Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Validate_Admin_Password__Change_Screen()
            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";

            TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'LoginSettings']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount      = totalDeviceRows.Count;

            Report.Info(" LoginSettings Password Table Rows : " + rulesCount);
//	        bool isSuccess=true;
            if (rulesCount == 3)
                int rowNum = 1;
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows)
                    IList <TdTag> cols   = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    int           colNum = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            Report.Info("Col Info: " + MacCol.InnerText);
                            //validate lable values
                        if (colNum == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            if (spanVals.Count == 1)
                                Report.Success("Password field validation is Success");

                             * foreach(SpanTag spanVal in spanVals){
                             *      devInfo = spanVal.InnerText;
                             *      if(devInfo.Length > 0){
                             *              devInfoSubstr = devInfo.Substring(1,devInfo.Length-1);	// for validation purpose
                             *      }else{
                             *              //blank
                             *              devInfoSubstr = "";
                             *      }
                             * } */
                    }    //end of Column
                }        //end of ROW
                Report.Failure("Issue with page display !!");
        public void Choose_Attached_DHCPv6_Device_To_Reserved_List(string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6, string argument7)
            //choose IPv6 devices to reserve
            ////choose device from the attached list
            //This method is to select any MAC filter rules to delete
            //argument1 - MAC Address1, argument2- MAC Address2
            //argument3 - MAC Address3, argument4 - MAC Address4
            //argument5 - MAC Address5, argument6 - MAC Address6
            //argument7 - Device Name

            Delay.Seconds(30);                  // to load the pages
            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";


            //DHCP lease table

            TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'AttachedDevicesTable']");
            //Count the total no of IPv4 port Filter rules (rows)
            IList <TrTag> totalDHCPClients  = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");              //Row
            int           rulesCount        = totalDHCPClients.Count;
            string        totalDHCPAttached = "Total Rules : " + rulesCount.ToString();

            Report.Info("Active Attached Devices ", totalDHCPAttached);

            if (rulesCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("DHCP List", "There are no devices to add !!");
                //if there any rules? then choose appropriate radio button
                Report.Info(" There are " + rulesCount.ToString() + " devices attached to this router  !!! ");
                int rowNum = 1;
                //int addCheck = 1;
                Boolean isMatch = false, isMacAddressMatch = false;
                string  macAddress = "", macAddress1 = "", IPAddress = "", devName = "", Wifi_Freq = "";
                string  IPAddressSubStr = "";
                macAddress = argument1 + ":" + argument2 + ":" + argument3 + ":" + argument4 + ":" + argument5 + ":" + argument6;

                foreach (var row in totalDHCPClients)
                    Report.Info("Row : " + rowNum);
//					Report.Info(row.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");                      //column
                    Report.Info(" Total Columns in the Row : ", cols.Count.ToString());

                    int    colNum          = 1;
                    String radiobuttonPath = "";
//					Ranorex.InputTag MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag = null;
//					String newPath = "";
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        //1- Radiobutton, 2-Device name,3-MAC address,4-IP Address,5-Lease time,6-Connected to
                        Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum);
//						Report.Info("MacCol Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);

                        if (colNum == 1)
                            radiobuttonPath = MacCol.GetPath().ToString();
                        else if (colNum == 2)
                            devName = MacCol.InnerText;
                            Report.Info("devName : " + devName);
                        else if (colNum == 3)                           //MAC Address

                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            //Report.Info("span count :  "+spanVals.Count);
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                macAddress1 = spanVal.InnerText;
                                if (macAddress == macAddress1)
                                    Report.Info(" The device with MAC Address -  " + macAddress1 + "  - is attached to the Hub");
//									Report.Info(" Wifi_Freq  : ",Wifi_Freq);
//									Report.Info("Device Name : ", devName);
//									Report.Info("MAC Address to Add :", macAddress1);
                                    isMacAddressMatch = true;

                                     * //									isMatch = true;
                                     * String newPath = "";
                                     * int radVal = rowNum -1;
                                     * newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup' and @type='radio' and @value='"+radVal+"']";
                                     * Ranorex.InputTag MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag = newPath;
                                     * //									MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag = newPath;
                                     * Report.Info("MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag PATH :  ", newPath);
                                     * //									Delay.Seconds(1);
                                     * MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag.PerformClick();	//MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag.Checked = "True";
                                     * //MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag.TagValue ="2";
                                     * Delay.Seconds(1);
                                     * //									string rst = "The following DHCP Client is added to the reserved list !!!";Report.Success(rst);
                                     * Report.Success("The following DHCP Client is added to the reserved list !!!");
                                     * Report.Screenshot("DHCP_Reserved_List",MacCol.Element,true);
                                     * //Report.Screenshot("DHCP_Reserved_List",row.Element,true);
                                     * //break;
                        else if (colNum == 4)                           //Ip Address
                            IPAddress = MacCol.InnerText;
                            //check if the IP Address is IPv6 type,if yes then click the radio button
                            Report.Info(" IPAddress : " + IPAddress);
//							Report.Info(" IPAddress length : " + IPAddress.Length);
                            if (IPAddress.Length <= 0)
                                Report.Failure("InValid IPv4/v6 Address");
                            else if (IPAddress.Length > 0)
                                Report.Info(" IPAddressLength : " + IPAddress.Length);
                                IPAddressSubStr = IPAddress.Substring(0, IPAddress.Length - 3);
                                Report.Info("IPAddressSubStr : " + IPAddressSubStr);
                            //parse the IPv4 address
                            Boolean CheckIPAddress = this.CheckIPv4AddressValid(IPAddressSubStr.Trim());

                            if (CheckIPAddress)
                                Report.Success("Valid IP v4/v6 Address");
                                int isIPv4 = IPAddressSubStr.IndexOf('.');
//								Report.Info(isIPv4.ToString());

                                if (isIPv4 == -1)                                // it is IPv6
                                    if (isMacAddressMatch)
                                        isMatch = true;
                                        Report.Info("It is IPv6 ");
                                        //choose the device and add to the reserve list
                                        String newPath = "";
                                        int    radVal  = rowNum - 1;
                                        newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup' and @type='radio' and @value='" + radVal + "']";
                                        Ranorex.InputTag MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag = newPath;
                                        Report.Info("MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag PATH :  ", newPath);
                                        Report.Screenshot("DHCPv6_Reserved_List", MacCol.Element, true);
                                        Report.Success("The DHCPv6 Client is added to the reserved list !!!");
                                    Report.Info("It is IPv4 ");
                                //IPAddress is v6
                                Report.Failure("InValid IPv4/v6 Address");
                        else if (colNum == 6)                           // frequency connected to
                        //IList<SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find<SpanTag>("./span");
                        //foreach(SpanTag spanVal in spanVals){
                        //Wifi_Freq = spanVal.InnerText;
                            Wifi_Freq = MacCol.InnerText;
//							Report.Info("Wifi_Freq : " + Wifi_Freq);

                             * if(isMatch){
                             *      break;
                             * } */

                    }                           //end of forloop - cols
                    if (isMatch)                //is device attached and radio button clicked ??
                        Report.Info("Wifi_Frequency : ", Wifi_Freq);
                        if (Wifi_Freq.Trim().StartsWith("Wi-Fi 2.4G"))
                            Report.Info("This device is connected to  WI-FI 2.4G");
                            //choose the device  and click radio button
                        else if (Wifi_Freq.Trim().StartsWith("Wi-Fi 5G"))
                            Report.Info("This device is connected to  WI-FI 5G");
                        else if (Wifi_Freq.Trim().StartsWith("Ethernet"))
                            Report.Info("This device is connected to  Ethernet");
                            Report.Info("This device is NOT connected to  WI-FI 2.4G /WI-FI 5G");

                }                       //end of forloop - totalDHCPClients

                if (!isMatch)
                    string rst = "The device : " + devName + "(" + macAddress + ")" + " does not  exist in the attached list ";
                    Report.Failure("DHCPv6_Reserved_List", rst);
                    TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_Device_To_DHCPv6_Reserved_List").Checked = false;                        //Add_Device_To_DHCP_Reserved_List
                    TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_Device_To_DHCPv6_Reserved_List").Checked = true; //Add_Device_To_DHCP_Reserved_List
            }                                                                                           //end of if-else
        }                                                                                               //end of method
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Count_Wireless_Filtering()
            //count total number of Wireless MAC filtering rules
            int         TotalRows    = 0;
            WebDocument webDocument1 = "/dom[@domain='']";

            //TableTag myTable1 = webDocument1.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'portTriggeringTable']");
            TableTag      myTable1 = webDocument1.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'macAddressFilterTable']");
            IList <TrTag> rows1    = myTable1.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");

