     * Computes the 'intensity' of each {@link MZRoom}. MZRooms generally Get more
     * intense the deeper they are into the dungeon.
     * @param levels    the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to update
     * @ if it fails
     * @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
     * @see MZRoom
    protected void ComputeIntensity(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels)
        double nextLevelBaseIntensity = 0.0;

        for (int level = 0; level < levels.KeyCount(); ++level)
            double intensity = nextLevelBaseIntensity *
                               (1.0 - intensityEaseOff);

            foreach (MZRoom room in levels.GetRooms(level))
                if (room.GetParent() == null ||
                    nextLevelBaseIntensity = Math.Max(
                        ApplyIntensity(room, intensity));


        MZRoom goalRoom = dungeon.FindGoal();

        if (goalRoom != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void Add(MZRoom room)
        rooms[room.id] = room;

        foreach (Vector2Int xy in room.GetCoords())
            if (xy.x < bounds.Left)
                bounds = new MZRect(xy.x, bounds.Top,
                                    bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom);
            if (xy.x >= bounds.Right)
                bounds = new MZRect(bounds.Left, bounds.Top,
                                    xy.x + 1, bounds.Bottom);
            if (xy.y < bounds.Top)
                bounds = new MZRect(bounds.Left, xy.y,
                                    bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom);
            if (xy.y >= bounds.Bottom)
                bounds = new MZRect(bounds.Left, bounds.Top,
                                    bounds.Right, xy.y + 1);
  * Removes the given {@link MZRoom} and all its descendants from the given
  * list.
  * @param rooms the list of MZRooms to remove nodes from
  * @param room  the MZRoom whose descendants to remove from the list
 protected void RemoveDescendantsFromList(List <MZRoom> rooms, MZRoom room)
     foreach (MZRoom child in room.GetChildren())
         RemoveDescendantsFromList(rooms, child);
  * Adds extra conditions to the given {@link MZRoom}'s preconditions and all
  * of its descendants.
  * @param room  the MZRoom to Add extra preconditions to
  * @param cond  the extra preconditions to Add
 protected void AddPrecond(MZRoom room, MZCondition cond)
     foreach (MZRoom child in room.GetChildren())
         AddPrecond(child, cond);
     * Fill the dungeon's space with rooms and doors (some locked).
     * Keys are not inserted at this point.
     * @param levels    the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to update
     * @ if it fails
     * @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
    protected void PlaceRooms(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels, int roomsPerLock)
        // keyLevel: the number of keys required to Get to the new room
        int      keyLevel  = 0;
        MZSymbol latestKey = null;
        // condition that must hold true for the player to reach the new room
        // (the set of keys they must have).
        MZCondition cond = new MZCondition();

        // Loop to place rooms and link them
        while (dungeon.RoomCount() < constraints.GetMaxRooms())
            bool doLock = false;

            // Decide whether we need to place a new lock
            // (Don't place the last lock, since that's reserved for the boss)
            if (ShouldAddNewLock(keyLevel, levels.GetRooms(keyLevel).Count, roomsPerLock))
                latestKey = new MZSymbol(keyLevel++);
                cond      = cond.And(latestKey);
                doLock    = true;

            // Find an existing room with a free edge:
            MZRoom parentRoom = null;
            if (!doLock && UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 10) > 0)
                parentRoom = ChooseRoomWithFreeEdge(levels.GetRooms(keyLevel),
            if (parentRoom == null)
                parentRoom = ChooseRoomWithFreeEdge(new List <MZRoom>(dungeon.GetRooms()),
                doLock = true;

            if (parentRoom == null)
                throw new OutOfRoomsException();

            // Decide which direction to put the new room in relative to the
            // parent
            int nextId = ChooseFreeEdge(parentRoom, keyLevel);
            List <Vector2Int> coords = constraints.GetCoords(nextId);
            MZRoom            room   = new MZRoom(nextId, coords, parentRoom, null, cond);

