Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static ILookup <string, string> HeaderLookup(this MailItem mailItem)
            var headerString  = mailItem.HeaderString();
            var headerMatches = Regex.Matches(headerString, HeaderRegex, RegexOptions.Multiline).Cast <Match>();

            return(headerMatches.ToLookup(h => h.Groups["header_key"].Value, h => h.Groups["header_value"].Value));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void CreateNewMailToSecurityTeam(IRibbonControl control)
            Selection selection =

            if (selection.Count == 1)                 // Check that selection is not empty.
                object   selectedItem = selection[1]; // Index is one-based.
                Object   mailItemObj  = selectedItem as Object;
                MailItem mailItem     = null;         // selectedItem as MailItem;
                if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem)
                    mailItem = selectedItem as MailItem;

                MailItem tosend = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);

                #region create mail from default
                    tosend.To      = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail;
                    tosend.Subject = "[User Alert] Suspicious mail";

                    tosend.CC  = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail_cc;
                    tosend.BCC = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail_bcc;

                    #region retrieving message header
                    string allHeaders = "";
                    if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem)
                        string[] preparedByArray = mailItem.Headers("X-PreparedBy");
                        string   preparedBy;
                        if (preparedByArray.Length == 1)
                            preparedBy = preparedByArray[0];
                            preparedBy = "";
                        allHeaders = mailItem.HeaderString();
                        string typeFound = "unknown";
                        typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem) ? "MailItem" : typeFound;

                        if (typeFound == "unknown")
                            typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.MeetingItem) ? "MeetingItem" : typeFound;

                        if (typeFound == "unknown")
                            typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.ContactItem) ? "ContactItem" : typeFound;

                        if (typeFound == "unknown")
                            typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.AppointmentItem) ? "AppointmentItem" : typeFound;

                        if (typeFound == "unknown")
                            typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.TaskItem) ? "TaskItem" : typeFound;

                        allHeaders = "Selected Outlook item was not a mail (" + typeFound + "), no header extracted";


                    string SwordPhishURL = SwordphishObject.SetHeaderIDtoURL(allHeaders);

                    if (SwordPhishURL != SwordphishObject.NoHeaderFound)
                        string SwordPhishAnswer = SwordphishObject.SendNotification(SwordPhishURL);
                        tosend.Body  = "Hello, I received the attached email and I think it is suspicious";
                        tosend.Body += "\n";
                        tosend.Body += "I think this mail is malicious for the following reasons:";
                        tosend.Body += "\n";
                        tosend.Body += "Please analyze and provide some feedback.";
                        tosend.Body += "\n";
                        tosend.Body += "\n";

                        tosend.Body += GetCurrentUserInfos();

                        tosend.Body += "\n\nMessage headers: \n--------------\n" + allHeaders + "\n\n";

                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show("Using default template" + ex.Message);

                    MailItem mi = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);
                    mi.To      = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail;
                    mi.Subject = "Security addin error";
                    String txt = ("An error occured, please notify your security contact and give him/her the following information: " + ex);
                    mi.Body = txt;
            else if (selection.Count < 1)   // Check that selection is not empty.
                MessageBox.Show("Please select one mail.");
            else if (selection.Count > 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select only one mail to be raised to the security team.");
                MessageBox.Show("Bad luck... this case has not been identified by the dev");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void CreateNewMailToSecurityTeam(IRibbonControl control)
            Selection selection =

            if (selection.Count == 1)                 // Check that selection is not empty.
                object   selectedItem = selection[1]; // Index is one-based.
                Object   mailItemObj  = selectedItem as Object;
                MailItem mailItem     = null;         // selectedItem as MailItem;
                if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem)
                    mailItem = selectedItem as MailItem;

                MailItem tosend = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);

                #region create mail from default
                    tosend.To      = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail;
                    tosend.Subject = Resources.EmailSubject;

                    tosend.CC  = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail_cc;
                    tosend.BCC = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail_bcc;