            TotalRows = rows1.Count;
            int Wireless_5GHz_MAC = 0, Wireless_2GHz_MAC = 0;

//            if it is just 1 row  need to check if it is an invalid filter
            if (TotalRows == 1)
                IList <TdTag> cols = myTable1.Find <TdTag>("./tbody//td");
                foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                    if (MacCol.InnerText.ToString().StartsWith("You have not selected"))                        //No reserved rule! --R3.8
//						You have not selected a device to filter. Please select a device from the attached devices list.
                    //Report.Info("No DHCP filtering rule exists !!!");
                    //return Wireless_5GHz_MAC;
//	                    Report.Failure("Wireless_Filter ","There are no Wireless_Filters  !!");
                        Report.Success("Wireless_Filter ", "There are no Wireless_Filters  !!");
                        Report.Info("Wireless_Filter", TotalRows.ToString());
//			  int Wireless_5GHz_MAC=0, Wireless_2GHz_MAC=0;
//            Report.Info("DHCP_Resv Rule(s) ",rowsCnt.ToString());
                Report.Info("Total Wireless_MAC_Filter:  " + TotalRows.ToString());
                //count 5GHz,2GHz filters separetly
                int    rowNum            = 1;
                string WirelessRadioType = "";
                bool   isSuccess         = true;
                foreach (var row in rows1)
                    IList <TdTag> cols   = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    int           colNum = 1;
//                  Report.Info("rowNum: " + rowNum);
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
//                      Report.Info("colNum: " + colNum);
//                      Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                        if (colNum == 3)
//                          Report.Info(MacCol.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
//                          Report.Info("span count :  "+spanVals.Count);

                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                WirelessRadioType = spanVal.InnerText;
//                              Report.Info("WirelessRadioType : " + WirelessRadioType);
                            //WirelessRadioType = MacCol.InnerText.Trim();
                            if ((WirelessRadioType.StartsWith("5GHz")) || (WirelessRadioType.StartsWith("5 GHz")))
                            else if (WirelessRadioType.StartsWith("2.4GHz") || (WirelessRadioType.StartsWith("2.4 GHz")))
                                isSuccess = false;
                                Report.Info("Wireless_5GHz_MAC : " + Wireless_5GHz_MAC + " Wireless_2GHz_MAC : " + Wireless_2GHz_MAC);
                                Report.Failure("WirelessRadioType is neither 5GHz nor 2.4GHz ");
                    }   // end of COLUMN for-loop
                } //end of ROW for-loop
                if (isSuccess)
                    Report.Success("Wireless_5GHz_MAC Filter : " + Wireless_5GHz_MAC + "<====> " + "Wireless_2.4GHz_MAC Filter : " + Wireless_2GHz_MAC);
                    Report.Failure("WirelessRadioType is neither 5GHz nor 2.4GHz ");
            }    //end of IF_ELSE
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public int Count_Wireless_Filtering_Lists(string wirelessRadioType)
            //count total number of Wireless MAC filtering rules
            Report.Info("---- inside Count_Wireless_Filtering_Lists --- ");
            int         TotalRows    = 0;
            WebDocument webDocument1 = "/dom[@domain='']";

            //TableTag myTable1 = webDocument1.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'portTriggeringTable']");
            TableTag myTable1 = webDocument1.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'macAddressFilterTable']");
            //	/dom[@domain='']//table[#'macAddressFilterTable']
            IList <TrTag> rows1 = myTable1.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");

            TotalRows = rows1.Count;
            int  Wireless_5GHz_MAC = 0, Wireless_2GHz_MAC = 0;
            bool isSuccess = true;

            Report.Info("Total Wireless_MAC_Filter:  " + TotalRows.ToString());
            if (TotalRows == 1)
                IList <TdTag> cols = myTable1.Find <TdTag>("./tbody//td");
                foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                    if (MacCol.InnerText.ToString().StartsWith("You have not selected"))
                Report.Info("Total Wireless_MAC_Filter:  " + TotalRows.ToString());
                int    rowNum            = 1;
                string WirelessRadioType = "";
                foreach (var row in rows1)
                    IList <TdTag> cols   = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    int           colNum = 1;
                    //                  Report.Info("rowNum: " + rowNum);
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        //                      Report.Info("colNum: " + colNum);
                        //                      Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                        if (colNum == 3)
                            //                          Report.Info(MacCol.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            //                          Report.Info("span count :  "+spanVals.Count);

                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                WirelessRadioType = spanVal.InnerText;
                                //                              Report.Info("WirelessRadioType : " + WirelessRadioType);
                            //WirelessRadioType = MacCol.InnerText.Trim();
                            if ((WirelessRadioType.StartsWith("5GHz")) || (WirelessRadioType.StartsWith("5 GHz")))
                                isSuccess = true;
                            else if ((WirelessRadioType.StartsWith("2.4GHz")) || (WirelessRadioType.StartsWith("2.4 GHz")))
                                isSuccess = true;
                                isSuccess = false;
                                //Report.Failure("WirelessRadioType is neither 5GHz nor 2.4GHz ");
                                Wireless_5GHz_MAC = 0; Wireless_2GHz_MAC = 0;
                    }   // end of COLUMN for-loop
                }       //end of ROW for-loop
                //return 0;
                if (isSuccess)
                    Report.Info("Wireless_5GHz_MAC Filter : " + Wireless_5GHz_MAC + "<====> " + "Wireless_2.4GHz_MAC Filter : " + Wireless_2GHz_MAC);
                    if ((wirelessRadioType.StartsWith("5GHz")) || (wirelessRadioType.StartsWith("5 GHz")))
                    else if ((wirelessRadioType.StartsWith("2.4GHz")) || (wirelessRadioType.StartsWith("2.4 GHz")))
                    Report.Info("WirelessRadioType is neither 5GHz nor 2.4GHz ");
                    if ((wirelessRadioType.StartsWith("5GHz")) || (wirelessRadioType.StartsWith("5 GHz")))
                    else if ((wirelessRadioType.StartsWith("2.4GHz")) || (wirelessRadioType.StartsWith("2.4 GHz")))
            }   //end of IF_ELSE
        public void Choose_Wireless_Device_To_Rename(string argument1, string argument2)
            Report.Info(" ===== Wireless_Device_To_Rename  === " + argument1);

            //		/dom[@domain='']//table[#'wireless_Device']
            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";
            TableTag    myTable     = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'wireless_Device']");

            //count the rows
            IList <TrTag> rows    = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rowsCnt = rows.Count;

            //Report.Info("Total rowsCnt",rowsCnt.ToString());
            Report.Info("Total Rows", rowsCnt.ToString());
            if (rowsCnt == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Rename ", "There are no connected wireless devices to rename !!");
                TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Verify_Renamed_Wireless_Device_Name_In_Home_Screen").Checked = false;
                int     rowNum  = 1;
                Boolean isMatch = false;
                foreach (var row in rows)
                    Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum);
//			        Report.Info(row.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                    IList <TdTag> cols   = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    int           colCnt = cols.Count;
                    //Report.Info(" Total Columns(Devices)  : ",colCnt.ToString());
                    if (colCnt > 0)
                        Report.Info(" There are " + colCnt.ToString() + " devices attached to this router  !!! ");
                    int    colNum     = 1;
                    String devicePath = "";
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        Report.Info(" MacCol: " + colNum);
                        //Report.Info("MacCol Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
//			            Report.Info(MacCol.GetInnerHtml().ToString());

                        IList <PTag> pVals = MacCol.Find <PTag>("./p");
                        Report.Info(" pVals count  : ", pVals.Count.ToString());
                        foreach (PTag pVal in pVals)
                            string deviceName = pVal.InnerText.Trim();
                            Report.Info(" Device Name " + deviceName);
                            if (argument1.Trim() == deviceName.Trim())
                                Report.Info("This device name needs to be changed");
                                //devicePath = MacCol.GetPath().ToString();
                                devicePath = MacCol.GetPath() + "/p[@innertext='" + deviceName + "']";
//				                /dom[@domain='']//table[#'wireless_Device']/?/?/tr/td[2]/p[@innertext='android-fc4d149c99a46022']
//				                newPath = col.GetPath() + "/input[#'ipv4FilterTable-Delete-"+delCheck+"']";
//				                newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup' and @type='radio' and @value='"+radVal+"']";
                                Report.Info("devicePath", devicePath);
                                Ranorex.PTag DeviceRenameTag = devicePath;
                                //input the new friendly ( argument2) and press "Apply" button
                                repo.WebDocumentIE.FriendlyName.Value = argument2;
//								/dom[@browsername='IE']//table[#'wireless_Device']//td/input[@type='button']
                                String           wireless_Device_applyButton_Path = "/dom[@browsername='IE']//table[#'wireless_Device']//td/input[@type='button']";
                                Ranorex.InputTag wireless_Device = wireless_Device_applyButton_Path;
                                Report.Info("---------------before click -------------");
                                repo.WebDocument19216801.WarningWizardFrame0.Button29.Click();                                          //added on 09/05/18 to click YES button in  the popup window 9.1.1802.600
                                Report.Info("----------------after click -----------------");
                                isMatch = true;

                if ((rowNum - 1) == rowsCnt && !isMatch)                //if device does not exist
                    Report.Info(" ===== This device does not exist =====");
                    //Report.Screenshot("Device Rename",myTable.Element,true);
        public void Choose_Attached_DHCP_Device_To_Reserved_List(string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6, string argument7)
            ////choose device from the attached list
            //This method is to select any MAC filter rules to delete
            //argument1 - MAC Address0, argument2- MAC Address1
            //argument3 - MAC Address2, argument4 - MAC Address3
            //argument5 - MAC Address4, argument6 - MAC Address5
            //argument7 - Device Name

