Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SendQuoteModifyMailSMTP(string dtpLastDateFollowup, string EmailIds, string bidTo, string ProjectName, string BidDate, string QuoteStatus, string LastFollowupby, string FollowupNote)
            string rcptPrevailingTo = "";
            string rcptPrevailingCC = "";
            string sbody            = "";

            // rcptPrevailingCC = UserInfo.UserName;
            rcptPrevailingCC = Session["User"].ToString();
            sbody            = "<html><head></head>";
            sbody            = sbody + "<body><div style=" + "font-family: 'Calibri', 'sans-serif';font-size: 10px;" + "><span><span style='color:#1F497D'>";
            sbody            = sbody + "<b>The Following Quote Points are Modified  by: " + Session["User"] + "</b>";
            sbody            = sbody + "<table><tr><td><b>Customer<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + bidTo + "</td></tr>";
            sbody            = sbody + "<tr><td><b>Project Description<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + ProjectName + "</td></tr>";
            sbody            = sbody + "<tr><td><b>Quote Date<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + BidDate + "</td></tr>";
            sbody            = sbody + "<tr><td><b>Quote Status<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + QuoteStatus + "</td></tr>";

            if (dtpLastDateFollowup != "")
                sbody = sbody + "<tr><td><b>Date of Last Followup<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + dtpLastDateFollowup + "</td></tr>";

            sbody = sbody + "<tr><td><b>Last Followup by<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + LastFollowupby + "</td></tr>";
            sbody = sbody + "<tr><td><b>Followup Notes<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + FollowupNote + "</td></tr></table>";

            sbody            = sbody + "<b>This E-mail is automatically sent by SR Log Application.<b></span></span></div></body></html>";
            rcptPrevailingTo = EmailIds;
            MailSend m = new MailSend();

            m.sendMail(rcptPrevailingTo, "Quote Modified Status", sbody, rcptPrevailingCC, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void SendISBNAssignMail(ACS.Core.Domain.Product.ProductMaster mobj_ProductMaster)
                ExecutiveMaster mobj_ExecutiveMaster = _ExecutiveService.GetExecutiveById(mobj_ProductMaster.EnteredBy);
                string          mstr_body            = string.Empty;
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/MailHtml/ISBNAssignMail.html"))))
                    mstr_body = reader.ReadToEnd();
                mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("{ExecutiveName}", mobj_ExecutiveMaster.executiveName);
                mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("{ProductCode}", mobj_ProductMaster.ProductCode);
                mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("{ISBN}", mobj_ProductMaster.OUPISBN);

                string mstrFromEmailID = _ISettingService.getValueByKey("FromEmailID");
                string mstrBCCEmailID  = _ISettingService.getValueByKey("BCCEmailId");
                if (mstrFromEmailID != "" && mstrFromEmailID != null)
                    MailSend.SendMail(mstr_body, mobj_ExecutiveMaster.Emailid, mstrFromEmailID, mstrBCCEmailID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //_ILogger.Error(string.Format("Problem in Send Reply For Service", ex.Message), ex);
        private void sendMail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MailSend frm = new MailSend();

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void SendEmail(ContactUS cu)
            string emailContent = "";

            //var emailContent = string.Format(content, paymentInfo.InvoiceNumber, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
            //    , Request.Form["firstname"]
            //    , Request.Form["email"]
            //    , Request.Form["phone"]
            //    , Request.Form["productinfo"]
            //    , Request.Form["mihpayid"]
            //    , Request.Form["txnid"]
            //    , Request.Form["MachineMac"]
            //    , paymentInfo.MachineIp
            //    , paymentInfo.Browser
            //    , Request.Form["status"]
            //    , Request.Form["error"] + " " + Request.Form["error_Message"]
            //    , paymentInfo.Amount,
            //    paymentInfo.Currency);

            emailContent  = "First Name: " + cu.FirstName;
            emailContent += "Last Name: " + cu.LastName;
            emailContent += "Email: " + cu.Email;
            emailContent += "Phone: " + cu.Phone;
            emailContent += "Company:" + cu.Company;
            emailContent += "ContactUs_Request:" + cu.ContactUs_Request;

