Ejemplo n.º 1
            void BuildTestMap()
                var lanes    = new List <Lane>();
                var overlaps = new List <Overlap>();

                lanes.Add(new Lane()
                    id            = new Id("2dap0_1_1"),
                    central_curve = new Curve()
                        segment = new List <CurveSegment>()
                            new CurveSegment()
                                curve_type = new CurveSegment.CurveType_OneOf()
                                    line_segment = new LineSegment()
                                        point = new List <Ros.PointENU>()
                                            new Ros.PointENU(590700, 4140310.24),
                                            new Ros.PointENU(590606, 4140310.24)
                                s = 0,
                                start_position = new Ros.PointENU(590700, 4140310.24),
                                length         = 94
                    left_boundary = new LaneBoundary()
                        curve = new Curve()
                            segment = new List <CurveSegment>()
                                new CurveSegment()
                                    curve_type = new CurveSegment.CurveType_OneOf()
                                        line_segment = new LineSegment()
                                            point = new List <Ros.PointENU>()
                                                new Ros.PointENU(590700, 4140308.24),
                                                new Ros.PointENU(590611, 4140308.24)
                                    s = 0,
                                    start_position = new Ros.PointENU(590700, 4140308.24),
                                    length         = 94,
                        length        = 94,
                        @virtual      = false,
                        boundary_type = new List <LaneBoundaryType>()
                            new LaneBoundaryType()
                                s     = 0,
                                types = new List <LaneBoundaryType.Type>()

                overlaps.Add(new Overlap()
                    id      = new Id("overlap_1"),
                    @object = new List <ObjectOverlapInfo>()
                        new ObjectOverlapInfo()
                            id           = new Id("2dap0_1_2"),
                            overlap_info = new ObjectOverlapInfo.OverlapInfo_OneOf()
                                lane_overlap_info = new LaneOverlapInfo()
                                    start_s  = 0,
                                    end_s    = 0.1,
                                    is_merge = false,
                        new ObjectOverlapInfo()
                            id           = new Id("2505"),
                            overlap_info = new ObjectOverlapInfo.OverlapInfo_OneOf()
                                signal_overlap_info = new SignalOverlapInfo(),
                overlaps.Add(new Overlap()
                    id      = new Id("overlap_2"),
                    @object = new List <ObjectOverlapInfo>()
                        new ObjectOverlapInfo()
                            id           = new Id("2dap0_2_2"),
                            overlap_info = new ObjectOverlapInfo.OverlapInfo_OneOf()
                                lane_overlap_info = new LaneOverlapInfo()
                                    start_s  = 0,
                                    end_s    = 0.1,
                                    is_merge = false,
                        new ObjectOverlapInfo()
                            id           = new Id("2506"),
                            overlap_info = new ObjectOverlapInfo.OverlapInfo_OneOf()
                                signal_overlap_info = new SignalOverlapInfo(),

                hdmap = new HDMap()
                    header = new Map.Apollo.Header()
                        version    = "1.500000",
                        date       = "2018-03-23T13:27:54",
                        projection = new Projection()
                            proj = "+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs",
                        district  = "0",
                        rev_major = "1",
                        rev_minor = "0",
                        left      = -121.982277,
                        top       = 37.398079,
                        right     = -121.971998,
                        bottom    = 37.398079,
                        vendor    = "Baidu",
                    lane    = lanes,
                    overlap = overlaps,
Ejemplo n.º 2
            bool Calculate()
                hdmap = new Map.Apollo.HDMap();

                //HD map top level elements
                var lanes      = new List <Lane>();
                var signals    = new List <Signal>();
                var stop_signs = new List <StopSign>();
                var overlaps   = new List <Overlap>();

                const float laneHalfWidth = 1.75f; //temp solution
                const float stoplineWidth = 0.7f;

                //list of target transforms
                var targetList = new List <Transform>();
                var noTarget   = true;

                foreach (var t in targets)
                    if (t != null)
                        noTarget = false;
                if (noTarget)

                //initial collection
                var segBldrs     = new List <MapSegmentBuilder>();
                var signalLights = new List <HDMapSignalLight>();
                var stopSigns    = new List <HDMapStopSign>();

                foreach (var t in targetList)
                    if (t == null)

                    segBldrs.AddRange(t.GetComponentsInChildren <MapSegmentBuilder>());
                    signalLights.AddRange(t.GetComponentsInChildren <HDMapSignalLight>());

                bool missingPoints = false;

                var allSegs = new HashSet <MapSegment>(); //All segments regardless of segment actual type

                //connect builder reference for each segment
                foreach (var segBldr in segBldrs)
                    segBldr.segment.builder = segBldr;

