Ejemplo n.º 1
        public List <MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary> GetMacroResult_PCSummary(Guid eclId, EclType eclType)
            string qry = Queries.GetPrincipalComponentSummary(eclId, eclType.ToString());
            var    dt  = DataAccess.i.GetData(qry);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                return(new List <MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary>());

            var itms = new List <MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary>();

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                var itm = new MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary();
                try { itm.PricipalComponentLabelA = dr["PricipalComponentLabelA"].ToString(); } catch { itm.PricipalComponentLabelA = ""; }
                try { itm.PricipalComponentLabelB = dr["PricipalComponentLabelB"].ToString(); } catch { itm.PricipalComponentLabelB = ""; }
                try { itm.Value = double.Parse(dr["Value"].ToString().Trim()); } catch { itm.Value = 0; }
                try { itm.PrincipalComponentIdA = int.Parse(dr["PrincipalComponentIdA"].ToString().Trim()); } catch { itm.PrincipalComponentIdA = 0; }
                try { itm.PrincipalComponentIdB = int.Parse(dr["PrincipalComponentIdB"].ToString().Trim()); } catch { itm.PrincipalComponentIdB = 0; }

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public bool ProcessMacro(int macroId, long affiliateId)
            var qry = Queries.Affiliate_MacroeconomicVariable(affiliateId);
            var dt  = DataAccess.i.GetData(qry);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                affM.Add(DataAccess.i.ParseDataToObject(new AffiliateMacroEconomicVariableOffsets(), dr));

            var lstMacroData = GeneratesaveMacroData(affiliateId, macroId);

            ProcessMacroAnalysis(affiliateId, macroId);

            //return true;

            // Read Eingen final to determine the comp to consider
            var EingenFinalPath = Path.Combine(AppSettings.MacroModelPath, affiliateId.ToString(), "ETI_Eingen_Final.csv");
            var all_Eingen      = File.ReadAllLines(EingenFinalPath);

            var eIngenValues = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 1; i < all_Eingen.Count(); i++)
                if (i == 5)

            // Read loading final to determine the comp to consider
            var LoadingFinalPath = Path.Combine(AppSettings.MacroModelPath, affiliateId.ToString(), "ETI_Loadings_Final.csv");
            var all_loadingFinal = File.ReadAllLines(LoadingFinalPath);

            var dataLoaded = new List <List <double> >();
            var macvarCol  = new List <string>();
            var colCount   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < all_loadingFinal.Length; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                var splitted = all_loadingFinal[i].Split(',');

                splitted = splitted.Skip(1).ToArray();
                colCount = splitted.Count();
                var _joined = string.Join(",", splitted);
                dataLoaded.Add(_joined.Split(',').Select(r => Convert.ToDouble(r)).ToArray().ToList());

            var loadingOutputResult = new List <List <double> >();
            var finalMaxIndex       = new List <int>();

            var actual_macvar = new List <AffiliateMacroEconomicVariableOffsets>();

            for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++)
                var tempResult = new List <double>();
                foreach (var ln in dataLoaded)
                    var val = ln[i];
                    if (val < 0)
                        val = val * -1;
                var _indx = tempResult.Select((n, j) => (Number: n, Index: j)).Max().Index;

                var tkVal = affM.Count >= 4 ? 4 : affM.Count;
                if (colCount < tkVal)
                    tkVal = colCount;
                if (!loadingOutputResult.Contains(dataLoaded[_indx].Take(tkVal).ToList()))
                    var varTitle = macvarCol[_indx];
                    varTitle = varTitle.Replace(" ", "").Replace("\"", "");
                    var indexAndBackLag = varTitle.Replace("Var", "").Split('-');

                    var aff = affM.FirstOrDefault(); //**************************************
                    try { aff = affM[int.Parse(indexAndBackLag[0]) - 1]; } catch { };
                    aff.varTitle       = varTitle.Split('-')[0].Trim();
                    aff.BackwardOffset = 0;
                    if (indexAndBackLag.Length > 1)
                        aff.BackwardOffset = int.Parse(indexAndBackLag[1]);
                        aff.BackwardOffset = 0;

                    if (!actual_macvar.Contains(aff))
                        if (actual_macvar.Count == 3)
                if (loadingOutputResult.Count == tkVal)
            loadingOutputResult = loadingOutputResult.Distinct().ToList();
            var maxBackLag = actual_macvar.Max(o => o.BackwardOffset);

            var macrodataHeader = lstMacroData[0].Split(',').ToList();
            // find and pick columsn to consider

            var positionsToHold = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < actual_macvar.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < macrodataHeader.Count(); j++)
                    if (macrodataHeader[j] == actual_macvar[i].varTitle)

