Ejemplo n.º 1
        private float Rate(Path sample)
            float score = 0;

            // apply goal convergence criterion
            _manipulator.q = sample.Last.q;
            var distance = _manipulator.DistanceTo(_goal);

            if (distance > _threshold)
                score += distance - _threshold;

            // extract parameters' values from chromosome
            foreach (var node in sample.Nodes)
                _manipulator.q = node.q;

                Vector3 currPos = node.Points[node.Points.Length - 1];

                // apply fitness functions to the given chromosome's point
                int   criteriaCount = 0;
                float pointWeight   = 0;

                if (_optimizationCriteria.HasFlag(OptimizationCriteria.CollisionFree))
                    if (_collisionCheck)
                        if (ObstacleHandler.ContainmentTest(currPos, out _))
                            pointWeight += 1;

                        if (_manipulator.CollisionTest().Contains(true))
                            pointWeight += 1;

                if (_optimizationCriteria.HasFlag(OptimizationCriteria.PathLength))

                // take median of all criteria weights
                score += pointWeight / criteriaCount;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void FitnessFunction()
            Manipulator Contestant = new Manipulator(Agent);

            for (int i = 0; i < Chs.Length; i++)
                //extracting parameters' values from chromosome
                double[] dq = Chs[i].GetParamAll(Decode);
                Contestant.q = Agent.q.Zip(dq, (t, s) => { return(t + s); }).ToArray();

                //applying fitness functions to the given chromosome
                Fit[i] = Contestant.DistanceTo(Goal);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override PathPlanningResult RunAbstract(Manipulator manipulator, Vector3 goal, InverseKinematicsSolver solver, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (manipulator.DistanceTo(goal) < _threshold)
                // the goal is already reached
                return new PathPlanningResult
                           Iterations = 0,
                           Path       = null

            // create new tree
            Tree = new Tree(new Tree.Node(null, manipulator.GripperPos, manipulator.q), _maxIterations + 1);

            // define local attractors as the goal attractor and copies of static attractors
            var attractors = new List <Attractor>()
                new Attractor(goal)


            // recalculate attractors' weights
            Attractor.RecalculateWeights(attractors, manipulator, _threshold);

            // sort attractors
            attractors = attractors.OrderBy(a => a.Weight).ToList();

            // create necessary locals
            Attractor attractorFirst = attractors.First();
            Attractor attractorLast  = attractors.Last(); // TODO: last attractor has too big radius (~5 units for 0.04 step); fix!

            float mu    = attractorFirst.Weight;
            float sigma = (attractorLast.Weight - attractorFirst.Weight) / 2.0f;

            List <float> weights = new List <float>();

            Iterations = 0;
            while (Iterations < _maxIterations)


                // trim tree
                if (_enableTrimming && Iterations % _trimPeriod == 0)
                    Tree.Trim(manipulator, solver);

                // generate normally distributed weight
                float num = RandomThreadStatic.NextGaussian(mu, sigma);

                // get the index of the most relevant attractor
                int index = attractors.IndexOfNearest(num, a => a.Weight);

                // get point of the obtained attractor
                Vector3 sample = attractors[index].Center;

                // find the closest node to that attractor
                Tree.Node nodeClosest = Tree.Closest(sample);

                // get new tree node point
                Vector3 point = nodeClosest.Point + Vector3.Normalize(sample - nodeClosest.Point) * _step;

                if (!(_collisionCheck && ObstacleHandler.ContainmentTest(point, out _)))
                    // solve inverse kinematics for the new node
                    manipulator.q = nodeClosest.q;
                    var ikRes = solver.Execute(manipulator, point);
                    if (ikRes.Converged && !(_collisionCheck && manipulator.CollisionTest().Contains(true)))  // TODO: is convergence check really needed?
                        manipulator.q = ikRes.Configuration;

                        // add node to the tree
                        Tree.Node node = new Tree.Node(nodeClosest, manipulator.GripperPos, manipulator.q);

                        // check exit condition
                        if (point.DistanceTo(attractors[index].Center) < attractors[index].Radius)
                            if (index == 0)
                                // stop in case the main attractor has been hit
                                // remove attractor if it has been hit