            // Add the room to the dungeon
            dungeon.Link(parentRoom, room, doLock ? latestKey : null);
            levels.AddRoom(keyLevel, room);
     * Returns a path from the goal to the dungeon entrance, along the 'parent'
     * relations.
     * @return  a list of linked {@link MZRoom}s starting with the goal room and
     *          ending with the start room.
    protected List <MZRoom> GetSolutionPath()
        List <MZRoom> solution = new List <MZRoom>();
        MZRoom        room     = dungeon.FindGoal();

        while (room != null)
            room = room.GetParent();
     * Sets up the dungeon's entrance room.
     * @param levels    the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to update
     * @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
    protected void InitEntranceRoom(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels)
        int        id;
        List <int> possibleEntries = new List <int>(constraints.InitialRooms());

        id = possibleEntries[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, possibleEntries.Count)];

        MZRoom entry = new MZRoom(id, constraints.GetCoords(id), null,
                                  new MZSymbol((int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.Start), new MZCondition());


        levels.AddRoom(0, entry);
     * Randomly chooses a {@link Direction} in which the given {@link MZRoom} has
     * an adjacent empty space.
     * @param room  the room
     * @return  the Direction of the empty space chosen adjacent to the MZRoom or
     *          null if there are no adjacent empty spaces
    protected int ChooseFreeEdge(MZRoom room, int keyLevel)
        List <KeyValuePair <Double, int> > neighbors = new List <KeyValuePair <Double, int> >(
            constraints.GetAdjacentRooms(room.id, keyLevel));

        while (neighbors.Count > 0)
            int choice = neighbors[0].Value;
            if (dungeon.Get(choice) == null)
        throw new MZGenerationFailureException("Internal error: MZRoom doesn't have a free edge");
Ejemplo n.º 9
     * Creates a MZRoom at the given coordinates, with the given parent,
     * containing a specific item, and having a certain pre-{@link MZCondition}.
     * <p>
     * The parent of a room is the parent node of this MZRoom in the initial
     * tree of the dungeon during
     * {@link generators.MZDungeonGenerator#Generate()}, and
     * before
     * {@link generators.MZDungeonGenerator#Graphify()}.
     * @param coords    the coordinates of the new room
     * @param parent    the parent room or null if it is the root / entry room
     * @param item      the symbol to place in the room or null if no item
     * @param precond   the precondition of the room
     * @see MZCondition
    public MZRoom(int id, List <Vector2Int> coords, MZRoom parent, MZSymbol item, MZCondition precond)
        this.id        = id;
        this.coords    = coords;
        this.item      = item;
        this.edges     = new List <MZEdge>();
        this.precond   = precond;
        this.intensity = 0.0;
        this.parent    = parent;
        this.children  = new List <MZRoom>(3);
        // all edges initially null
        int x = 0, y = 0;

        foreach (Vector2Int xy in coords)
            x += xy.x; y += xy.y;
        center = new Vector2Int(x / coords.Count, y / coords.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 10
     * Recursively applies the given intensity to the given {@link MZRoom}, and
     * higher intensities to each of its descendants that are within the same
     * keyLevel.
     * <p>
     * Intensities set by this method may (will) be outside of the normal range
     * from 0.0 to 1.0. See {@link #NormalizeIntensity} to correct this.
     * @param room      the room to set the intensity of
     * @param intensity the value to set intensity to (some randomn variance is
     *                  Added)
     * @see MZRoom
    protected double ApplyIntensity(MZRoom room, double intensity)
        intensity *= 1.0 - intensityGrowthJitter / 2.0 +
                     intensityGrowthJitter * UnityEngine.Random.value;


        double maxIntensity = intensity;

        foreach (MZRoom child in room.GetChildren())
            if (room.GetPrecond().Implies(child.GetPrecond()))
                maxIntensity = Math.Max(maxIntensity, ApplyIntensity(child,
                                                                     intensity + 1.0));

Ejemplo n.º 11
     * Randomly chooses a {@link MZRoom} within the given collection that has at
     * least one adjacent empty space.
     * @param roomCollection    the collection of rooms to choose from
     * @return  the room that was chosen, or null if there are no rooms with
     *          adjacent empty spaces
    protected MZRoom ChooseRoomWithFreeEdge(List <MZRoom> roomCollection,
                                            int keyLevel)
        List <MZRoom> rooms = new List <MZRoom>(roomCollection);