            MailSend send = new MailSend();

            send.Send("title of email", emailContent);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 private void GelBilgi()
         string[] Gelen = g.GidenBilgi(SifremiUnuttumEpostaBox.Text);
         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Gelen[0]))
             string EpostsAdres = SifremiUnuttumEpostaBox.Text;
             string personel    = Gelen[0].ToString();
             personel = Ortak.Decrypt(personel);
             string Sifre = Gelen[1].ToString();
             Sifre = Ortak.Decrypt(Sifre);
             string mesaj = "Sayın " + personel + "\n\r" + Ortak.E_Ticaret_SiteAdi + " kayıtlı üyelik bilgileriniz aşağıdaki gibidir.\n\rKullanıcı Adınız :" + EpostsAdres + "\n\rŞifreniz :" + Sifre + "\n\r\n\r" + "*Bu yalnızca gönderim amaçlı bir e-posta adresidir. Bu iletiyi yanıtladığınızda, yanıtınız izlenmez veya cevaplanmaz.\n\rSaygılarımızla...\r" + Ortak.E_Ticaret_SiteAdi + "\r" + Ortak.Eposta + "\r" + Ortak.SiteAdresi_http;
             MailSend.SifreYenileMail(EpostsAdres, "Şifre Hatırlatma | " + Ortak.E_Ticaret_SiteAdi, mesaj);
             SifreBox.Text = "";
             Ortak.MesajGoster("Şifre E-Posta Adresine Gönderilmiştir.");
             SifremiUnuttumDiv.Visible    = false;
             KullaniciAdiBox.Text         = "";
             SifreBox.Text                = "";
             SifremiUnuttumEpostaBox.Text = "";
             Ortak.MesajGoster("E-posta adresi bulanamadı ya da hatalı. Lütfen tekrar deneyiniz.");//!!! Dil
     catch (Exception)
         Ortak.MesajGoster("Hata !!! Lütfen bilgileri kontrol edip tekrar deneyiniz.");//Dil !!!
        public ActionResult Index3(string _from, string _subject, string _body)
            MailSend mail = new MailSend();

            mail.SendMail(_from, _subject, _body);

            return(Content("Error...Go Back"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public NewUserController(IBOUsers IBOUsers, IBOCountry IBOCountry, IHostingEnvironment HostEnvironment, IConfiguration configuration, IMemoryCache memoryCache)
     _IBOUsers        = IBOUsers;
     _IBOCountry      = IBOCountry;
     _HostEnvironment = HostEnvironment;
     _config          = configuration;
     _cache           = memoryCache;
     _mail            = new MailSend(_HostEnvironment, _config);
        public async Task <IActionResult> Contact(MailSend mail)
            EmailService email   = new EmailService();
            var          subject = "Hello from" + " " + mail.FirstName + " " + mail.LastName;
            await email.SendEmailAsync(mail.Email, subject, mail.DateOfBird.ToString());

            mail = new MailSend();
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public string SendMailForgetPassword(ExecutiveMaster executive)
                string mstr_body = string.Empty;
                string EmailTO   = string.Empty;

                EmailTO = executive.Emailid;

                    StringBuilder mstr_searchparameter = new StringBuilder();

                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/MailHtml/ForgetPassword.html"))))
                        mstr_body = reader.ReadToEnd();

                    //    mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("#List", mstr_searchparameter.ToString());

                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

                    mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("#Date", now.ToString("D"));

                    mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("#MailDescription", "Your Password is : " + _encryptionService.DecryptText(executive.Password, "5152549987117761"));

                    mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("#RequstPersonName", executive.FullName());
                    mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("#UpdateDate", now.toDDMMYYYY());
                    //mstr_body = mstr_body.Replace("#websiteImageURl#", _IServiceApplicationEmailSetup.getMailDescriptionByKey("FileUploadURL"));

                    string mstrEmailToID   = EmailTO;
                    string mstrFromEmailID = _IServiceApplicationEmailSetup.getFromEmailIdByKey("FromEmailId");

                    string mstrSubject = "Forgot Password";

                    if (mstrEmailToID != "" && mstrEmailToID != null)
                        return(MailSend.SendMail_str(mstr_body, mstrEmailToID, mstrFromEmailID, mstrSubject));
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void SendResetPasswordEmail(string toEmail, string userName, string guid)
            const string xsmtpapi = "{\"to\": [\"{EmailTo}\"], \"sub\" : { \"%UserName%\" : [\"{UserName}\"], \"%Guid%\" : [\"{Guid}\"]}}";

            var mail = new MailEndityWithTemplate
                TemplateInvokeName = "ResetPassword",
                ApiKey             = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SendCloud-ApiKey"].ToString(),
                ApiUser            = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SendCloud-ApiUser"].ToString(),
                XsmtpApi           = xsmtpapi.Format(new { EmailTo = toEmail, UserName = userName, Guid = guid })

