Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateBasicMenu(Menu comboMenu, Menu harassMenu, Menu laneclearMenu, Menu antiGapcloserMenu, Menu interrupterMenu, Menu manamanagerMenu, Menu ignitemanagerMenu, Menu itemMenu, Menu drawingMenu, bool laneclearHarassSwitch = true /*bool healmanager = true,*/)
            if (comboMenu != null)

            if (harassMenu != null)

            if (laneclearMenu != null)
                CreateLaneclearMenu(laneclearMenu, laneclearHarassSwitch);

            if (antiGapcloserMenu != null)
                var gapcloserSpells = new Menu("Enemies", "Gapcloser.Enemies");
                antiGapcloserMenu.AddMItem("Enabled", true, (sender, args) => AntiGapcloser = args.GetNewValue <bool>());

            if (interrupterMenu != null)
                var spellMenu = new Menu("Spells", "Interrupter.Spells");
                interrupterMenu.AddMItem("Enabled", true, (sender, args) => Interrupter = args.GetNewValue <bool>());

            if (manamanagerMenu != null)

            if (ignitemanagerMenu != null)
                IgniteManager.Initialize(ignitemanagerMenu, this, true);

            //if (healmanager)
            //    HealManager.Initialize(healMenu, this);

            if (itemMenu != null)
                ItemManager.Initialize(itemMenu, this);

            if (drawingMenu != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CreateBasicMenu(Menu comboMenu, Menu harassMenu, Menu laneclearMenu, Menu antiGapcloserMenu, Menu interrupterMenu, Menu manamanagerMenu, Menu ignitemanagerMenu, bool combo = true, bool harass = true, bool laneclear = true, bool laneclearHarassSwitch = true, bool antiGapcloser = true, bool interrupter = true, bool manamanager = true, bool ignitemanager = true)
            if (combo)

            if (harass)

            if (laneclear)
                CreateLaneclearMenu(laneclearMenu, laneclearHarassSwitch);

            if (antiGapcloser)
                var gapcloserSpells = new Menu("Enemies", "Gapcloser.Enemies");
                antiGapcloserMenu.AddMItem("Enabled", true, (sender, args) => AntiGapcloser = args.GetNewValue <bool>());

            if (interrupter)
                var spellMenu = new Menu("Spells", "Interrupter.Spells");
                interrupterMenu.AddMItem("Enabled", true, (sender, args) => Interrupter = args.GetNewValue <bool>());

            if (manamanager)

            if (ignitemanager)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public Lulu()
            Q = SpellManager.Q;
            W = SpellManager.W;
            E = SpellManager.E;
            R = SpellManager.R;

            Menu = new Menu("Lulu", "Lulu", true);
            Menu.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.MediumPurple);
            Orbwalker = Menu.AddOrbwalker();

            var combo = Menu.AddMenu("Spells", "Spells");

            combo.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.Color.DeepSkyBlue.ToSharpDXColor());

            var pix = combo.AddMenu("Pix", "Pix");

            pix.AddInfo("PixQ", "-- Pix Q --", Color.Purple);
            pix.Item("PixQ").SetTooltip("Use Pix to Cast Q");
            pix.AddBool("QPixCombo", "Use in Combo", false);
            pix.AddBool("QPixHarass", "Use in Harass", false);

            pix.AddInfo("PixEQ", "-- Pix E->Q --", Color.Purple);
            pix.Item("PixEQ").SetTooltip("Use E into Pix Q");
            pix.AddBool("EQPixCombo", "Use in Combo");
            pix.AddBool("EQPixHarass", "Use in Harass");

            var q = combo.AddMenu("Q", "Q");

            q.AddBool("QCombo", "Use in Combo");
            q.AddBool("QHarass", "Use in Harass");

            q.AddInfo("QMisc2", "-- Misc --", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            q.AddBool("QGapcloser", "Use Q on Gapcloser");
            q.AddBool("QImpaired", "Auto Q Movement Impaired", false);
            q.AddInfo("QMisc1", "-- Farm --", Color.Red);
            q.AddKeyBind("QFarm", "Use Q to Farm", 'K', KeyBindType.Toggle, true);
            q.AddBool("QLC", "Use in LaneClear");
            q.AddBool("QLH", "Use in LastHit", false);

            var w = combo.AddMenu("W", "W");

            var wEnemies = w.AddMenu("WEnemies", "Enemy Priority");

            foreach (var enemy in Enemies)
                wEnemies.AddSlider(enemy.ChampionName + "WPriority", enemy.ChampionName, 1, 0, 5);

            wEnemies.AddInfo("WEnemiesInfo", "0 means don't cast, 5 is highest priority", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            wEnemies.AddBool("WPriority", "Priority Enabled", false);

