Ejemplo n.º 1
        // GET api/issuer
        public List <IssuerModel> Data()
            var dbContext = new MS_DEVEntities();
            var res       = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <IssuerModel>("select BusinessName,FullName,Mobilenumber,UserName,ActualAmount,max(daysoverdue) as daysoverdue, sum(totaldisbursed) as totaldisbursed, convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(overdueamount,0)))as overdueamount, convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outstandinglf,0)))as outstandinglf,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outamountwithoutlf,0)))as outamountwithoutlf,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outamountwithlf,0)))as outamountwithlf, max(lastrepaymentdate)as lastrepaymentdate,convert(decimal(18,2), sum(isnull(totalpaidamount,0)))as totalpaidamount,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(totalpaidprincipal,0)))as totalpaidprincipal,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(totalpaidinterest,0)))as totalpaidinterest,convert(decimal(18,2), sum(isnull(totalpaidlateinterest,0)))as totalpaidlateinterest,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(paidlatefees,0)))as paidlatefees from( select company.BusinessName, company.FullName,case when company.Mobilenumber = '94389427' and company.UserName = '******' then '97521852' else company.Mobilenumber end as Mobilenumber,case when company.UserName = '******' then '*****@*****.**' else company.UserName end as UserName,company.ActualAmount,max(DAYS_OVERDUE) as daysoverdue, sum(finalamount) as totaldisbursed, sum(isnull(overdueamount, 0)) as overdueamount, sum(isnull(outstandinglf, 0)) as outstandinglf,sum(isnull(outamountwithoutlf, 0)) as outamountwithoutlf,sum(isnull(outamountwithlf, 0)) as outamountwithlf, max(lastrepaymentdate) as lastrepaymentdate, sum(isnull(totalpaidamount, 0)) as totalpaidamount,sum(isnull(totalpaidprincipal, 0)) as totalpaidprincipal,sum(isnull(totalpaidinterest, 0)) as totalpaidinterest, sum(isnull(totalpaidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaidlateinterest,sum(isnull(paidlatefees, 0)) as paidlatefees from(  select LoanRequestID, overduesincedate, lastrepaymentdate,case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else DAYS_OVERDUE end as days_overdue, case when loanstatus = 8 then 0 else overdueamount end as overdueamount,case when loanstatus = 8 then 0 else outamountwithoutlf end as outamountwithoutlf, case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else outamountwitlf end as outamountwithlf,case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else outstandinglf end as outstandinglf,case when LoanRequestID in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0 else FinalAmount end as FinalAmount, paidlatefees,totalpaidamount,totalpaidprincipal,totalpaidinterest,totalpaidlateinterest from(  select z.*,y.lastrepaymentdate,x.DAYS_OVERDUE,x.overdueamount,w.numofoutstandingrepayment,w.numofoverduerepayment,w.numofpaidrepayment,w.totalnumofrepayment,v.outamountwithoutlf,v.outamountwitlf,v.outstandinglf,u.FinalAmount,s.paidlatefees,r.totalpaidamount,q.accepteddate,p.totalpaidprincipal,o.totalpaidinterest,n.totalpaidlateinterest,m.LoanStatus from(                   select loanrequestid, min(iif(paystatus= 2, duedate,null)) as overduesincedate from issuerrepayment group by LoanRequestID) as z left join( select LoanRequestID, max(date) as lastrepaymentdate from issuerrepayment right join issuerrepaymentpayment  on issuerrepayment.IssuerRepID = IssuerRepaymentPayment.IssuerRepID group by LoanRequestID) as y on z.LoanRequestID = y.LoanRequestID left join( select a1.*,b1.overdueamount from( select loanrequestid, isnull(DATEDIFF(day, MIN(IIF(PAYSTATUS<> 1,DUEDATE, NULL)),GETDATE()),0) AS DAYS_OVERDUE from issuerrepayment group by LoanRequestID ) as a1 left join( Select distinct LoanRequestID, Case when paystatus = 2 then SUM(Principal -isnull(PaidPrincipal, 0) - isnull(PaidInterest, 0) + Interest + isnull(lateinterest, 0)) over(partition by loanrequestID) else 0 end as overdueamount from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 2 ) as b1 on a1.LoanRequestID = b1.LoanRequestID) as x on z.LoanRequestID = x.LoanRequestID left join( select t.*,isnull(numpaid.numofpaidrepayment, 0) as numofpaidrepayment, isnull(numoverdue.numofoverduerepayment, 0) as numofoverduerepayment, isnull(numoutstanding.numofoutstandingrepayment, 0) as numofoutstandingrepayment from( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as totalnumofrepayment  from IssuerRepayment group by LoanRequestID) as t left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofpaidrepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as numpaid on t.LoanRequestID = numpaid.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofoverduerepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 2 group by LoanRequestID ) as numoverdue on t.LoanRequestID = numoverdue.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofoutstandingrepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as numoutstanding on t.LoanRequestID = numoutstanding.LoanRequestID) as w on z.LoanRequestID = w.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, sum((isnull(latefees,0)-isnull(paidlatefees, 0))*(1 - isfeewaiver))as outstandinglf,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(lateinterest, 0)) as outamountwithoutlf,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(lateinterest, 0) + (isnull(latefees, 0) - isnull(paidlatefees, 0)) * (1 - isfeewaiver)) as outamountwitlf from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as v on z.LoanRequestID = v.LoanRequestID left join( select RequestId, FinalAmount from tbl_LoanRequests ) as u on z.LoanRequestID = u.RequestId left join( select loanrequestid, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)+isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalamountpaid from issuerrepayment group by loanrequestid) t on z.LoanRequestID = t.LoanRequestID left join( select loanrequestid, sum(isnull(paidlatefees,0)) as paidlatefees from issuerrepayment where IsFeeWaiver = 0 group by loanrequestid) as s on z.LoanRequestID = s.LoanRequestID left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidamount from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(amount + isnull(PaidLateInterest, 0)) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)+isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid ) as r on z.LoanRequestID = r.loanrequestid left join( select requestid, accepteddate from tbl_loanrequests) as q on z.loanrequestid = q.requestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidprincipal from( select LoanRequestID, sum(Principal) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as p on z.LoanRequestID = p.loanrequestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidinterest from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(interest) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(PaidInterest,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as o on z.LoanRequestID = o.loanrequestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidlateinterest from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(PaidInterest,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as n on z.LoanRequestID = n.loanrequestid left join( select RequestId, LoanStatus from tbl_loanRequests) as m on z.LoanRequestID = m.RequestId ) as notelevelmini  ) as notelevel left join( select accountdetails.BusinessName, tbl_loanrequests.RequestId, accountdetails.FullName, accountdetails.Mobilenumber, users.UserName, balance.ActualAmount from tbl_loanrequests left join(select BusinessName, NRIC_Number, USER_ID, FullName, Mobilenumber from tbl_AccountDetails) as accountdetails on accountdetails.user_ID = tbl_loanrequests.user_ID left join( select userid, username from tbl_Users) as users on tbl_LoanRequests.User_ID = users.UserID left join( select User_ID, ActualAmount from tbl_Balances) as balance on tbl_LoanRequests.User_ID = balance.User_ID) as company on notelevel.LoanRequestID = company.RequestId group by BusinessName, fullname, UserName, Mobilenumber,ActualAmount) as abc group by BusinessName,FullName,UserName,Mobilenumber,ActualAmount ").ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // GET api/investor
        public List <InvestorModel> Get()
            var dbContext = new MS_DEVEntities();
            var res       = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <InvestorModel>("select investorinfo.*,investamount.totalinvestedamount,investamount.paidP,paidI,paidLI,TotalAmountReceived,currentinFunding,numberofinvested,convert(decimal(18,2),Closeoff_PI)as Closeoff_PI,numofcloseoff,numberoffullypaidnotes,numofdelinquent,convert(decimal(18,2),outstanding_I)as outstanding_I,convert(decimal(18,2),outstanding_P)as outstanding_P,convert(decimal(18,2),outstandingPI)as outstandingPI from ( select oldinformation.*, newinformation.age, newinformation.FullName, newinformation.Gender, newinformation.Mobilenumber, newinformation.Nationality, newinformation.DateofBirth, newinformation.NRIC_Number, newinformation.PassportNumber from( select almost.*, lastlogin from( select users.*, ActualAmount from( select USER_ID, ActualAmount from tbl_Balances where User_ID is not null) as balance left join( select UserID, username, QualifiedDate, AdminVerification, DateCreated from tbl_users ) as users on balance.User_ID = users.UserID) as almost left join( select  UserName, max(timestamp) as lastlogin from tbl_AuditLog group by UserName) as pre on almost.UserName = pre.UserName) as oldinformation left join( select User_ID, FullName, Gender, DateofBirth, datediff(year, DateofBirth, getdate()) as age, NRIC_Number, PassportNumber, Mobilenumber, Nationality  from tbl_AccountDetails) as newinformation on oldinformation.UserID = newinformation.User_ID) as investorinfo left join( select totalinvested.*,paidI,paidP,paidLI,TotalAmountReceived,OfferedAmount as currentinFunding,numberofinvested,Closeoff_PI,numofcloseoff,numberoffullypaidnotes,outstanding_I,outstanding_P,outstandingPI,numofdelinquent From( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as totalinvestedamount   from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, case when LoanRequest_Id in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0   else AcceptedAmount end as acceptedamount,LoanRequest_Id,case when LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001','-',offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a where acceptedamount<>0  group by Investor_Id) as totalinvested left join( select Investor_Id,convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidinterest, 0))) as paidI, convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidprincipal, 0))) as paidP,convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidlateinterest, 0))) as paidLI, convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0))) as TotalAmountReceived from( select pre1.Investor_Id, pre1.AcceptedAmount, pre1.LoanRequest_Id, pre1.newcontractid, InvestorRepaymentPayment.* from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1 ) as pre1 join InvestorRepaymentPayment on pre1.OfferId = InvestorRepaymentPayment.OfferID ) as paidamount group by Investor_Id) as totalpaidamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = totalpaidamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,OfferedAmount from tbl_Loanoffers join( select* from tbl_LoanRequests where LoanStatus= 2) as a on tbl_Loanoffers.LoanRequest_Id = a.RequestId) as currentfunding on totalinvested.Investor_Id = currentfunding.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(totalinvested) as numberofinvested from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as totalinvested, LoanRequest_Id   from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, case when LoanRequest_Id in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0   else AcceptedAmount end as acceptedamount,LoanRequest_Id,case when LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001','-',offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a where acceptedamount<>0  group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofinvest on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofinvest.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,sum(Principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as Closeoff_PI from( select b.*, c.Investor_Id, c.AcceptedAmount, c.newcontractid from( select a.* From( select InvestorRepayment.*, LoanRequest_Id from InvestorRepayment left join tbl_Loanoffers on InvestorRepayment.OfferID = tbl_Loanoffers.OfferId) as a  left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 9) as b left join( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as c on b.OfferId = c.OfferId) as d where PayStatus<>1 group by Investor_Id) as closeoffamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = closeoffamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id, count(totalclose) as numofcloseoff from( select a.Investor_Id, sum(AcceptedAmount) as totalclose, LoanRequest_Id from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 9 group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofcloseoff on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofcloseoff.