public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(string id, [Bind("MalfunctionId,Status,Title,Content,Resources,CreationDate,ModifiedDate")] Malfunction malfunction)
            if (id != malfunction.MalfunctionId)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!MalfunctionExists(malfunction.MalfunctionId))
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void SavePhoto(Malfunction malfunction, IFormFile mFiles)
            // Sanity check apartment cant be null
            if (malfunction == null)

            // If there is no defined photo, set the default photo
            if (mFiles == null)
                malfunction.Resources = "/images/malfunctions/default_malfunction_photo.jpg";

            var fileName = Path.Combine(he.WebRootPath + "/images/malfunctions", Path.GetFileName(mFiles.FileName));

            malfunction.Resources = "/images/malfunctions/" + mFiles.FileName;

            // If the file does not exist already creating it
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(fileName))
                mFiles.CopyTo(new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // добавление данных по заявке
        public void AppendOrder(RepairOrder order)
            // создание новой заявки/заказа на ремонт
            RepairOrder newOrder = new RepairOrder {
                Client  = GetClients().ToList().Find(c => c.Id == order.Client.Id),
                Car     = _db.Cars.ToList().Find(c => c.Id == order.Car.Id),
                Worker  = order.Worker,
                IsReady = order.IsReady,
                DateOfTheApplication = order.DateOfTheApplication,

            foreach (var value in order.Malfunctions)
                Malfunction templValue = _db.Malfunctions.First(m => m.Id == value.Id);


            // изменяем статус работника - работает сейчас
            ChangeWorker(order.Worker, _db.WorkerStatuses.ToList()[0]);
            // добавляем клиенту дату обращения

        public MalfunctionViewData(Malfunction malfunction, List <Detail> details)
            Id        = malfunction.Id;
            Title     = malfunction.Title;
            TimeToFix = malfunction.TimeToFix;
            Details   = details;

            Price = Details.Sum(d => d.Price);
        public async Task <IActionResult> InsertOrUpdate(MalfunctionEditViewModel model)
            var machines = await _databaseRepository.GetAll <Machine>();

            model.Machines = machines;

            bool result;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var machineId = machines.Where(m => m.Name == model.Malfunction.MachineName).Select(m =>;

                Malfunction malfunction = new Malfunction
                    id          =,
                    Name        = model.Malfunction.Name,
                    Description = model.Malfunction.Description,
                    MachineId   = machineId,
                    File        = model.Malfunction.File,
                    Status      = true,
                    Created     = model.Malfunction.Created,

                if (model.Malfunction.Files != null)
                    var zipName = _fileService.CreateZip(model.Malfunction.File, model.Malfunction.Files);

                    if (zipName == null)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Malfunction.Files", "Error while uploading zip file");
                        return(View("Edit", model));
                        malfunction.File = zipName;

                if ( == 0)
                    malfunction.Created = DateTime.Now;
                    result = await _databaseRepository.Insert <Malfunction>(malfunction) > 0;
                    result = await _databaseRepository.Update <Malfunction>(malfunction) != null;

                if (result)
                    return(RedirectToAction("MalfunctionsTable", "Malfunction"));

            return(View("Edit", model));
        public void Copy(Malfunction mal)
            Malfunction_Closed closed = new Malfunction_Closed();

            closed.building    = mal.building;
            closed.type        = mal.type;
            closed.description = mal.description;
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("MalfunctionId,Status,Title,Content,Resources,CreationDate,ModifiedDate,CurrentApartment")] Malfunction malfunction)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <IActionResult> FixMalfunction(int id)
            if (id > 0)
                Malfunction malfunction = await _databaseRepository.Get <Malfunction>(id);

                malfunction.Status = false;
                var a = await _databaseRepository.Update <Malfunction>(malfunction);

            return(RedirectToAction("MalfunctionsTable", "Malfunction"));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // выбор конкретной неисправности
        public MalfunctionViewData GetMalfunctionData(int id)
            Malfunction malfunction = _context.Malfunctions
                                      .Include(m => m.Details)
                                      .FirstOrDefault(m => m.Id == id);