        for (int i = 0; i < rooms.Count; ++i)
            MZRoom room = rooms[i];
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Double, int> next in
                     constraints.GetAdjacentRooms(room.id, keyLevel))
                if (dungeon.Get(next.Value) == null)
Ejemplo n.º 12
     * Randomly locks descendant rooms of the given {@link MZRoom} with
     * {@link MZEdge}s that require the switch to be in the given state.
     * <p>
     * If the given state is Either, the required states will be random.
     * @param room          the room whose child to lock
     * @param givenState    the state to require the switch to be in for the
     *                      child rooms to be accessible
     * @return              true if any locks were Added, false if none were
     *                      Added (which can happen due to the way the random
     *                      decisions are made)
     * @see MZCondition.SwitchState
    protected bool SwitchLockChildRooms(MZRoom room,
                                        MZCondition.SwitchState givenState)
        bool anyLocks = false;

        MZCondition.SwitchState state = givenState != MZCondition.SwitchState.Either
                ? givenState
                : (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2) == 0
                    ? MZCondition.SwitchState.On
                    : MZCondition.SwitchState.Off);

        foreach (MZEdge edge in room.GetEdges())
            int    neighborId = edge.GetTargetRoomId();
            MZRoom nextRoom   = dungeon.Get(neighborId);
            if (room.GetChildren().Contains(nextRoom))
                if (room.GetEdge(neighborId).GetSymbol() == null &&
                    UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 4) != 0)
                    dungeon.Link(room, nextRoom, state.ToSymbol());
                    AddPrecond(nextRoom, new MZCondition(state.ToSymbol()));
                    anyLocks = true;
                    anyLocks |= SwitchLockChildRooms(nextRoom, state);

                if (givenState == MZCondition.SwitchState.Either)
                    state = state.Invert();
Ejemplo n.º 13
     * Randomly links up some adjacent rooms to make the dungeon graph less of
     * a tree.
     * @ if it fails
    protected void Graphify()
        foreach (MZRoom room in dungeon.GetRooms())
            if (room.IsGoal() || room.IsBoss())

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Double, int> next in
                     // Doesn't matter what the keyLevel is; later checks about
                     // preconds ensure linkage doesn't trivialize the puzzle.
                     constraints.GetAdjacentRooms(room.id, Int32.MaxValue))
                int nextId = next.Value;

                if (room.GetEdge(nextId) != null)

                MZRoom nextRoom = dungeon.Get(nextId);
                if (nextRoom == null || nextRoom.IsGoal() || nextRoom.IsBoss())

                if (room.GetCoords()[0].x == -1 && room.GetCoords()[0].y == -3)
                    //Debug.Log(nextRoom.GetCoords()[0].x + " " + nextRoom.GetCoords()[0].y);

                bool forwardImplies  = room.GetPrecond().Implies(nextRoom.GetPrecond()),
                     backwardImplies = nextRoom.GetPrecond().Implies(room.GetPrecond());
                if (forwardImplies && backwardImplies)
                    // both rooms are at the same keyLevel.
                    if (UnityEngine.Random.value >=
                        constraints.EdgeGraphifyProbability(room.id, nextRoom.id))

                    dungeon.Link(room, nextRoom);
                    MZSymbol difference = room.GetPrecond().SingleSymbolDifference(
                    if (difference == null || (!difference.IsSwitchState() &&
                                               UnityEngine.Random.value >=
                                               constraints.EdgeGraphifyProbability(room.id, nextRoom.id)))

                    dungeon.Link(room, nextRoom, difference);
Ejemplo n.º 14
     * Makes some {@link MZEdge}s within the dungeon require the dungeon's switch
     * to be in a particular state, and places the switch in a room in the
     * dungeon.
     * @ if it fails
    protected void PlaceSwitches()
        // Possible TODO: have multiple switches on separate circuits
        // At the moment, we only have one switch per dungeon.
        if (constraints.GetMaxSwitches() <= 0)

        List <MZRoom> solution = GetSolutionPath();

        for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 10; ++attempt)
            List <MZRoom> rooms = new List <MZRoom>(dungeon.GetRooms());

            // Pick a base room from the solution path so that the player
            // will have to encounter a switch-lock to solve the dungeon.
            MZRoom baseRoom = null;
            foreach (MZRoom room in solution)
                if (room.GetChildren().Count > 1 && room.GetParent() != null)
                    baseRoom = room;
            if (baseRoom == null)
                throw new RetryException();
            MZCondition baseRoomCond = baseRoom.GetPrecond();