            // retrieve resultant path along with respective configurations
            return(new PathPlanningResult
                Iterations = Iterations,
                Path = Tree.GetPath(manipulator, Tree.Closest(goal))  // TODO: refactor! tree should be written to temp variable in path planner, not permanent in manipulator
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override PathPlanningResult RunAbstract(Manipulator manipulator, Vector3 goal, InverseKinematicsSolver solver, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (manipulator.DistanceTo(goal) < _threshold)
                // the goal is already reached
                return new PathPlanningResult
                           Iterations = 0,
                           Path       = null

            // create new tree
            Tree = new Tree(new Tree.Node(null, manipulator.GripperPos, manipulator.q), _maxIterations + 1);

            Iterations = 0;
            while (Iterations < _maxIterations)


                // trim tree
                if (_enableTrimming && Iterations % _trimPeriod == 0)
                    Tree.Trim(manipulator, solver);

                // get sample point
                Vector3 sample;
                if (Iterations % _goalBiasPeriod == 0)
                    // use goal bias
                    sample = goal;
                    // generate sample
                    sample = RandomThreadStatic.NextPointSphere(manipulator.WorkspaceRadius) + manipulator.Base;

                // find the closest node to the generated sample point
                Tree.Node nodeClosest = Tree.Closest(sample);

                // get new tree node point
                Vector3 point = nodeClosest.Point + Vector3.Normalize(sample - nodeClosest.Point) * _step;

                if (!(_collisionCheck && ObstacleHandler.ContainmentTest(point, out _)))
                    // solve inverse kinematics for the new node to obtain the agent configuration
                    manipulator.q = nodeClosest.q;
                    var ikRes = solver.Execute(manipulator, point);
                    if (ikRes.Converged && !(_collisionCheck && manipulator.CollisionTest().Contains(true)))
                        manipulator.q = ikRes.Configuration;

                        // add new node to the tree
                        Tree.Node node = new Tree.Node(nodeClosest, manipulator.GripperPos, manipulator.q);

                        // check exit condition
                        if (manipulator.DistanceTo(goal) < _threshold)

            // retrieve resultant path along with respective configurations
            return(new PathPlanningResult
                Iterations = Iterations,
                Path = Tree.GetPath(manipulator, Tree.Closest(goal))  // TODO: refactor! tree should be written to temp variable in path planner, not permanent in manipulator
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void Execute()
            States = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
            States.Add("Obstacles", false);
            States.Add("Goal", false);
            States.Add("Path", false);
            States.Add("Joints", false);
            States.Add("Tree", false);
            States.Add("Attractors", false);

            Manip = new Manipulator
                Links = new double[] { 2, 2, 2, 2 },
                q     = Misc.ToRad(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }),
                Base  = Point.Zero

            double MaxStep = 1;

            Manip.StepRanges = new double[Manip.Links.Length, 2];
            for (int i = 0; i < Manip.Links.Length; i++)
                Manip.StepRanges[i, 0] = -MaxStep;
                Manip.StepRanges[i, 1] = MaxStep;

            Obstacles = new Obstacle[2];
            Point[] obst_data = new Point[360];
            for (int i = 0; i < obst_data.Length; i++)
                obst_data[i] = new Point
                    Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / 180) + 0,
                    Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 180) + 1.5
            Obstacles[0] = new Obstacle(obst_data);
            for (int i = 0; i < obst_data.Length; i++)
                obst_data[i] = new Point
                    Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / 180) - 2.2,
                    Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / 180) + 0
            Obstacles[1]        = new Obstacle(obst_data);
            States["Obstacles"] = true;

            Goal           = new Point(-2 * Math.Sqrt(2) - 2, 0);
            States["Goal"] = true;

            //initialize genetic algorithm parameters
            Algorithm.Initialize(Manip, Obstacles);

            IKP Solver = new IKP(0.02, Manip.Links.Length, 10, 0.2, 50);

            Attractors = new List <Attractor>();

            Random rng = new Random();
            double work_radius = Manip.Links.Sum(), x, y_plus, y_minus, y;

            //adding main attractor
            Point AttrPoint = Goal;

            double AttrWeight = Manip.DistanceTo(Goal);

            Point[] AttrArea = new Point[180];
            double  r        = 0.05 * Math.Pow(AttrWeight / Manip.DistanceTo(Goal), 4);

            for (int i = 0; i < AttrArea.Length; i++)
                AttrArea[i] = new Point
                    r * Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / (AttrArea.Length / 2)) + AttrPoint.x,
                    r * Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / (AttrArea.Length / 2)) + AttrPoint.y