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public int AddObj(MailSend mail)
            int kq = 0;

                string sql = "insert into MAIL_SEND(MailTypeId, Address, Password, Note) values(" + mail.MailTypeId + ", N'" + mail.Address + "', N'" + mail.Password + "', N'" + mail.Note + "' )";
                kq = dbclass.TruyVan_XuLy(sql);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> SendMailToAll()
            var    user     = _userServcice.Get(2);
            string modelXml = "";

            XmlSerializator.XmlSerialize(user, ref modelXml);
            QRCoderGenerator.GenerateSave(user.Guid.ToString(), $"{user.ExternalClientId}${user.BirthDate}");
            var xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.ActivateNewUser);

            if (MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mail"], $"Activate User -  {user.Name}"))
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public bool UpdateLozinka(int KorisnikId, UserPromjenaLozinkeVM model)
            NastavnoOsoblje x = GetLogirani(KorisnikId);

            if (x.login.Password == model.StaraLozinka)
                x.login.Password = model.NovaLozinka;
                // zbog potrebe testiranja koristimo zadani mail
                //MailSend.Send(_SmtpOptions, x.Ime + " " + x.Prezime, x.PodaciStanovanje.Email, "Uspjesno ste promijenjenili vašu lozinku.");
                MailSend.Send(_SmtpOptions, x.Ime + " " + x.Prezime, "*****@*****.**", "Uspješno ste promijenjenili vašu lozinku.");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ReportDocument cryRpt;

                string expirecheck                      = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30).ToShortDateString();
                string AccExpire                        = DateTime.Parse(expirecheck).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                ltclk_eteacherEntities   db             = new ltclk_eteacherEntities();
                List <MoodlePaymentInfo> paymentRecords = db.MoodlePaymentInfoes.Include("MoodleSubjectInfo").Where(m => m.ExpireDate.ToString().StartsWith(AccExpire) && m.Active == 1).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine("Connected to LTC Payment Gateway...");
                DataTable dtReport = new DataTable();

                //set payment records to datatable
                dtReport = new DataTableOut().ConvertPaymentInfo(paymentRecords.ToList());

                ReportDocument myDataReport = new ReportDocument();
                myDataReport.Load(@"E:\WEB\LTCTEMPLATE NEW\CONSOLE APP\LTCReportGen\LTCReportGen\Reports\DueDates.rpt");

                string datetimenow = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                datetimenow = DateTime.Parse(datetimenow).ToString("dd mm yyyy HH mm ss");
                var filename = "LTC Moodle Account" + datetimenow + ".pdf";

                var fullFilePathAndName = System.IO.Path.Combine("C:/PDFExport/", filename);
                myDataReport.ExportToDisk(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, fullFilePathAndName);
                Console.WriteLine("Report Exported : " + filename + "");

                int sendMail = new MailSend().SendMail(fullFilePathAndName);
                if (sendMail > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Mail Send Success");
                    Console.WriteLine("Mail Send Error");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("LTC ONLINE PAYMENT SYSTEM ERROR");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public async Task <ActionResult> SendNewPassword(int id)
            var user = await clienteAcessoRepo.GetByIdAsync(id);

            if (user.Id > 0)
                var html = string.Format("Olá {0}!<br/> <p>Para acessar o sistema de avaliações PushStars, <a href='http://pushstars.effectlab.com.br'>clique aqui!</a> e digite a senha 123456.</p> <br/> Obrigado!!!", user.Nome);

                await MailSend.SendGridAsync(user.Email.Trim(), user.Nome, "Lembrete de senha", html);

