code == MapCode.RightThumbAxisX)
                    value = gp.RightThumbX;
                else if (ii.Code == MapCode.RightThumbAxisY)
                    value = gp.RightThumbY;
                // Check when value is on.
                on = value <-t || value> t;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbRight)
                    on = gp.LeftThumbX > t;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbLeft)
                    on = gp.LeftThumbX < -t;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbUp)
                    on = gp.LeftThumbY > t;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbDown)
                    on = gp.LeftThumbY < -t;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.RightThumbRight)
                    on = gp.RightThumbX > t;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.RightThumbLeft)
                    on = gp.RightThumbX < -t;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.RightThumbUp)
                    on = gp.RightThumbY > t;
                if (ii.Code == MapCode.RightThumbDown)
                    on = gp.RightThumbY < -t;
                // Check when value is on.
                on = gp.Buttons.HasFlag(ii.Button);
            MapCode recordingCode = ii.Code;

            var isRecordingItem = Recorder.Recording && ii.Code == Recorder.CurrentMap.Code;

            // If recording then...
            if (Recorder.Recording)
                MapCode?redirect = null;
                if (Recorder.CurrentMap.Code == MapCode.RightThumbAxisX)
                    redirect = MapCode.RightThumbRight;
                if (Recorder.CurrentMap.Code == MapCode.RightThumbAxisY)
                    redirect = MapCode.RightThumbUp;
                if (Recorder.CurrentMap.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbAxisX)
                    redirect = MapCode.LeftThumbRight;
                if (Recorder.CurrentMap.Code == MapCode.LeftThumbAxisY)
                    redirect = MapCode.LeftThumbUp;
                if (redirect.HasValue)
                    recordingCode = redirect.Value;
                    // Skip if redirected control.
                    if (ii.Code == recordingCode)
            // If recording is in progress then...
            if (isRecordingItem)
                ImageControl.SetImage(recordingCode, NavImageType.Record, Recorder.DrawRecordingImage);
            else if (
                ShowLeftThumbButtons && SettingsConverter.LeftThumbCodes.Contains(ii.Code) ||
                ShowRightThumbButtons && SettingsConverter.RightThumbCodes.Contains(ii.Code) ||
                ShowDPadButtons && SettingsConverter.DPadCodes.Contains(ii.Code) ||
                ShowMainButtons && SettingsConverter.MainButtonCodes.Contains(ii.Code) ||
                ShowMenuButtons && SettingsConverter.MenuButtonCodes.Contains(ii.Code) ||
                ShowTriggerButtons && SettingsConverter.TriggerButtonCodes.Contains(ii.Code) ||
                ShowShoulderButtons && SettingsConverter.ShoulderButtonCodes.Contains(ii.Code)
                var nit = on ? NavImageType.Active : NavImageType.Normal;
                ImageControl.SetImage(ii.Code, nit, true);
                var isAxisCode = SettingsConverter.AxisCodes.Contains(ii.Code);
                // Axis status will be displayed as image therefore can hide active button indicator.
                ImageControl.SetImage(ii.Code, NavImageType.Active, on && !isAxisCode);
            if (ii.Label is Control cl)
                setLabelColor(on, cl);
            if (ii.Label is System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl cl2)
                setLabelColor(on, cl2);
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// 类型:方法
 /// 名称:SetMap
 /// 作者:taixihuase
 /// 作用:设置地图编号
 /// 编写日期:2015/8/16
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="map"></param>
 public void SetMap(MapCode map)
     Map = (byte) map;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private static Server ResolveServer(IPAddress IP, int Port)
            IPEndPoint Endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IP, Port);

            using (UdpClient Client = new UdpClient())
                Client.Client.SendTimeout = Client.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 4000;
                    byte[] Datagram = new byte[]
                        0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x54, 0x53, 0x6F, 0x75,
                        0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x20, 0x45, 0x6E, 0x67, 0x69,
                        0x6E, 0x65, 0x20, 0x51, 0x75, 0x65, 0x72, 0x79, 0x00
                    Client.Send(Datagram, 25);
                    bool   NS = false;
                    int    MaxPlayers;
                    string Map = string.Empty, Name = string.Empty;
                    using (MemoryStream Reader = new MemoryStream(Client.Receive(ref Endpoint)))
                        Reader.Position = 6L;
                        int Char;
                        while ((Char = Reader.ReadByte()) != 0)
                            Name += ToChar(Char);
                        while ((Char = Reader.ReadByte()) != 0)
                            Map += ToChar(Char);
                        while (Reader.ReadByte() != 0)
                        while (Reader.ReadByte() != 0)
                        byte[] Buffer = new byte[2];
                        Reader.Read(Buffer, 0, 2);
                        if (ToInt16(Buffer, 0) != 480)
                            NS = true;
                        MaxPlayers = Reader.ReadByte();
                    MapCode Code = MapCode.TheIsland;
                    foreach (DLC DLC in DLCs)
                        if (Map.Contains(DLC.Name))
                            Code = DLC.Code;
                    if (Name.Length > 27)
                        Name = Name.Substring(0, 27);
                    return(new Server(IP, NS ? (MapCode)(-1) : Code, Port, Name)
                        MaxPlayers = MaxPlayers
                catch { return(null); }
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public void Add(int image, MapCode code, double x, double y, Control label, Control control, GamepadButtonFlags button = GamepadButtonFlags.None)
 => Add(new ImageInfo(image, code, x, y, label, control, button));