Ejemplo n.º 1
        /*! \fn void addNewMagazine(int id, string nm, double prc, string img, Magazine.Type type, string Issue,string des,int stok)
         *  \brief A void function.
         *  \details It is used to add magazine into magazine table in database.
         *  \param id (int) id of magazine
         *  \param nm (string) name of magazine
         *  \param prc (double) price of magazine
         *  \param img (string) Cover Page Picture's directory of magazine
         *  \param type (Magazine.Type) type of magazine
         *  \param Issue (string) Issue of magazine
         *  \param des (string) Description of magazine
         *  \param stok (int) Stock Information of magazine
         *  \return void
        public void addNewMagazine(int id, string nm, double prc, string img, Magazine.Type type, string Issue, string des, int stok)
            Magazine magazine = new Magazine(id, nm, prc, img, type, Issue, des, stok);

            Database database = Database.get_instance();

            database.add_magazine("INSERT INTO MagazineTable(Id,Name,Price,Image,Type,Issue,Description,Stock) values(@Id,@Name,@Price,@Image,@Type,@Issue,@Description,@Stock)", magazine);//parametreler databasedeki sıraya göre alındı.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /*! \fn void  btnMagAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         *  \brief A click listener function.
         *  \details It is used to add magazine into magazine table in database.
         *  \param sender an object.
         *  \param e an EventArgs.
         *  \return void
        private void btnMagAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string filename = Application.StartupPath + @"\Magazine\" + (database.MagazineList.Count + 1) + ".jpg";

            using (FileStream fstream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create))
                pcbImage.Image.Save(fstream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            Magazine.Type typ   = (Magazine.Type)cmbMagTyp.SelectedItem;
            Double        price = Double.Parse(txtPrice.Text);

            admin.addNewMagazine((database.MagazineList.Count + 1), txtName.Text, price, null, typ, txtIssue.Text, txtDescription.Text, Convert.ToInt32(StockTxt.Text));