            RemoveDescendantsFromList(rooms, baseRoom);

            MZSymbol switchSym = new MZSymbol((int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.Switch);

            MZRoom switchRoom = null;
            foreach (MZRoom room in rooms)
                if (room.GetItem() == null &&
                    baseRoomCond.Implies(room.GetPrecond()) &&
                    constraints.RoomCanFitItem(room.id, switchSym))
                    switchRoom = room;
            if (switchRoom == null)

            if (SwitchLockChildRooms(baseRoom, MZCondition.SwitchState.Either))
        throw new RetryException();
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public MZRoom(int id, Vector2Int coords, MZRoom parent, MZSymbol item, MZCondition precond) :
     this(id, new List <Vector2Int> {
 }, parent, item, precond)
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void Link(MZRoom room1, MZRoom room2)
     Link(room1, room2, null);
Ejemplo n.º 17
     * private int keyLevel;
     * public AStarClient(int keyLevel)
     * {
     *  this.keyLevel = keyLevel;
     * }
     * public override List<int> GetNeighbors(int roomId)
     * {
     *  List<int> ids = new List<int>();
     *  foreach (MZEdge edge in dungeon.Get(roomId).GetEdges())
     *  {
     *      if (!edge.HasSymbol() || edge.GetSymbol().GetValue() < keyLevel)
     *      {
     *          ids.Add(edge.GetTargetRoomId());
     *      }
     *  }
     *  return ids;
     * }
     * public override Vector2Int GetVector2Int(int roomId)
     * {
     *  return dungeon.Get(roomId).GetCenter();
     * }
     * }
     * private List<int> AStar(int start, int goal, int keyLevel)
     * {
     *  AStar<int> astar = new AStar<int>();
     *  return astar.Solve();
     * }

     * Nonlinearity is measured as the number of rooms the player would have to
     * pass through multiple times to Get to the goal room (collecting keys and
     * unlocking doors along the way).
     * Uses A* to find a path from the entry to the first key, from each key to
     * the next key and from the last key to the goal.
     * @return  The number of rooms passed through multiple times
    public int MeasureNonlinearity()
        List <MZRoom> keyRooms = new List <MZRoom>(constraints.GetMaxKeys());

        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.GetMaxKeys(); ++i)
        foreach (MZRoom room in dungeon.GetRooms())
            if (room.GetItem() == null)
            MZSymbol item = room.GetItem();
            if (item.GetValue() >= 0 && item.GetValue() < keyRooms.Count)
                keyRooms.Insert(item.GetValue(), room);
        //for N >= 0: keyRooms[N] = location of key N

        MZRoom current = dungeon.FindStart(), goal = dungeon.FindGoal();

        //clients may disable generation of the goal room if redundant, in which case the equivalent 'ending' room becomes the boss room
        if (goal == null)
            goal = dungeon.FindBoss();
        Debug.Assert(current != null && goal != null);
        int nextKey = 0, nonlinearity = 0;

        List <int> visitedRooms = new List <int>();

        while (current != goal)
            MZRoom intermediateGoal;

            //Debug.Log("Current room ID: " + current.id);
            //Debug.Log("Max Keys:" + constraints.GetMaxKeys());
            //Debug.Log("Next Key: " + nextKey);

            if (nextKey == constraints.GetMaxKeys())
                intermediateGoal = goal;

                intermediateGoal = keyRooms[nextKey];
            //Debug.Log("Current goal ID: " + intermediateGoal.id);
            //Debug.Log("Dungeon: " + dungeon.GetType());
            //Debug.Log("A* running...");
            List <int> steps = astar(current.id, intermediateGoal.id, nextKey, dungeon); //ちゃんとこれを作ってよ
            //Debug.Log("Reversing steps!");

            foreach (int id in steps)
                Debug.Log("Visited Room: " + id);
                if (visitedRooms.Contains(id))

            current = dungeon.Get(steps[0]);
            MZRoom test = current;
Ejemplo n.º 18
     * Places the BOSS and GOAL rooms within the dungeon, in existing rooms.
     * These rooms are moved into the next keyLevel.
     * @param levels    the keyLevel -> room-set mapping to update
     * @ if it fails
     * @see KeyLevelRoomMapping
    protected void PlaceBossGoalRooms(KeyLevelRoomMapping levels)
        List <MZRoom> possibleGoalRooms = new List <MZRoom>(dungeon.RoomCount());

