static void LoadNextMenu(MalformedGameMenu.Reason state)
            // Check the build state
            if (state == MalformedGameMenu.Reason.None)
                // Get the scene manager to change scenes
                Singleton.Get <SceneTransitionManager>().LoadMainMenu();
                // Show the malformed menu
                MalformedGameMenu menu = Singleton.Get <MenuManager>().Show <MalformedGameMenu>();

                // Update the reasoning
        IEnumerator DelayedFadeOut()
            float startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            buildState = MalformedGameMenu.Reason.None;

            // Show the Malformed game menu if there's any problems
            yield return(StartCoroutine(VerifyBuild()));

            // Check how much time has passed
            float logoDisplayDuration = minimumLogoDisplayDuration - (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime);

            if (logoDisplayDuration > 0)
                // Wait for the designated time
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(logoDisplayDuration));

            // Check the build state
        IEnumerator VerifyBuild()
            if (Singleton.Instance.IsWebApp == true)
                // Grab the web checker
                WebLocationChecker webChecker = Singleton.Get <WebLocationChecker>();
                if (webChecker != null)
                    // Wait until the webchecker is done
                    while (webChecker.CurrentState == WebLocationChecker.State.InProgress)
                        yield return(null);

                    // Check the state
                    switch (webChecker.CurrentState)
                    case WebLocationChecker.State.EncounteredError:
                        buildState = MalformedGameMenu.Reason.CannotConfirmDomain;

                    case WebLocationChecker.State.DomainDidntMatch:
                        buildState = MalformedGameMenu.Reason.IsIncorrectDomain;
            else if ((Application.genuineCheckAvailable == true) && (Application.genuine == false))
                buildState = MalformedGameMenu.Reason.IsNotGenuine;

            // Check if we're simulating failure
            if (Singleton.Instance.IsSimulatingMalformedGame == true)
                // Indicate as such
                buildState = MalformedGameMenu.Reason.JustTesting;
        IEnumerator ShowLoadingScreen()
            // Reset the loading bar
            Vector2 max = loadingBar.anchorMax;

            max.x = 0;
            loadingBar.anchorMax = max;
            buildState           = MalformedGameMenu.Reason.None;

            // Show the Malformed game menu if there's any problems
            yield return(StartCoroutine(VerifyBuild()));

            // Wait until the loading status is finished
            while (LoadingStatus.IsFinished == false)
                // Update the loading bar
                max.x = LoadingStatus.Ratio;
                loadingBar.anchorMax = max;

                // Wait for a frame
                yield return(null);

            // Wait for a frame
            yield return(null);

            // Make the loading bar full
            max.x = 1;
            loadingBar.anchorMax = max;

            // Wait for a frame
            yield return(null);

            // Get the scene manager to change scenes