Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected string GenerateCode()
        string resultCode = "";

        string sPath = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Url.ToString());
        Match match = Regex.Match(sPath, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        string pageName = match.Groups[1].Value;

        string strCon = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["deepcavi_hdb1"].ConnectionString;

            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strCon))

                TR_AnagTableAdapter adaptTR_Anag = new TR_AnagTableAdapter();
                Main.TR_AnagDataTable tableTR_Anag = new Main.TR_AnagDataTable();
                tableTR_Anag = adaptTR_Anag.GetData();
                DataRow[] rowTR_Anag;
                string tempSelect = "TRAN_Name = '" + pageName + "'";
                rowTR_Anag = tableTR_Anag.Select(tempSelect);

                resultCode = @"
                            <iframe src='" + rowTR_Anag[0]["TRAN_BikemapUrl"] + @"' width='937' height='600'
                                frameborder='0' scrolling='no' marginheight='0' marginwidth='0'>

                return resultCode;
        catch(SqlException err)
            return err.ToString();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public string getTRAN_Name(int record)
     TR_AnagTableAdapter adapt = new TR_AnagTableAdapter();
     Main.TR_AnagDataTable table = new Main.TR_AnagDataTable();
     table = adapt.GetDataBySession(Int32.Parse(ViewState["next10"].ToString()));
     string strTRAN_Name = "";
     strTRAN_Name = table.Rows[record].ItemArray[0].ToString();
     return strTRAN_Name;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected string GenerateCode()
        string resultCode = "";
        string pageName = "";
        string pageId = "";
        string sPath = Server.HtmlEncode(Request.Url.ToString());

        Match match;
            match = Regex.Match(sPath, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            pageName = match.Groups[1].Value;
            TR_AnagForDefaultPageTableAdapter adaptActualTranId = new TR_AnagForDefaultPageTableAdapter();
            //Main.TR_AnagForDefaultPageDataTable tableTR_AnagOnyActiveTr = new Main.TR_AnagForDefaultPageDataTable();

            pageId = adaptActualTranId.ScalarQueryGetTRAN_ID(pageName).ToString().ToUpper();
        catch (Exception)

        string strCon = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["deepcavi_hdb1"].ConnectionString;

            using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strCon))

                TR_ArticTableAdapter adapt = new TR_ArticTableAdapter();
                Main.TR_ArticDataTable table = new Main.TR_ArticDataTable();
                table = adapt.GetDataByTRAN_NameReg(pageName);

                TR_AnagTableAdapter adaptTR_Anag = new TR_AnagTableAdapter();
                Main.TR_AnagDataTable tableTR_Anag = new Main.TR_AnagDataTable();
                tableTR_Anag = adaptTR_Anag.GetData();

                //TR_ListPicTableAdapter adaptListPic = new TR_ListPicTableAdapter();
                //Main.TR_ListPicDataTable tableListPic = new Main.TR_ListPicDataTable();
                //tableListPic = adaptListPic.GetData();

                TR_AnagOnlyEnabledTracksTableAdapter adaptTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr = new TR_AnagOnlyEnabledTracksTableAdapter();
                Main.TR_AnagOnlyEnabledTracksDataTable tableTR_AnagOnyActiveTr = new Main.TR_AnagOnlyEnabledTracksDataTable();
                tableTR_AnagOnyActiveTr = adaptTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr.GetData();

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();


                DataRow[] row1;
                row1 = table.Select("TRAR_PartNum = '1'");

                DataRow[] rowTR_Anag;
                string tempSelect = "TRAN_Name = '" + pageName + "'";
                rowTR_Anag = tableTR_Anag.Select(tempSelect);