            Attractors.Add(new Attractor(AttrPoint, AttrWeight, AttrArea, r));

            //adding ancillary attractors
            while (Attractors.Count < 1000)
                //work_radius = Manip.Links.Sum();
                x            = Manip.Base.x + rng.NextDouble() * 2 * work_radius - work_radius;
                y_plus       = Math.Sqrt(work_radius * work_radius - x * x);
                y_minus      = -y_plus;
                y            = Manip.Base.y + (rng.NextDouble() * 2 * (y_plus - y_minus) - (y_plus - y_minus)) / 2;
                work_radius -= Manip.Links.Sum() / 2000;

                Point p         = new Point(x, y);
                bool  collision = false;
                foreach (var obst in Obstacles)
                    if (obst.Contains(p))
                        collision = true;

                if (!collision)
                    AttrPoint = p;

                    AttrWeight = Manip.DistanceTo(p) + Goal.DistanceTo(p);

                    AttrArea = new Point[180];
                    r        = 0.05 * Math.Pow(AttrWeight / Manip.DistanceTo(Goal), 4);
                    for (int i = 0; i < AttrArea.Length; i++)
                        AttrArea[i] = new Point
                            r * Math.Cos(i * Math.PI / (AttrArea.Length / 2)) + AttrPoint.x,
                            r * Math.Sin(i * Math.PI / (AttrArea.Length / 2)) + AttrPoint.y

                    Attractors.Add(new Attractor(AttrPoint, AttrWeight, AttrArea, r));
            States["Attractors"] = true;

            Generator.Solver = Solver;
            Generator.RRT(new Random(), ref Tree, Goal, Manip, Obstacles, 15000, 0.04);

            Tree.Node       start = Tree.Min(Goal), node_curr = start;
            List <Point>    path    = new List <Point>();
            List <double[]> configs = new List <double[]>();

            for (int i = start.Layer; i >= 0; i--)
                if (i == 0)
                    int a;
                    a = 2;

                if (node_curr.Layer == i)

                    if (node_curr.Parent != null)
                        int pointsNum = node_curr.Layer - node_curr.Parent.Layer - 1;
                        if (pointsNum > 0)
                            Tree.Node[] nodes = Tree.Discretize(node_curr, node_curr.Parent, pointsNum);
                            foreach (var node in nodes)

                    node_curr = node_curr.Parent;
            States["Tree"] = true;

            Path           = path;
            States["Path"] = true;

            Joints = new List <Point[]>();
            for (int i = 0; i < configs.Count; i++)
                if (configs[i] == null)

                if (i == 0)
                    int a;
                    a = 0;
                Manip.q = configs[i];
            States["Joints"] = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected override PathPlanningResult RunAbstract(Manipulator manipulator, Vector3 goal, InverseKinematicsSolver solver, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (manipulator.DistanceTo(goal) < _threshold)
                // the goal is already reached
                return new PathPlanningResult
                           Iterations = 0,
                           Path       = null

            _manipulator          = manipulator;
            _initialConfiguration = manipulator.q;
            _solver = solver;
            _goal   = goal;

            var generation = new List <Chromosome>();

            // get initial solution
            var bezierInitial     = ConstructBezier(_manipulator.GripperPos, goal, _bezierControlPointsCount);
            var pathInitial       = ConstructPath(bezierInitial, _bezierStep);
            var chromosomeInitial = new Chromosome(bezierInitial, pathInitial, Rate(pathInitial));


            Dominant = chromosomeInitial;
            Changed  = true;

            // evolve generations
            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 10);
            Console.WriteLine("Starting genetic algorithm...");
            Iterations = 0;
            while (generation[0].Weight > 0 && Iterations++ < _maxIterations)

                // get new generation
                generation = Evolve(generation, _offspringSize, _survivalSize);

                Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 11);
                Console.WriteLine($"Generations passed: {Iterations}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Best fit: {generation[0].Weight}");

                if (!Locked)
                    Dominant = generation[0];  // TODO: it seems like previous dominant is not disposed properly; fix!!
                    Changed  = true;

            Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 15);
            Console.WriteLine("Found path's Bezier curve:");
            foreach (var point in generation[0].BezierCurve.Points)

            var path = generation[0].Path;


            return(new PathPlanningResult
                Iterations = Iterations - 1,
                Path = path
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public Tuple <bool, double, double[], bool[]> Execute(Point goal)
            Goal = goal;

            /*Chs = new Chromosome<double>[GenSize];
             * Fit = new double[GenSize];
             * for (int i = 0; i < GenSize; i++)
             * {
             *  Chs[i] = new Chromosome<double>(ParamNum);
             *  for (int j = 0; j < ParamNum; j++)
             *      Chs[i].Genes[j] = Agent.StepRanges[j, 0] + (Agent.StepRanges[j, 1] - Agent.StepRanges[j, 0]) * Rng.NextDouble();
             * }
             * Chromosome<double> dominant = null;
             * double Min = double.PositiveInfinity;
             * bool Converged = false;
             * Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
             * sw.Start();
             * while (Time++ < MaxTime)
             * {
             *  //fitting
             *  FitnessFunction();
             *  Array.ConvertAll(Fit, (t) => { return Math.Abs(t); });
             *  //qualification
             *  Min = Fit.Min();
             *  if (Min < Precision)
             *  {
             *      dominant = Chs[Array.IndexOf(Fit, Min)];
             *      Converged = true;
             *      break;
             *  }
             *  //selection
             *  RouletteWheelSelection(Chs, Fit);
             *  //mutation
             *  Mutation(Chs, Pm, t => t + -0.1 + 0.2 * Rng.NextDouble());
             *  //crossover
             *  Crossover(Chs);
             * }
             * sw.Stop();
             * TotalRealTime += (int)sw.ElapsedTicks / 10;
             * Console.WriteLine("IKP Time: {0}; Real time: {1}", Time, sw.ElapsedTicks / 10);
             * //if dominant chromosome wasn't found, consider last result the best result
             * if (dominant == null)
             * {
             *  dominant = Chs[Array.IndexOf(Fit, Min)];
             * }
             * //decoding chromosome
             * double[] dq = dominant.GetParamAll(Decode);
             * //detect all collisions
             * Manipulator AgentNext = new Manipulator(Agent)
             * {
             *  q = Agent.q.Zip(dq, (t, s) => { return t + s; }).ToArray()
             * };
             * bool[] Collisions = DetectCollisions(AgentNext);
             * Time = 0;
             * return new Tuple<bool, double, double[], bool[]>(Converged, Min, dq, Collisions);*/

            double range = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < ParamNum; i++)
                range = -120 * Math.PI / 180 - Agent.q[i];
                Agent.StepRanges[i, 0] = range / 5;  // <= -1 ? -1 : range;

                range = 120 * Math.PI / 180 - Agent.q[i];
                Agent.StepRanges[i, 1] = range / 5;  // >= 1 ? 1 : range;

            Manipulator Contestant = new Manipulator(Agent);

            double[] q_init = new double[ParamNum];
            Array.Copy(Agent.q, q_init, ParamNum);
            double dist = Agent.DistanceTo(Goal), init_dist = dist, coeff = 1;
            double Min       = double.PositiveInfinity;
            bool   Converged = false;

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

            while (Time++ < 1000)
                Chromosome <double> ch = new Chromosome <double>(ParamNum);
                for (int i = 0; i < ParamNum; i++)
                    ch.Genes[i]  = Agent.StepRanges[i, 0] + (Agent.StepRanges[i, 1] - Agent.StepRanges[i, 0]) * Rng.NextDouble();
                    ch.Genes[i] *= coeff;

                double[] dq = ch.GetParamAll(Decode);
                Contestant.q = Agent.q.Zip(dq, (t, s) => { return(t + s); }).ToArray();
                double dist_new = Contestant.DistanceTo(Goal);
                if (dist_new < dist)
                    Array.Copy(Contestant.q, Agent.q, ParamNum);
                    Min   = dist = dist_new;
                    coeff = dist / init_dist;

                if (dist < 0.002)
                    Converged = true;
            Console.WriteLine("IKP Time: {0}; Real time: {1}", Time, sw.ElapsedTicks / 10);

            bool[] Collisions = DetectCollisions(Agent);

            Time = 0;
            return(new Tuple <bool, double, double[], bool[]>(Converged, Min, Agent.q.Zip(q_init, (t, s) => { return t - s; }).ToArray(), Collisions));