            if (malfunction == null)
                throw new WebApiException("Данная неисправность не была найдена");
            return(new MalfunctionViewData(malfunction, malfunction.Details.ToList()));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Delete(int id)
            Malfunction model = await _databaseRepository.Get <Malfunction>(id);

            var result = await _databaseRepository.Delete <Malfunction>(model);

            if (model.File != null)

            return(RedirectToAction("MalfunctionsTable", "Malfunction"));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void GetMalfunction_MalfunctionFound_ReturnCorrectMalfunction()
            var malfunction = new Malfunction();
            var id          = 1;

            unitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Malfunctions
                             .GetMalfunctionWithEquipment(m => m.Id == id))

            var response = controller.GetMalfunction(id) as OkNegotiatedContentResult <MalfunctionDto>;
            var result   = response.Content;

            Assert.AreEqual(result, Mapper.Map <Malfunction, MalfunctionDto>(malfunction));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void DeleteMalfunction_MalfunctionFound_ReturnOk()
            var id = 1;
            var malfunctionInDb = new Malfunction();

            unitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Malfunctions.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id))
            .Returns(new Malfunction());
            unitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Equipment
                             .SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id == malfunctionInDb.EquipmentId)).Returns(new Equipment());
            var result = controller.DeleteMalfunction(id);

            Assert.That(result, Is.InstanceOf(typeof(OkResult)));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult Add(MalfunctionViewModel model)
                var data = new Malfunction()
                    Message   = model.Message,
                    Type      = model.Type,
                    BrandType = model.BrandType

                if (model.PostedFile != null &&
                    model.PostedFile.ContentLength > 0)
                    var    file     = model.PostedFile;
                    string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FileName);
                    string extName  = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);
                    fileName  = StringHelpers.UrlFormatConverter(fileName);
                    fileName += StringHelpers.GetCode();
                    var klasoryolu = Server.MapPath("~/Upload/");
                    var dosyayolu  = Server.MapPath("~/Upload/") + fileName + extName;

                    if (!Directory.Exists(klasoryolu))

                    WebImage img = new WebImage(dosyayolu);
                    img.Resize(250, 250, false);
                    data.AvatarPath = "/Upload/" + fileName + extName;

                var a = new MalfunctionRepo().Insert(data);

                TempData["Message"] = $"Kaydınız Alınmıştır";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void UpdateMalfunction_MalfunctionIsNotRepaired_SetEquipmentAsNonOperational()
            var id = 1;
            var malfunctionInDb = new Malfunction();
            var equipmentWhoseMalfunctionIsBeingEdited = new Equipment();

            unitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Malfunctions.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id))

            unitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Equipment
                             .SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id == malfunctionInDb.EquipmentId))
            controller.UpdateMalfunction(id, new MalfunctionDto {
                IsRepaired = false
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id)
            IEnumerable <Machine> machines = await _databaseRepository.GetAll <Machine>();

            MalfunctionEditViewModel model = new MalfunctionEditViewModel {
                Machines = machines, Malfunction = new MalfunctionViewModel()

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                IEnumerable <Malfunction> malfunctions = new Malfunction[] { await _databaseRepository.Get <Malfunction>(id) };

                if (malfunctions.First() != null)
                    var malfunctionViewModel = malfunctions.Join(
                        malf => malf.MachineId,
                        mach =>,
                        (malfunction, machine) => new MalfunctionViewModel
                        id          =,
                        Name        = malfunction.Name,
                        Description = malfunction.Description,
                        MachineId   =,
                        MachineName = machine.Name,
                        Status      = malfunction.Status,
                        File        = malfunction.File,
                        Created     = malfunction.Created

                    if (malfunctionViewModel.Any())
                        model.Malfunction = malfunctionViewModel.First();