            w.AddBool("WCombo", "Use on Enemy in Combo");
            w.AddBool("WHarass", "Use on Enemy in Harass");
            w.AddBool("WGapcloser", "Use W on Gapcloser");
            w.AddBool("WInterrupter", "Use W to Interrupt");

            var e = combo.AddMenu("E", "E");

            var eAllies = e.AddMenu("EAllies", "Ally Shielding");

            foreach (var ally in Allies)
                eAllies.AddSlider(ally.ChampionName + "EPriority", ally.ChampionName + " Min Health", 20);

            eAllies.AddInfo("EAlliesInfo", "Set to 0 to never shield ally.", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            eAllies.AddBool("EAuto", "Use E on Allies");

            e.AddBool("ECombo", "Use on Enemy in Combo");
            e.AddBool("EHarass", "Use on Enemy in Harass");

            var r = combo.AddMenu("R", "R");

            var saver = r.AddMenu("Saver", "Saver");

            foreach (var ally in Allies)
                saver.AddSlider(ally.ChampionName + "RPriority", ally.ChampionName + " Min Health", 15);

            saver.AddInfo("RAlliesInfo", "Set to 0 to never ult ally.", Color.DeepSkyBlue);
            saver.AddBool("RAuto", "Use R on Allies");

            r.AddKeyBind("RForce", "Force Ult Ally", 'K');
            r.Item("RForce").SetTooltip("Casts R on the lowest HP ally in R range");
            r.AddBool("RInterrupter", "Use R on Interrupt");

            r.AddBool("RKnockup", "Auto R to Knockup");
            r.AddSlider("RKnockupEnemies", "Min Enemes to Knockup", 2, 1, 5);

            var ks = Menu.AddMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal");

            ks.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.Red);
            ks.AddBool("KSEnabled", "Enabled");
            ks.AddBool("KSQ", "Use Q");
            ks.AddBool("KSE", "Use E");
            ks.AddBool("KSEQ", "Use E->Q");

            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Farm, 30);
            W.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 15);
            W.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 15);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 10);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 10);

            var flee = Menu.AddMenu("Flee", "Flee");

            flee.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.Yellow);
            flee.AddInfo("FleeInfo", " --> Flees towards cursor position.", Color.Yellow);
            flee.AddKeyBind("Flee", "Flee", 'T');
            flee.AddBool("FleeW", "Use W");
            flee.AddBool("FleeMove", "Move to Cursor Position");

            var draw = Menu.AddMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");

            draw.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.DeepPink);

            draw.AddCircle("DrawQ", "Draw Q", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, Q.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("DrawW", "Draw W/E", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, W.Range);
            draw.AddCircle("DrawR", "Draw R", System.Drawing.Color.Purple, R.Range);
            draw.AddBool("DrawPix", "Draw Pix");
            draw.AddBool("FarmPermashow", "Permashow Farm Enabled");

            if (draw.Item("FarmPermashow").IsActive())

            draw.Item("FarmPermashow").ValueChanged +=
                (sender, eventArgs) => { q.Item("QFarm").Permashow(eventArgs.GetNewValue <bool>()); };

            var misc = Menu.AddMenu("Misc", "Misc");

            misc.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.MediumPurple);


            var superman = misc.AddMenu("Superman", "Speedy Up!");

            superman.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Regular, Color.Red);
            superman.AddInfo("SupermanInfo", " --> Casts W+E on prioritized ally.", Color.Red);
            foreach (var ally in Allies.Where(a => !a.IsMe))
                superman.AddSlider(ally.ChampionName + "WEPriority", ally.ChampionName + " Priority", 1, 0, 5);

            superman.AddInfo("SupermanInfo2", "Set to 0 to never speedy up ally.", Color.Red);
            superman.AddKeyBind("Superman", "Use Speedy Up!", 'A');

            misc.AddBool("Support", "Support Mode", false);

            Menu.AddInfo("Info", "By Trees and Lilith!", Color.MediumPurple);

            var dmg = draw.AddMenu("DamageIndicator", "Damage Indicator");

            dmg.AddBool("DmgEnabled", "Draw Damage Indicator");
            dmg.AddCircle("HPColor", "Predicted Health Color", System.Drawing.Color.White);
            dmg.AddCircle("FillColor", "Damage Color", System.Drawing.Color.MediumPurple);
            dmg.AddBool("Killable", "Killable Text");
            //DamageIndicator.Initialize(dmg, Utility.GetComboDamage);

            ManaBarIndicator.Initialize(draw, ManaCostDictionary);
            SpellManager.Initialize(combo, Orbwalker);

            CustomAntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser    += CustomAntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            CustomInterrupter.OnInterruptableTarget += CustomInterrupter_OnInterruptableTarget;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public Lulu()
            Q = SpellManager.Q;
            W = SpellManager.W;
            E = SpellManager.E;
            R = SpellManager.R;