                DataRow[] rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr;
                tempSelect = "TRAN_Name = '" + pageName + "'";
                rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr = tableTR_AnagOnyActiveTr.Select(tempSelect);

                int nrOfVideos = 0;
                foreach (DataRow r in table)
                /*                        + rowTR_Anag[0]["TRAN_Title"] + @"</h1><div id='Container'><div id='FlagBlock'><div id='FlagContent'></div></div><p>"
                        + rowTR_Anag[0]["TRAN_Descr"]
                        + @"</p></div></div><asp:Panel ID='Panel1' runat='server' style='position:absolute'>*/
                if (row1[0]["TRAR_VideoHost"].ToString() == "v")
                    resultCode += @"<div class='myPadding'><h1>"
                        + rowTR_Anag[0]["TRAN_Title"] + @"</h1>
                          <div id='FlagContainer'>
                            <div id='FlagBlock'>
                                <img id='imgUserPicture' alt='' src='" + pStrUserImgPath + @"'width='100px' style='border: 1px solid grey'/><br />
                                By <label id='lblUploaderName'>" +pStrUserName+ @"</label>
                                <div id='FlagContent'></div>
                            + rowTR_Anag[0]["TRAN_Descr"]
                            + @"</p></div>
                    <asp:Panel ID='Panel1' runat='server' style='position:absolute'>
                    <div id='FlagContainer'>
                        <p style='padding-left:20px; padding-top:15px; width: 240px; position:absolute'>" + nrOfVideos + @" videos available</p>
                    <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
                            <td style='padding-right:4px; width:247px'>
                            <div class='yoxview' id='videos'>
                            <a href='" + "http://player.vimeo.com/video/" + row1[0]["TRAR_VideoID"] + "?wmode=opaque&byline=0&amp;portrait=0' target='yoxview' style='border-style:none;'>"
                                    + "<img src='Images for html/Temp Images/go to videos clear.png' alt='' title='Part 1' width='241px' height='185' border-style:none; />";
                    resultCode += @"<div class='myPadding'><h1>"
                        + rowTR_Anag[0]["TRAN_Title"] + @"</h1>
                        <div id='FlagContainer'>
                            <div id='FlagBlock'>
                                <img id='imgUserPicture' alt='' src='" + pStrUserImgPath + @"'width='100px' style='border: 1px solid grey'/><br />
                                By <label id='lblUploaderName'>" + pStrUserName + @"</label>
                                <div id='FlagContent'></div>
                            + rowTR_Anag[0]["TRAN_Descr"]
                            + @"</p></div>
                    <asp:Panel ID='Panel1' runat='server' style='position:absolute'>
                    <div id='FlagContainer'>
                        <p style='padding-left:20px; padding-top:15px; width: 240px; position:absolute'>" + nrOfVideos + @" videos available</p>
                    <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
                            <td style='padding-right:4px; width:247px'>
                            <div class='yoxview' id='videos'>
                            <a href='" + "http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + row1[0]["TRAR_VideoID"] + "?wmode=opaque&amp;rel=0&amp;showsearch=0&amp;fs=1' target='yoxview' style='border-style:none;'>"
                                    + "<img src='Images for html/Temp Images/go to videos clear.png' alt='' title='Part 1' width='241px' height='185' style='border-style:none;' />";
                DataRow[] rowsFrom2;
                rowsFrom2 = table.Select("TRAR_PartNum > '1'");
                int count = 0;
                foreach (DataRow row in rowsFrom2)
                    if (rowsFrom2[count]["TRAR_VideoHost"].ToString() == "v")
                        resultCode += @"<a href='" + "http://player.vimeo.com/video/" + rowsFrom2[count]["TRAR_VideoID"] + "?wmode=opaque&byline=0&amp;portrait=0' target='yoxview' style='border-style:none; visibility: hidden; height:0px; width:0px'>"
                            + "<img src='' alt='' title='Part " + (count + 1) + "' />";
                    else if (rowsFrom2[count]["TRAR_VideoHost"].ToString() == "y")
                        resultCode += @"<a href='" + "http://www.youtube.com/embed/" + rowsFrom2[count]["TRAR_VideoID"] + "?wmode=opaque&amp;rel=0&amp;showsearch=0&amp;fs=1' target='yoxview' style='border-style:none; visibility: hidden'; height:0px; width:0px>"
                            + "<img src='' alt='' title='Part " + (count + 1) + "' />";

