protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //MSColumn2DLineDYChart oChart = new MSColumn2DLineDYChart();
        // MSColumn3DLineDYChart oChart = new MSColumn3DLineDYChart();
        // MSBar2DChart oChart = new MSBar2DChart();
        //MSColumn3DChart oChart = new MSColumn3DChart();

        //MSLineChart oChart = new MSLineChart();
        MSArea2DChart oChart = new MSArea2DChart();

        //Pie3DChart oChart = new Pie3DChart();
        //  FunnelChart oChart = new FunnelChart();
        //StackedColumn3DChart oChart = new StackedColumn3DChart();
        // StackedBar2DChart oChart = new StackedBar2DChart();

        // Set properties
        oChart.Background.BgColor  = "ffffff";
        oChart.Background.BgAlpha  = 50;
        oChart.ChartTitles.Caption = "Birthrate of United Kingdom (Birth/1000 Population) ";

        // Set a template
        oChart.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OfficeDarkTemplate();
        //  oChart.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OfficeTemplate();
        //oChart.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OceanTemplate();
        //oChart.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OceanTemplate();

        // Set data   *DataTable OR IList<T>
        DataTable dtSample = GetpopulationDataTable();//GetSalesDataTable();

        oChart.DataSource            = dtSample;
        oChart.DataCategoryTextField = "Year";
        oChart.DataSeriesTextField   = "Country";
        oChart.DataSeriesValueField  = "Birthrate";
        //oChart.DataTextField = "Year";
        //oChart.DataValueField = "Growthrate";
        // oChart.DataTextField = "Country";
        //oChart.DataSeriesValueField = "Usman Sb";

        // Set the special category (Secundary. Will by draw as a line, not a column)
        //  oChart.SetAxisType("Birthrate", CombinationAxisType.Secundary);

        // Link the WebControl and the Chart
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //MSColumn2DLineDYChart oChart = new MSColumn2DLineDYChart();
        // MSColumn3DLineDYChart oChart = new MSColumn3DLineDYChart();
        // MSBar2DChart oChart = new MSBar2DChart();
           // MSColumn3DChart oChart = new MSColumn3DChart();

        //MSLineChart oChart = new MSLineChart();
         MSArea2DChart oChart = new MSArea2DChart();

        //Pie3DChart oChart = new Pie3DChart();
        //  FunnelChart oChart = new FunnelChart();
        //StackedColumn3DChart oChart = new StackedColumn3DChart();
        // StackedBar2DChart oChart = new StackedBar2DChart();

        // Set properties
        oChart.Background.BgColor = "ffffff";
        oChart.Background.BgAlpha = 50;
        oChart.ChartTitles.Caption = "Birthrate of France (Birth/1000 Population) ";

        // Set a template
        oChart.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OfficeDarkTemplate();
        //  oChart.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OfficeTemplate();
        //oChart.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OceanTemplate();
        //oChart.Template = new Libero.FusionCharts.Template.OceanTemplate();

        // Set data   *DataTable OR IList<T>
        DataTable dtSample = GetpopulationDataTable();//GetSalesDataTable();
        oChart.DataSource = dtSample;
        oChart.DataCategoryTextField = "Year";
        oChart.DataSeriesTextField = "Country";
        oChart.DataSeriesValueField = "Birthrate";
        //oChart.DataTextField = "Year";
        //oChart.DataValueField = "Growthrate";
        // oChart.DataTextField = "Country";
        //oChart.DataSeriesValueField = "Usman Sb";

        // Set the special category (Secundary. Will by draw as a line, not a column)
        //  oChart.SetAxisType("Birthrate", CombinationAxisType.Secundary);

        // Link the WebControl and the Chart