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(amount) as numberoffullypaidnotes from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as amount, LoanRequest_Id from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 7 group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as fully on totalinvested.Investor_Id = fully.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0)) as outstanding_P, sum(Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as outstanding_I, sum(principal + interest - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as outstandingPI  from( select b.*, Investor_Id from( select a.* From( select InvestorRepayment.*, LoanRequest_Id from InvestorRepayment left join tbl_Loanoffers on InvestorRepayment.OfferID = tbl_Loanoffers.OfferId) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus in (3, 5, 7, 9)) as b left join( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as c on b.OfferID = c.OfferId) as final where PayStatus<>1 group by Investor_Id) as deliquentamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = deliquentamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(LoanRequest_Id) as numofdelinquent from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as amount, LoanRequest_Id from( select a.*, RequestId from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join(select* from tbl_LoanRequests where LoanStatus in (3,5,9) ) as b on a.LoanRequest_Id = b.RequestId where RequestId is not null) as pre group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofdelinquent on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofdelinquent.Investor_Id) as investamount on investorinfo.UserID = investamount.Investor_Id").ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public List <ZCRMRecord> Post()
            ZohoOAuthClient   client       = ZohoOAuthClient.GetInstance();
            string            refreshToken = "1000.354c162c19b5da4fc4053bc4e38dd27f.1e548f961cc913acbacd82fbad0a3387";
            string            userMailId   = "*****@*****.**";
            ZohoOAuthTokens   tokens       = client.GenerateAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(refreshToken, userMailId);
            List <ZCRMRecord> records      = new List <ZCRMRecord>();
            var dbContext = new MS_DEVEntities();
            var data      = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <InvestorModel>("select investorinfo.*,investamount.totalinvestedamount,investamount.paidP,paidI,paidLI,TotalAmountReceived,currentinFunding,numberofinvested,convert(decimal(18,2),Closeoff_PI)as Closeoff_PI,numofcloseoff,numberoffullypaidnotes,numofdelinquent,convert(decimal(18,2),outstanding_I)as outstanding_I,convert(decimal(18,2),outstanding_P)as outstanding_P,convert(decimal(18,2),outstandingPI)as outstandingPI from ( select oldinformation.*, newinformation.age, newinformation.FullName, newinformation.Gender, newinformation.Mobilenumber, newinformation.Nationality, newinformation.DateofBirth, newinformation.NRIC_Number, newinformation.PassportNumber from( select almost.*, lastlogin from( select users.*, ActualAmount from( select USER_ID, ActualAmount from tbl_Balances where User_ID is not null) as balance left join( select UserID, username, QualifiedDate, AdminVerification, DateCreated from tbl_users ) as users on balance.User_ID = users.UserID) as almost left join( select  UserName, max(timestamp) as lastlogin from tbl_AuditLog group by UserName) as pre on almost.UserName = pre.UserName) as oldinformation left join( select User_ID, FullName, Gender, DateofBirth, datediff(year, DateofBirth, getdate()) as age, NRIC_Number, PassportNumber, Mobilenumber, Nationality  from tbl_AccountDetails) as newinformation on oldinformation.UserID = newinformation.User_ID) as investorinfo left join( select totalinvested.*,paidI,paidP,paidLI,TotalAmountReceived,OfferedAmount as currentinFunding,numberofinvested,Closeoff_PI,numofcloseoff,numberoffullypaidnotes,outstanding_I,outstanding_P,outstandingPI,numofdelinquent From( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as totalinvestedamount   from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, case when LoanRequest_Id in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0   else AcceptedAmount end as acceptedamount,LoanRequest_Id,case when LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001','-',offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a where acceptedamount<>0  group by Investor_Id) as totalinvested left join( select Investor_Id,convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidinterest, 0))) as paidI, convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidprincipal, 0))) as paidP,convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidlateinterest, 0))) as paidLI, convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0))) as TotalAmountReceived from( select pre1.Investor_Id, pre1.AcceptedAmount, pre1.LoanRequest_Id, pre1.newcontractid, InvestorRepaymentPayment.* from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1 ) as pre1 join InvestorRepaymentPayment on pre1.OfferId = InvestorRepaymentPayment.OfferID ) as paidamount group by Investor_Id) as totalpaidamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = totalpaidamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,OfferedAmount from tbl_Loanoffers join( select* from tbl_LoanRequests where LoanStatus= 2) as a on tbl_Loanoffers.LoanRequest_Id = a.RequestId) as currentfunding on totalinvested.Investor_Id = currentfunding.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(totalinvested) as numberofinvested from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as totalinvested, LoanRequest_Id   from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, case when LoanRequest_Id in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0   else AcceptedAmount end as acceptedamount,LoanRequest_Id,case when LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001','-',offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a where acceptedamount<>0  group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofinvest on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofinvest.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,sum(Principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as Closeoff_PI from( select b.*, c.Investor_Id, c.AcceptedAmount, c.newcontractid from( select a.* From( select InvestorRepayment.