                    #region retrieving message header
                    string allHeaders = "";
                    if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem)
                        string[] preparedByArray = mailItem.Headers("X-PreparedBy");
                        string   preparedBy;
                        if (preparedByArray.Length == 1)
                            preparedBy = preparedByArray[0];
                            preparedBy = "";
                        allHeaders = mailItem.HeaderString();
                        string typeFound = "unknown";
                        typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem) ? "MailItem" : typeFound;

                        if (typeFound == "unknown")
                            typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.MeetingItem) ? "MeetingItem" : typeFound;

                        if (typeFound == "unknown")
                            typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.ContactItem) ? "ContactItem" : typeFound;

                        if (typeFound == "unknown")
                            typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.AppointmentItem) ? "AppointmentItem" : typeFound;

                        if (typeFound == "unknown")
                            typeFound = (selection[1] is Outlook.TaskItem) ? "TaskItem" : typeFound;

                        allHeaders = Resources.ItemNotMail;


                    string SwordPhishURL = SwordphishObject.SetHeaderIDtoURL(allHeaders);

                    if (SwordPhishURL != SwordphishObject.NoHeaderFound)
                        string SwordPhishAnswer = SwordphishObject.SendNotification(SwordPhishURL);
                        tosend.Body  = Resources.EmailBody_line1; //"Hello, I received the attached email and I think it is suspicious";
                        tosend.Body += "\n";
                        tosend.Body += Resources.EmailBody_line2; //"I think this mail is malicious for the following reasons:";
                        tosend.Body += "\n";
                        tosend.Body += Resources.EmailBody_YourReason;
                        tosend.Body += "\n";
                        tosend.Body += Resources.EmailBody_line3; //"Please analyze and provide some feedback.";
                        tosend.Body += "\n";
                        tosend.Body += "\n";

                        tosend.Body += GetCurrentUserInfos();

                        tosend.Body += "\n\n" + Resources.EmailBody_msgHeader + ": \n--------------\n" + allHeaders + "\n\n";

                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    MessageBox.Show(Resources.UsingDefaultTemplate + ex.Message, Resources.MsgBox_Title);

                    MailItem mi = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);
                    mi.To      = Properties.Settings.Default.Security_Team_Mail;
                    mi.Subject = Resources.ErrorSubject;
                    String txt = (Resources.ErrorText + ex);
                    mi.Body = txt;
            else if (selection.Count < 1)   // Check that selection is not empty.
                MessageBox.Show(Resources.MsgSelectOneMail, Resources.MsgBox_Title);
            else if (selection.Count > 1)
                MessageBox.Show(Resources.MsgSelectOnlyOneMail, Resources.MsgBox_Title);
                MessageBox.Show(Resources.MsgBadLuck, Resources.MsgBox_Title);
Ejemplo n.º 4
         *  Helper functions

        private void reportPhishingEmailToSecurityTeam(IRibbonControl control)
            Selection selection           = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveExplorer().Selection;
            string    reportedItemType    = "NaN"; // email, contact, appointment ...etc
            string    reportedItemHeaders = "NaN";

            if (selection.Count < 1) // no item is selected
                MessageBox.Show("Select an email before reporting.", "Error");
            else if (selection.Count > 1) // many items selected
                MessageBox.Show("You can report 1 email at a time.", "Error");
            else // only 1 item is selected
                if (selection[1] is Outlook.MeetingItem || selection[1] is Outlook.ContactItem || selection[1] is Outlook.AppointmentItem || selection[1] is Outlook.TaskItem || selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem)
                    // Identify the reported item type
                    if (selection[1] is Outlook.MeetingItem)
                        reportedItemType = "MeetingItem";
                    else if (selection[1] is Outlook.ContactItem)
                        reportedItemType = "ContactItem";
                    else if (selection[1] is Outlook.AppointmentItem)
                        reportedItemType = "AppointmentItem";
                    else if (selection[1] is Outlook.TaskItem)
                        reportedItemType = "TaskItem";
                    else if (selection[1] is Outlook.MailItem)
                        reportedItemType = "MailItem";