                resultCode += @"</a>
                                                        <td valign='top'>
                                                            <div class='yoxview'>";

                string picName1 = "";
                picName1 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic1"]) == 1 ? "1.bmp": "";
                string picName2 = "";
                picName2 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic2"]) == 1 ? "2.bmp" : "";
                string picName3 = "";
                picName3 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic3"]) == 1 ? "3.bmp" : "";
                string picName4 = "";
                picName4 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic4"]) == 1 ? "4.bmp" : "";
                string picName5 = "";
                picName5 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic5"]) == 1 ? "5.bmp" : "";
                string picName6 = "";
                picName6 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic6"]) == 1 ? "6.bmp" : "";
                string picName7 = "";
                picName7 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic7"]) == 1 ? "7.bmp" : "";
                string picName8 = "";
                picName8 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic8"]) == 1 ? "8.bmp" : "";
                string picName9 = "";
                picName9 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic9"]) == 1 ? "9.bmp" : "";
                string picName10 = "";
                picName10 = Convert.ToInt16(rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic10"]) == 1 ? "10.bmp" : "";

                match = Regex.Match(picName1, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName1 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName2, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName2 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName3, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName3 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName4, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName4 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName5, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName5 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName6, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName6 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName7, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName7 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName8, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName8 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName9, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName9 = match.Groups[1].Value;
                match = Regex.Match(picName10, @"([A-Za-z0-9_\-]+)\.bmp$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                picName10 = match.Groups[1].Value;

                if (rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic5"].ToString() == "False")
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName1 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName1 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName1 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName1 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName2 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName2 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName2 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName2 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a><br/>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName3 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName3 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName3 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName3 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName4 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName4 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName4 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName4 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";

                else if (rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic7"].ToString() == "False")
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName1 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName1 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName1 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName1 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName2 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName2 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName2 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName2 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName3 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName3 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName3 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName3 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a><br/>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName4 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName4 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName4 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName4 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName5 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName5 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName5 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName5 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName6 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName6 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName6 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName6 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                else if (rowTR_AnagOnlyActiveTr[0]["TRAN_Pic9"].ToString() == "False")
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName1 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName1 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName1 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName1 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName2 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName2 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName2 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName2 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName3 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName3 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName3 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName3 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName4 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName4 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName4 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName4 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a><br/>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName5 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName5 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName5 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName5 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName6 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName6 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName6 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName6 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName7 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName7 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName7 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName7 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";
                    resultCode += @"<a href='Images/" + pageId + "/Large/" + picName8 + @".jpg'><img src='Images/" + pageId + "/Thumb/" + picName8 + @".bmp' alt='" + picName8 + @"' title='" + "Image " + picName8 + @"' width='160' height='90' style='border-style:none; padding-right:5px'/></a>";

                //        resultCode = @"
                //                                    <a href='http://player.vimeo.com/video/27650420?byline=0&amp;portrait=0' target='yoxview' style='border-style:none;'>
                //                                        <img src='Images for html/Temp Images/go to videos.png' alt='' title='Part 1' />
                //                                    </a><a href='http://www.youtube.com/embed/HsM_EEmj7bw?wmode=opaque&amp;rel=0&amp;showsearch=0&amp;fs=1'
                //                                        target='yoxview' style='visibility: hidden'>
                //                                        <img src='' alt='' title='Part 2' />
                //                                    </a><a href='http://www.youtube.com/embed/iA0ROdGxJDA?wmode=opaque&amp;rel=0&amp;showsearch=0&amp;fs=1'
                //                                        target='yoxview' style='visibility: hidden'>
                //                                        <img src='' alt='' title='Part 3' />
                //                                    </a>
                //                                ";
                resultCode += @"
                return resultCode;
        catch (SqlException err)
            return err.ToString();