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void DeleteMalfunction_MalfunctionFoundAndUnrepairedMalfunctionsGreaterThanZero_SetEquipmentIsOperationalToFalse()
            var id = 1;
            var malfunctionInDb = new Malfunction();
            var equipmentWhoseMalfunctionIsBeingDeleted = new Equipment();

            unitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Malfunctions.SingleOrDefault(m => m.Id == id))
            .Returns(new Malfunction());

            unitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Equipment
                             .SingleOrDefault(e => e.Id == malfunctionInDb.EquipmentId)).Returns(equipmentWhoseMalfunctionIsBeingDeleted);

            unitOfWork.Setup(uow => uow.Malfunctions
                             .Find(m => m.EquipmentId == malfunctionInDb.EquipmentId &&
                                   m.Id != malfunctionInDb.Id &&

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(string id, [Bind("MalfunctionId,Status,Title,Content,Resources")] Malfunction malfunction, IFormFile files)
            if (id != malfunction.MalfunctionId)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (files != null)
                    SavePhoto(malfunction, files);

                if (!MalfunctionExists(malfunction.MalfunctionId))

                // Getting the malfunction from db
                var malfunctionToSave = _context.Malfunction.First(mal => mal.MalfunctionId == id);

                // Setting the new values
                malfunctionToSave.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                malfunctionToSave.Status       = malfunction.Status;
                malfunctionToSave.Title        = malfunction.Title;
                malfunctionToSave.Content      = malfunction.Content;
                malfunctionToSave.Resources    = malfunction.Resources;

                // Updating the new malfunction
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Ejemplo n.º 18
        // добавление неисправности
        public async Task AppendMalfunction(MalfunctionViewData malfunctionViewData)
            // поиск неисправности. если мы находим неисправность, то ругаемся что данная неисправность уже существует
            Malfunction malfunction =
                _context.Malfunctions.FirstOrDefault(m => String.Equals(m.Title, malfunctionViewData.Title, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));

            if (malfunction != null)
                throw new WebApiException("Данная неисправность уже существует. Добавить еще одну такую же невозможно");

            // создаем неисправность
            malfunction = new Malfunction {
                TimeToFix = malfunctionViewData.TimeToFix, Title = malfunctionViewData.Title, Details = new List <Detail>()

            // создание и добавление (в случае надобности) новой детали
            for (int i = 0; i < malfunctionViewData.Details.Count; i++)
                // поиск детали по наименованию
                Detail detail = _context.Details.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Title == malfunctionViewData.Details[i].Title);
                // если мы не находим такую деталь, то мы добавляем ее
                if (detail == null)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

                // после добавления детали при необходимости, добавляем деталь к неисправности

            // добавляем неисправность
            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public static void SeedData(this IApplicationBuilder app, IServiceProvider services)
            var context = services.GetRequiredService <TransITDBContext>();

            if (context.Location.Any() ||
                context.VehicleType.Any() ||
                context.Vehicle.Any() ||
                context.Post.Any() ||
                context.Employee.Any() ||
                context.Country.Any() ||
                context.Currency.Any() ||
                context.Supplier.Any() ||
                context.Malfunction.Any() ||
                context.MalfunctionGroup.Any() ||
                context.MalfunctionSubgroup.Any() ||

            #region Locations
            var LKP1 = new Location()
                Name        = "ЛКП \"Львівелектротранс\"",
                Description = "м. Львів вул. Тролейбусна 1"
            var LKP2 = new Location()
                Name        = "ЛКП \"Львівелектротранс\"",
                Description = "м. Львів вул.Сахарова 2а"
            var LK = new Location()
                Name        = "ЛК АТП-1",
                Description = "м. Львів вул. Авіаційна 1"

            context.Location.AddRange(LKP1, LKP2, LK);

            #region VechileTypes
            var A185 = new VehicleType()
                Name = "Автобус А185"
            var E191 = new VehicleType()
                Name = "Електробус Е191"
            var T3L = new VehicleType()
                Name = "Трамвай Т3L"
            var T191 = new VehicleType()
                Name = "Тролейбус Т191"

            context.VehicleType.AddRange(A185, E191, T3L, T191);