        MZSymbol goalSym = new MZSymbol((int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.Goal),
                 bossSym = new MZSymbol((int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.Boss);

        foreach (MZRoom room in dungeon.GetRooms())
            if (room.GetChildren().Count > 0 || room.GetItem() != null)
            MZRoom parent = room.GetParent();
            if (parent == null)
            if (IsGenerateGoal() && (parent.GetChildren().Count != 1 ||
            if (IsGenerateGoal())
                if (!constraints.RoomCanFitItem(room.id, goalSym) ||
                    !constraints.RoomCanFitItem(parent.id, bossSym))
                if (!constraints.RoomCanFitItem(room.id, bossSym))

        if (possibleGoalRooms.Count == 0)
            throw new RetryException();

        MZRoom goalRoom = possibleGoalRooms[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,
               bossRoom = goalRoom.GetParent();

        if (!IsGenerateGoal())
            bossRoom = goalRoom;
            goalRoom = null;

        if (goalRoom != null)

        int oldKeyLevel = bossRoom.GetPrecond().GetKeyLevel(),
            newKeyLevel = Math.Min(levels.KeyCount(), constraints.GetMaxKeys());

        if (oldKeyLevel != newKeyLevel)
            List <MZRoom> oklRooms = levels.GetRooms(oldKeyLevel);
            if (goalRoom != null)

            if (goalRoom != null)
                levels.AddRoom(newKeyLevel, goalRoom);
            levels.AddRoom(newKeyLevel, bossRoom);

            MZSymbol    bossKey = new MZSymbol(newKeyLevel - 1);
            MZCondition precond = bossRoom.GetPrecond().And(bossKey);
            if (goalRoom != null)

            if (newKeyLevel == 0)
                dungeon.Link(bossRoom.GetParent(), bossRoom);
                dungeon.Link(bossRoom.GetParent(), bossRoom, bossKey);
            if (goalRoom != null)
                dungeon.Link(bossRoom, goalRoom);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public bool RoomsAreLinked(MZRoom room1, MZRoom room2)
     return(room1.GetEdge(room2.id) != null || room2.GetEdge(room1.id) != null);
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Registers this MZRoom as a parent of another.
  * Does not modify the child room's parent property.
  * @param child the room to parent
 public void AddChild(MZRoom child)
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public void AddRoom(int keyLevel, MZRoom room)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public void Link(MZRoom room1, MZRoom room2, MZSymbol cond)
     LinkOneWay(room1, room2, cond);
     LinkOneWay(room2, room1, cond);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void LinkOneWay(MZRoom room1, MZRoom room2, MZSymbol cond)
     room1.SetEdge(room2.id, cond);
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public void CreateDungeon()
        float roomRatio = 0.6875f; // 256x176

        // Use CountConstraints to make a truly random map.

         * CountConstraints constraints = new CountConstraints((int)maxSpaces, (int)maxKeys, (int)maxSwitches);
         * Debug.Log("Constraints: " + maxSpaces + "," + maxKeys + "," + maxSwitches);

        // Use SpaceConstraints to make a map fitting to a shape.
        MZSpaceMap spaceMap = new MZSpaceMap();

        //random tile map
        //tileMap = tileMapObjects[Random.Range(0, tileMapObjects.Length)].GetComponentInChildren<Tilemap>();
        tileMap = tileMapObjects[0].GetComponentInChildren <Tilemap>();
        foreach (Vector3Int posWithZ in tileMap.cellBounds.allPositionsWithin.GetEnumerator())
            if (tileMap.HasTile(posWithZ))
                Vector2Int pos = new Vector2Int(posWithZ.x, posWithZ.y);
                spaceMap.Set(pos, true);