*, LoanRequest_Id from InvestorRepayment left join tbl_Loanoffers on InvestorRepayment.OfferID = tbl_Loanoffers.OfferId) as a  left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 9) as b left join( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as c on b.OfferId = c.OfferId) as d where PayStatus<>1 group by Investor_Id) as closeoffamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = closeoffamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id, count(totalclose) as numofcloseoff from( select a.Investor_Id, sum(AcceptedAmount) as totalclose, LoanRequest_Id from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 9 group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofcloseoff on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofcloseoff.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(amount) as numberoffullypaidnotes from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as amount, LoanRequest_Id from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 7 group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as fully on totalinvested.Investor_Id = fully.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0)) as outstanding_P, sum(Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as outstanding_I, sum(principal + interest - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as outstandingPI  from( select b.*, Investor_Id from( select a.* From( select InvestorRepayment.*, LoanRequest_Id from InvestorRepayment left join tbl_Loanoffers on InvestorRepayment.OfferID = tbl_Loanoffers.OfferId) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus in (3, 5, 7, 9)) as b left join( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as c on b.OfferID = c.OfferId) as final where PayStatus<>1 group by Investor_Id) as deliquentamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = deliquentamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(LoanRequest_Id) as numofdelinquent from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as amount, LoanRequest_Id from( select a.*, RequestId from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join(select* from tbl_LoanRequests where LoanStatus in (3,5,9) ) as b on a.LoanRequest_Id = b.RequestId where RequestId is not null) as pre group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofdelinquent on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofdelinquent.Investor_Id) as investamount on investorinfo.UserID = investamount.Investor_Id").ToList();
            //foreach (var rc in data)
            ZCRMRecord record1 = new ZCRMRecord("accounts"); //module api name

            record1.SetFieldValue("UserID", "rc.CompanyName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("FullName", "rc.FullName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("UserName", "rc.UserName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("Age", "rc.MobileNumber");
            record1.SetFieldValue("Gender", "rc.IssuerAccountBalance");
            record1.SetFieldValue("NRIC_Number", "rc.OverdueDate");
            record1.SetFieldValue("PassportNumber", "rc.TotalAmountDisbursed");
            record1.SetFieldValue("Nationality", "rc.TotalAmountOverdue");
            record1.SetFieldValue("DateOfBirth", "rc.OutstandingLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("MobileNumber", "rc.OutstandingAmountNoLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("SignUpDate", "rc.OutstandingAmountWithLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("AdminVerification", "rc.LastRepaymentDate");
            record1.SetFieldValue("QualifiedDate", "rc.TotalFeesPaid");
            record1.SetFieldValue("LatestLogin", "rc.TotalPrincipalPaid");
            record1.SetFieldValue("SumOfNumInvestNotes", "rc.TotalInterestPaid");
            record1.SetFieldValue("InvestorAmount_TotalInvested", " rc.TotalLateInterestPaid");
            record1.SetFieldValue("SumOfLedgerAmount", "rc.CompanyName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("NumberOfDelinquentNote", "rc.FullName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalDelinquentAmount", "rc.UserName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("NumberOfFullyPaidNote", "rc.MobileNumber");
            record1.SetFieldValue("InvestorAmount_PrincipalReceived", "rc.IssuerAccountBalance");
            record1.SetFieldValue("InvestorAmount_InvestReceived", "rc.OverdueDate");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalAmountReceived", "rc.TotalAmountDisbursed");
            record1.SetFieldValue("SumOftotPaidLateInterest", "rc.TotalAmountOverdue");
            record1.SetFieldValue("NumberOfCloseOffNote", "rc.OutstandingLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalCloseOffPandI", "rc.OutstandingAmountNoLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("CurrentInFundingAmount", "rc.OutstandingAmountWithLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("InvestorAmount_OutstandingP", "rc.LastRepaymentDate");
            record1.SetFieldValue("InvestorAmount_OutstandingI", "rc.TotalFeesPaid");
            //ZCRMModule moduleIns = ZCRMModule.GetInstance("Leads"); //module api name
            //BulkAPIResponse<ZCRMRecord> response = moduleIns.CreateRecords(records);
            // }
            ZCRMModule moduleIns = ZCRMModule.GetInstance("accounts");                       //module api name
            BulkAPIResponse <ZCRMRecord> response        = moduleIns.CreateRecords(records); //records - list of ZCRMRecord instances filled with required data for upsert.
            List <ZCRMRecord>            upsertedRecords = response.BulkData;                //upsertedRecords - list of ZCRMRecord instance
            List <EntityResponse>        entityResponses = response.BulkEntitiesResponse;    //entityResponses - list of EntityResponses instance

Ejemplo n.º 4
        // POST api/issuer
        public List <ZCRMRecord> Post()
            ZohoOAuthClient   client       = ZohoOAuthClient.GetInstance();
            string            refreshToken = "1000.354c162c19b5da4fc4053bc4e38dd27f.1e548f961cc913acbacd82fbad0a3387";
            string            userMailId   = "*****@*****.**";
            ZohoOAuthTokens   tokens       = client.GenerateAccessTokenFromRefreshToken(refreshToken, userMailId);
            List <ZCRMRecord> records      = new List <ZCRMRecord>();
            var dbContext = new MS_DEVEntities();