            Delay.Seconds(30);          // to load the pages
            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";


            //DHCP lease table

            TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'AttachedDevicesTable']");
            //Count the total no of IPv4 port Filter rules (rows)
            IList <TrTag> totalDHCPClients  = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");      //Row
            int           rulesCount        = totalDHCPClients.Count;
            string        totalDHCPAttached = "Total Rules : " + rulesCount.ToString();

            Report.Info("Active Attached Devices ", totalDHCPAttached);

            if (rulesCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("DHCP List", "There are no devices to add !!");
                //if there any rules? then choose appropriate radio button
                Report.Info(" There are " + rulesCount.ToString() + " devices attached to this router  !!! ");
                int rowNum = 1;
                //int addCheck = 1;
                Boolean isMatch = false;
                string  macAddress = "", macAddress1 = "", IPAddress = "", devName = "", Wifi_Freq = "";
                macAddress = argument1 + ":" + argument2 + ":" + argument3 + ":" + argument4 + ":" + argument5 + ":" + argument6;

                foreach (var row in totalDHCPClients)
                    //Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum);
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");              //column
                    //Report.Info(" Total Columns in the Row : ",cols.Count.ToString());
                    int    colNum          = 1;
                    String radiobuttonPath = "";
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        //1- Radiobutton, 2-Device name,3-MAC address,4-IP Address,5-Lease time,6-Connected to
                        Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum);
                        Report.Info("MacCol Info: " + MacCol.InnerText);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            //radio button
                            radiobuttonPath = MacCol.GetPath().ToString();
                            Report.Info("Radio button Path:", radiobuttonPath);
                        else if (colNum == 2)
                            //device name

                             * IList<SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find<SpanTag>("./span");
                             * foreach(SpanTag spanVal in spanVals){
                             *      devName = spanVal.InnerText;
                             * }
                            devName = MacCol.InnerText;
                        else if (colNum == 3)
                            //MAC Address
                            //macAddress1 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            //Report.Info("span count :  "+spanVals.Count);
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                macAddress1 = spanVal.InnerText;

                                //Report.Info("devName : ", devName);
                                //Report.Info("MAC Address to Add : " + macAddress);
                                //Report.Info("MAC Address1 : " + macAddress1);

                                if (macAddress == macAddress1)
                                    Report.Info("//--------------- MAC address  exist in attached device list------//");
                                    Report.Info("//---------------  Wifi_Freq -----", Wifi_Freq);
                                    macAddress1 = spanVal.InnerText;

                                    Report.Info("Device Name ", devName);
                                    Report.Info("MAC Address to Add ", macAddress);
                                    //Report.Info("MAC Address1 : " + macAddress1);

                                    isMatch = true;
                                    String newPath = "";
                                    Report.Info("radiobuttonPath : ", radiobuttonPath.ToString());

                                    //newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[#'attachedDevicesGroup']";

                                    //newPath = "/dom[@domain='']//tbody[#'AttachedDevicesTable_body']//input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup']";
                                    //newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup' and @type='radio' and @value='2' ]";
                                    int radVal = rowNum - 1;
                                    newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup' and @type='radio' and @value='" + radVal + "']";

                                    // newPath ="/dom[@domain='']//input[#'ipv4FilterTable-Enabled-"+delCheck+"']";

                                    Ranorex.InputTag MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag = newPath;

                                    //MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag.Checked = "True";
                                    //MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag.TagValue ="2";

                                     * if (MACFilterTableDeleteTag.Checked.ToString() == "False"){
                                     *      Delay.Seconds(1);
                                     *      MACFilterTableDeleteTag.PerformClick();
                                     * }else{
                                     *              Report.Info(" MACFilterTableDeleteTag is already Enabled ");
                                     *      }
                                    string rst = "The following DHCP Client is added to the reserved list !!!";
                                    Report.Screenshot("DHCP_Reserved_List", row.Element, true);
                            }                           //end of SpanTag for-loop
                        else if (colNum == 4)
                            //Ip Address
                            IPAddress = MacCol.InnerText;
                        else if (colNum == 6)
                            // frequency connected to
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                Wifi_Freq = spanVal.InnerText;
                    }                   //TdTag for-end loop

                    if (isMatch)
                        Report.Info("Wifi_Freq", Wifi_Freq);
                        if (Wifi_Freq.Trim() == " WI-FI 2.4G")
                            Report.Info("This device is connected to  WI-FI 2.4G");
                            //choose the device  and click radio button
                            Report.Info("This device is NOT connected to  WI-FI 2.4G");
                    //addCheck++;	//counter to select add checkbox
                }                 //ROW for-end loop

                //Report.Info("rowNum :: ",rowNum.ToString());
                if (!isMatch)
                    //Report.Info(" Device does not  exist in the attached list ");

                    //Report.Info("devName : ", devName);
                    //Report.Info("MAC Address to Add : " + macAddress);

                    string rst = "The device : " + devName + "(" + macAddress + ")" + " does not  exist in the attached list ";
                    //Report.Failure("DHCP_Reserved_List"," This device does not  exist in the attached list ");

                    Report.Failure("DHCP_Reserved_List", rst);
                    TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_Device_To_DHCP_Reserved_List").Checked = false;                          //Add_Device_To_DHCP_Reserved_List
                    TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_Device_To_DHCP_Reserved_List").Checked = true; //Add_Device_To_DHCP_Reserved_List
            }                                                                                         //end of if-else
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Choose_Attached_Devices_To_Deny_Add_5GHz_Primary(string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6, string argument7)
            ////choose device from the attached list
            //This method is to select any MAC filter rules to delete
            //argument1 - MAC Address0, argument2- MAC Address1
            //argument3 - MAC Address2, argument4 - MAC Address3
            //argument5 - MAC Address4, argument6 - MAC Address5
            //argument7 - Access Mode

            Delay.Seconds(30);          // to load the pages
            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";

            // choose the Access Mode   //BssAccessModeGrp
            //Radio Button Options --> 1-DisableWMACFilter, 2-AllowAllDevices,3-DenyAllDevices
            String AccessModeGrpPath = "";

            if (argument7 == "Disable")
                Report.Info("It is DISABLE");
                AccessModeGrpPath = "/dom[@domain='']//input[@name='BssAccessModeGrp' and @type='radio' and @value='1']";        // Disable
                Ranorex.InputTag BssAccessModeGrpTag = AccessModeGrpPath;
            else if (argument7 == "Allow")
                Report.Info("It is ALLOW");
                AccessModeGrpPath = "/dom[@domain='']//input[@name='BssAccessModeGrp' and @type='radio' and @value='2']";                // Allow
                Ranorex.InputTag BssAccessModeGrpTag = AccessModeGrpPath;
            else if (argument7 == "Deny")
                Report.Info("It is DENY");
                AccessModeGrpPath = "/dom[@domain='']//input[@name='BssAccessModeGrp' and @type='radio' and @value='3']";                // Deny
                Ranorex.InputTag BssAccessModeGrpTag = AccessModeGrpPath;


            TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'AttachedDevicesTable']");
            //Count the total no of IPv4 port Filter rules (rows)
            IList <TrTag> totalMACRules       = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount          = totalMACRules.Count;
            string        totalMACFilterRules = "Total Rules : " + rulesCount.ToString();