        SpaceConstraints constraints = new SpaceConstraints(spaceMap, (int)maxKeys, (int)maxSwitches);

        generator = new LinearDungeonGenerator(Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue), constraints, numberOfRooms, (int)maxGenerations);
        //generator = new DungeonGenerator(Random.Range(0, int.MaxValue), constraints, numberOfRooms);

        dungeon = generator.GetMZDungeon();
        foreach (MZRoom room in dungeon.GetRooms())
            MZSymbol   item          = room.GetItem();
            GameObject toInstantiate = normalRoom;
            Color      roomColor     = new Color((float)room.GetIntensity(), 1.0f - (float)room.GetIntensity(), 0.5f - (float)room.GetIntensity() / 2);
            if (item != null)
                switch (item.GetValue())
                case (int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.Start:
                    toInstantiate = entranceRoom;
                    roomColor     = Color.white;

                case (int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.Boss:
                    toInstantiate = bossRoom;

                case (int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.Goal:
                    toInstantiate = goalRoom;
                    roomColor     = Color.white;


                if (item.GetValue() >= 0)
                    GameObject keyObjectInstance = Instantiate(key, new Vector3(room.GetCoords()[0].x, room.GetCoords()[0].y * roomRatio, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    keyObjectInstance.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = keyColors[item.GetValue()];
                    keyObjectInstance.transform.localScale += new Vector3(2, 2, 2);
                else if (item.GetValue() == (int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.Switch)
                    GameObject keyObjectInstance = Instantiate(roomSwitch, new Vector3(room.GetCoords()[0].x, room.GetCoords()[0].y * roomRatio, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    keyObjectInstance.transform.localScale += new Vector3(2, 2, 2);

            GameObject roomObject = Instantiate(toInstantiate, new Vector3(room.GetCoords()[0].x, room.GetCoords()[0].y * roomRatio, 0), Quaternion.identity, transform);
            roomObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = roomColor;

            foreach (MZEdge edge in room.GetEdges())
                MZRoom     targetRoom = dungeon.Get(edge.GetTargetRoomId());
                Vector2Int edgeDir    = targetRoom.GetCoords()[0] - room.GetCoords()[0];

                toInstantiate = openDoor;
                GameObject keyObject = null;
                Color      keyColor  = Color.white;
                if (edge.GetSymbol() != null)
                    switch (edge.GetSymbol().GetValue())
                    case (int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.SwitchOn:
                        toInstantiate = blockedDoor;
                        keyObject     = roomSwitchOn;

                    case (int)MZSymbol.MZSymbolValue.SwitchOff:
                        toInstantiate = blockedDoor;
                        keyObject     = roomSwitchOff;


                    if (edge.GetSymbol().GetValue() >= 0)
                        toInstantiate = lockedDoor;
                        keyObject     = key;
                        keyColor      = keyColors[edge.GetSymbol().GetValue()];

                //this only works for identically sized rooms
                Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero;
                if (edgeDir == Vector2Int.right)
                    pos = new Vector3(room.GetCoords()[0].x + 0.5f, room.GetCoords()[0].y * roomRatio, 0);
                    GameObject doorObject = Instantiate(toInstantiate, pos, Quaternion.identity, transform);
                    if (keyObject != null)
                        GameObject keyObjectInstance = Instantiate(keyObject, pos, Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        keyObjectInstance.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = keyColor;
                        keyObjectInstance.transform.localScale += new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                else if (edgeDir == Vector2Int.down)
                    pos = new Vector3(room.GetCoords()[0].x, room.GetCoords()[0].y * roomRatio - (roomRatio / 2), 0);
                    Vector2Int relativePos = Vector2Int.zero + Vector2Int.up;
                    float      angle       = Mathf.Atan2(relativePos.y, relativePos.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                    Quaternion rotation    = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.forward); //90 degrees
                    GameObject doorObject  = Instantiate(toInstantiate, pos, rotation, transform);
                    if (keyObject != null)
                        GameObject keyObjectInstance = Instantiate(keyObject, pos, Quaternion.identity, transform);
                        keyObjectInstance.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = keyColor;
                        keyObjectInstance.transform.localScale += new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
        foreach (var room in dungeon.GetRooms())
            foreach (var edge in room.GetEdges())
                //wrap this up laterino
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * @param parent the MZRoom to set this MZRoom's parent to
  * @see MZRoom#Room
 public void SetParent(MZRoom parent)
     this.parent = parent;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void LinkOneWay(MZRoom room1, MZRoom room2)
     LinkOneWay(room1, room2, null);