Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Handle(LoginServer.Virtual.User.User Connection)
            int ClientVersion   = int.Parse(getBlock(0));
            int LauncherVersion = int.Parse(getBlock(1));
            int Type            = int.Parse(getBlock(2));
            int UserID          = 0;

            if (Type == 1) //FreeWar Account Status
                string Username = getBlock(3);
                string Password = getBlock(4);
                    UserID = int.Parse(MYSQL.runReadOnce("id", "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='******'").ToString());
                catch { UserID = 0; }
                if (UserID > 0)
                    MYSQL.runQuery("UPDATE users SET lastipaddress='" + Connection.IPAddress + "' WHERE id='" + UserID + "'");
                    DataTable dt  = MYSQL.runRead("SELECT id, username, password, salt, nickname, dinar, cash, rank, premium, banned FROM users WHERE id=" + UserID.ToString());
                    DataRow   row = dt.Rows[0];

                    string Salt        = row["salt"].ToString();
                    string md5Password = Structure.convertToMD5(Structure.convertToMD5(Password) + Structure.convertToMD5(Salt));

                    if (row["password"].ToString() == md5Password)
                        string Nickname = row["nickname"].ToString();
                        int    Dinar    = int.Parse(row["dinar"].ToString());
                        int    Cash     = int.Parse(row["cash"].ToString());
                        int    Premium  = int.Parse(row["premium"].ToString());
                        int    Rank     = int.Parse(row["rank"].ToString());
                        bool   Status   = true;
                        Structure.LogFromLauncher.TryAdd(Connection.IPAddress.ToString(), Connection);
                        Connection.send(new PACKET_LAUNCHER_INIT(Nickname, Dinar, Cash, Status, Premium, Rank));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string UserName = textBox1.Text.ToString();
            string Password = textBox2.Text.ToString();
            int    UserID   = 0;

                UserID = int.Parse(MYSQL.runReadOnce("id", "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='******'").ToString());
            catch { UserID = 0; MessageBox.Show("UserName Not Found", "Error LogIn", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); }
            if (UserID > 0)
                DataTable dt  = MYSQL.runRead("SELECT id, username, password, salt, rank FROM users WHERE id=" + UserID.ToString());
                DataRow   row = dt.Rows[0];

                string Salt        = row["salt"].ToString();
                string md5Password = Structure.convertToMD5(Structure.convertToMD5(Password) + Structure.convertToMD5(Salt));

                if (row["password"].ToString() == md5Password)
                    if (int.Parse(row["rank"].ToString()) == 6)
                        this.Visible = false;
                        FormCalling.frm1.Enabled = true;
                        MessageBox.Show("Insufficient Rank To Log In The Core Panel", "Error LogIn", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password", "Error LogIn", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Handle(LoginServer.Virtual.User.User Connection)
            DateTime current   = DateTime.Now;
            int      StartTime = int.Parse(String.Format("{0:yyMMddHH}", current));

            Connection.Username = getBlock(2).ToLower();
            int    UserID   = 0;
            string Password = getBlock(3);

                    UserID = int.Parse(MYSQL.runReadOnce("id", "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='******'").ToString());
                catch { UserID = 0; }
                if (UserID > 0)
                    MYSQL.runQuery("UPDATE users SET lastipaddress='" + Connection.IPAddress + "' WHERE id='" + UserID + "'");
                    DataTable dt  = MYSQL.runRead("SELECT id, username, password, salt, online, nickname, rank, firstlogin, bantime, clanid, clanrank, banned, bantime FROM users WHERE id=" + UserID.ToString());
                    DataRow   row = dt.Rows[0];