            Report.Info("Active Attached Devices ", totalMACFilterRules);

            if (rulesCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("MAC Filter ", "There are no devices to add !!");
                //TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Delete_Any_MAC_Filtering_Rules").Checked = false;
                //if there any rules? then choose appropriate radio button
                Report.Info(" There are " + rulesCount.ToString() + " devices attached to this router  !!! ");
                int rowNum = 1;
                //int addCheck = 1;
                Boolean isMatch = false;
                string  macAddress = "", macAddress1 = "", devName = "", Wifi_Freq = "";
                macAddress = argument1 + ":" + argument2 + ":" + argument3 + ":" + argument4 + ":" + argument5 + ":" + argument6;
                Report.Info("Inpute MAC ADDRESS : ", macAddress);
                foreach (var row in totalMACRules)
                    //Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum);
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Columns in the Row : ",cols.Count.ToString());
                    int    colNum          = 1;
                    String radiobuttonPath = "";
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum);
                        //Report.Info("MacCol Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            //radio button
                            radiobuttonPath = MacCol.GetPath().ToString();
                            //Report.Info("Radio button Path:",radiobuttonPath);
                        else if (colNum == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                devName = spanVal.InnerText;
                            Report.Info("devName", devName);
                        else if (colNum == 3)
                            //macAddress1 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            //Report.Info("span count :  "+spanVals.Count);
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                macAddress1 = spanVal.InnerText;

                                //Report.Info("devName : ", devName);
                                //Report.Info("MAC Address to Add : " + macAddress);
                                //Report.Info("MAC Address1 : " + macAddress1);

                                if (macAddress == macAddress1)
                                    Report.Info("//--------------- MAC address  exist in attached device list------//");
                                    Report.Info("//--------------- Wifi_Freq---------------", Wifi_Freq);
                                    macAddress1 = spanVal.InnerText;

                                    Report.Info("Device Name ", devName);
                                    Report.Info("MAC Address to Add ", macAddress);
                                    Report.Info("Wifi_Freq " + Wifi_Freq);

                                    isMatch = true;
                                    String newPath = "";
                                    //Report.Info("radiobuttonPath : ",radiobuttonPath.ToString());

                                    //newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[#'attachedDevicesGroup']";

                                    //newPath = "/dom[@domain='']//tbody[#'AttachedDevicesTable_body']//input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup']";
                                    //newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup' and @type='radio' and @value='2' ]";
                                    int radVal = rowNum - 1;
                                    newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup' and @type='radio' and @value='" + radVal + "']";

                                    // newPath ="/dom[@domain='']//input[#'ipv4FilterTable-Enabled-"+delCheck+"']";

                                    Ranorex.InputTag MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag = newPath;

                                    //MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag.Checked = "True";
                                    //MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag.TagValue ="2";

                                     * if (MACFilterTableDeleteTag.Checked.ToString() == "False"){
                                     *      Delay.Seconds(1);
                                     *      MACFilterTableDeleteTag.PerformClick();
                                     * }else{
                                     *              Report.Info(" MACFilterTableDeleteTag is already Enabled ");
                                     *      }
                                    string rst = "The following device is currently attached to this router !!!";
                                    Report.Screenshot("MAC Filter_List", row.Element, true);
                            }                           //end of SpanTag for-loop
                        else if (colNum == 4)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                Wifi_Freq = spanVal.InnerText;
                            Report.Info("Wifi_Freq", Wifi_Freq);
                    }                   //TdTag for-end loop

                    if (isMatch)
                    //addCheck++;	//counter to select add checkbox
                }                 //ROW for-end loop

                //Report.Info("rowNum :: ",rowNum.ToString());
                if (!isMatch)
                    //Report.Info(" Device does not  exist in the attached list ");

                    //Report.Info("devName : ", devName);
                    //Report.Info("MAC Address to Add : " + macAddress);

                    string rst = "The device : " + devName + "(" + macAddress + ")" + " does not  exist in the attached list ";
                    //Report.Failure("MAC Filter List"," This device does not  exist in the attached list ");

                    Report.Failure("MAC Filter List", rst);
                    TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_Deny_Device_To_MAC_Address_List1").Checked = false;                      //Add_Deny_Device_To_MAC_Address_List1
                    TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_Deny_Device_To_MAC_Address_List1").Checked = true; //Add_Deny_Device_To_MAC_Address_List1
            }                                                                                             //end of if-else
        public void Choose_Connected_Device_To_Add_Duplicate_IPAddress(string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6)
            ////choose device from the attached list

            //This method is to select any MAC filter rules to delete
            //argument1 - MAC Address0, argument2- MAC Address1
            //argument3 - MAC Address2, argument4 - MAC Address3
            //argument5 - MAC Address4, argument6 - MAC Address5

            Delay.Seconds(30);                  // to load the pages
            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";


            //DHCP lease table

            TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'AttachedDevicesTable']");
            //Count the total no of IPv4 port Filter rules (rows)
            IList <TrTag> totalDHCPClients  = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");      //Row
            int           rulesCount        = totalDHCPClients.Count;
            string        totalDHCPAttached = "Total Rules : " + rulesCount.ToString();

            Report.Info("Active Attached Devices ", totalDHCPAttached);

            if (rulesCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("DHCP List", "There are no devices to add !!");
                //if there any rules? then choose appropriate radio button
                Report.Info(" There are " + rulesCount.ToString() + " devices attached to this router  !!! ");
                int rowNum = 1;
                //int addCheck = 1;
                bool   isMatch = false;
                string macAddress = "", macAddress1 = "", IPAddress = "", devName = "", Wifi_Freq = "";
                macAddress = argument1 + ":" + argument2 + ":" + argument3 + ":" + argument4 + ":" + argument5 + ":" + argument6;
                foreach (var row in totalDHCPClients)
                    //Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum);
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");              //column
                    //Report.Info(" Total Columns in the Row : ",cols.Count.ToString());
                    int    colNum          = 1;
                    String radiobuttonPath = "";
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        //1- Radiobutton, 2-Device name,3-MAC address,4-IP Address,5-Lease time,6-Connected to
                        //Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum);
                        //Report.Info("MacCol Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            //radio button
                            radiobuttonPath = MacCol.GetPath().ToString();
                            //Report.Info("Radio button Path:",radiobuttonPath);
                        else if (colNum == 2)
                            //device name
                            devName = MacCol.InnerText;
                        else if (colNum == 3)
                            //MAC Address
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            //Report.Info("span count :  "+spanVals.Count);
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                macAddress1 = spanVal.InnerText;

                                if (macAddress == macAddress1)
                                    Report.Info("//--------------- MAC address  exist in attached device list------//");
                                    //Report.Info("//---------------  Wifi_Freq -----",Wifi_Freq);
                                    macAddress1 = spanVal.InnerText;
                                    Report.Info("Device Name ", devName);
                                    Report.Info("MAC Address to Add ", macAddress);
                                    isMatch = true;
                                    String newPath = "";
                                    int    radVal  = rowNum - 1;

                                    Report.Info("// rowNum //", rowNum.ToString());         Report.Info("// radVal //", radVal.ToString());
                                    Report.Info("radiobuttonPath : ", radiobuttonPath);

                                    newPath = radiobuttonPath + "/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup' and @type='radio' and @value='" + radVal + "']";

                                    //below 2 lines added on 18/10/17 for code - 116.400
//				                    /dom[@caption='Hub 3.0' and @page='' and @path='/' and @browsername='IE' and @pageurl='']//tbody[#'AttachedDevicesTable_body']/tr[3]/td[1]/input[@name='attachedDevicesGroup']
//				                    newPath ="/dom[@caption='Hub 3.0' and @page='' and @path='/' and @browsername='IE' and @pageurl='']//tbody[#'AttachedDevicesTable_body']//input[@type='radio' and @value='"+radVal+"']";
                                    Report.Info("newPath : ", newPath);

                                    Ranorex.InputTag MACFilterAttachedDeviceTag = newPath;


                                    string rst = "The following DHCP Client is going to be added to the reserved list !!!";
                                    Report.Screenshot("DHCP_Reserved_List", row.Element, true);
                            }                           //end of SpanTag for-loop
                        else if (colNum == 4)
                            //Ip Address
                            IPAddress = MacCol.InnerText;
                        else if (colNum == 6)
                            // frequency connected to
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                Wifi_Freq = spanVal.InnerText;
                    }            //TdTag for-end loop
                                 //Report.Info("TdTag for-end loop");

                    if (isMatch)
                        //TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Collect_MAC_Address").Checked = true;//to receive MAC Address
                        TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Collect_Last_Octate_MAC_Address").Checked             = true;            //to receive MAC Address
                        TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_Duplicate_IPAddress_To_DHCP_Reservation").Checked = true;            //Add_Duplicate_IPAddress_To_DHCP_Reservation
                        Report.Info("Wifi_Freq", Wifi_Freq);
                        if (Wifi_Freq.Trim() == " WI-FI 2.4G")
                            Report.Info("This device is connected to  WI-FI 2.4G");
                            //choose the device  and click radio button
                            Report.Info("This device is NOT connected to  WI-FI 2.4G");
                }                 //ROW for-end loop
                //Report.Info("ROW for-end loop");

                if (!isMatch)
                    string rst = "The device  with MAC Address : " + "(" + macAddress + ")" + " : is not  attached to this router at this moment ";
                    //Report.Failure("DHCP_Reserved_List"," This device does not  exist in the attached list ");