            var data      = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <IssuerModel>("select BusinessName,FullName,Mobilenumber,UserName,ActualAmount,max(daysoverdue) as daysoverdue, sum(totaldisbursed) as totaldisbursed, convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(overdueamount,0)))as overdueamount, convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outstandinglf,0)))as outstandinglf,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outamountwithoutlf,0)))as outamountwithoutlf,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outamountwithlf,0)))as outamountwithlf, max(lastrepaymentdate)as lastrepaymentdate,convert(decimal(18,2), sum(isnull(totalpaidamount,0)))as totalpaidamount,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(totalpaidprincipal,0)))as totalpaidprincipal,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(totalpaidinterest,0)))as totalpaidinterest,convert(decimal(18,2), sum(isnull(totalpaidlateinterest,0)))as totalpaidlateinterest,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(paidlatefees,0)))as paidlatefees from( select company.BusinessName, company.FullName,case when company.Mobilenumber = '94389427' and company.UserName = '******' then '97521852' else company.Mobilenumber end as Mobilenumber,case when company.UserName = '******' then '*****@*****.**' else company.UserName end as UserName,company.ActualAmount,max(DAYS_OVERDUE) as daysoverdue, sum(finalamount) as totaldisbursed, sum(isnull(overdueamount, 0)) as overdueamount, sum(isnull(outstandinglf, 0)) as outstandinglf,sum(isnull(outamountwithoutlf, 0)) as outamountwithoutlf,sum(isnull(outamountwithlf, 0)) as outamountwithlf, max(lastrepaymentdate) as lastrepaymentdate, sum(isnull(totalpaidamount, 0)) as totalpaidamount,sum(isnull(totalpaidprincipal, 0)) as totalpaidprincipal,sum(isnull(totalpaidinterest, 0)) as totalpaidinterest, sum(isnull(totalpaidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaidlateinterest,sum(isnull(paidlatefees, 0)) as paidlatefees from(  select LoanRequestID, overduesincedate, lastrepaymentdate,case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else DAYS_OVERDUE end as days_overdue, case when loanstatus = 8 then 0 else overdueamount end as overdueamount,case when loanstatus = 8 then 0 else outamountwithoutlf end as outamountwithoutlf, case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else outamountwitlf end as outamountwithlf,case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else outstandinglf end as outstandinglf,case when LoanRequestID in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0 else FinalAmount end as FinalAmount, paidlatefees,totalpaidamount,totalpaidprincipal,totalpaidinterest,totalpaidlateinterest from(  select z.*,y.lastrepaymentdate,x.DAYS_OVERDUE,x.overdueamount,w.numofoutstandingrepayment,w.numofoverduerepayment,w.numofpaidrepayment,w.totalnumofrepayment,v.outamountwithoutlf,v.outamountwitlf,v.outstandinglf,u.FinalAmount,s.paidlatefees,r.totalpaidamount,q.accepteddate,p.totalpaidprincipal,o.totalpaidinterest,n.totalpaidlateinterest,m.LoanStatus from(                   select loanrequestid, min(iif(paystatus= 2, duedate,null)) as overduesincedate from issuerrepayment group by LoanRequestID) as z left join( select LoanRequestID, max(date) as lastrepaymentdate from issuerrepayment right join issuerrepaymentpayment  on issuerrepayment.IssuerRepID = IssuerRepaymentPayment.IssuerRepID group by LoanRequestID) as y on z.LoanRequestID = y.LoanRequestID left join( select a1.*,b1.overdueamount from( select loanrequestid, isnull(DATEDIFF(day, MIN(IIF(PAYSTATUS<> 1,DUEDATE, NULL)),GETDATE()),0) AS DAYS_OVERDUE from issuerrepayment group by LoanRequestID ) as a1 left join( Select distinct LoanRequestID, Case when paystatus = 2 then SUM(Principal -isnull(PaidPrincipal, 0) - isnull(PaidInterest, 0) + Interest + isnull(lateinterest, 0)) over(partition by loanrequestID) else 0 end as overdueamount from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 2 ) as b1 on a1.LoanRequestID = b1.LoanRequestID) as x on z.LoanRequestID = x.LoanRequestID left join( select t.*,isnull(numpaid.numofpaidrepayment, 0) as numofpaidrepayment, isnull(numoverdue.numofoverduerepayment, 0) as numofoverduerepayment, isnull(numoutstanding.numofoutstandingrepayment, 0) as numofoutstandingrepayment from( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as totalnumofrepayment  from IssuerRepayment group by LoanRequestID) as t left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofpaidrepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as numpaid on t.LoanRequestID = numpaid.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofoverduerepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 2 group by LoanRequestID ) as numoverdue on t.LoanRequestID = numoverdue.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofoutstandingrepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as numoutstanding on t.LoanRequestID = numoutstanding.LoanRequestID) as w on z.LoanRequestID = w.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, sum((isnull(latefees,0)-isnull(paidlatefees, 0))*(1 - isfeewaiver))as outstandinglf,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(lateinterest, 0)) as outamountwithoutlf,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(lateinterest, 0) + (isnull(latefees, 0) - isnull(paidlatefees, 0)) * (1 - isfeewaiver)) as outamountwitlf from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as v on z.LoanRequestID = v.LoanRequestID left join( select RequestId, FinalAmount from tbl_LoanRequests ) as u on z.LoanRequestID = u.RequestId left join( select loanrequestid, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)+isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalamountpaid from issuerrepayment group by loanrequestid) t on z.LoanRequestID = t.LoanRequestID left join( select loanrequestid, sum(isnull(paidlatefees,0)) as paidlatefees from issuerrepayment where IsFeeWaiver = 0 group by loanrequestid) as s on z.LoanRequestID = s.LoanRequestID left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidamount from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(amount + isnull(PaidLateInterest, 0)) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)+isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid ) as r on z.LoanRequestID = r.loanrequestid left join( select requestid, accepteddate from tbl_loanrequests) as q on z.loanrequestid = q.requestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidprincipal from( select LoanRequestID, sum(Principal) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as p on z.LoanRequestID = p.loanrequestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidinterest from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(interest) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(PaidInterest,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as