                    foreach (string UserLogged in Structure.LogFromLauncher.Keys)
                        if (UserLogged == Connection.IPAddress.ToString())
                            Connection.UserID   = int.Parse(row["id"].ToString());
                            Connection.Username = row["username"].ToString();
                            Connection.Nickname = row["nickname"].ToString();
                            Connection.Rank     = int.Parse(row["rank"].ToString());
                            Connection.ClanID   = int.Parse(row["clanid"].ToString());
                            Connection.Banned   = int.Parse(row["banned"].ToString());
                            Connection.ClanRank = int.Parse(row["clanrank"].ToString());
                            bool Online = (row["online"].ToString() == "1");
                            Connection.FirstLogin = (row["firstlogin"].ToString() == "0");
                            bool   banned  = (Connection.Rank == 0 || row["banned"].ToString() == "1");
                            string bantime = row["bantime"].ToString();
                            Connection.send(new PACKET_SERVER_LIST(Connection));

                    string Salt        = row["salt"].ToString();
                    string md5Password = Structure.convertToMD5(Structure.convertToMD5(Password) + Structure.convertToMD5(Salt));

                    if (row["password"].ToString() == md5Password)
                        Connection.UserID   = int.Parse(row["id"].ToString());
                        Connection.Username = row["username"].ToString();
                        Connection.Nickname = row["nickname"].ToString();
                        Connection.Rank     = int.Parse(row["rank"].ToString());
                        Connection.ClanID   = int.Parse(row["clanid"].ToString());
                        Connection.Banned   = int.Parse(row["banned"].ToString());
                        Connection.ClanRank = int.Parse(row["clanrank"].ToString());
                        bool Online = (row["online"].ToString() == "1");
                        Connection.FirstLogin = (row["firstlogin"].ToString() == "0");
                        bool   banned  = (Connection.Rank == 0 || row["banned"].ToString() == "1");
                        string bantime = row["bantime"].ToString();

                        if (Connection.Rank > 0)
                            if (Online)
                                Connection.send(new PACKET_SERVER_LIST(PACKET_SERVER_LIST.errorCodes.AlreadyLoggedIn));
                                Log.AppendText("Player " + Connection.Username + ", logged in with ip: " + Connection.IPAddress + " but the user is already online.");
                                if (Connection.FirstLogin)
                                    Connection.UserID = UserID;
                                    Connection.send(new PACKET_SERVER_LIST(PACKET_SERVER_LIST.errorCodes.Nickname));
                                    Log.AppendText("Connection from " + Connection.IPAddress + " logged succesfull in as new username ( " + Connection.Username + " )");
                                    if (Connection.ClanID != -1)
                                        DataTable mydt = MYSQL.runRead("SELECT clanname, iconid FROM clans WHERE id='" + Connection.ClanID + "'");
                                        if (mydt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                            DataRow myrow = mydt.Rows[0];
                                            Connection.ClanName   = myrow["clanname"].ToString();
                                            Connection.ClanIconID = long.Parse(myrow["iconid"].ToString());

                                    Connection.send(new PACKET_SERVER_LIST(Connection));
                                    Log.AppendText("Player " + Connection.Nickname + ", logged in!");
                            if (int.Parse(bantime) > StartTime || Connection.Banned == 1)
                                Connection.send(new PACKET_SERVER_LIST(PACKET_SERVER_LIST.errorCodes.Banned));
                                Log.AppendError("Connection from " + Connection.IPAddress + " failed to login because the account " + Connection.Username + " is disabled/banned.");
                                DB.runQuery("UPDATE users SET rank='1', bantime='-1' WHERE id='" + Connection.UserID + "'");
                                Connection.send(new PACKET_SERVER_LIST(Connection));
                                Log.AppendText("Connection from " + Connection.IPAddress + " logged succesfull in as " + Connection.Nickname + ".");
                        Connection.send(new PACKET_SERVER_LIST(PACKET_SERVER_LIST.errorCodes.WrongPW));
                        Log.AppendError("Connection from " + Connection.IPAddress + " failed to login on the account " + Connection.Username + ".");
                    UserID = -1;
                    Connection.send(new PACKET_SERVER_LIST(PACKET_SERVER_LIST.errorCodes.WrongUser));
                    Log.AppendError("Connection from " + Connection.IPAddress + " logged in with an invalid username: "******".");
            catch (Exception ex)