                return(Json(new { erro = false }));
                return(Json(new { erro = true }));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void SendMail()
            IAppConfig mailConfig = new MailAppConfig("apppid", "appkey", SignType.sha1);
            MailSend   submail    = new MailSend(mailConfig);

            submail.AddTo("*****@*****.**", "joe");
            submail.AddCc("*****@*****.**", "leo");
            submail.AddBcc("*****@*****.**", "leo");
            submail.SetSender("*****@*****.**", "leo");
            string resultMessage = string.Empty;

            submail.Send(out resultMessage);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void SendEmail(PaymentInfo paymentInfo, NameValueCollection Params)
            //todo: put in resource file
            string content      = @"Dear TechHighbrows team,

It is to bring to your notice that a payment transaction has been made. Details recorded are as below,

Invoice No : {0}
Date : {1}
Time : {2}
Name : {3}
Email : {4}
Phone : {5}
Product Description : {6}
Amount : {15} {16}
Invoice Number ID : {7}
Transaction ID : {8}
Machine Mac Address : {9}
Machine IP : {10}
Browser : {11}
Status : {12}
Status Message : {13}
Error Code : {14}

Email Sent From THB Online Payments";
            var    emailContent = string.Format(content, paymentInfo.InvoiceNumber, DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(), DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()
                                                , paymentInfo.Name
                                                , paymentInfo.Email
                                                , paymentInfo.Phone
                                                , paymentInfo.ProductInfo
                                                , paymentInfo.InvoiceNumber
                                                , paymentInfo.TxnId
                                                , Request.Form["MachineMac"]
                                                , paymentInfo.MachineIp
                                                , paymentInfo.Browser
                                                , Params["order_status"]
                                                , Params["status_code"]
                                                , Params["status_message"]
                                                , paymentInfo.Amount,
            MailSend send = new MailSend();

            send.Send("Payment From : " + paymentInfo.Email + " Amount : " + paymentInfo.Amount + " Status : " + Params["order_status"], emailContent);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public int UpdateObj(MailSend mail)
            int kq = 0;

                string sql = "update MAIL_SEND set Address = N'" + mail.Address + "', Note=N'" + mail.Note + "', MailTypeId=" + mail.MailTypeId + ", IsActive='" + mail.IsActive + "' where Id =" + mail.Id + " and IsDeleted=0";
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mail.Password))
                    sql = "update MAIL_SEND set Address = N'" + mail.Address + "', Note=N'" + mail.Note + "', MailTypeId=" + mail.MailTypeId + ", Password=N'" + mail.Password + "', IsActive='" + mail.IsActive + "' where Id =" + mail.Id + " and IsDeleted=0";
                kq = dbclass.TruyVan_XuLy(sql);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void GeneralSend()
            SmtpConfig mailConfig = new SmtpConfig();

            SendStatus status = MailSend.MailTo(mailConfig,
                                                new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "王勤军", Encoding.Default),
                                                new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "王勤军", Encoding.Default),

            if (!status.Success)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void InsertMailWS(MailSend ms)
            RestClient client  = new RestClient(this.WSUrl);
            var        request = new RestRequest("Api/Mail/InsertMail", Method.POST);

            request.AddHeader("Authorization", this.AccessKey);
            IRestResponse res             = client.Execute(request);
            ServiceResponse <MailSend> sr = SimpleJson.DeserializeObject <ServiceResponse <MailSend> >(res.Content);

            if (sr.ResponseCode == 1)
                throw new Exception(sr.ResponseMessage);
            if (res.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                throw new Exception(res.StatusDescription);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void SendCustomerMailSMTP(int CustomerId, string CustomerName)
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db      = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();
            SettingsRepository         setting = new SettingsRepository();
            string rcptCustInfoTo = "";

            string sbody = "";
            List <Customer_Info_Mail> lstcustmailto = setting.GetCustomerInfoMail();

            foreach (var i in lstcustmailto)
                rcptCustInfoTo += i.CustomerInfoMail + ";";