                    Report.Failure("DHCP_Reserv", rst);
                    //TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Collect_MAC_Address").Checked = false;
                    TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Collect_Last_Octate_MAC_Address").Checked             = true;  //to receive MAC Address
                    TestSuite.Current.GetTestCase("Add_Duplicate_IPAddress_To_DHCP_Reservation").Checked = false; //Add_Duplicate_IPAddress_To_DHCP_Reservation
                }                                                                                                 //end of if
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Verify_Device_Info_IPv6(string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6)
            //Standard specification compliant : argument1
            //Hardware version : argument2
            //Software version : argument3
            //Cable modem serial number : argument4
            //Network access : argument5
            //Cable MAC address : argument6
            Report.Info(" INSIDE  Verify_Device_Info_IPv6   ");
            Duration newDuration = new Duration(240000);


            //-----  Hub3.0 device info ----//
            //Hardware version, software ver,Cable Mac,cable modem serial number, system up time, netork access

            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";

//			Report.Info(webDocument.GetHtml());
            TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'Hub 3.0 device information']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows     = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount          = totalDeviceRows.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows = rulesCount.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 device information ", totalDeviceInfoRows);

            if (rulesCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no active Hub 3.0 device information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows + " in Hub 3.0 device information !!! ");
                int    rowNum = 1;
                string devInfo = "", devInfoCol1 = "", deviceInfo = "", devInfoSubstr = "";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows)
                    Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum);
//					Report.Info(row.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                    IList <TdTag> cols   = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    int           colNum = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
//						Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            devInfoCol1 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: " + devInfoCol1);
                        if (colNum == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                devInfo = spanVal.InnerText;
                                if (devInfo.Length > 0)
                                    devInfoSubstr = devInfo.Substring(1, devInfo.Length - 1);                                   // for validation purpose
                                    devInfoSubstr = "";
                                //Report.Info(  "	devInfoSubstr   " + devInfoSubstr);
                            //Report.Info("Col2 Info: "+devInfo);
                            deviceInfo = devInfoCol1 + "		"+ devInfo;
                            //Report.Info( devInfoCol1 + "		" + devInfo);
                            //Report.LogHtml(ReportLevel.Info, "deviceInfo", "<a>deviceInfo</a>");

                            //perform Hub 3.0 device information validation here
                            //Standard specification compliant : DOCSIS 3.0
                            //Hardware version : 10
                            //Software version : 9.1.116V
                            //Cable MAC address : C0:05:C2:00:24:1B
                            //Cable modem serial number : AAAP51770041
                            //System up time : 0 days 17h:38m:47s
                            //Network access : Allowed
                            if (rowNum == 1)
                                //Standard specification compliant
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Standard specification compliant  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim().Equals(argument1.Trim()))
                                    Report.Success("	Standard specification compliant  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	Standard specification compliant  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 2)
                                //Hardware Version
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Hardware Version  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument2.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	Hardware Version  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	Hardware Version  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 3)
                                //Software Version
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Software Version  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument3.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	Software Version  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	Software Version  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 4)
                                //MAC Address - C0:05:C2:00:24:1B
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	MAC Address  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument6.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	MAC Address  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	MAC Address  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 5)
                                //Cable modem serial number
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Cable modem serial number  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument4.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	Cable modem serial number  	"+ " PASS");
                                    //validate Cable modem serial number
                                    Report.Failure("	Cable modem serial number  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 6)
                                //System up time
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	System uptime  is BLANK 	");
                                    //Validate system time format
                                    //Report.Info("Need to Validate system time format");
                                    //Report.Failure("	System up time      " + " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 7)
                                //Network access
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Network access  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument5.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	Network access  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	Network access  	"+ " FAIL");
                    }    // end of COLUMN for-loop
                }        //end of totalDeviceRows for-loop
            }            //end if IF-ELSE

            //-------------------------- WANIPSettingInfo - MAC Address ------------------------------//

            // /dom[@page='' and @path='/' and @browsername='IE' and @pageurl='']//div[#'WANIPSettingInfo}}']/table
            //MAC address
            TableTag myTable3 = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPSettingInfo}}']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows3     = myTable3.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount3          = totalDeviceRows3.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows3 = rulesCount3.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 WANIPSettingInfo  ", totalDeviceInfoRows3);
            if (rulesCount3 == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no WAN IP information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows3 + " in Hub 3.0 WANIPSettingInfo !!! ");
                int    rowNum3 = 1;
                string WANIPInfo3 = "", WANIPInfoCol3 = "", WANInfo3 = "", WANIPInfoSubstr3 = "";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows3)
                    Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum3);
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Column ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum3 = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum3);
                        if (colNum3 == 1)
                            WANIPInfoCol3 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            Report.Info("Col1 Info: " + WANIPInfoCol3);
                        else if (colNum3 == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                WANIPInfo3       = spanVal.InnerText;
                                WANIPInfoSubstr3 = WANIPInfo3.Substring(1, WANIPInfo3.Length - 1);                              // for validation purpose
//								Report.Info(  "	WANIPInfoSubstr     " + WANIPInfoSubstr1);
                            WANInfo3 = WANIPInfoCol3 + "		"+ WANIPInfo3;
                            if (rowNum3 == 1)
                                //MAC Address - C0:05:C2:CF:14:9D
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr3.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	MAC Address  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (WANIPInfoSubstr3.Trim() != argument6.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	MAC Address  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	MAC Address  	"+ " FAIL");
                    }    // end of COLUMN for-loop
                }        //end of ROW for-loop : totalDeviceRows4
            }            //end if IF-ELSE	: WAN IP settings -Info

            //------------------------------------- WAN IP settings - IPv6 Info -----------------------------------------------------//

            // IPv6 address, default gateway,IPv6 lease time, IPv6 lease expire, IPv6 DNS server
            TableTag myTable1 = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPv6Info']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows1     = myTable1.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount1          = totalDeviceRows1.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows1 = rulesCount1.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 WAN IPv6 information  ", totalDeviceInfoRows1);

            if (rulesCount1 == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no WAN IP information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows1 + " in Hub 3.0 WAN IPv6 information !!! ");
                int    rowNum1 = 1;
                string WANIPInfo1 = "", WANIPInfoCol1 = "", WANInfo1 = "", WANIPInfoSubstr1 = "";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows1)
                    Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum1);
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Column ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum1 = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum1);
                        if (colNum1 == 1)
                            WANIPInfoCol1 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            Report.Info("Col1 Info: " + WANIPInfoCol1);
                        else if (colNum1 == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                WANIPInfo1       = spanVal.InnerText;
                                WANIPInfoSubstr1 = WANIPInfo1.Substring(1, WANIPInfo1.Length - 1);                              // for validation purpose
//								Report.Info(  "	WANIPInfoSubstr     " + WANIPInfoSubstr1);
                            WANInfo1 = WANIPInfoCol1 + "		"+ WANIPInfo1;
                            Report.Info("WANInfo1  : " + WANInfo1);

//							Row: 1      IPv6 address
//							Row: 2		IPv6 default gateway
//							Row: 3		IPv6 lease time
//							Row: 4      IPv6 lease expire
//							Row: 5      IPv6 DNS servers
                            if (rowNum1 == 1 || rowNum1 == 2 || rowNum1 == 5)
                                Report.Info(" To check IPv6 address type ");
                            else if (rowNum1 == 3)                                      //IPv6 lease time
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr1.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IPv6 lease time 	");
                                    Report.Success(" Valid IPv6 lease time  ");
                            else if (rowNum1 == 4)                                      //IPv6 lease expire
                            //2017-08-10 11:56:40.00
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr1.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IPv6 lease expire 	");
                                    Boolean CheckDateTime = CheckDateTimeValid(WANIPInfoSubstr1.Trim());                                     //calling CheckDateTimeValid()
                                    if (CheckDateTime)
                                        Report.Success("  Valid IPv6 lease expire  ");
                                        Report.Failure("  InValid IPv6 lease expire ");
                    }    // end of COLUMN for-loop
                }        //end of ROW for-loop : totalDeviceRows1
            }            //end if IF-ELSE	: WAN IP settings - IPv6 Info