            #region Vehicles
            var electron = new Vehicle()
                VehicleType       = A185,
                Brand             = "Електрон",
                Vincode           = "WR0DA76963U153381",
                InventoryId       = "12314",
                RegNum            = "AC4131CC",
                Model             = "S10",
                Location          = LKP1,
                WarrantyEndDate   = new DateTime(2019, 12, 10),
                CommissioningDate = new DateTime(2017, 12, 10)
            var electron2 = new Vehicle()
                VehicleType       = E191,
                Brand             = "Електрон",
                Vincode           = "WP0CA36863U153382",
                InventoryId       = "124",
                RegNum            = "LV1234VL",
                Model             = "S2",
                WarrantyEndDate   = new DateTime(2019, 05, 09),
                CommissioningDate = new DateTime(2017, 05, 22)

            context.Vehicle.AddRange(electron, electron2);

            #region Posts
            var engineer = new Post {
                Name = "Провідний інженер"
            var boss = new Post {
                Name = "Начальник дільниці"
            var locksmith = new Post {
                Name = "Слюсар механоскладальних робіт"

            context.Post.AddRange(engineer, boss, locksmith);

            #region Employees
            var Ihora = new Employee()
                FirstName   = "Ігор",
                MiddleName  = "Олександрович",
                LastName    = "Баб'як",
                ShortName   = "Ігора",
                BoardNumber = 1,
                Post        = boss
            var Yura = new Employee()
                FirstName   = "Юрій",
                MiddleName  = "Васильович",
                LastName    = "Медведь",
                ShortName   = "Yurik",
                BoardNumber = 5,
                Post        = locksmith
            var Sania = new Employee()
                FirstName   = "Олександр",
                MiddleName  = "Борисович",
                LastName    = "Водзянський",
                ShortName   = "Саня",
                BoardNumber = 2,
                Post        = engineer

            context.Employee.AddRange(Ihora, Yura, Sania);

            #region Countries
            var Ukraine = new Country()
                Name = "Україна"
            var Turkey = new Country()
                Name = "Туреччина"
            var Russia = new Country()
                Name = "Росія"
            var Polland = new Country()
                Name = "Польща"
            var German = new Country()
                Name = "Німеччина"

            context.Country.AddRange(Ukraine, Turkey, Russia, Polland, German);

            #region Currencies
            var USD = new Currency {
                ShortName = "USD", FullName = "Долар"
            var UAH = new Currency {
                ShortName = "UAH", FullName = "Гривня"
            var RUB = new Currency {
                ShortName = "RUB", FullName = "Рубль"
            var GBR = new Currency {
                ShortName = "GBR", FullName = "Great British Pound"
            var EUR = new Currency {
                ShortName = "EUR", FullName = "Євро"

            context.Currency.AddRange(USD, UAH, RUB, GBR, EUR);

            #region Supplier
            var Yunona = new Supplier
                Name     = "Юнона",
                FullName = "ТОВ \"Юнона\"",
                Country  = Ukraine,
                Currency = UAH,
                Edrpou   = "20841865"
            var Tekhnos = new Supplier
                Name     = "Технос",
                FullName = "ООО \"Технос\"",
                Country  = Russia,
                Currency = RUB,
                Edrpou   = "00703"
            var Elephant = new Supplier
                Name     = "Elephant",
                FullName = "Elephant",
                Country  = German,
                Currency = EUR,
                Edrpou   = "04909"

            context.Supplier.AddRange(Yunona, Tekhnos, Elephant);

            #region MalfunctionsWithGroups
            var body = new MalfunctionGroup()
                Name = "Кузов",

            var windows = new MalfunctionSubgroup()
                Name             = "Скління",
                MalfunctionGroup = body
            var brokenWindow = new Malfunction
                Name = "Розбите вікно",
                MalfunctionSubgroup = windows
            var waterLeak = new Malfunction
                Name = "Вікно протікає",
                MalfunctionSubgroup = windows

            var handrails = new MalfunctionSubgroup
                Name             = "Поручні",
                MalfunctionGroup = body
            var missingHandrail = new Malfunction()
                Name = "Зникли поручні",
                MalfunctionSubgroup = handrails
            var brokenHandrail = new Malfunction()
                Name = "Зламані поручні",
                MalfunctionSubgroup = handrails