            sbody = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html; charset=us-ascii'><meta name=Generator content='Microsoft Word 12 (filtered medium)'></head>";
            sbody = sbody + "<P style='color:#1F497D';><body lang=EN-US link=blue vlink=purple><div class=Section1><p class=MsoNormal><span style='font-size:12pt;font-family:'tahoma, verdana, 'sans-serif'''><span style='color:#1F497D'>";
            sbody = sbody + "<b> The Following Customer is added in database by user : "******"User"]) + "</b><br><br>";
            List <tblCustAddress> custAddressDetails = db.tblCustAddresses.Where(x => x.CustomerId == CustomerId).ToList();

            sbody = sbody + "<table style='font-size:12pt;font-family:'tahoma, verdana, 'sans-serif'''>";
            sbody = sbody + "<tr><td><b>CustomerName<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + CustomerName + "</td></tr>";

            if (custAddressDetails != null)
                if (custAddressDetails.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < custAddressDetails.Count(); i++)
                        sbody = sbody + "<tr><td><b>Jobsite Address<b></td><td>: </td><td>" + custAddressDetails[i].Address1 + "</td></tr>";

            sbody = sbody + "</table>";
            sbody = sbody + "<br />";
            sbody = sbody + "<b>This E-mail is automatically sent by SR Log Database.<b></body></html>";

            MailSend m = new MailSend();

            m.sendMail(rcptCustInfoTo, "SR Log - New Customer Created", sbody, "", true);
        public void Migrate()
            var oldMailSends = SourceDbContext.MailSends.ToList();

            foreach (var oldMailSend in oldMailSends)
                var newEntity = new MailSend()
                    Id          = _mailSendKeyMapper.MapKey(oldMailSend.Id),
                    SendOn      = oldMailSend.SendOn,
                    FromAddress = oldMailSend.FromAddress,
                    ToAddress   = oldMailSend.ToAddress,
                    Subject     = oldMailSend.Subject,


Ejemplo n.º 23
        private bool getNewQrClient(long userid)
            var    user     = _userServcice.GetUserDetail(userid);
            string modelXml = "";

            XmlSerializator.XmlSerialize(user, ref modelXml);
            QRCoderGenerator.GenerateSave(user.Guid.ToString(), $"{user.ExternalClientId}${user.BirthDate}");
            string xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.NewQRCodeLipsClient);

            if (MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, user.Email, $"Aanvraag QR code door {user.Name}, {user.Institution.Address}"))
                xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.NewQRCodeLips);

                if (MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mail"], $"Aanvraag QR code door {user.Name}, {user.Institution.Address}"))
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void SendMail()
            IAppConfig mailConfig = new MailAppConfig("10050", "2be0927e1628e16e1ccdb6f5800caac9", SignType.sha1);
            MailSend   submail    = new MailSend(mailConfig);

            submail.AddTo("*****@*****.**", "joe");
            submail.AddCc("*****@*****.**", "leo");
            submail.AddBcc("*****@*****.**", "leo");
            submail.SetSender("*****@*****.**", "leo");

            string resultMessage = string.Empty;

            if (submail.Send(out resultMessage) == false)
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> UserRegister([FromBody] UserRegisterObject user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var controllerResult = new PaymentController((RegisterUserService)_registerUserService, (InstitutionService)_institutionService);
                var modelDto         = new RegisterUserDto
                    BankId                 = user.BankID,
                    City                   = user.City,
                    Email                  = user.Email,
                    Gender                 = (int)user.Gender,
                    HouseNumber            = user.HouseNumber,
                    InstitutionHouseNumber = user.InstitutionHouseNumber,
                    InstitutionId          = user.InstitutionId,
                    Name                   = user.Name,
                    Phone                  = user.PhoneNumber,
                    PostCode               = user.Postcode,
                    Street                 = user.Street,
                    Guid                   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    ModifiedDate           = DateTime.Now,
                    PaymentStatus          = PaymentStatusEnumDto.New,
                    DateOfBirth            = DateTime.ParseExact(user.DateOfBirth, "dd-MM-yyyy", null)
                var    registeredUser = _registerUserService.Create(modelDto);
                string modelXml       = "";
                XmlSerializator.XmlSerialize(modelDto, ref modelXml);

                var tmp = await controllerResult.CreateMandate(user.BankID, registeredUser);

                var xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.PaymentPendingClient);
                if (MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, user.Email, "In afwachting van uw betaling"))
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> ContactRequest(ContactRequestObject contact)
            var user = _userServcice.GetUserDetail(this.userid);

            contact.Address     = user.Address;
            contact.Institution = user.Institution.Address;
            contact.NameAuth    = user.Name;
            contact.ClientId    = user.ExternalClientId;
            string modelXml = "";

