Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor to create a project from the web service project data.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="projectData">An instance returned by the webservice.</param>
 internal Project(MantisConnectWebservice.ProjectData projectData)
     this.Id          = Convert.ToInt32(projectData.id);
     this.Name        = projectData.name;
     this.Status      = new ObjectRef(projectData.status);
     this.Enabled     = projectData.enabled;
     this.ViewState   = new ObjectRef(projectData.view_state);
     this.AccessMin   = new ObjectRef(projectData.access_min);
     this.FilePath    = projectData.file_path;
     this.Description = projectData.description;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert this instance to the type supported by the webservice proxy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// A copy of this instance in the webservice proxy type.
        /// </returns>
        internal MantisConnectWebservice.ProjectData ToWebservice()
            MantisConnectWebservice.ProjectData projectData = new MantisConnectWebservice.ProjectData();

            projectData.id               = this.Id.ToString();
            projectData.name             = this.Name;
            projectData.description      = this.Description;
            projectData.enabled          = this.Enabled;
            projectData.enabledSpecified = true;
            projectData.file_path        = this.FilePath;
            projectData.view_state       = this.ViewState.ToWebservice();
            projectData.status           = this.Status.ToWebservice();

            // TODO: At the moment this is not used by project_add() or Mantis?!
            projectData.access_min    = new MantisConnectWebservice.ObjectRef();
            projectData.access_min.id = "0";

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert this instance to the type supported by the webservice proxy.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A copy of this instance in the webservice proxy type.</returns>
		internal MantisConnectWebservice.ProjectData ToWebservice()
			MantisConnectWebservice.ProjectData projectData = new MantisConnectWebservice.ProjectData();

            projectData.id = this.Id.ToString();
            projectData.name = this.Name;
            projectData.description = this.Description;
            projectData.enabled = this.Enabled;
            projectData.enabledSpecified = true;
            projectData.file_path = this.FilePath;
            projectData.view_state = this.ViewState.ToWebservice();
            projectData.status = this.Status.ToWebservice();
            // TODO: At the moment this is not used by project_add() or Mantis?!
            projectData.access_min = new MantisConnectWebservice.ObjectRef();
            projectData.access_min.id = "0";

            return projectData;