            var engine = new MalfunctionGroup()
                Name = "Двигун"

            var gasEngine = new MalfunctionSubgroup()
                Name             = "Карбюраторний двигун",
                MalfunctionGroup = engine
            var tooMuchGas = new Malfunction()
                Name = "Залиті Свічки",
                MalfunctionSubgroup = gasEngine
            var noGas = new Malfunction()
                Name = "Перебитий бензонасос",
                MalfunctionSubgroup = gasEngine

            var dieselEngine = new MalfunctionSubgroup()
                Name             = "Дизельний двигун",
                MalfunctionGroup = engine
            var brokenPump = new Malfunction()
                Name = "Зламаний насос великого тиску",
                MalfunctionSubgroup = dieselEngine

            context.MalfunctionGroup.AddRange(body, engine);

            context.MalfunctionSubgroup.AddRange(windows, handrails, gasEngine, dieselEngine);

                brokenWindow, waterLeak,
                missingHandrail, brokenHandrail,
                tooMuchGas, noGas,

            #region Issues
            var userController = services.GetRequiredService <UserManager <User> >();
            var findRegister   = userController.FindByNameAsync("testRegister");
            var register         = findRegister.Result;
            var imissingHandrail = new Issue()
                Malfunction = missingHandrail,
                Vehicle     = electron2,
                Date        = DateTime.Now.Subtract(
                    new TimeSpan(days: 1, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0)),
                Warranty = false,
                Summary  = "ппц шо робити",
                Priority = 1,
                Create   = register,
                Number   = 1,
            var ibrokenHandrail = new Issue()
                Malfunction = brokenHandrail,
                Vehicle     = electron2,
                Date        = DateTime.Now,
                Warranty    = false,
                Summary     = "ппц, спочатку пропали поручні, а тепер їх зламали, шо робити?",
                Priority    = 2,
                Create      = register,
                Number      = 2,
            var iwaterLeak = new Issue()
                Malfunction = waterLeak,
                Vehicle     = electron,
                Date        = DateTime.Now,
                Warranty    = true,
                Summary     = "Третє вікно праворуч протікає під час дощу",
                Priority    = 0,
                Create      = register,
                Number      = 3

            var ibrokenWindows = new Issue()
                Malfunction = brokenWindow,
                Vehicle     = electron,
                Date        = DateTime.Now,
                Warranty    = false,
                Summary     = "розбили два вікна в салоні з лівого боку",
                Priority    = 2,
                Number      = 4,
            var inoGas = new Issue()
                Malfunction = noGas,
                Vehicle     = electron,
                Date        = DateTime.Now,
                Warranty    = true,
                Summary     = "Автобус не заводиться, видно, що перебитий бензонасос",
                Priority    = 2,
                Number      = 5

            context.Issue.AddRange(imissingHandrail, ibrokenHandrail, iwaterLeak,
                                   ibrokenWindows, inoGas);

        public IEnumerable <Malfunction> Get()
            Malfunction m = new Malfunction();

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("CurrentApartment")] int CurrentApartment, [Bind("RequestedBy")] string RequestedBy, [Bind("MalfunctionId,Status,Title,Content,Resources,CurrentApartmentId,RequestedById")] Malfunction malfunction, IFormFile mFiles)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Creating the query of the apartment
                var queryApt = from apt in _context.Apartment
                               where apt.ApartmentId == CurrentApartment
                               select apt;

                // Creating the query of the user
                var queryUsr = from usr in _context.User
                               where usr.Id == RequestedBy
                               select usr;

                // If the id of the apartment/user does not exist in DB
                if (!queryApt.Any() || !queryApt.Any())

                // Adding the apartment to the malfunction to save
                var curApartment = queryApt.First();
                malfunction.CurrentApartment = curApartment;

                // Adding the user to the malfunction to save
                var curUser = queryUsr.First();
                malfunction.RequestedBy = curUser;

                // Adding the creation date and modification date
                malfunction.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
                malfunction.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

                // Uploading photo describing the malfunction
                SavePhoto(malfunction, mFiles);

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