            XmlSerializator.XmlSerialize(contact, ref modelXml);
            string xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.ContactRequestLips);

            if (MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mail"], $"Contact aanvraag  door  {contact.Name} voor {contact.NameAuth}, {contact.Institution}"))
                xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.ContactRequestClient);
                if (MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, user.Email, $"Contact aanvraag  door  { contact.Name} voor { contact.NameAuth}, { contact.Institution}"))
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> UpdateStatus(long userID, string mandateId)
            CustomDelegatingHandler customDelegatingHandler = new CustomDelegatingHandler();
            HttpClient client = HttpClientFactory.Create(customDelegatingHandler);

            ServicesRoot body = new ServicesRoot();

            body.Services             = new ServicesObject();
            body.Services.ServiceList = new List <ServiceList>()
                new ServiceList()
                    Name       = "emandate",
                    Action     = "GetStatus",
                    Parameters = new List <ParameterObject>()
                        new ParameterObject()
                            Name  = "mandateid",
                            Value = mandateId
            var user = _registerUser.Get(userID);

            if (user.IsMailSend)
                return(BadRequest("Mail was send"));

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(apiBaseAddress, body);

            var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

            if (user.MandateId == mandateId)
                var resultObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServicesObject>(result);
                PaymentStatusEnumDto enumStatus;
                if (Enum.TryParse(resultObject.Services.FirstOrDefault().Parameters.Where(m => { return(m.Name == "EmandateStatus"); }).FirstOrDefault().Value, out enumStatus))
                    string IBAN = resultObject.Services.FirstOrDefault().Parameters.Where(m => { return(m.Name == "Iban"); })?.FirstOrDefault()?.Value;
                    user.IBAN   = IBAN;
                    user.Amount = resultObject.Services.FirstOrDefault().Parameters.Where(m => { return(m.Name == "MaxAmount"); })?.FirstOrDefault()?.Value;
                    string modelXml = "";

                    XmlSerializator.XmlSerialize(user, ref modelXml);

                    string xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.PaymentNewClient);

                    MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, user.Email, "WasApp " + user.Name + " - New user");

                    xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.PaymentLastStatusClient);
                    if (enumStatus == PaymentStatusEnumDto.Success)
                        MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, user.Email, "Ontvangstbevestiging van uw betaling");
                        xslt = Convert.ToString(Lips.Tool.Properties.Resources.PaymentNewClientLips);

                        if (MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["mail"], $"Automatische incasso {user.Name}, {user.InstitutionId}"))
                            user.IsMailSend = true;
                    //   else if (enumStatus == PaymentStatusEnumDto.Failure)
                    //   {
                    //       MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, user.Email, "WasApp " + user.Name + "- payment " + user.MandateId + " failured");
                    //   }
                    //   else if (enumStatus == PaymentStatusEnumDto.Failure)
                    //   {
                    //       MailSend.SendMail(modelXml, xslt, user.Email, "WasApp " + user.Name + "- payment " + user.MandateId + " cancelled");
                    //   }

                    user.PaymentStatus = enumStatus;
                    return(Ok(resultObject.Services.FirstOrDefault().Parameters.Where(m => { return m.Name == "EmandateStatus"; })));
                    return(BadRequest("Wrong Payment status"));
                return(BadRequest("Wrong MandateID"));
Ejemplo n.º 28
 void sendParcelSentEmailNotification(Invoice invoice)
     MailSend email = new MailSend(invoice, Enums.MessageType.PARCEL_SENT_NOTIFICATION);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void SendMail(MailInput mail)
            if (mail.To == "")
                throw new Exception("Please enter an E-Mail address to 'To' parameter!");
                if (mail.To.Contains(';') == false)
                    var addr = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(mail.To);
                    foreach (string item in mail.To.Split(';'))
                        if (item != "")
                            var addr = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(item);