            //-------------------------- WAN IP settings - IPv4 Info ------------------------------------------//
            //MAC address, IPv4 address, default gateway,IPv4 lease time, IPv4 lease expire, IPv4 DNS server

            TableTag myTable2 = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPv4Info']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows2     = myTable2.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount2          = totalDeviceRows2.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows2 = rulesCount2.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 WAN IP information  ", totalDeviceInfoRows2);

            if (rulesCount2 == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no WAN IP information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows2 + " in Hub 3.0 WANIPv4 information !!! ");
                int    rowNum2 = 1;
                string WANIPInfo2 = "", WANIPInfoCol2 = "", WANInfo2 = "", WANIPInfoSubstr2 = "";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows2)
                    Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum2);
//					Report.Info(row.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Column ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum2 = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum2);
                        if (colNum2 == 1)
                            WANIPInfoCol2 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+WANIPInfoCol1);
                        else if (colNum2 == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                WANIPInfo2       = spanVal.InnerText;
                                WANIPInfoSubstr2 = WANIPInfo2.Substring(1, WANIPInfo2.Length - 1);                              // for validation purpose
                                //Report.Info(  "	WANIPInfoSubstr     " + WANIPInfoSubstr);
                            Report.Info("Col2 Info: " + WANIPInfo2);
                            WANInfo2 = WANIPInfoCol2 + "		"+ WANIPInfo2;
                            //Report.Info( WANIPInfoCol1 + "		" + WANIPInfo);
                            Report.Info("WANInfo2 : " + WANInfo2);
                            //Report.LogHtml(ReportLevel.Info, "WANInfo", "<a>WANInfo</a>");

                            //perform WAN IP Settings validation here

                            //IPv4 address :
                            //Default gateway :
                            //IPv4 lease time : 0 days 19h:24m:26s
                            //IPv4 lease expire : 2016-07-01 04:09:29.00
                            //IPv4 DNS servers :
                            if (rowNum2 == 1 || rowNum2 == 2 || rowNum2 == 5)
                                //IP Address Validation
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr2.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IP Address 	");
                                    Boolean CheckIPAddress = CheckIPAddressValid(WANIPInfoSubstr2.Trim());                                    //Calling CheckIPAddressValid()
                                    if (CheckIPAddress)
                                        Report.Success("Valid IP Address");
                                        Report.Failure("InValid IP Address....It is : " + WANIPInfoSubstr2);
                            else if (rowNum2 == 3)
                                //IPv4 lease time validation
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr2.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IPv4 lease time 	");
                                     * Boolean CheckDateTime = CheckDateTimeValid(WANIPInfoSubstr.Trim()); //calling CheckDateTimeValid()
                                     * if(CheckDateTime){
                                     * Report.Success("  Valid IPv4 lease time  ");
                                     * }else{
                                     * Report.Failure("  InValid IPv4 lease time ");
                                     * }
                                    Report.Success(" Valid IPv4 lease time  ");
                            else if (rowNum2 == 4)
                                //string input = "2016-07-15 09:21:27.00";	//"???"
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr2.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IPv4 lease expire 	");
                                    Boolean CheckDateTime = CheckDateTimeValid(WANIPInfoSubstr2.Trim());                                     //calling CheckDateTimeValid()
                                    //Boolean CheckDateTime = CheckDateTimeValid("???");
                                    if (CheckDateTime)
                                        Report.Success("  Valid IPv4 lease expire  ");
                                        Report.Failure("  InValid IPv4 lease expire ");
                            }                            //end of rowNum1 IF-ELSE
                    }    // end of COLUMN for-loop
                }        //end of ROW for-loop : totalDeviceRows1
            }            //end if IF-ELSE	: WAN IP settings - IPv6 Info

            //---------------------------------------------  WANDSLiteInfo --------------------------------------------------------//
            //	/dom[@page='' and @path='/' and @browsername='IE' and @pageurl='']//div[#'WANDSLiteInfo']/table

            TableTag myTable4 = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANDSLiteInfo']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows4     = myTable4.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount4          = totalDeviceRows4.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows4 = rulesCount4.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 WANDSLiteInfo  ", totalDeviceInfoRows4);
            if (rulesCount4 == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no WANDSLiteInfo !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows4 + " in Hub 3.0 WANDSLiteInfo !!! ");
                int    rowNum4 = 1;
                string WANIPInfo4 = "", WANIPInfoCol4 = "", WANInfo4 = "", WANIPInfoSubstr4 = "";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows4)
                    Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum4);
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Column ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum4 = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum4);
                    }    // end of COLUMN for-loop
                }        //end of ROW for-loop : totalDeviceRows4
            }            //end if IF-ELSE	: WANDSLiteInfo
        public void Validate_Router_Status_Configuration()
            //validate router status configuration tables -> Configuration, PrimaryDWFlow, PrimaryUPFlow

            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";


            //validate the Configuration table rows & columns
//			TableTag configTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'configuration']");
            TableTag      configTable     = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'configuration']//table[@id='configuration']");
            IList <TrTag> totalRows       = configTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           configRowsCount = totalRows.Count;
//			string totalConfigRowsCnt = "Total Rows(Configuration) : "+configRowsCount.ToString();
            string totalConfigRowsCnt = configRowsCount.ToString();

            Report.Info("Total Items(Configuration) ", totalConfigRowsCnt);
            if (configRowsCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no Router status-Configuration information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalConfigRowsCnt + " in General Configuration information !!! ");
                int    rowNum = 1;
                string configInfo = "", configInfoTitle = "";
                foreach (var row in totalRows)
                    Report.Info("Configuration -Row#: " + rowNum);
//					Report.Info(row.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    Report.Info(" Configuration -Row-Total Columns ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
//						Report.Info("Configuration Col # " + colNum);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            configInfoTitle = MacCol.InnerText;
//							Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            Report.Info("Col1 Info: " + configInfoTitle);
                        if (colNum == 2)
                            IList <DivTag> divVals = MacCol.Find <DivTag>("./div");
//							Report.Info("divVals count : " + divVals.Count.ToString());

                            foreach (DivTag divVal in divVals)
                                IList <SpanTag> spanVals = divVal.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
//								Report.Info("spanVals count : " + spanVals.Count.ToString());
                                foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                    configInfo = spanVal.InnerText;
                                Report.Info("Col2 Info: " + configInfo);

                }        //end of totalRows
            }            //end if IF-ELSE -Configuration

            //validate the PPrimary Downstream Service Flow table rows & columns
            TableTag      primaryDWTable     = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'primaryDWFlow']");
            IList <TrTag> totalRows1         = primaryDWTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           primaryDWRowsCount = totalRows1.Count;
//			string totalPrimaryDWRowsCount = "Total Rows(primaryDW) : "+primaryDWRowsCount.ToString();
            string totalPrimaryDWRowsCount = primaryDWRowsCount.ToString();

            Report.Info("Total Items(PrimaryDW) ", totalPrimaryDWRowsCount);
            if (primaryDWRowsCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no Primary Downstream Service Flow information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalPrimaryDWRowsCount + " in Primary Downstream Service Flow information !!! ");
                int    rowNum = 1;
                string primaryDWInfo = "", primaryDWInfoTitle = "";
                foreach (var row in totalRows1)
                    Report.Info("Configuration -Row#: " + rowNum);
//					Report.Info(row.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    Report.Info(" Configuration -Row-Total Columns ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
//						Report.Info("Configuration Col # " + colNum);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            primaryDWInfoTitle = MacCol.InnerText;
//							Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            Report.Info("Col1 Info: " + primaryDWInfoTitle);
                        if (colNum == 2)
                            primaryDWInfo = MacCol.InnerText;
//							Report.Info("Col2 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            IList <DivTag> divVals = MacCol.Find <DivTag>("./div");
//							Report.Info("divVals count : " + divVals.Count.ToString());

                            foreach (DivTag divVal in divVals)
                                IList <SpanTag> spanVals = divVal.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
//								Report.Info("spanVals count : " + spanVals.Count.ToString());
                                foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                    primaryDWInfo = spanVal.InnerText;
                                Report.Info("Col2 Info: " + primaryDWInfo);
                            Report.Info("Col2 Info: " + primaryDWInfo);

                }        //end of totalRows
            }            //end if IF-ELSE -Configuration

            //validate the Primary Upstream Service Flow table rows & columns
            TableTag      primaryUPTable     = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'primaryUPFlow']");
            IList <TrTag> totalRows2         = primaryUPTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           primaryUPRowsCount = totalRows2.Count;
//			string totalPrimaryUPRowsCount = "Total Rows(primaryUP) : "+primaryUPRowsCount.ToString();
            string totalPrimaryUPRowsCount = primaryUPRowsCount.ToString();