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Lulu", "Lulu");

            pixMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Pix", "Pix");
            pixMenu.Add("QPixCombo", new CheckBox("Use in Combo", false));
            pixMenu.Add("QPixHarass", new CheckBox("Use in Harass", false));
            pixMenu.Add("EQPixCombo", new CheckBox("Use in Combo"));
            pixMenu.Add("EQPixHarass", new CheckBox("Use in Harass"));

            qMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Q", "Q");
            qMenu.Add("QCombo", new CheckBox("Use in Combo"));
            qMenu.Add("QHarass", new CheckBox("Use in Harass"));
            qMenu.Add("QGapcloser", new CheckBox("Use Q on Gapcloser"));
            qMenu.Add("QImpaired", new CheckBox("Auto Q Movement Impaired", false));
            qMenu.Add("QFarm", new KeyBind("Use Q to Farm", true, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'K'));
            qMenu.Add("QLC", new CheckBox("Use in LaneClear"));
            qMenu.Add("QLH", new CheckBox("Use in LastHit", false));

            wMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("W", "W");
            wMenu.AddGroupLabel("Enemy Priority");
            foreach (var enemy in Enemies)
                wMenu.Add(enemy.NetworkId + "WPriority", new Slider(enemy.ChampionName, 1, 0, 5));
            wMenu.Add("WPriority", new CheckBox("Priority Enabled", false));
            wMenu.Add("WCombo", new CheckBox("Use on Enemy in Combo"));
            wMenu.Add("WHarass", new CheckBox("Use on Enemy in Harass"));
            wMenu.Add("WGapcloser", new CheckBox("Use W on Gapcloser"));
            wMenu.Add("WInterrupter", new CheckBox("Use W to Interrupt"));

            eMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("E", "E");
            eMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ally Shielding");
            foreach (var ally in Allies)
                eMenu.Add(ally.NetworkId + "EPriority", new Slider(ally.ChampionName + " Min Health", 20));
            eMenu.Add("EAuto", new CheckBox("Use E on Allies"));
            eMenu.Add("ECombo", new CheckBox("Use on Enemy in Combo"));
            eMenu.Add("EHarass", new CheckBox("Use on Enemy in Harass"));

            rMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("R", "R");
            foreach (var ally in Allies)
                rMenu.Add(ally.NetworkId + "RPriority", new Slider(ally.ChampionName + " Min Health", 15));
            rMenu.Add("RAuto", new CheckBox("Use R on Allies"));
            rMenu.Add("RForce", new KeyBind("Force Ult Ally", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'K'));
            rMenu.Add("RInterrupter", new CheckBox("Use R on Interrupt"));
            rMenu.Add("RKnockup", new CheckBox("Auto R to Knockup"));
            rMenu.Add("RKnockupEnemies", new Slider("Min Enemes to Knockup", 2, 1, 5));

            ksMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Killsteal", "Killsteal");
            ksMenu.Add("KSEnabled", new CheckBox("Enabled"));
            ksMenu.Add("KSQ", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ksMenu.Add("KSE", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ksMenu.Add("KSEQ", new CheckBox("Use E->Q"));

            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 5);
            Q.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Farm, 30);

            W.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 15);
            W.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 15);

            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Combo, 10);
            E.SetManaCondition(ManaManager.ManaMode.Harass, 10);

            fleeMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Flee", "Flee");
            fleeMenu.Add("Flee", new KeyBind("Flee", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T'));
            fleeMenu.Add("FleeW", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            fleeMenu.Add("FleeMove", new CheckBox("Move to Cursor Position"));

            drawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings", "Drawings");
            drawMenu.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));   //, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, Q.Range));
            drawMenu.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W/E")); //, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, W.Range));
            drawMenu.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R"));   //, System.Drawing.Color.Purple, R.Range));
            drawMenu.Add("DrawPix", new CheckBox("Draw Pix"));

            miscMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            miscMenu.Add("Support", new CheckBox("Support Mode", false));

            superMMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Superman", "Speedy Up!");
            foreach (var ally in Allies.Where(a => a.Team == ObjectManager.Player.Team))
                superMMenu.Add(ally.NetworkId + "WEPriority", new Slider(ally.ChampionName + " Priority", 1, 0, 5));
            superMMenu.Add("Superman", new KeyBind("Use Speedy Up!", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A'));

            ManaBarIndicator.Initialize(drawMenu, ManaCostDictionary);
            Pix.Initialize(drawMenu["DrawPix"].Cast <CheckBox>().CurrentValue);

            CustomAntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser    += CustomAntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser;
            CustomInterrupter.OnInterruptableTarget += CustomInterrupter_OnInterruptableTarget;