                if (mail.CC != null)
                    if (mail.CC.Contains(';') == false)
                        var addr = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(mail.CC);
                        foreach (string item in mail.CC.Split(';'))
                            if (item != "")
                                var addr = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(item);
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Exception("One of the receipent mail addresses are not valid.");

            if (mail.ConnectionMethod == null)
                throw new Exception("Please select a connection method.");

            if (mail.MailType == null)
                throw new Exception("Please select a mail type.");
            //prepare object instance
            MailSend ms = new MailSend();

            if (mail.MailTemplateId != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.ConnectionString))
                    throw new Exception("Template stucture is only available with db connection.");
                List <IDataParameter> paramlist = new List <IDataParameter>();
                paramlist.Add(new CustomParameter("id", mail.MailTemplateId));
                List <MailTemplate> mtlist = qm.GetQueryResult <MailTemplate>("GetMailTemplate", paramlist);
                if (mtlist.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Mail Template has not been found on db!");
                    MailTemplate mt        = mtlist[0];
                    string[]     variables = null;

                    string body = File.ReadAllText(mt.TemplateText);
                    if (mt.Variables != "" && mt.Variables.Contains(","))
                        variables = mt.Variables.Split(',');
                    if (mt.QueryType == "select")
                        DataTable dt = qm.GetQueryResultDataTableDirect(mt.Query, null);
                        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                            string itr = "";
                            if (body.Contains("##for") && body.Contains("##endfor"))
                                Regex           rgx   = new Regex("##for(\n|.)*##endfor");
                                MatchCollection mtcol = rgx.Matches(body);
                                foreach (Match mtc in mtcol)
                                    if (mtc.Success)
                                        itr = mtc.Value;

                                        string newstr  = itr;
                                        string lastStr = "";
                                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                                            foreach (string vr in variables)
                                                newstr = newstr.Replace("#" + vr, dr[vr].ToString());
                                            lastStr = lastStr + newstr;
                                            newstr  = itr;
                                        body = body.Replace(itr, lastStr);

                            DataRow drow = dt.Rows[0];
                            foreach (string vr in variables)
                                body = body.Replace("#" + vr, drow[vr].ToString());
                            body = body.Replace("##for", "").Replace("##endfor", "");
                    else if (mt.QueryType == "execute")
                        int result = qm.ExecuteQueryText(mt.Query);
                        throw new Exception("Please choose querytype between select and execute options.");

                    ms.Body = body;
                ms.Body = mail.Body;

            ms.FilePath   = mail.AttachPath;
            ms.MailType   = Convert.ToInt16(mail.MailType);
            ms.MailStatus = 1;
            ms.Module     = "";
            ms.Sender     = mail.From;
            ms.SendDate   = mail.SendDate;
            ms.Subject    = mail.Subject;
            ms.ToAddress  = mail.To;
            ms.CC         = mail.CC;
            ms.InsertDate = DateTime.Now;
            if (ms.SendDate == null)
                ms.SendDate = DateTime.Now;

            //insert to sendmail

            if (mail.ConnectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.DataBase)
                if (ConnectionString == "")
                    throw new Exception("Altough your connection method is Database. Your connection string is empty!. Please enter valid database connection string into constructor method.");
            else if (mail.ConnectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.WebApi)
                if (AccessKey == "")
                    throw new Exception("Altough your connection method is Web Api. Your AccessKey is empty!. Please enter valid Access Key  into constructor method.");
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public static bool addMember(Member member, Guid tenantId)
            bool isV = false;

                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                member.createTime = now;
                member.updateTime = now;
                member.memberCode = getMemberCode();
                member.password   = Utils.ConverToMD5(member.password);
                int    memberId = DataManager.memberDao.addMember(member);
                Tenant tenant   = DataManager.tenantDao.getTenant(tenantId);
                Member admin    = DataManager.memberDao.getMember(tenant.createdMemberId);