            //Get the actualMacroData for Analysis sheet
            var firstPick   = true;
            var allLineData = new List <List <string> >();
            var actual_filtered_lineData = new List <List <string> >();

            for (int i = 1; i < lstMacroData.Count; i++)
                var _lineData = lstMacroData[i].Split(',');

                var lineData = new List <string>();

                for (int m = 0; m < positionsToHold.Count; m++)
                var npl = _lineData.Last();

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(npl) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(npl))
                        //if (double.Parse(npl.Trim()) > 0)

                        if (firstPick)
                            actual_filtered_lineData.AddRange(allLineData.Skip(i - maxBackLag - 1).Take(maxBackLag).ToList());
                            firstPick = false;

                    catch { }
            ///i have gotten the data on sheet 1 actual_filtered_lineData

            var groupMacroData = GenerateGroupMacroData(actual_filtered_lineData);

            ///the principal component will come from the score final sheet

            var scoreFinalPath = Path.Combine(AppSettings.MacroModelPath, affiliateId.ToString(), "ETI_scores_Final.csv");
            var all_score      = File.ReadAllLines(scoreFinalPath);

            var startPeriod = groupMacroData.FirstOrDefault(o => o.NPL > 0).period;
            var endPeriod   = groupMacroData.LastOrDefault(o => o.NPL > 0).period;
            var scoreValues = new List <double>();

            var mcPrincipalComponent = new List <MacroResult_PrincipalComponent>();

            var started = false;

            var startPos = lstMacroData.Count() - all_score.Count() + 1; // one is to exlude the header

//            var allDataStartPeriod = lstMacroData[startPos].Split(',')[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < all_score.Count(); i++)
                var _singleLine = all_score[i].Split(',');

                var posData = lstMacroData[startPos].Split(',')[0];
                if (posData == startPeriod)//allDataStartPeriod
                    started = true;

                if (started)
                    var mp = new MacroResult_PrincipalComponent();

                    try { mp.PrincipalComponent1 = double.Parse(_singleLine[1].Trim()); } catch { mp.PrincipalComponent1 = 0; }
                    try{ mp.PrincipalComponent2 = double.Parse(_singleLine[2].Trim()); } catch { mp.PrincipalComponent2 = 0; }
                    try{ mp.PrincipalComponent3 = double.Parse(_singleLine[3].Trim()); } catch { mp.PrincipalComponent3 = 0; }
                    try{ mp.PrincipalComponent4 = double.Parse(_singleLine[4].Trim()); } catch { mp.PrincipalComponent4 = 0; }

                if (posData == endPeriod)
                    started = false;
                // allDataStartPeriod = GetNextPeriod(allDataStartPeriod, i);

            //Continue Principal Component
            //////////////////////////Remove IT///////////////////////////////
            mcPrincipalComponent = mcPrincipalComponent.Take(mcPrincipalComponent.Count - 2).ToList(); //removeit
            //////////////////////////Remove IT///////////////////////////////

            // Principal Component SUmmary result
            var groupDataStartPos = groupMacroData.IndexOf(groupMacroData.FirstOrDefault(o => o.period == startPeriod));

            var lstPrinSummary = new List <MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary>();

            for (int i = 0; i < loadingOutputResult.Count; i++)
                var selectedVariable = actual_macvar[i];

                var _extractForPrinCompSummary = groupMacroData.Skip(groupDataStartPos - selectedVariable.BackwardOffset).Take(mcPrincipalComponent.Count).ToList();

                var sum = new MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary();
                sum.PrincipalComponentIdA   = 1;
                sum.PrincipalComponentIdB   = 4 + i;
                sum.PricipalComponentLabelA = "Mean";
                sum.PricipalComponentLabelB = $"PrinComp{i + 1}";
                sum.MacroId = macroId;

                var sum1 = new MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary();
                sum1.PrincipalComponentIdA   = 2;
                sum1.PrincipalComponentIdB   = 4 + i;
                sum1.PricipalComponentLabelA = "std.Dev";
                sum1.PricipalComponentLabelB = $"PrinComp{i + 1}";
                sum1.MacroId = macroId;