                //Link before and after segment for each segment
                foreach (var segment in allSegs)
                    //Make sure to clear unwanted leftover data from previous generation
                    segment.hdmapInfo = new HDMapSegmentInfo();

                    if ((segment.builder as MapLaneSegmentBuilder) == null) //consider only lane for now

                    //this is to avoid accidentally connect two nearby stoplines
                    if ((segment.builder as MapStopLineSegmentBuilder) != null)

                    //each segment must have at least 2 waypoints for calculation so complement to 2 waypoints as needed
                    while (segment.targetLocalPositions.Count < 2)
                        missingPoints = true;

                    var firstPt = segment.builder.transform.TransformPoint(segment.targetLocalPositions[0]);
                    var lastPt  = segment.builder.transform.TransformPoint(segment.targetLocalPositions[segment.targetLocalPositions.Count - 1]);

                    foreach (var segment_cmp in allSegs)
                        if (segment_cmp.builder.GetType() != segment.builder.GetType()) //only connect same actual type

                        var firstPt_cmp = segment_cmp.builder.transform.TransformPoint(segment_cmp.targetLocalPositions[0]);
                        var lastPt_cmp  = segment_cmp.builder.transform.TransformPoint(segment_cmp.targetLocalPositions[segment_cmp.targetLocalPositions.Count - 1]);

                        if ((firstPt - lastPt_cmp).magnitude < PROXIMITY / exportScaleFactor)

                        if ((lastPt - firstPt_cmp).magnitude < PROXIMITY / exportScaleFactor)

                if (missingPoints)
                    Debug.Log("Some segment has less than 2 waypoints, complement it to 2");

                var allLnSegs = new HashSet <MapSegment>();

                foreach (var segment in allSegs)
                    var type = segment.builder.GetType();
                    if (type == typeof(MapLaneSegmentBuilder))

                foreach (var lnSeg in allLnSegs)
                    foreach (var localPos in lnSeg.targetLocalPositions)
                        lnSeg.targetWorldPositions.Add(lnSeg.builder.transform.TransformPoint(localPos)); //Convert to world position
                    var lnBuilder = (MapLaneSegmentBuilder)(lnSeg.builder);

                    lnSeg.hdmapInfo.leftNeighborSegmentForward  = lnBuilder.leftNeighborForward?.segment;
                    lnSeg.hdmapInfo.rightNeighborSegmentForward = lnBuilder.rightNeighborForward?.segment;
                    lnSeg.hdmapInfo.leftNeighborSegmentReverse  = lnBuilder.leftNeighborReverse?.segment;
                    lnSeg.hdmapInfo.rightNeighborSegmentReverse = lnBuilder.rightNeighborReverse?.segment;
                    lnSeg.hdmapInfo.laneTurn = lnBuilder.laneTurn;

                //build virtual connection lanes
                var bridgeVirtualLnSegs = new List <MapSegment>();

                foreach (var lnSeg in allLnSegs)
                    if (lnSeg.afters.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var aftrLn in lnSeg.afters)
                            bridgeVirtualLnSegs.Add(new MapSegment()
                                hdmapInfo = new HDMapSegmentInfo()
                                    id = null
                                builder = null,
                                targetLocalPositions = null,
                                befores = new List <MapSegment>()
                                afters = new List <MapSegment>()
                                targetWorldPositions = new List <Vector3>()
                                    lnSeg.targetWorldPositions[lnSeg.targetWorldPositions.Count - 1],

                //assign ids
                int laneId = 0;

                foreach (var lnSeg in allLnSegs)
                    lnSeg.hdmapInfo.id = $"lane_{laneId}";

                //config lanes
                foreach (var lnSeg in allLnSegs)
                    var centerPts = new List <Ros.PointENU>();
                    var lBndPts   = new List <Ros.PointENU>();
                    var rBndPts   = new List <Ros.PointENU>();

                    var worldPoses      = lnSeg.targetWorldPositions;
                    var leftBoundPoses  = new List <Vector3>();
                    var rightBoundPoses = new List <Vector3>();

                    float mLength = 0;
                    float lLength = 0;
                    float rLength = 0;

                    List <LaneSampleAssociation> associations = new List <LaneSampleAssociation>();
                    associations.Add(new LaneSampleAssociation()
                        s     = 0,
                        width = laneHalfWidth,

                    for (int i = 0; i < worldPoses.Count; i++)
                        Vector3 curPt = worldPoses[i];
                        Vector3 tangFwd;

                        if (i == 0)
                            tangFwd = (worldPoses[1] - curPt).normalized;
                        else if (i == worldPoses.Count - 1)
                            tangFwd = (curPt - worldPoses[worldPoses.Count - 2]).normalized;
                            tangFwd = (((curPt - worldPoses[i - 1]) + (worldPoses[i + 1] - curPt)) * 0.5f).normalized;