o on z.LoanRequestID = o.loanrequestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidlateinterest from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(PaidInterest,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as n on z.LoanRequestID = n.loanrequestid left join( select RequestId, LoanStatus from tbl_loanRequests) as m on z.LoanRequestID = m.RequestId ) as notelevelmini  ) as notelevel left join( select accountdetails.BusinessName, tbl_loanrequests.RequestId, accountdetails.FullName, accountdetails.Mobilenumber, users.UserName, balance.ActualAmount from tbl_loanrequests left join(select BusinessName, NRIC_Number, USER_ID, FullName, Mobilenumber from tbl_AccountDetails) as accountdetails on accountdetails.user_ID = tbl_loanrequests.user_ID left join( select userid, username from tbl_Users) as users on tbl_LoanRequests.User_ID = users.UserID left join( select User_ID, ActualAmount from tbl_Balances) as balance on tbl_LoanRequests.User_ID = balance.User_ID) as company on notelevel.LoanRequestID = company.RequestId group by BusinessName, fullname, UserName, Mobilenumber,ActualAmount) as abc group by BusinessName,FullName,UserName,Mobilenumber,ActualAmount ").ToList();
            //foreach (var rc in data)
            ZCRMRecord record1 = new ZCRMRecord("accounts"); //module api name

            record1.SetFieldValue("CompanyName", "rc.CompanyName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("FullName", "rc.FullName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("UserName", "rc.UserName");
            record1.SetFieldValue("MobileNumber", "rc.MobileNumber");
            record1.SetFieldValue("IssuerAccountBalance", "rc.IssuerAccountBalance");
            record1.SetFieldValue("OverdueDate", "rc.OverdueDate");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalAmountDisbursed", "rc.TotalAmountDisbursed");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalAmountOverdue", "rc.TotalAmountOverdue");
            record1.SetFieldValue("OutstandingLateFee", "rc.OutstandingLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("OutstandingAmountNoLateFee", "rc.OutstandingAmountNoLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("OutstandingAmountWithLateFee", "rc.OutstandingAmountWithLateFee");
            record1.SetFieldValue("LastRepaymentDate", "rc.LastRepaymentDate");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalFeesPaid", "rc.TotalFeesPaid");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalPrincipalPaid", "rc.TotalPrincipalPaid");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalInterestPaid", "rc.TotalInterestPaid");
            record1.SetFieldValue("TotalLateInterestPaid", " rc.TotalLateInterestPaid");
            //ZCRMModule moduleIns = ZCRMModule.GetInstance("Leads"); //module api name
            //BulkAPIResponse<ZCRMRecord> response = moduleIns.CreateRecords(records);
            // }
            ZCRMModule moduleIns = ZCRMModule.GetInstance("accounts");                       //module api name
            BulkAPIResponse <ZCRMRecord> response        = moduleIns.CreateRecords(records); //records - list of ZCRMRecord instances filled with required data for upsert.
            List <ZCRMRecord>            upsertedRecords = response.BulkData;                //upsertedRecords - list of ZCRMRecord instance
            List <EntityResponse>        entityResponses = response.BulkEntitiesResponse;    //entityResponses - list of EntityResponses instance

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Post()
            var         dbContext = new MS_DEVEntities();
            ZohoService sc        = new ZohoService();
            //var datainvestor = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery<InvestorModel>("select investorinfo.*,investamount.totalinvestedamount,investamount.paidP,paidI,paidLI,TotalAmountReceived,currentinFunding,numberofinvested,convert(decimal(18,2),Closeoff_PI)as Closeoff_PI,numofcloseoff,numberoffullypaidnotes,numofdelinquent,convert(decimal(18,2),outstanding_I)as outstanding_I,convert(decimal(18,2),outstanding_P)as outstanding_P,convert(decimal(18,2),outstandingPI)as outstandingPI from ( select oldinformation.*, newinformation.age, newinformation.FullName, newinformation.Gender, newinformation.Mobilenumber, newinformation.Nationality, newinformation.DateofBirth, newinformation.NRIC_Number, newinformation.PassportNumber from( select almost.*, lastlogin from( select users.*, ActualAmount from( select USER_ID, ActualAmount from tbl_Balances where User_ID is not null) as balance left join( select UserID, username, QualifiedDate, AdminVerification, DateCreated from tbl_users ) as users on balance.User_ID = users.UserID) as almost left join( select  UserName, max(timestamp) as lastlogin from tbl_AuditLog group by UserName) as pre on almost.UserName = pre.UserName) as oldinformation left join( select User_ID, FullName, Gender, DateofBirth, datediff(year, DateofBirth, getdate()) as age, NRIC_Number, PassportNumber, Mobilenumber, Nationality  from tbl_AccountDetails) as newinformation on oldinformation.UserID = newinformation.User_ID) as investorinfo left join( select totalinvested.*,paidI,paidP,paidLI,TotalAmountReceived,OfferedAmount as currentinFunding,numberofinvested,Closeoff_PI,numofcloseoff,numberoffullypaidnotes,outstanding_I,outstanding_P,outstandingPI,numofdelinquent From( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as totalinvestedamount   from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, case when LoanRequest_Id in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0   else AcceptedAmount end as acceptedamount,LoanRequest_Id,case when LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001','-',offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a where acceptedamount<>0  group by Investor_Id) as totalinvested left join( select Investor_Id,convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidinterest, 0))) as paidI, convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidprincipal, 0))) as paidP,convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidlateinterest, 0))) as paidLI, convert(decimal(18, 2), sum(isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0))) as TotalAmountReceived from( select pre1.Investor_Id, pre1.AcceptedAmount, pre1.LoanRequest_Id, pre1.newcontractid, InvestorRepaymentPayment.