                if (i == 0)
                    sum.Value  = _extractForPrinCompSummary.Average(o => o.MacroValue1);
                    sum1.Value = Computation.GetStandardDeviationS(_extractForPrinCompSummary.Select(o => o.MacroValue1));
                if (i == 1)
                    sum.Value  = _extractForPrinCompSummary.Average(o => o.MacroValue2);
                    sum1.Value = Computation.GetStandardDeviationS(_extractForPrinCompSummary.Select(o => o.MacroValue2));
                if (i == 2)
                    sum.Value  = _extractForPrinCompSummary.Average(o => o.MacroValue3);
                    sum1.Value = Computation.GetStandardDeviationS(_extractForPrinCompSummary.Select(o => o.MacroValue3));
                if (i == 3)
                    sum.Value  = _extractForPrinCompSummary.Average(o => o.MacroValue4);
                    sum1.Value = Computation.GetStandardDeviationS(_extractForPrinCompSummary.Select(o => o.MacroValue4));


                sum = new MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary();
                sum.PrincipalComponentIdA   = 3;
                sum.PrincipalComponentIdB   = 4 + i;
                sum.PricipalComponentLabelA = "EigenValues";
                sum.PricipalComponentLabelB = $"PrinComp{i + 1}";
                sum.MacroId = macroId;
                sum.Value   = eIngenValues[i];

                for (int j = 0; j < loadingOutputResult[i].Count; j++)
                    sum = new MacroResult_PrincipalComponentSummary();
                    sum.PrincipalComponentIdA   = 4 + j;
                    sum.PrincipalComponentIdB   = 4 + i;
                    sum.PricipalComponentLabelA = $"PrinComp{j + 1}";
                    sum.PricipalComponentLabelB = $"PrinComp{i + 1}";
                    sum.MacroId = macroId;
                    sum.Value   = loadingOutputResult[i][j];

            // Get Statistical Data
            var statistics = new MacroResult_Statistics();

            try { statistics.IndexWeight1 = eIngenValues[0] < 1 ? 0 : eIngenValues[0]; } catch { statistics.IndexWeight1 = 0; }
            try{ statistics.IndexWeight2 = eIngenValues[1] < 1 ? 0 : eIngenValues[1]; } catch { statistics.IndexWeight2 = 0; }
            try{ statistics.IndexWeight3 = eIngenValues[2] < 1 ? 0 : eIngenValues[2]; } catch { statistics.IndexWeight3 = 0; }
            try{ statistics.IndexWeight4 = eIngenValues[3] < 1 ? 0 : eIngenValues[3]; } catch { statistics.IndexWeight4 = 0; }

            statistics.IndexWeight3 = 0;
            statistics.IndexWeight4 = 0;
            // Get Index Data
            var indxData = new List <MacroResult_IndexData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < mcPrincipalComponent.Count; i++)
                var mcp = mcPrincipalComponent[i];

                var indx = new MacroResult_IndexData();
                // if(extractForPrinCompSummary.Count>(i + maxBackLag))
                // {
                var extractForPrinCompSummary = groupMacroData.Skip(groupDataStartPos).Take(mcPrincipalComponent.Count).ToList();

                indx.MacroId = macroId;
                indx.Period  = extractForPrinCompSummary[i].period;
                indx.BfNpl   = extractForPrinCompSummary[i].NPL;
                mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent1 = mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent1 ?? 0;
                mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent2 = mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent2 ?? 0;
                mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent3 = mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent3 ?? 0;
                mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent4 = mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent4 ?? 0;

                statistics.IndexWeight1 = statistics.IndexWeight1 ?? 0;
                statistics.IndexWeight2 = statistics.IndexWeight2 ?? 0;
                statistics.IndexWeight3 = statistics.IndexWeight3 ?? 0;
                statistics.IndexWeight4 = statistics.IndexWeight4 ?? 0;

                indx.Index = (mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent1.Value * statistics.IndexWeight1.Value) + (mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent2.Value * statistics.IndexWeight2.Value) + (mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent3.Value * statistics.IndexWeight3.Value) + (mcPrincipalComponent[i].PrincipalComponent4.Value * statistics.IndexWeight4.Value);
                // }

            statistics.StandardDev = 0;
            statistics.Average     = 0;
            statistics.Correlation = 0;
            statistics.TTC_PD      = 0;

            try { statistics.StandardDev = Computation.GetStandardDeviationP(indxData.Select(o => o.Index).ToList()); } catch { }
            try{ statistics.Average = indxData.Average(o => o.Index); } catch { }
            try{ statistics.TTC_PD = indxData.Average(o => o.BfNpl); } catch { }