                        Vector3 lPoint = -Vector3.Cross(tangFwd, Vector3.up) * laneHalfWidth + curPt;
                        Vector3 rPoint = Vector3.Cross(tangFwd, Vector3.up) * laneHalfWidth + curPt;


                        if (i > 0)
                            mLength += (curPt - worldPoses[i - 1]).magnitude;
                            associations.Add(new LaneSampleAssociation()
                                s     = mLength,
                                width = laneHalfWidth,

                        centerPts.Add(GetApolloCoordinates(curPt, OriginEasting, OriginNorthing, false));
                        lBndPts.Add(GetApolloCoordinates(lPoint, OriginEasting, OriginNorthing, false));
                        rBndPts.Add(GetApolloCoordinates(rPoint, OriginEasting, OriginNorthing, false));
                    for (int i = 0; i < worldPoses.Count; i++)
                        if (i > 0)
                            lLength += (leftBoundPoses[i] - leftBoundPoses[i - 1]).magnitude;
                            rLength += (rightBoundPoses[i] - rightBoundPoses[i - 1]).magnitude;

                    var predecessor_ids = new List <Id>();
                    var successor_ids   = new List <Id>();
                    foreach (var ls in lnSeg.befores)
                        predecessor_ids.Add(new Id(ls.hdmapInfo.id));
                    foreach (var ls in lnSeg.afters)
                        successor_ids.Add(new Id(ls.hdmapInfo.id));

                    lanes.Add(new Lane()
                        id            = new Id(lnSeg.hdmapInfo.id),
                        central_curve = new Curve()
                            segment = new List <CurveSegment>()
                                new CurveSegment()
                                    curve_type = new CurveSegment.CurveType_OneOf()
                                        line_segment = new LineSegment()
                                            point = centerPts
                                    s = 0,
                                    start_position = centerPts[0],
                                    length         = mLength
                        left_boundary = new LaneBoundary()
                            curve = new Curve()
                                segment = new List <CurveSegment>()
                                    new CurveSegment()
                                        curve_type = new CurveSegment.CurveType_OneOf()
                                            line_segment = new LineSegment()
                                                point = lBndPts
                                        s = 0,
                                        start_position = lBndPts[0],
                                        length         = lLength
                            length        = lLength,
                            @virtual      = true,
                            boundary_type = new List <LaneBoundaryType>()
                                new LaneBoundaryType()
                                    s     = 0,
                                    types = new List <LaneBoundaryType.Type>()
                        right_boundary = new LaneBoundary()
                            curve = new Curve()
                                segment = new List <CurveSegment>()
                                    new CurveSegment()
                                        curve_type = new CurveSegment.CurveType_OneOf()
                                            line_segment = new LineSegment()
                                                point = rBndPts
                                        s = 0,
                                        start_position = rBndPts[0],
                                        length         = rLength
                            length        = rLength,
                            @virtual      = true,
                            boundary_type = new List <LaneBoundaryType>()
                                new LaneBoundaryType()
                                    s     = 0,
                                    types = new List <LaneBoundaryType.Type>()
                        length         = mLength,
                        speed_limit    = 5,
                        predecessor_id = predecessor_ids.Count > 0 ? predecessor_ids : null,
                        successor_id   = successor_ids.Count > 0 ? successor_ids : null,
                        type           = Lane.LaneType.CITY_DRIVING,
                        turn           = lnSeg.hdmapInfo.laneTurn,
                        direction      = Lane.LaneDirection.FORWARD,
                        left_sample    = associations,
                        right_sample   = associations,
                        left_neighbor_forward_lane_id = lnSeg.hdmapInfo.leftNeighborSegmentForward == null ? null : new List <Id>()
                        right_neighbor_forward_lane_id = lnSeg.hdmapInfo.rightNeighborSegmentForward == null ? null : new List <Id>()
                        left_neighbor_reverse_lane_id = lnSeg.hdmapInfo.leftNeighborSegmentReverse == null ? null : new List <Id>()
                        right_neighbor_reverse_lane_id = lnSeg.hdmapInfo.rightNeighborSegmentReverse == null ? null : new List <Id>()

                //for backtracking what overlaps are related to a specific lane
                var laneIds2OverlapIdsMapping = new Dictionary <Id, List <Id> >();

                //setup signals and lane_signal overlaps
                foreach (var signalLight in signalLights)
                    //signal id
                    int signal_Id = signals.Count;

                    //construct boundry points
                    var bounds = signalLight.Get2DBounds();
                    List <Ros.PointENU> signalBoundPts = new List <Ros.PointENU>()
                        GetApolloCoordinates(bounds.Item1, OriginEasting, OriginNorthing),
                        GetApolloCoordinates(bounds.Item2, OriginEasting, OriginNorthing),
                        GetApolloCoordinates(bounds.Item3, OriginEasting, OriginNorthing),
                        GetApolloCoordinates(bounds.Item4, OriginEasting, OriginNorthing)