* from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1 ) as pre1 join InvestorRepaymentPayment on pre1.OfferId = InvestorRepaymentPayment.OfferID ) as paidamount group by Investor_Id) as totalpaidamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = totalpaidamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,OfferedAmount from tbl_Loanoffers join( select* from tbl_LoanRequests where LoanStatus= 2) as a on tbl_Loanoffers.LoanRequest_Id = a.RequestId) as currentfunding on totalinvested.Investor_Id = currentfunding.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(totalinvested) as numberofinvested from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as totalinvested, LoanRequest_Id   from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, case when LoanRequest_Id in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0   else AcceptedAmount end as acceptedamount,LoanRequest_Id,case when LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001','-',offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a where acceptedamount<>0  group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofinvest on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofinvest.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,sum(Principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as Closeoff_PI from( select b.*, c.Investor_Id, c.AcceptedAmount, c.newcontractid from( select a.* From( select InvestorRepayment.*, LoanRequest_Id from InvestorRepayment left join tbl_Loanoffers on InvestorRepayment.OfferID = tbl_Loanoffers.OfferId) as a  left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 9) as b left join( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as c on b.OfferId = c.OfferId) as d where PayStatus<>1 group by Investor_Id) as closeoffamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = closeoffamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id, count(totalclose) as numofcloseoff from( select a.Investor_Id, sum(AcceptedAmount) as totalclose, LoanRequest_Id from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 9 group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofcloseoff on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofcloseoff.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(amount) as numberoffullypaidnotes from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as amount, LoanRequest_Id from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus = 7 group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as fully on totalinvested.Investor_Id = fully.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0)) as outstanding_P, sum(Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as outstanding_I, sum(principal + interest - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) - isnull(paidinterest, 0)) as outstandingPI  from( select b.*, Investor_Id from( select a.* From( select InvestorRepayment.*, LoanRequest_Id from InvestorRepayment left join tbl_Loanoffers on InvestorRepayment.OfferID = tbl_Loanoffers.OfferId) as a left join tbl_LoanRequests on a.LoanRequest_Id = tbl_LoanRequests.RequestId where LoanStatus in (3, 5, 7, 9)) as b left join( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as c on b.OfferID = c.OfferId) as final where PayStatus<>1 group by Investor_Id) as deliquentamount on totalinvested.Investor_Id = deliquentamount.Investor_Id left join( select Investor_Id,count(LoanRequest_Id) as numofdelinquent from( select Investor_Id, sum(acceptedamount) as amount, LoanRequest_Id from( select a.*, RequestId from( select  OfferId, Investor_Id, AcceptedAmount, LoanRequest_Id,case when  LoanRequest_Id = 2001 then concat('2001', '-', offerid) else ContractId end as newcontractid from tbl_Loanoffers where OfferStatus = 1) as a left join(select* from tbl_LoanRequests where LoanStatus in (3,5,9) ) as b on a.LoanRequest_Id = b.RequestId where RequestId is not null) as pre group by Investor_Id,LoanRequest_Id) as final group by Investor_Id) as numberofdelinquent on totalinvested.Investor_Id = numberofdelinquent.Investor_Id) as investamount on investorinfo.UserID = investamount.Investor_Id").ToList();
            var dataissuer = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <IssuerModel>("select BusinessName,FullName,Mobilenumber,UserName,ActualAmount,max(daysoverdue) as daysoverdue, sum(totaldisbursed) as totaldisbursed, convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(overdueamount,0)))as overdueamount, convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outstandinglf,0)))as outstandinglf,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outamountwithoutlf,0)))as outamountwithoutlf,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(outamountwithlf,0)))as outamountwithlf, max(lastrepaymentdate)as lastrepaymentdate,convert(decimal(18,2), sum(isnull(totalpaidamount,0)))as totalpaidamount,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(totalpaidprincipal,0)))as totalpaidprincipal,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(totalpaidinterest,0)))as totalpaidinterest,convert(decimal(18,2), sum(isnull(totalpaidlateinterest,0)))as totalpaidlateinterest,convert(decimal(18,2),sum(isnull(paidlatefees,0)))as paidlatefees from( select company.BusinessName, company.FullName,case when company.Mobilenumber = '94389427' and company.UserName = '******' then '97521852' else company.Mobilenumber end as Mobilenumber,case when company.UserName = '******' then '*****@*****.**' else company.UserName end as UserName,company.ActualAmount,max(DAYS_OVERDUE) as daysoverdue, sum(finalamount) as totaldisbursed, sum(isnull(overdueamount, 0)) as overdueamount, sum(isnull(outstandinglf, 0)) as outstandinglf,sum(isnull(outamountwithoutlf, 0)) as outamountwithoutlf,sum(isnull(outamountwithlf, 0)) as outamountwithlf, max(lastrepaymentdate) as lastrepaymentdate, sum(isnull(totalpaidamount, 0)) as totalpaidamount,sum(isnull(totalpaidprincipal, 0)) as totalpaidprincipal,sum(isnull(totalpaidinterest, 0)) as totalpaidinterest, sum(isnull(totalpaidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaidlateinterest,sum(isnull(paidlatefees, 0)) as paidlatefees from(  select LoanRequestID, overduesincedate, lastrepaymentdate,case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else DAYS_OVERDUE end as days_overdue, case when loanstatus = 8 then 0 else overdueamount end as overdueamount,case when loanstatus = 8 then 0 else outamountwithoutlf end as outamountwithoutlf, case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else outamountwitlf end as outamountwithlf,case when LoanStatus = 8 then 0 else outstandinglf end as outstandinglf,case when LoanRequestID in (2036, 2001, 2037, 2019, 2004, 2059, 2020, 1994, 2053) then 0 else FinalAmount end as FinalAmount, paidlatefees,totalpaidamount,totalpaidprincipal,totalpaidinterest,totalpaidlateinterest from(  select z.