Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void Setup()
                var withBlock = Helpers.DivC("");
                var withBlock = Helpers.DivC("ibox paddingTop15");
                    var withBlock1 = withBlock.Helpers.DivC("row marginLeftRight0");
                    foreach (Singular.Reporting.MainSection MS in Singular.Reporting.ReportFunctions.ProjectReportHierarchy.GetMainSections())
                        if (MS.IsAllowed())
                            // Column

                            // With .Helpers.DivC("col-md-12")
                                var withBlock2 = withBlock1.Helpers.DivC("col-md-6");
                                    var withBlock3 = withBlock2.Helpers.Div();

                                    // Heading
                                        var withBlock4 = withBlock3.Helpers.DivC("ibox-title");
                                        // With .Helpers.HTMLTag("i")
                                        // .AddClass("fa fa-university")
                                        // End With
                                            var withBlock5 = withBlock4.Helpers.DivC("ibox-tools");
                                                var withBlock6 = withBlock5.Helpers.HTMLTag("a");
                                                    var withBlock7 = withBlock6.Helpers.HTMLTag("i");
                                                    withBlock7.AddClass("fa fa-chevron-up");
                                        if (MS.ImagePath != "")
                                            //withBlock4.Helpers.Image(MS.ImagePath).Style("margin-right") = "5px";

                                    // Body
                                        var withBlock4 = withBlock3.Helpers.DivC("ibox-content reportsIboxContentHeight");
                                        var TopLevelUL = withBlock4.Helpers.HTMLTag("ul");
                                            var withBlock5 = TopLevelUL;

                                            // Sub Sections
                                            foreach (Singular.Reporting.SubSection SS in MS.SubSectionList)
                                                if (SS.IsAllowed())
                                                    Singular.Web.CustomControls.HTMLTag <ReportVM> ReportUL = TopLevelUL;

                                                    if (SS.Heading != "")
                                                            var withBlock6 = withBlock5.Helpers.HTMLTag("li");
                                                            // If the sub section has a heading, then create another sub un-ordered list
                                                            ReportUL = withBlock6.Helpers.HTMLTag("ul");

                                                    foreach (Singular.Reporting.Report R in SS.ReportList)
                                                        if (R.IsAllowed())
                                                                var withBlock6 = ReportUL.Helpers.HTMLTag("li");
                                                                //withBlock6.Attributes("title") = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(R.Report.Description);

                                                                // Add a link to the report.

                                                                if (R.Report.ReportURL == "")
                                                                    if (R.Report.UniqueKey == "")
                                                                        // Make a hash of the link so the user can't see the Type Name of the report.
                                                                        string LinkHash = Singular.Reporting.ReportFunctions.GetHash(R.Report.GetType());
                                                                        withBlock6.Helpers.LinkFor(null /* Conversion error: Set to default value for this argument */, null /* Conversion error: Set to default value for this argument */, "?Type=" + Server.UrlEncode(LinkHash), R.Report.ReportName);
                                                                        withBlock6.Helpers.LinkFor(null /* Conversion error: Set to default value for this argument */, null /* Conversion error: Set to default value for this argument */, "?Key=" + Server.UrlEncode(R.Report.UniqueKey), R.Report.ReportName);
                                                                    string Url = R.Report.ReportURL;
                                                                    withBlock6.Helpers.LinkFor(null /* Conversion error: Set to default value for this argument */, null /* Conversion error: Set to default value for this argument */, Url.StartsWith("~") ? Utils.URL_ToAbsolute(Url) : Url, R.Report.ReportName, (LinkTargetType)R.Report.LinkTargetType);

                var withBlock = Helpers.Div();
                //withBlock.Style("height") = "30px";