            Report.Info("Total Items(PrimaryUP) ", totalPrimaryUPRowsCount);
            if (primaryUPRowsCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no Primary Upstrean Service Flow information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + primaryUPRowsCount + " in Primary Upstrean Service Flow information !!! ");
                int    rowNum = 1;
                string primaryUPInfo = "", primaryUPInfoTitle = "";
                foreach (var row in totalRows2)
                    Report.Info("Configuration -Row#: " + rowNum);
//					Report.Info(row.GetInnerHtml().ToString());
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    Report.Info(" Configuration -Row-Total Columns ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
//						Report.Info("Configuration Col # " + colNum);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            primaryUPInfoTitle = MacCol.InnerText;
//							Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            Report.Info("Col1 Info: " + primaryUPInfoTitle);
                        if (colNum == 2)
                            primaryUPInfo = MacCol.InnerText;
//							Report.Info("Col2 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            IList <DivTag> divVals = MacCol.Find <DivTag>("./div");
//							Report.Info("divVals count : " + divVals.Count.ToString());

                            foreach (DivTag divVal in divVals)
                                IList <SpanTag> spanVals = divVal.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
//								Report.Info("spanVals count : " + spanVals.Count.ToString());
                                foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                    primaryUPInfo = spanVal.InnerText;
                                Report.Info("Col2 Info: " + primaryUPInfo);
                            Report.Info("Col2 Info: " + primaryUPInfo);

                }        //end of totalRows
            }            //end if IF-ELSE -Configuration
        public void WPS_PIN_Verification_Validation()
            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";

            TableTag      myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'PriSecurityStatusTable']");
            IList <TdTag> cols    = myTable.Find <TdTag>("./tbody//td");
            //Report.Info(" Total columns ",cols.Count.ToString());

            bool   isValidPIN = true;
            string WPSPIN     = "";

            foreach (TdTag col in cols)
                WPSPIN = col.InnerText.ToString();
                //Report.Info("WPS PIN Value",col.InnerText);
                Report.Info("WPS PIN Value", WPSPIN);
                //Report.Info("WPS PIN Length",col.InnerText.Length.ToString());
                Report.Info("WPS PIN Length", WPSPIN.Length.ToString());
                //if(col.InnerText.Length < 8){
                if (WPSPIN.Length < 8)
                    isValidPIN = false;
            if (isValidPIN)
                Report.Success("Valid WPS PIN");
                Report.Failure("Invalid WPS PIN");
            TableTag table_WPS_PIN = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//table[#'PriSecurityStatusTable']");

            Report.Screenshot("WPS_PIN_Length", table_WPS_PIN.Element, false);

            //Navigate to Admin-Info
            Report.Info("Verify the PIN with IP Address and BOX serial Number");
            Ranorex.ATag Admin = "/dom[@domain='']//li[#'Admin']/a[@innertext='Admin']";
            Ranorex.ATag AdminInfo = "/dom[@domain='']//li[#'Info']/a[@innertext='Info']";

            // Verify the PIN with cable modem serial Number //
            TableTag myTable1 = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'Hub 3.0 device information']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows1     = myTable1.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount1          = totalDeviceRows1.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows1 = rulesCount1.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            //Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 device information ",totalDeviceInfoRows1);
//	        string cableSerialNumber="";
            if (rulesCount1 == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no active Hub 3.0 device information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows1 + " in Hub 3.0 device information !!! ");
                int    rowNum = 1;
                string devInfo = "", devInfoCol1 = "", deviceInfo = "", devInfoSubstr = "";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows1)
                    //Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum);
                    IList <TdTag> cols1 = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Column ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols1)
                        //Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            devInfoCol1 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: " + devInfoCol1);
                        if (colNum == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                devInfo = spanVal.InnerText;
                                if (devInfo.Length > 0)
                                    devInfoSubstr = devInfo.Substring(1, devInfo.Length - 1);                           // for validation purpose
                                    devInfoSubstr = "";
                                //Report.Info(  "	devInfoSubstr   " + devInfoSubstr);
                            //Report.Info("Col2 Info: "+devInfo);
                            deviceInfo = devInfoCol1 + "		"+ devInfo;
                            //Report.Info( devInfoCol1 + "		" + devInfo);
                            if (rowNum == 4)
                                //MAC Address - C0:05:C2:00:24:1B  ( Arris1)
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	MAC Address  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() != WPSPIN)
                                    Report.Info("WPSPIN : " + WPSPIN + "  MAC Address : " + devInfoSubstr);
                                    Report.Success("	WPS PIN is different from MAC Address  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	MAC Address  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 5)
                                //Cable modem serial number
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Cable modem serial number  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() != WPSPIN)
                                    Report.Info("WPSPIN : " + WPSPIN + "  Cable Modem Serial Number : " + devInfoSubstr);
                                    Report.Success("	WPS PIN is different from Modem Serial Number	"+ " PASS");
                                    //validate Cable modem serial number
                                    Report.Failure("	WPS PIN  	"+ " FAIL");
                    }    //end of COLUMN forloop
                }        //end of ROW forloop

            //Verify the PIN with IP Addresses //
            TableTag myTable2 = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPv4Info']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows2     = myTable2.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount2          = totalDeviceRows2.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows2 = rulesCount2.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            //Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 WAN IP information Rows ",totalDeviceInfoRows2);

            if (rulesCount2 == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no WAN IP information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows2 + " in Hub 3.0 WAN IP information !!! ");
                int    rowNum1 = 1;
                string WANIPInfo = "", WANIPInfoCol1 = "", WANInfo = "", WANIPInfoSubstr = "";
//	             string deviceIPAddress="",deviceGatwayIP="";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows2)
                    //Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum1);
                    IList <TdTag> cols2 = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Column ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum1 = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols2)
                        //Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum1);
                        if (colNum1 == 1)
                            WANIPInfoCol1 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+WANIPInfoCol1);
                        if (colNum1 == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                WANIPInfo       = spanVal.InnerText;
                                WANIPInfoSubstr = WANIPInfo.Substring(1, WANIPInfo.Length - 1);                         // for validation purpose
                                //Report.Info(  "	WANIPInfoSubstr     " + WANIPInfoSubstr);
                            //Report.Info("Col2 Info: "+WANIPInfo);
                            WANInfo = WANIPInfoCol1 + "		"+ WANIPInfo;
                            //Report.Info( WANIPInfoCol1 + "		" + WANIPInfo);
                            //Report.LogHtml(ReportLevel.Info, "WANInfo", "<a>WANInfo</a>");

                            //IPv4 address :
                            //Default gateway :
                            //IPv4 lease time : 0 days 19h:24m:26s
                            //IPv4 lease expire : 2016-07-01 04:09:29.00
                            //IPv4 DNS servers :
                            if (rowNum1 == 1 || rowNum1 == 2 || rowNum1 == 5)
                                //IP Address Validation
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IP Address 	");
                                    Boolean CheckIPAddress = CheckIPAddressValid(WANIPInfoSubstr.Trim());                            //Calling CheckIPAddressValid()
                                    if (CheckIPAddress)
                                        Report.Success("Valid IP Address");
                                        if (WANIPInfoSubstr.Trim() != WPSPIN)
                                            Report.Info("WPSPIN : " + WPSPIN + "  IP Address : " + WANIPInfoSubstr);
                                            if (rowNum1 == 1)
                                                Report.Success("	WPS PIN  is different from IPv4 address 	"+ " PASS");
                                            else if (rowNum1 == 2)
                                                Report.Success("	WPS PIN  is different from Default Gateway IPv4 address 	"+ " PASS");
                                            else if (rowNum1 == 5)
                                                Report.Success("	WPS PIN  is different from IPv4 DNS servers IPv4 address 	"+ " PASS");
                                        Report.Failure("InValid IP Address");
                    }    //end of COLUMN forloop
                }        //end of ROW forloop
        public void Verify_And_Validate_Device_Connection_Status_Info(string argument1, string argument2, string argument3, string argument4, string argument5, string argument6)
            //Standard specification compliant : argument1
            //Hardware version : argument2
            //Software version : argument3
            //Cable modem serial number : argument4
            //Network access : argument5
            //Cable MAC address : argument6

            //Report.Info("Arg1 " + argument1);
            //Report.Info("Arg5 " + argument5);

            //Capture the following table info

             * /dom[@domain='']//div[#'InfoHead']/table
             *      /dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIP']/table
             *      /dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPSettingInfo}}']/table
             *      /dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPv6Info']/table
             *      /dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPv4Info']/table
             *      /dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANDSLiteInfo']/table
//          Delay.Seconds(30);
            Duration newDuration = new Duration(240000);