                    //sub signals
                    List <Subsignal> subsignals = null;
                    if (signalLight.signalDatas.Count > 0)
                        subsignals = new List <Subsignal>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < signalLight.signalDatas.Count; i++)
                            var lightData = signalLight.signalDatas[i];
                            subsignals.Add(new Subsignal()
                                id       = i,
                                type     = Subsignal.Type.CIRCLE,
                                location = GetApolloCoordinates(signalLight.transform.TransformPoint(lightData.localPosition), OriginEasting, OriginNorthing),

                    //keep track of all overlaps this signal created
                    List <Id> overlap_ids = new List <Id>();

                    //stopline points
                    List <Ros.PointENU> stoplinePts = null;
                    var stopline = signalLight.hintStopline;
                    if (stopline != null && stopline.segment.targetLocalPositions.Count > 1)
                        stoplinePts = new List <Ros.PointENU>();
                        List <MapSegment> lanesToInspec = new List <MapSegment>();

                        if (!MakeStoplineLaneOverlaps(stopline, lanesToInspec, stoplineWidth, signal_Id, OverlapType.Signal_Stopline_Lane, ref stoplinePts, ref laneIds2OverlapIdsMapping, ref overlap_ids, ref overlaps))

                    if (stoplinePts != null && stoplinePts.Count > 2)
                        signals.Add(new Signal()
                            id       = $"signal_{signal_Id}",
                            boundary = new Polygon()
                                point = signalBoundPts,
                            subsignal  = subsignals,
                            overlap_id = overlap_ids.Count > 1 ? overlap_ids : null, //backtrack and fill reverse link
                            type       = Signal.Type.MIX_3_VERTICAL,
                            stop_line  = new List <Curve>()
                                new Curve()
                                    segment = new List <CurveSegment>()
                                        new CurveSegment()
                                            curve_type = new CurveSegment.CurveType_OneOf()
                                                line_segment = new LineSegment()
                                                    point = stoplinePts,

                //setup stopsigns and lane_stopsign overlaps
                foreach (var stopSign in stopSigns)
                    //stopsign id
                    int stopsign_Id = stop_signs.Count;

                    //keep track of all overlaps this stopsign created
                    List <Id> overlap_ids = new List <Id>();

                    //stopline points
                    List <Ros.PointENU> stoplinePts = null;
                    var stopline = stopSign.stopline;
                    if (stopline != null && stopline.segment.targetLocalPositions.Count > 1)
                        stoplinePts = new List <Ros.PointENU>();
                        List <MapSegment> lanesToInspec = new List <MapSegment>();

                        if (!MakeStoplineLaneOverlaps(stopline, lanesToInspec, stoplineWidth, stopsign_Id, OverlapType.Stopsign_Stopline_Lane, ref stoplinePts, ref laneIds2OverlapIdsMapping, ref overlap_ids, ref overlaps))

                    if (stoplinePts != null && stoplinePts.Count > 2)
                        stop_signs.Add(new StopSign()
                            id         = $"stopsign_{stopsign_Id}",
                            overlap_id = overlap_ids.Count > 1 ? overlap_ids : null, //backtrack and fill reverse link;
                            stop_line  = new List <Curve>()
                                new Curve()
                                    segment = new List <CurveSegment>()
                                        new CurveSegment()
                                            curve_type = new CurveSegment.CurveType_OneOf()
                                                line_segment = new LineSegment()
                                                    point = stoplinePts,

                //backtrack and fill missing information for lanes
                for (int i = 0; i < lanes.Count; i++)
                    Id  land_id = (Id)(lanes[i].id);
                    var oldLane = lanes[i];
                    oldLane.overlap_id = laneIds2OverlapIdsMapping.ContainsKey(land_id) ? laneIds2OverlapIdsMapping[(Id)(lanes[i].id)] : null;
                    lanes[i]           = oldLane;

                hdmap = new HDMap()
                    header = new Header()
                        version    = "1.500000",
                        date       = "2018-03-23T13:27:54",
                        projection = new Projection()
                            proj = "+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs",
                        district  = "0",
                        rev_major = "1",
                        rev_minor = "0",
                        left      = -121.982277,
                        top       = 37.398079,
                        right     = -121.971998,
                        bottom    = 37.398079,
                        vendor    = "LGSVL",
                    lane    = lanes.Count == 0 ? null : lanes,
                    signal  = signals.Count == 0 ? null : signals,
                    overlap = overlaps.Count == 0 ? null : overlaps,
                    //stop_sign = stop_signs,
