Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task TestGetUserAsync_VerifyGetAsyncCalledOnce()
            var mockRepository = new Mock <IUserRepository>();
            var manageUser     = new ManageUser(mockRepository.Object, fixture.ManageUserLogger);

            var result = await manageUser.GetUserAsync(10);

            mockRepository.Verify(r => r.GetAsync(10), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task ProcessGroupMessageAsync(Message message)
            #region Initialize

            Chat chat = message.Chat;

            // Get the sender of the message
            User sender = message.From;

            // Check if group exists
            Group group = await ManageGroup.GetGroupAsync(chat);


            if (group is null)
                await ManageGroup.AddGroupAsync(new Group
                    GroupId     = chat.Id,
                    GroupName   = chat.Title,
                    Description = chat.Description,
                    InviteLink  = chat.InviteLink


            // Return if the sender is a bot
            if (sender.IsBot)

            // Get the sender's details
            var person = await ManageUser.GetUserAsync(sender);

            if (person is null)
                await BotServices.Client.SendHtmlReplyAsync(chat,
                                                            $"Hi {sender.FirstName}, you are <strong>required</strong> to send me a message " +
                                                            "as a standard procedure for this group\n" +
                                                            $"<a href=\"tg://user?id={BotServices.Client.BotId}\"><em>Click Here</em></a> to begin...");


            // Check if the person has been active today
            if (person.LastSeen.Day != DateTime.Today.Day)
                // If the person has not, update their last seen to the current day.
                person.LastSeen = DateTime.Today;
                person.GroupId  = group.GroupId;
                await ManageUser.UpdateUserAsync(person);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public async Task ProcessCallbackQueryAsync(CallbackQuery query)
            #region Initialize

            // Get the representation of the individual.
            Chat chat = query.Message.Chat;

            // Check if user exist in the database or return null.
            Person person = await ManageUser.GetUserAsync(chat);


            switch (query.Data)
            case Buttons.Profile:
                await BotServices.Client.SendWithReplyMarkup(chat,
                                                             $"<strong>Profile ({person.UserName})</strong>\n\n" +
                                                             $"<strong>Name:</strong> {person.FullName}\n" +
                                                             $"<strong>NickName:</strong> {person.NickName}\n" +
                                                             $"<strong>Name:</strong> {person.DateOfBirth:D}\n" +
                                                             $"<strong>Phone:</strong> {person.PhoneNumber}\n",
                                                             new ReplyKeyboardMarkup(new List <KeyboardButton>
                        new KeyboardButton {
                            Text = "Home"
                    }){ ResizeKeyboard = true, OneTimeKeyboard = true });


            case Buttons.JoinGroup:
                await BotServices.Client.ExportChatInviteLinkAsync(chat);

                await BotServices.Client.SendHtmlReplyAsync(chat, "Goto group");

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task ProcessIndividualMessageAsync(Message message)
            #region Initialize

            // Get the representation of the individual.
            Chat chat = message.Chat;

            // Check if user exist in the database or return null.
            Person person = await ManageUser.GetUserAsync(chat);

            // If there is no registered user, register a new user.
            if (person is null)
                // If Greet user and inform them about the bots functions
                await ManageUser.GreetUser(message);

                await ManageUser.AddNewUserAsync(new Person
                    PersonId          = chat.Id,
                    FullName          = $"{chat.FirstName} {chat.LastName}",
                    SignUpComplete    = false,
                    LastSeen          = DateTime.Now.Date,
                    UserName          = chat.Username,
                    RegistrationState = AppState.SignUp.UpdateProfile

                // Exit until user gives information


            // If there is a user.... continue to update their user information

            #region Update Nickname

            // Check if user is required to update their profile - Nickname
            if (person.RegistrationState == AppState.SignUp.UpdateProfile)
                person.NickName = message.Text;
                if (await ManageUser.UpdateUserAsync(person))
                    // Send reply to user to continue to add their phone number
                    await BotServices.Client.SendHtmlReplyAsync(chat, $"Hi {message.Text},\n <b>Enter your phone number</b>\n" +
                                                                "<i>Tip: +2330501234567 or +(123) 0501234567</i>");

                    // Update session to phone
                    person.RegistrationState = AppState.SignUp.Phone;
                    await ManageUser.UpdateUserAsync(person);

                    // Exit

                // TODO: Create a function to send error messages
                await BotServices.Client.SendReplyAsync(chat,
                                                        "Something went wrong from my side, Pleas try again.");



            #region Update Phone

            // Check if user is required to update their profile - Phone number
            if (person.RegistrationState == AppState.SignUp.Phone)
                if (!message.Text.IsPhoneNumber())
                    await BotServices.Client.SendReplyAsync(chat,
                                                            $"{message.Text} - Is not a valid phone number.\n Please try again");

                person.PhoneNumber = message.Text;
                if (await ManageUser.UpdateUserAsync(person))
                    // Send reply to user to continue to add their birthday
                    await BotServices.Client.SendHtmlReplyAsync(chat, "<b>Now add your birthday</b>\n" +
                                                                "<i>Tip: Format (dd/mm/yyyy) (dd-mm-yyyy)</i>");

                    // Update session to phone
                    person.RegistrationState = AppState.SignUp.DateOfBirth;
                    await ManageUser.UpdateUserAsync(person);

                    // Exit
                // TODO: Send an error message


            #region Update Date of Birth

            // Check if user is required to update their profile - Date of birth
            if (person.RegistrationState == AppState.SignUp.DateOfBirth)
                if (!message.Text.IsDate())
                    await CoreDi.BotServices.Client.SendHtmlReplyAsync(chat,
                                                                       $"<b>{message.Text}</b> - Is not a valid date (dd/mm/yyyy).\n Please try again");


                person.DateOfBirth = DateTime.Parse(message.Text);
                if (await ManageUser.UpdateUserAsync(person))
                    List <KeyboardButton> keys = new List <KeyboardButton>
                        new KeyboardButton("What Next?")
                    // Send reply to user to continue to add their birthday
                    await CoreDi.BotServices.Client.SendWithReplyMarkup(chat,
                                                                        "<b>Congratulations!!</b> - Your profile update is complete",
                                                                        new ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keys, true, true));

                    // Update session and sign-up to complete
                    person.RegistrationState = AppState.SignUp.Complete;
                    person.SignUpComplete    = true;
                    await ManageUser.UpdateUserAsync(person);

                    // Exit

                // TODO: Send an error message



            #region Show Menu

            // User is successfully logged in show menu to either update existing details
            if (person.SignUpComplete && person.RegistrationState == AppState.SignUp.Complete)
                List <InlineKeyboardButton> keys = new List <InlineKeyboardButton>()
                    new InlineKeyboardButton {
                        Text = "My Profile", CallbackData = Buttons.Profile
                    //new InlineKeyboardButton{Text = "Main Menu", CallbackData = Buttons.JoinGroup},
                    //new InlineKeyboardButton{Text = "Go To Group", CallbackData = "GoToPage"}

                InlineKeyboardMarkup inlineKeyboard = new InlineKeyboardMarkup(keys);

                await BotServices.Client.SendWithReplyMarkup(chat,
                                                             $"Alright {chat.FirstName}, we are setup successfully\n" +
                                                             $"You can take a look your information or go back to the main menu",