*,y.lastrepaymentdate,x.DAYS_OVERDUE,x.overdueamount,w.numofoutstandingrepayment,w.numofoverduerepayment,w.numofpaidrepayment,w.totalnumofrepayment,v.outamountwithoutlf,v.outamountwitlf,v.outstandinglf,u.FinalAmount,s.paidlatefees,r.totalpaidamount,q.accepteddate,p.totalpaidprincipal,o.totalpaidinterest,n.totalpaidlateinterest,m.LoanStatus from(                   select loanrequestid, min(iif(paystatus= 2, duedate,null)) as overduesincedate from issuerrepayment group by LoanRequestID) as z left join( select LoanRequestID, max(date) as lastrepaymentdate from issuerrepayment right join issuerrepaymentpayment  on issuerrepayment.IssuerRepID = IssuerRepaymentPayment.IssuerRepID group by LoanRequestID) as y on z.LoanRequestID = y.LoanRequestID left join( select a1.*,b1.overdueamount from( select loanrequestid, isnull(DATEDIFF(day, MIN(IIF(PAYSTATUS<> 1,DUEDATE, NULL)),GETDATE()),0) AS DAYS_OVERDUE from issuerrepayment group by LoanRequestID ) as a1 left join( Select distinct LoanRequestID, Case when paystatus = 2 then SUM(Principal -isnull(PaidPrincipal, 0) - isnull(PaidInterest, 0) + Interest + isnull(lateinterest, 0)) over(partition by loanrequestID) else 0 end as overdueamount from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 2 ) as b1 on a1.LoanRequestID = b1.LoanRequestID) as x on z.LoanRequestID = x.LoanRequestID left join( select t.*,isnull(numpaid.numofpaidrepayment, 0) as numofpaidrepayment, isnull(numoverdue.numofoverduerepayment, 0) as numofoverduerepayment, isnull(numoutstanding.numofoutstandingrepayment, 0) as numofoutstandingrepayment from( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as totalnumofrepayment  from IssuerRepayment group by LoanRequestID) as t left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofpaidrepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as numpaid on t.LoanRequestID = numpaid.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofoverduerepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus = 2 group by LoanRequestID ) as numoverdue on t.LoanRequestID = numoverdue.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, count(issuerrepid) as numofoutstandingrepayment from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as numoutstanding on t.LoanRequestID = numoutstanding.LoanRequestID) as w on z.LoanRequestID = w.LoanRequestID left join( select LoanRequestID, sum((isnull(latefees,0)-isnull(paidlatefees, 0))*(1 - isfeewaiver))as outstandinglf,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(lateinterest, 0)) as outamountwithoutlf,sum(principal - isnull(paidprincipal, 0) + Interest - isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(lateinterest, 0) + (isnull(latefees, 0) - isnull(paidlatefees, 0)) * (1 - isfeewaiver)) as outamountwitlf from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as v on z.LoanRequestID = v.LoanRequestID left join( select RequestId, FinalAmount from tbl_LoanRequests ) as u on z.LoanRequestID = u.RequestId left join( select loanrequestid, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)+isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalamountpaid from issuerrepayment group by loanrequestid) t on z.LoanRequestID = t.LoanRequestID left join( select loanrequestid, sum(isnull(paidlatefees,0)) as paidlatefees from issuerrepayment where IsFeeWaiver = 0 group by loanrequestid) as s on z.LoanRequestID = s.LoanRequestID left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidamount from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(amount + isnull(PaidLateInterest, 0)) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)+isnull(paidinterest, 0) + isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid ) as r on z.LoanRequestID = r.loanrequestid left join( select requestid, accepteddate from tbl_loanrequests) as q on z.loanrequestid = q.requestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidprincipal from( select LoanRequestID, sum(Principal) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidprincipal,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as p on z.LoanRequestID = p.loanrequestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidinterest from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(interest) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(PaidInterest,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as o on z.LoanRequestID = o.loanrequestid left join( select case when a.LoanRequestID is not null then a.LoanRequestID else b.LoanRequestID end as loanrequestid, isnull(totalpaid, 0) + isnull(totalpaida, 0) as totalpaidlateinterest from(  select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(paidlateinterest, 0)) as totalpaid from IssuerRepayment where paystatus = 1 group by LoanRequestID) as a full join(select LoanRequestID, sum(isnull(PaidInterest,0)) as totalpaida from IssuerRepayment where PayStatus <> 1 group by LoanRequestID) as b on a.loanrequestid = b.loanrequestid) as n on z.LoanRequestID = n.loanrequestid left join( select RequestId, LoanStatus from tbl_loanRequests) as m on z.LoanRequestID = m.RequestId ) as notelevelmini  ) as notelevel left join( select accountdetails.BusinessName, tbl_loanrequests.RequestId, accountdetails.FullName, accountdetails.Mobilenumber, users.UserName, balance.ActualAmount from tbl_loanrequests left join(select BusinessName, NRIC_Number, USER_ID, FullName, Mobilenumber from tbl_AccountDetails) as accountdetails on accountdetails.user_ID = tbl_loanrequests.user_ID left join( select userid, username from tbl_Users) as users on tbl_LoanRequests.User_ID = users.UserID left join( select User_ID, ActualAmount from tbl_Balances) as balance on tbl_LoanRequests.User_ID = balance.User_ID) as company on notelevel.LoanRequestID = company.RequestId group by BusinessName, fullname, UserName, Mobilenumber,ActualAmount) as abc group by BusinessName,FullName,UserName,Mobilenumber,ActualAmount ").ToList();

                foreach (var item in dataissuer)
                    var checkid = dbzoho.tbl_CheckID.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailMS == item.UserName);
                    if (checkid == null)
                //foreach (var investor in datainvestor)
                //    var checkid = dbzoho.tbl_CheckID.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailMS == investor.UserName);
                //    if (checkid == null)
                //    {

                //        sc.InsertInvestor(investor);

                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        sc.UpdateInvestor(investor);
                //    }
            catch (Exception ex)