            for (int i = 0; i < indxData.Count; i++)
                indxData[i].StandardIndex = 0;
                try { indxData[i].StandardIndex = (indxData[i].Index - statistics.Average.Value) / statistics.StandardDev.Value; } catch { }

            var arry1     = indxData.Select(o => o.StandardIndex).ToArray();
            var arry2     = indxData.Select(o => o.StandardIndex).ToArray();
            var fitResult = new FitResult();

            statistics.Correlation = fitResult.ComputeCoeff(arry1, arry2);
            // Get CorMat
            var macV1   = groupMacroData.Select(o => o.MacroValue1).ToList();
            var macV2   = groupMacroData.Select(o => o.MacroValue2).ToList();
            var macV3   = groupMacroData.Select(o => o.MacroValue3).ToList();
            var macV4   = groupMacroData.Select(o => o.MacroValue4).ToList();
            var allMacV = new List <List <double> > {
                macV1, macV2, macV3, macV4

            var lstCorMat = new List <MacroResult_CorMat>();

            for (int i = 0; i < actual_macvar.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < actual_macvar.Count; j++)
                    var sum = new MacroResult_CorMat();
                    sum.MacroEconomicIdA    = 0;
                    sum.MacroEconomicIdB    = 0;
                    sum.MacroEconomicLabelA = "";
                    sum.MacroEconomicLabelB = "";
                    sum.Value = 0;
                    try { sum.MacroEconomicIdA = actual_macvar[i].MacroeconomicVariableId; } catch { }
                    try { sum.MacroEconomicIdB = actual_macvar[j].MacroeconomicVariableId; } catch { }
                    try { sum.MacroEconomicLabelA = $"{actual_macvar[i].varTitle}-{actual_macvar[i].BackwardOffset}"; } catch { }
                    try { sum.MacroEconomicLabelB = $"{actual_macvar[j].varTitle}-{actual_macvar[j].BackwardOffset}"; } catch { }
                    sum.MacroId = macroId;
                    try { sum.Value = MathNet.Numerics.Statistics.Correlation.Pearson(allMacV[i], allMacV[j]); } catch { }

            //Delete all affiliate macroData
            qry = Queries.DeleteAffiliateMacroData(macroId, affiliateId);

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            // Save Principal Component Result to DB
            foreach (var prinC in mcPrincipalComponent)
                sb.Append(Queries.MacroResult_PrinC(macroId, prinC.PrincipalComponent1, prinC.PrincipalComponent2, prinC.PrincipalComponent3, prinC.PrincipalComponent4));
            qry = sb.ToString().Replace("NaN", "0");

            sb = new StringBuilder();
            // Save Index Result to DB
            foreach (var mId in indxData)
                sb.Append(Queries.MacroResult_IndxResult(macroId, mId.Period, mId.Index, mId.StandardIndex, mId.BfNpl));
            qry = sb.ToString().Replace("NaN", "0");

            sb = new StringBuilder();
            // Save Statistics Index Result to DB
            sb.Append(Queries.MacroResult_StatisticalIndex(macroId, statistics.IndexWeight1, statistics.IndexWeight2, statistics.IndexWeight3,
                                                           statistics.IndexWeight4, statistics.StandardDev, statistics.Average, statistics.Correlation, statistics.TTC_PD));
            qry = sb.ToString().Replace("NaN", "0");

            sb = new StringBuilder();
            // Save Correlation Mat Index Result to DB
            foreach (var corMar in lstCorMat)
                sb.Append(Queries.MacroResult_CorMat(macroId, corMar.MacroEconomicIdA, corMar.MacroEconomicIdB, corMar.MacroEconomicLabelA, corMar.MacroEconomicLabelB, corMar.Value));
            qry = sb.ToString().Replace("NaN", "0");

            // Save Principal Component Result to DB
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var pcs in lstPrinSummary)
                sb.Append(Queries.MacroResult_PrincipalComponent(macroId, pcs.PrincipalComponentIdA, pcs.PrincipalComponentIdB, pcs.PricipalComponentLabelA, pcs.PricipalComponentLabelB, pcs.Value));
            qry = sb.ToString().Replace("NaN", "0");

            //Actual Selected MacroEconomic Variable
            sb = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (var itm in actual_macvar)
                sb.Append(Queries.MacroResult_SelectedMacroEconomicVariables(itm.BackwardOffset, itm.AffiliateId, itm.MacroeconomicVariableId));
            qry = sb.ToString().Replace("NaN", "0");