            //Hub3.0 device info //
            //Hardware version, software ver,Cable Mac,cable modem serial number, system up time, netork access

            //	"/dom[@domain='']//div[#'Hub 3.0 device information']/table"   =>Hub 3.0 device information

            WebDocument webDocument = "/dom[@domain='']";

            TableTag myTable = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'Hub 3.0 device information']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows     = myTable.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount          = totalDeviceRows.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows = rulesCount.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 device information ", totalDeviceInfoRows);

            if (rulesCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no active Hub 3.0 device information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows + " in Hub 3.0 device information !!! ");
                int    rowNum = 1;
                string devInfo = "", devInfoCol1 = "", deviceInfo = "", devInfoSubstr = "";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows)
                    //Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum);
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Column ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        //Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum);
                        if (colNum == 1)
                            devInfoCol1 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: " + devInfoCol1);
                        if (colNum == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                devInfo = spanVal.InnerText;
                                if (devInfo.Length > 0)
                                    devInfoSubstr = devInfo.Substring(1, devInfo.Length - 1);                           // for validation purpose
                                    devInfoSubstr = "";
                                //Report.Info(  "	devInfoSubstr   " + devInfoSubstr);
                            //Report.Info("Col2 Info: "+devInfo);
                            deviceInfo = devInfoCol1 + "		"+ devInfo;
                            //Report.Info( devInfoCol1 + "		" + devInfo);
                            //Report.LogHtml(ReportLevel.Info, "deviceInfo", "<a>deviceInfo</a>");

                            //perform Hub 3.0 device information validation here
                            //Standard specification compliant : DOCSIS 3.0
                            //Hardware version : 10
                            //Software version : 9.1.116V
                            //Cable MAC address : C0:05:C2:00:24:1B
                            //Cable modem serial number : AAAP51770041
                            //System up time : 0 days 17h:38m:47s
                            //Network access : Allowed
                            if (rowNum == 1)
                                //Standard specification compliant
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Standard specification compliant  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim().Equals(argument1.Trim()))
                                    Report.Success("	Standard specification compliant  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	Standard specification compliant  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 2)
                                //Hardware Version
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Hardware Version  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument2.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	Hardware Version  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	Hardware Version  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 3)
                                //Software Version
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Software Version  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument3.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	Software Version  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	Software Version  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 4)
                                //MAC Address - C0:05:C2:00:24:1B
                                Report.Info("	devInfoSubstr 	"+ devInfoSubstr);
                                Report.Info(" argument6  " + argument6);
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	MAC Address  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument6.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	MAC Address  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	MAC Address  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 5)
                                //Cable modem serial number
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Cable modem serial number  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument4.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	Cable modem serial number  	"+ " PASS");
                                    //validate Cable modem serial number
                                    Report.Failure("	Cable modem serial number  	"+ " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 6)
                                //System up time
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	System uptime  is BLANK 	");
                                    //Validate system time format
                                    //Report.Info("Need to Validate system time format");
                                    //Report.Failure("	System up time      " + " FAIL");
                            else if (rowNum == 7)
                                //Network access
                                if (devInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	Network access  is BLANK 	");
                                else if (devInfoSubstr.Trim() == argument5.Trim())
                                    Report.Success("	Network access  	"+ " PASS");
                                    Report.Failure("	Network access  	"+ " FAIL");

                    } // end of COLUMN for-loop
                }     //end of ROW for-loop
            }         //end if IF-ELSE

            // WAN IP settings //
            //MAC address, IPv4 address, default gateway,IPv4 lease time, IPv4 lease expire, IPv4 DNS server

            // "/dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPv4Info']/table"					=> WANIPv4Info --WAN IP settings

            TableTag myTable1 = webDocument.FindSingle("/dom[@domain='']//div[#'WANIPv4Info']/table");
            //Count the total no of rows
            IList <TrTag> totalDeviceRows1     = myTable1.Find <TrTag>("./tbody//tr");
            int           rulesCount1          = totalDeviceRows1.Count;
            string        totalDeviceInfoRows1 = rulesCount1.ToString() + " : Rows :";

            Report.Info(" Hub 3.0 WAN IP information Rows ", totalDeviceInfoRows1);

            if (rulesCount == 0)
                Report.Failure("Device Info ", "There are no WAN IP information !!");
                Report.Info(" There are " + totalDeviceInfoRows1 + " in Hub 3.0 WAN IP information !!! ");
                int    rowNum1 = 1;
                string WANIPInfo = "", WANIPInfoCol1 = "", WANInfo = "", WANIPInfoSubstr = "";
                foreach (var row in totalDeviceRows1)
                    //Report.Info("Row: " + rowNum1);
                    IList <TdTag> cols = row.Find <TdTag>("./td");
                    //Report.Info(" Total Column ", cols.Count.ToString());
                    int colNum1 = 1;
                    foreach (TdTag MacCol in cols)
                        //Report.Info("MacCol: " + colNum1);
                        if (colNum1 == 1)
                            WANIPInfoCol1 = MacCol.InnerText;
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+MacCol.InnerText);
                            //Report.Info("Col1 Info: "+WANIPInfoCol1);
                        if (colNum1 == 2)
                            IList <SpanTag> spanVals = MacCol.Find <SpanTag>("./span");
                            foreach (SpanTag spanVal in spanVals)
                                WANIPInfo       = spanVal.InnerText;
                                WANIPInfoSubstr = WANIPInfo.Substring(1, WANIPInfo.Length - 1);                         // for validation purpose
                                //Report.Info(  "	WANIPInfoSubstr     " + WANIPInfoSubstr);
                            //Report.Info("Col2 Info: "+WANIPInfo);
                            WANInfo = WANIPInfoCol1 + "		"+ WANIPInfo;
                            //Report.Info( WANIPInfoCol1 + "		" + WANIPInfo);
                            //Report.LogHtml(ReportLevel.Info, "WANInfo", "<a>WANInfo</a>");

                            //perform WAN IP Settings validation here

                            //IPv4 address :
                            //Default gateway :
                            //IPv4 lease time : 0 days 19h:24m:26s
                            //IPv4 lease expire : 2016-07-01 04:09:29.00
                            //IPv4 DNS servers :
                            if (rowNum1 == 1 || rowNum1 == 2 || rowNum1 == 5)
                                //IP Address Validation
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IP Address 	");
                                    Boolean CheckIPAddress = CheckIPAddressValid(WANIPInfoSubstr.Trim());                            //Calling CheckIPAddressValid()
                                    if (CheckIPAddress)
                                        Report.Success("Valid IP Address");
                                        Report.Failure("InValid IP Address");
                            else if (rowNum1 == 3)
                                //IPv4 lease time validation
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IPv4 lease time 	");
                                     * Boolean CheckDateTime = CheckDateTimeValid(WANIPInfoSubstr.Trim()); //calling CheckDateTimeValid()
                                     * if(CheckDateTime){
                                     *      Report.Success("  Valid IPv4 lease time  ");
                                     * }else{
                                     *      Report.Failure("  InValid IPv4 lease time ");
                                     * }
                                    Report.Success(" Valid IPv4 lease time  ");
                            else if (rowNum1 == 4)
                                //string input = "2016-07-15 09:21:27.00";	//"???"
//			                    Report.Info("WANIPInfoSubstr : " , WANIPInfoSubstr);
//			                    Report.Info(WANIPInfoSubstr.Length.ToString());
                                if (WANIPInfoSubstr.Length == 0)
                                    Report.Failure("	InValid IPv4 lease expire 	");
                                    Boolean CheckDateTime = CheckDateTimeValid(WANIPInfoSubstr.Trim());                             //calling CheckDateTimeValid()
                                    //Boolean CheckDateTime = CheckDateTimeValid("???");
                                    if (CheckDateTime)
                                        Report.Success("  Valid IPv4 lease expire  ");
                                        Report.Failure("  InValid IPv4 lease expire ");
                            }                    //end of rowNum1 IF-ELSE
                    } // end of COLUMN for-loop
                }     //end of ROW for-loop
            }         //end if IF-ELSE

             * string addrString = "-";
             * Boolean CheckIPAddress = CheckIPAddressValid(addrString);//Calling CheckIPAddressValid()
             * if(CheckIPAddress){
             *      Report.Info("Valid IP - CheckIPAddressValid()");
             * }else{
             *      Report.Info("InValid IP - CheckIPAddressValid()");
             * }
             * Boolean checkIP = CheckIPValid(addrString);	//Calling CheckIPValid()
             * if(checkIP){
             *      Report.Info("Valid IP - CheckIPValid()");
             * }else{
             *      Report.Info("InValid IP - CheckIPValid()");
             * }
            Report.Info("Device Status Info");