                TenantSetting setting = DataManager.tenantDao.getTenantSetting(tenantId, "MemCheckType");
                if (setting != null)
                    TenantSetting   mailInfo = null;
                    MailInfo        mail     = null;
                    string          type     = null;
                    List <MailSend> sendList = new List <MailSend>();
                    switch (setting.content)
                    case "Auto":
                        mailInfo = DataManager.tenantDao.getTenantSetting(tenantId, "MemPassMailInfo");
                        mail     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MailInfo>(mailInfo.content);
                        type     = "會員自動審核";

                    case "Manual":
                        mailInfo = DataManager.tenantDao.getTenantSetting(tenantId, "MemReviewMailInfo");
                        mail     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MailInfo>(mailInfo.content);
                        type     = "會員審核提醒";
                    if (mail != null)
                        MailSend mailSend = new MailSend
                            memberId   = memberId,
                            tenantId   = tenantId.ToString(),
                            mail       = member.email,
                            tenantName = tenant.tenantName,
                            CC         = admin.email
                        Debug.WriteLine("asdsada" + mail.content.Replace("\n", "</br>"));
                        MailNotice mailNotice = new MailNotice
                            tenantId   = tenantId,
                            type       = type,
                            title      = mail.subject,
                            content    = mail.content.Replace("\n", "</br>"),
                            sendTo     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sendList),
                            isAuto     = true,
                            dtSend     = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10),
                            isSend     = false,
                            status     = "正常",
                            createTime = DateTime.Now,
                            creator    = memberId

                TenantMember tenantMember = new TenantMember();
                tenantMember.tenantId   = tenantId;
                tenantMember.memberId   = memberId;
                tenantMember.isBlockade = false;
                tenantMember.status     = "待審核";
                tenantMember.creator    = member.memberId;
                tenantMember.createTime = now;
                tenantMember.updateTime = now;

                isV = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine("[CMemberManager-addMember] error:" + e.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public NastavnoOsoblje Add(NastavnikDodajVM model)
            PodaciRodjenje podaciRodjenje = new PodaciRodjenje
                DatumRodjenja = model.DatumRodjenja,
                OpćinaRođenja = model.OpcinaRodjenja,
                GradID        = model.MjestoRodjenjaID,
                DrzavaID      = model.DrzavaRodjenjaID


            PodaciStanovanje podaciStanovanje = new PodaciStanovanje
                GradID             = model.GradID,
                DrzavaID           = model.DrzavaID,
                OpćinaPrebivalista = model.OpćinaPrebivalista,
                Adresa             = model.Adresa,
                BrojTelefona       = model.BrojTelefona,
                Email = model.Email


            OstaliPodaciNastavnoOsoblje ostaliPodaci = new OstaliPodaciNastavnoOsoblje
                Drzavljanstvo = model.Drzavljanstvo,
                Nacionalnost  = model.Nacionalnost


            PodaciZanimanje podaciZanimanje = new PodaciZanimanje
                ZavrsenaSkola     = model.ZavrsenaSkola,
                ZavrsenFakultet   = model.Fakultet,
                ZavrsenoZanimanje = model.ZavrsenoZanimanje,
                BrojDiplome       = model.BrojDiplome,
                StrucnaSpremaID   = model.StrucnaSpremaID,
                DrzavniIspit      = model.PosjedujeDrzavniIspit


            Login log = new Login
                Password = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 6)

            if (_context.login.Where(x => x.Username == model.Ime.ToLower() + "." + model.Prezime.ToLower()).SingleOrDefault() == null)
                log.Username = model.Ime.ToLower() + "." + model.Prezime.ToLower();
                log.Username = model.Prezime.ToLower() + "." + model.Ime.ToLower();


            NastavnoOsoblje nastavnoOsoblje = new NastavnoOsoblje
                Ime                         = model.Ime,
                ImeRoditelja                = model.ImeRoditelja,
                Prezime                     = model.Prezime,
                Pol                         = model.Pol,
                JMBG                        = model.JMBG,
                PodaciRodjenje              = podaciRodjenje,
                PodaciStanovanje            = podaciStanovanje,
                OstaliPodaciNastavnoOsoblje = ostaliPodaci,
                podaciZanimanje             = podaciZanimanje,
                login                       = log,
                PhotoPath                   = FileUploadDelete.Upload(_hostingEnvironment, model.Photo, "imageUpload")


            MailSend.Send(_smtpConfig, nastavnoOsoblje.Ime + " " + nastavnoOsoblje.Prezime, "*****@*****.**",
                          "Dodani ste kao korisnik aplikacije.\nVaši login podaci: \nUsername: "******"\nPassword: " + log.Password);