                    // Prepare Reported Email
                    Object   mailItemObj = (selection[1] as object) as Object;
                    MailItem mailItem    = (reportedItemType == "MailItem") ? selection[1] as MailItem : null; // If the selected item is an email

                    MailItem reportEmail = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);
                    reportEmail.Attachments.Add(selection[1] as Object);

                        reportEmail.To      = Properties.Settings.Default.infosec_email;
                        reportEmail.Subject = (reportedItemType == "MailItem") ? "[POTENTIAL PHISH] " + mailItem.Subject : "[POTENTIAL PHISH] " + reportedItemType; // If reporting email, include subject; otherwise, state the type of the reported item

                        // Get Email Headers
                        if (reportedItemType == "MailItem")
                            reportedItemHeaders = mailItem.HeaderString();
                            reportedItemHeaders = "Headers were not extracted because the reported item is not an email. It is " + reportedItemType;

                        // Check if the email is a simulated phishing campaign by Information Security Team
                        string simulatedPhishingURL = GoPhishIntegration.setReportURL(reportedItemHeaders);

                        if (simulatedPhishingURL != "NaN")
                            string simulatedPhishingResponse = GoPhishIntegration.sendReportNotificationToServer(simulatedPhishingURL);
                            // DEBUG: to check if reporting email reaches GoPhish Portal
                            // MessageBox.Show(simulatedPhishingURL + " --- " + simulatedPhishingResponse);

                            // Update GoPhish Campaigns Reported counter

                            // Thanks
                            MessageBox.Show("Good job! You have reported a simulated phishing campaign sent by the Information Security Team.", "We have a winner!");
                            // Update Suspecious Emails Reported counter

                            // Prepare the email body
                            reportEmail.Body  = GetCurrentUserInfos();
                            reportEmail.Body += "\n";
                            reportEmail.Body += GetBasicInfo(mailItem);
                            reportEmail.Body += "\n";
                            reportEmail.Body += GetURLsAndAttachmentsInfo(mailItem);
                            reportEmail.Body += "\n";
                            reportEmail.Body += "---------- Headers ----------";
                            reportEmail.Body += "\n" + reportedItemHeaders;
                            reportEmail.Body += "\n";
                            reportEmail.Body += GetPluginDetails() + "\n\n";

                            //reportEmail.Display(); // Helps in debugginng
                            reportEmail.Send(); // Automatically send the email

                            // Enable if you want a second popup for confirmation
                            // MessageBox.Show("Thank you for reporting. We will review this report soon. - Information Security Team", "Thank you");

                        // Delete the reported email
                    catch (System.Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("There was an error! An automatic email was sent to the support to resolve the issue.", "Do not worry");

                        MailItem errorEmail = (MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem);
                        errorEmail.To      = Properties.Settings.Default.support_email;
                        errorEmail.Subject = "[Outlook Addin Error]";
                        errorEmail.Body    = ("Addin error message: " + ex);
                        //errorEmail.Display(); // Helps in debugginng
                        errorEmail.Send(); // Automatically send the email
                    MessageBox.Show("You cannot report this item", "Error");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Calculating method
        public ModelScoring getSummary(MailItem mailItem)
            // Return if there was a calculation before
            if (checkedMails.ContainsKey(mailItem.EntryID))

            var CheckResults = new List <CheckResult>();

            AnalyzerBody        bodyAnalyse       = new AnalyzerBody();
            AnalyzerAttachement attachmentAnalyze = new AnalyzerAttachement();
            AnalyzerMeta        metaAnalyze       = new AnalyzerMeta();

            Action <List <CheckResult> > addRange = x =>
                if (x != null)
                    x.RemoveAll(y => y == null);


            Debug.WriteLine("---CHECK RESULTS---");
            foreach (CheckResult cr in CheckResults)
            Debug.WriteLine("---END CHECK RESULTS---");

            // Write a new model in checked List and return it
            checkedMails.Add(mailItem.EntryID, new ModelScoring(bodyAnalyse.Score + attachmentAnalyze.Score + metaAnalyze.Score, CheckResults, mailItem.HeaderString(), mailItem.EntryID));
